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School of

Business and

Assessed Coursework Coversheet

For use with individual assessed work

Semester: Spring 2020

Student Name:
Student NSU ID:
Course Code: HRM370
Course Title: Managerial Skills Development
Section Number:
Name and initial of the
Md Kamrul Hasan (KHs)
course instructor:
Exam Name Final (Homework Assignment)
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Date of submission
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In order to implement this change initiative, before building the team I will try to use the concept
of “People Related Success Factors”. For my team I will include The Finance Director of CPI for
having higher power, attitude and interest for this initiative which will also ensure senior
sponsorship along with change managers. As I am trying to make this change slow with long
term focus, I will communicate with the employees top to down (between 20-40 years of age
only who are playing mediator role as with their people skill they will be able to share the feed
backs of others to us and also share our thoughts to others ) mostly through my change managers
with constructive feedback approach as well as supporting listening approach to that I can build
trust among them about this change which will promote healthy conflicts with better
engagements slowly based on our current culture. With quality communication and assessments
from different levels of stakeholders a better and positive commitment will be created among the
employees. As they will understand the long term gains of this new change. The reasons for
choosing employees between 20-40 years of age are that they have more power, interest and
attitude towards this project compare to the employees between 40-50 years of age and also this
change will be a more long term process for all of us. The employees with having age more than
40 currently will be promoted based on previous performance management system for promotion
also. Apart from them other employees will go through the new long term change process for
new performance management system. Through quality communication I will try to come up
with the most commonly agreed performance measures.

I think ‘Master’ approach is more applicable for pursuing this initiative at first. As master
approach is more central approach to change, follows top to down approach within a centrally set
framework which supports CPI as it has a controlling and bureaucratic system of management.
With a common plan, consistent language, agreed projects, scope, and support it is more suitable
for CPI compared to other three change styles as it also recognizes that people need to be
involved and equipped with skills to deliver. Also Master approach creates greater involvement,
connection, creativity and action, promotion of change (advocacy), and adoption &
institutionalisation among employees.
For ‘Master’ approach of change leadership and coordination is structured around change or
situation. Transformational leading styles like Free Rain or ‘Laissez-faire leadership’ is more
preferable for me for leading this change initiative as it is more associated with the intensity of
change (indicated by the stress, dislocation and trauma associated with change) especially among
the employees between 40-50 years of age. It will allow my team members to make the decisions
as the organizations is operating in 12 countries with more 20000 employees. My team members
may follow laissez faire leadership also if they think it is suitable for them. According to
Akintola Ismaila Akinbode and Said Rashid Ali Al Shuhumi Laissez-faire leadership style is the
most suitable leadership style for change management process.

According to this case, there are 4 key stakeholders.

Stakeholder(s) Power, Attitude and Interest

Low power, low interest and low attitude

Employees between 40-50 years of age

The Finance Director Higher power, attitude and interest

Sales Director Higher power and attitude but has negative interest

The procurement director Higher power but has negative attitude and interest
In here the finance director has higher power, attitude and interest for this initiative. Based on
engagement mechanism we can say that he is the Savior for this change project.

For implementing a change initiative, I should be prepared for conflicts. Initially I will be going
for Accommodating conflict management approach in order to keep harmony as huge portion of
the employees are used to with previous system. That’s why, the employees with having age
more than 40 currently will be promoted based on previous performance management system for
promotion. After 1 year I will be using collaborating conflict management approach as time is
not an issue for me. The proper implementation of change initiative will take several years to
happen as this organization has more than 20000 employees in 12 different countries. It will
create win-win solution for everyone.

1. Out of the three Change Models discussed which model will you use for designing
and implementing this change initiative at CPI? Explain your planned activities
along with time needed at each stage of this change model. (Preferably prepare a
table with columns as ‘name of the stage’, ‘project activities’, ‘timeline’ etc.) (30

OD/OC Change Process – 3

Cooperrider & Srivastva (1987)
For successful leadership and also for leading this change initiative articulating a vision of
abundance is an importance task.

 At first I will make the vision statement interesting in order to capture attention and
positive energy of the stakeholders. A sample vision statement is written below-

Change in workplace for Protecting Children in this constantly changing world.

 I will also Include passion and principles so that they could reflect the common core
values for which the organization was started for or is working for last 20 years (as huge
portion of the employees are working here from the start or more than 20 years) and
also be straightforward for easy understanding. A sample passion and principle
statement is given below-

A passion to save children makes us more efficient by working at the right place where we

 I will attach the vision to a symbol in order to make the vision serve as a constant

To GENERATE COMMITMENT among the stakeholders I will go for following actions-

 Ensuring public commitments through more efficiency because of change initiative. To
do that, I will show quarterly improvement quantitative data and information charts
regarding child protection works so that the public can have more faith on us.
 As the vision and the passion statements are based on the common core values of the
stakeholders with more current approaches, they have better capacity to communicate
the vision with the employees of each age group and different mind sets easily.
 I will try to inspire all of the stakeholders for all small wins because of our change
initiative so that they know the importance of our change initiative.
2. If you are to use Situational Leadership theory for implementing this change
initiative at CPI, then which theory (Coaching / Supporting / Directing / Delegating)
will you be using and why?

Based on situational leadership theory (Hersey and Blanchard) “Coaching” leadership style is
also more close to this Transformational change leadership style as I will require more high
relationship and task related behaviours in order to know the situations created for the
incremental changes. In short for this change I will go for Creating Capacity as Leadership
Behaviour cluster as it will create as well as make sure that organizational processes and systems
support the change.

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