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Psyc626 Special Topics in Psychology

Reading Assignment No. 3: Enhancing Workplace Digital Learning by Use of Science of


Instructions: Instructions: Please find the questions below. Note that answers should be in
narrative format. Refrain from merging items since points are assigned for each number.

1. Discuss the objective and the results of the experiment. (10 points)

The objective of the experiment is to examine science-of-learning techniques that can be

easily supplemented to existing workplace digital courses, such as peer discussion and
interpolated testing, and compare their effectiveness relative to the current practice of
simply watching the video, which is known as baseline condition or training.

The results of the experiment show that interpolated testing and structured discussions
enhance long-term retention of the content of video training in the workplace.
Unstructured spontaneous discussion did not, however, enhance information retention
significantly above baseline training as usual.

2. How do you think the 2 strategies highlighted in the article are applicable to your own
organization in terms of conducting new hire orientation or basic training/learning
sessions for employees? (10 points)

The most relevant strategy highlighted in the article that may be applicable to my law office is
interpolated testing since each of my employees has distinct and separate role, and peer
discussion may not help them improve their knowledge relevant to their job as they may not be
able to get something significant from their colleagues in relation to their respective jobs.

On the other hand, interpolated testing may help my employees to retain some memory on a
long term basis over what they have learned during my learning sessions with them. For
example, one of my employees is a paralegal. Her job is to draft some pleadings. Not all
pleadings, however, are the same. There are motions, petitions, demand letters,
memorandums, complaints, answers, counterclaims, cross-claims, criminal information, notices,
explanatory letters, and among other things. Moreover, not all motions are the same, such as
motion to dismiss, motion to quash the information, etc., similar also to those other kinds of
pleadings. These pleadings likewise have different templates and forms, and they only be filed
depending on the circumstances, nature of a particular case, prayer of the parties, and among
others. In order for her to know exactly the pleadings that should be drafted and filed and what
court before whom she should file those pleadings, she should remember all the requisites and
requirements of each pleading. In order for her to remember all of those things, I think it is
better that I will provide her some hypothetical facts. Then, ask some issues of those facts and
answer them. This should, however, be done during my discussion about the aspects of a
particular pleading with her.
Another example is that I have another employee, who is a legal researcher. Researching about
laws are different from researching about jurisprudences, ordinances, regulations, government
policies, and whatnot. Even researching about a particular law (such as criminal law) is different
from researching about another law (such as civil law). In order for him to know what, where,
when and how to research, it is better to provide him an interpolated testing during my learning
sessions with him.

The said strategy may also be used to my other staffs, such as the liaison officer and the
messenger, during their learning sessions.

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