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1. The average runs scored by a cricketer Is 42 Innings, Is 40. The difference between his maximum and minimum scores in an Inning Is 100. If these two Innings are not taken into consideration, then the average score of remaining 40 Inning Is 37. Calculate the maximum runs scored by him in an innings? AL125 B. 150 c.110 D. 100 E. None of these Answer & Explanation 2. Silvia was married 8 year ago. Today her age is 9/7 times to that time of marriage. At present his son's age is 1/6th of her age. What was her son's age 3 year ago? A. 4yr B. 2 yr c.3yr D. 5 yr E, None of the Above Answer & Explanation 3. Elght years ago, Pavi's age was equal to the sum of the present ages of her one son and one daughter. Five years hence, the respective ratio between the ages of her daughter and her son that time will be 7:6. If Pavi’s husband Is 7 years elder to her and his present age Is three times the present age of their son, what is the present age of the daughter? A. 15 years B. 23 years C. 19 years D. 27 years E. 13 years Answer & Explanation . Ravi’s present age Is three times his son’s present age and 4/5th of his father’s present age. The average of the present ages of all of them Is 62 years. What Is the difference between the Ravi's son's present age and Ravi's father’s present age? A. 62 years B. 64 years C. 69 years: D. 67 years E. 66 years Answer & Explanation The respective ratio between the present age of Mary and Deepa Is x : 42. Mary Is 8 years younger than Prema. Prema’s age after 8 years will be 33 years. The difference between Deepa’s and Mary's age Is same as the present age of Prema. What ls the value of x? A. 18 B. 10 c. 16 D.11 E.17 Answer & Explanation 2 nel Mec’ ses eae Racicactotied 6. Mr. Sharma has three sons namely Ram, Amit and Karan. Ram Is the eldest son of Mr, Sharma while Karan Is the youngest one. The present ages of all three of them are square numbers. The sum of thelr ages after 5 years Is 44. What Is the age of Ram after three years? A. 15 years B. 13 years C. 19 years D. 17 years E. 16 years Answer & Explanation 7. One year before, Reshma was six times as old as her daughter. Six years hence, Reshma’s age will exceed her daughter's age by 20 years. The ratio of the present ages of Reshma and her daughter is? ALS B.9: Gk Bid, E. None of the Above aes Answer & Explanation ses eae Racicactotied 8. The ratio of present ages of Ramya and Karan’s age Is 4:5 and the ratio of present ages of Karan and Priya Is 2:5 respectively. If Ramya Is two-fifth of Priya’s age, What Is Ramya’s age? A. 12 years B. 10 years C. 20 years D. Cannot be determined E. None of the Above Answer & Explanation 9. Ravi is as much younger than Surya as he Is older than Suresh. If the sum of the ages of Surya and Suresh is 50 years, what is definitely the difference between Surya and Ravi's age? A. 12 years B. 23 years C. 19 years D. 27 years E. Can not be determined Answer Explanation ses eae Racicactotied 10, Amit’s present age Is 1.5 times of Harl's present age. If after 4 years, Amit’s age will be twice of Hari's age 4 years ago. What Is the sum of the present ages of Amit and Hari? A. 52 years B. 53 years C. 60 years D. 67 years E. 63 years Answer & Explanation 1. The average score of a cricket player after 48 Innings Is 49 and In the 49th Innings the player scores 98 runs. In the 50th Innings the minimum number of runs required to increase his average score by 2 than it was before the 50th innings? A. 152 B. 150 Cc. 136 D. 128 E. None of these Answer & Explanation 2. The average age of board of directors of a company having 15 directors was 48 years. When a director aged 56 resigned from the board of directors another director died on the same day. A new director joined board of directors aged 36. Next year the average age of all 14 directors was found to be 48 years. The age of late director at the time of his death was A. 48 years B. 42 years C. 45 years D. 40 years E. None of these Answer & Explanation 3. The average expenditure of the hotel when there are 10 guests Is Rs. 80 per guests and the average expenditure Is Rs.40 when there are 30 Guests. If It Is known that there are some fixed expenses Irrespective of the number of guests then the average expenditure per guest when there are 50 guests In the hotel.? A. Rs. 25 B. Rs, 35, C. Rs. 50 D. Rs. 45 E, None of these Answer & Explanation aie 2 nel Mec’ ses eae Racicactotied 4. The average marks of Sumit decreased by one, when he replaced the subject In which he has scored 40 marks by the other two subjects In which he has just scored 23 and 25 marks respectively. Later he has also included 57 marks of Computer Science, then the average marks increased by two. How many subjects were there initially? A. 12 B. 14 c.10 D.15 E.13 Answer & Explanation The average runs scored by a cricketer is 42 innings, is 40. The difference between his maximum and minimum scores In an Inning Is 100. If these two Innings are not taken into consideration, then the average score of remaining 40 Inning Is 38. Calculate the maximum runs scored by him in an innings ? A. 125 130 . 110 . 100 None of these B. c D. E. Answer & Explanation 6. The average weight of 4 persons, Amit, Bala, Catherine and David Is 65 kg. The Sth person Elina Is included and the average weight decreses by 2 kg. Amit Is replaced by Francis. The weight of Francis Is 4 kg more than Elina. Average weight decreases because of the replacement of Amit and now the average weight is 64 kg. Find the weight of Amit. A. 54 kg B. 66 kq Cc. 55 kg D. 68 kq E, None of these Answer & Explanation ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied 7. The average weight of the students in four sections Red, Black, Green and Yellow Is 60 kg. The average weight of the students of Red, Black, Green and Yellow Individually are 45 kg, 50 kg, 72 kg and 80 kg, respectively. If the average weight of the students of section Red and Black together is 48 kg and that of Black and Green together Is 60 kg. What Is the ratio of the number of the students in sections Red and Yellow? ADE BERS 3 C4:3 D.8:5 E. None of these Answer & Explanation 8. Out of the three annual examinations, each with a total of 500 marks, a student secured average marks of 45% and 55% In the first and second annual examinations. To have an overall average of 60%, how many marks does the student need to secure In the third annual examination ? A. 450 B. 400 c. 350 D. 300 E. None of the Above Answer & Explanation 9. The average age of women and child workers In a factory was 20 year. The average age of all the 12 children was 8 year and average age of women workers was 26 year. If 9 women workers were married, then the number of unmarried women workers was. A. 16 B.17 c.18 ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied D.15 E. None of these Answer & Explanation 10. The average age of all the members of Mr. Ravi's family is 25 year. The average age of males Is 30 year while the average age of females Is 20 year. If the number of females In the family Is 10, then find out the number of males? A. 20 B. 30 GAs D. 18 E. 10 Answer & Explanation 1. 15 years ago the average age of a family of four members was 40 years. Two children were born in this span of 15 years. The present average of the family remains unchanged. Among the two children who were born during the 15 years, If the oli child at present Is 8 years older than the younger one, what Is the ratio of the present age of the older child to the present age of the younger Child? A. 9:4 B. 7:3 C.7:6 D. 7:4 E95 Answer & Explanation 2. James’ present age is 2/7th of his father’s present age. James’ brother Is three year older to James. The respective ratio between present ages of James’ father and James' brother Is 14:5. What Is the present age of James? A. 12 years B. 23 years ©. 19 years D. 27 years E. 13 years Answer & Explanation 3. Elght years ago, Poorvi’s age was equal to the sum of the present ages of her one son and one daughter. Five years ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied hence, the respective ratio between the ages of her daughter and her son that time will be 7:6. If Poorvi's husband Is 7 years elder to her and his present age Is three times the present age of their son, what is the present age of the daughter? A. 15 years B. 23 years C. 19 years D. 27 years E. 13 years Answer & Explanation 4. At present, the respective ratio between the ages of A and B Is 3:4 and that between A and C Is 1:2. six years hence, the sum of A, B and C will be 96 years. what is the present age of A? A. 12 years B. 24 years Cc. 19 years D. 27 years E. 18 years Answer & Explanation shige SPN init iin tice ebee: Mecca Ain: aa ee Biccctaids 4 RIOR Meee ieee: 5. The present age of Ramya Is one-fourth that of her father. After 6 years, the father’s age will be twice the age of Kiran. If kiran celebrated fifth birthday 8 year ago, What Is the Ramya’s Present age? A. 5 years B. 3 years C. 8 years D. 7 years E. 6 years Answer & Explanation . Bis eight years older than A and 8 years younger than C. 12 years hence, respective ratio of the ages of A and C will be 5:9. what Is the sum of present ages of A, B and C? A. 58 years B. 46 years C. 48 years D. 60 years E. None of the Above Answer & Explanation ses eae Racicactotied 7. The sum of present ages Ria and Abi Is 48 years. Today Abi Is 4 years older than Shweta. The respective ratio of the present ages of Ria and Shweta Is 4:7. what was Abi’s age two years ago? A. 32 years B. 30 years C. 28 years D. 34 years E, None of the Above Answer Explanation 8. The ratio of present ages of Ranl and Kiran‘s age Is 3:5 and the ratio of present ages of Kiran and Pooja Is 2:3 respectively. If Rant Is two-fifth of Pooja’s age, What Is Rani’s age? ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied A. 12 years B. 10 years C. 20 years D. Cannot be determined E. None of the Above Answer & Explanation 9. The sum of the ages of 4 members of a family 5 year ago was 94 year. Today when the daughter has been married off and replaced by a daughter-in-law, the sum of their ages is 92 year. Assuming that there has been no other change In the family structure and all the people are allve, what Is the difference between the age of daughter and the age of daughter In law? A. 22 years B. 11 years C. 25 years D. 19 years E. 15 years Answer & Explanation 10. Ajay’s present age is 1.5 times of Himanshu’s present age. If after 4 years, Ajay’s age will be twice of Himanshu’s age 4 years ago. What Is the difference between the present ages of Ajay and Himanshu? A. 12 years B. 23 years C. 19 years D. 27 years E. 13 years Answer & Explanation Veena’s present age Is three times her son’s present age and two fifth of her father’s present age. The average of present age of all of them Is 46 yrs.What Is the difference between the Veena’s son’s present age and Veena's father's present age? A. 68 yrs B. 88 yrs C. 58 yrs D. None of the Above Answer & Explanation Five years ago, the age of Abinav was 4 times the age of Sarita after 10 years, Abinav will be twice as old as Sarita. Find the Present ages of Abinav and sarita? A. 30 years, 10.5 years B. 32 years, 11.5 years C. 34 years, 14.5 years D. 35 years, 12.5 years ses eae Racicactotied Answer & Explanation 3. If Saurabh Is as much elder than Shyam as he Is younger to Suresh and sum of the ages of Shyam and Suresh Is 46 year, then what will be the age of Saurabh after five years? A.27 B. 26 c.25 D. 28 Answer & Explanation 4. The ratio of the present age of Palash to that of Arnav Is 3: 11. Arnav lis 12 years younger than Rahim. Rahim’s age after 7 years will be 85 years. What Is the present age of Palash’s father, who Is 25 years older than Palash? A. 43 years B. 67 years C. 45 years D. 69 years Answer & Explanation 5. The present age of Ravi’s father Is four times Ravi's present age. Five years back, Ravi’s father seven times as old as Ravi was at that time. What is the present age of Ravi’s father? A. 43 years B. 67 years C. 40 years D. 69 years Answer & Explanation 6. The average age of a family of five members is 24. If the present age of the youngest member is 8 year, what was the average age of the family at the time of birth of youngest member? A. 16 years ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied B. 20 years C. 18 years D. 14 years Answer & Explanation Five years ago, the average age of Rimi’s age at that time was 12 years. Three years from now if the respective ratio between Rimi’s age and Ruhi’s age that time will be 5:3, what Is Rimi’s present age? A. 17 years B, 33 years C. 27 years D. 22 years Answer Explanation The present age of Kiran five times the age of Suji. After 10 years Kiran will be three times as old as Suji. Find out the present ages of Kiran and Suji? A. 25 years, 5 years B. 30 years, 6 years ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied C. 35 years, 7 years D. 50 years, 10 years Answer & Explanation 9. Six years from now, the average of Mano’s age that time and Nita’s age that time will be 29 years. Five years ago, If the ratio of Mano’s age to the Nita’s age that time was 11:7, what is Nita’s present age ? A. 17 years B. 33 years C. 19 years D. 27 years Answer & Explanation 10. Five years ago, the average age of SimI’s age that time and Tia’s age that time was 17 years. Five years from now, the respective ratio between SimI’s age and Tia’s age at that time will be 4:5, what is Simi’s present age? A. 22 B. 20 c.18 D.19 ses eae Racicactotied . The ratio of the ages of priya and riya Is 2:5. After 8 years, the! Answer & Explanation . Asald to B - seven years ago I was seven times as old as you were and three year hence I will be three times as old as you will be. The ages of A and B a) 52,12 b) 42, 12 c) 32,12 d) 54, 14 e) None of these Answer & Explanation ages will be In the ratio of 2:3. Then the sum of their present ages a) 12 years b) 14 years ¢) 16 years d) 18 years e) None of these Answer & Explanation snap nelk: Messer ses eae Racicactotied 3. The sum of the age of mother and daughter Is 100 years. 5 years ago their age were In the ratio of 2:1. The ratio of the age of daughter and mother after 10 years a) 2:5 b) 3:4 3:5 4) 4:5 e) None of these Answer & Explanation 4. The ratio of the ages of two persons are in the ratio of 5:7 and the difference between their ages Is 18 years. Find the sum of the ages of the person after 5 years, a) 112 years b) 115 years c) 117 years d) 119 years e) None of these Answer & Explanation 5. If 6 Is subtracted from the present age of neha and the remainder is divided by 6, then the present age of mia is obtained. If Mia Is 4 years younger to raj whose age Is 12 years, then find the age of neha a) 50 ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied b) 52 ©) 54 4) 58 e) None of these Answer & Explanation . If P age is twice the average age of P, Q and R age’s. Q's age Is one half the average of P, Q and R’s age. If the age of Ris 5 years, then find the sum of ages of P, Q and R. a) 20 b) 25 c) 30 a) 35 e) None of these Answer & Explanation '. The ratio between the A and B age is 7: 9. If the difference between the present ages of Q and P’s age after 4 years Is 2 then what Is the total of the present ages of P and Q? a) 42 b) 44 <) 46 4) 48 e) None of these nf Peviedshel: Mewe”-e- aa ee Biccctaids 4 RIOR Meee ieee: Answer & Explanation 8. Ritu married 6 years ago. Today her age is 5/4 times her age at the time of her marriage. Her daughter age Is 1/5 of her age. What Is the ratio of ritu age to her daughter age after 6 years? a) 2:1 b) 3:1 ) 4:3 d) 5:2 e) None of these Answer & Explanation 9. 6 years ago Ram was twice as old as Shyam. If the ratio of their present ages Is 9:5 respectively, what Is the difference between their present ages In year? a) 20 year b) 22 year c) 24 year d) 26 year e) None of these Answer & Explanation aie 2 nel Mec’ ses eae Racicactotied 10, The sum of the ages of a mother and her son Is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was 3 times the mother age at that time, then the present age of the son, ays b) 10 12 4) 14 e) None of these Answer & Explanation 1. A sald to B - seven years ago I was seven times as old as you were and three year hence I will be three times as old as you will be. The ages of A and B a) 52,12 b) 42, 12 c) 32, 12 d) 54,14 e) None of these Answer & Explanation ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied 2. The ratio of the ages of priya and riya Is 2:5. After 8 years, thelr ages will be In the ratio of 2:3. Then the sum of their present ages a) 12 years b) 14 years c) 16 years d) 18 years e) None of these Answer & Explanation 3. The sum of the age of mother and daughter Is 100 years. 5 years ago their age were in the ratio of 2:1. The ratio of the age of daughter and mother after 10 years a) 2:5 b) 3:4 ) 3:5 4) 4:5 e) None of these Answer & Explanation 4. The ratio of the ages of two persons are In the ratio of 5:7 and the difference between their ages Is 18 years. Find the sum of the ages of the person after 5 years, ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied w a a) 112 years b) 115 years c) 117 years d) 119 years e) None of these Answer & Explanation |. If 6 is subtracted from the present age of neha and the remainder is divided by 6, then the present age of mia is obtained. If Mia is 4 years younger to raj whose age Is 12 years, then find the age of neha a) 50 b) 52 c) 54 a) 58 e) None of these Answer & Explanation . If P age Is twice the average age of P, Q and R age’s. Q’s age Is one half the average of P, Q and R’s age. If the age of Ris 5 years, then find the sum of ages of P, Q and R. a) 20 b) 25 c) 30 4) 35 e) None of these nf Peviedshel: Mewe”-e- aa ee Biccctaids 4 RIOR Meee ieee: Answer & Explanation . The ratio between the A and B age Is 7: 9. If the difference between the present ages of Q and P’s age after 4 years Is 2 then what Is the total of the present ages of P and Q? a) 42 b) 44 0) 46 d) 48 e) None of these Answer & Explanation . Ritu married 6 years ago. Today her age Is 5/4 times her age at the time of her marriage. Her daughter age Is 1/5 of her age. What Is the ratio of ritu age to her daughter age after 6 years? a) 2:1 b) 3:1 o) 4:3 d) 5:2 e) None of these Answer & Explanation ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied 9. 6 years ago Ram was twice as old as Shyam. If the ratio of their present ages Is 9:5 respectively, what Is the difference between their present ages in year? a) 20 year b) 22 year c) 24 year d) 26 year e) None of these Answer & Explanation 10, The sum of the ages of a mother and her son Is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was 3 times the mother age at that time, then the present age of the son, ays b) 10 c) 12 4) 14 e) None of these Answer & Explanation 2 nel Mec’ ses eae Racicactotied 1. The present age of a boy Is obtained by 2 times his age after 2 years, subtracted by 2 times his age before 2 years. Find his present age A)l2 Bs cy D)10 E)None of these Answer & Solution 2. At present Vivek age Is twice Dina’s age and half of Kanan‘s age. After 4 years Vivek will be 1.5 times Dina’s age and Kanan will be 2.5 times Dina’s age, then find the Kanan’s age. A)16years B)14years C)18years D)22years E)None of these Answer & Solution 2 nel Mec’ ses eae Racicactotied 3. At present Saran Is four times Mahesh’s age. After 8 years Saran will be 3 times Mahesh’s age. How many times will Saran's age be in another 8 years times with respect to Mahesh’s age ? A)2 B)2.5 c3 D}4.5 E)None of these Answer & Solution 4. At present Kavitha is thrice Sita’s age. Elght years hence the respective ratio between Kavitha and Sita’s age will be 22:11, What iis Kavitha’s present age ? A)leyrs B)8yrs c)igyrs ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied D)24yrs E)None of these Answer & Solution 5. The ratio between the present age of X and Y Is 4:5. After 3 years X's age will be 31 years. What was Y's age 4 years ago ? A)29 B)31 27 D)35 E)None of these Answer & Solution 6. Anoop's current age is (2/5) of the age of his father. After 8 years, he will be (1/2) of the age of his father. What is the age of Anoop at now? A)16 B)23 ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied 27 D)19 E)None of these Answer & Solution . If two times of the daughter's age in years Is included to the mother’s age, the total Is 60 and If two times of the mother’s age Is Included to the daughter's age, the total Is 82, So the Mother's age Is A)34 B)63 cya D)38 E)None of these Answer & Solution snap nelk: Messer ses eae Racicactotied 8. Arun Is 20 years elder than his daughter. In 4 years, person's age will be 2 times the age of his daughter. Then the current age of the daughter Is A)20 B)18 cys D)25 E)None of these Answer & Solution 9. Antony will be half as old as Marry in 3 years. Antony will also be one-third as old as Jeni in 5 years. if Jen! Is 12 years older than Marry, how old Is Antony ? AS BB C7 Do E)None of these Answer & Solution ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied 10, The ages of two persons differ by 14 years. 5 years ago, the elder one was 3 times as old as the younger one. What are their present ages of the elder person? A)36 B)24 cy32 D)26 E)None of these Answer & Solution 1. The present age of a boy Is obtained by 2 times his age after 2 years, subtracted by 2 times his age before 2 years. Find his present age A)12 Bs cy D)10 E)None of these Answer Solution ses eae Racicactotied 2. At present Vivek age Is twice Dina’s age and half of Kanan’s age. After 4 years Vivek will be 1.5 times Dina’s age and Kanan will be 2.5 times Dina’s age, then find the Kanan’s age. A)16years B)14years c)18years D)22years E)None of these Answer & Solution 3. At present Saran is four times Mahesh’s age. After 8 years Saran will be 3 times Mahesh’s age. How many times will Saran‘s age be in another 8 years times with respect to Mahesh’s age ? A)2 B)2.5 os D)4.5 E)None of these Answer & Solution ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied 4. At present Kavitha Is thrice Sita’s age. Eight years hence the respective ratio between Kavitha and Sita’s age will be 22:11, What lis Kavitha’s present age ? A)leyrs B)8yrs c)18yrs D)24yrs E)None of these Answer & Solution 5. The ratio between the present age of X and Y is 4:5. After 3 years X’s age will be 31 years. What was Y's age 4 years ago? A)29 B)31 27 ses eae Racicactotied D)35 E)None of these Answer & Solution 6. Anoop's current age is (2/5) of the age of his father. After 8 years, he will be (1/2) of the age of his father. What is the age of Anoop at now? Ay16 B)23 c)27 p)1g E)None of these Answer & Solution 7. If two times of the daughter's age in years Is Included to the mother’s age, the total Is 60 and if two times of the mother’s ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied age Is Included to the daughter's age, the total Is $2. So the Mother's age Is A)34 B63 cya9 D)38 E)None of these Answer & Solution @ . Arun Is 20 years elder than his daughter. In 4 years, person's age will be 2 times the age of his daughter. Then the current age of the daughter is A)20 B)18 cyi6 D)25 E)None of these Answer & Solution aie sone aa ee Biccctaids 4 RIOR Meee ieee: 9. Antony will be half as old as Marry In 3 years. Antony will also be one-third as old as Jeni in 5 years. if Jen! Is 12 years older than Marry, how old is Antony ? AS: Bs cy? D9 E)None of these Answer & Solution 10, The ages of two persons differ by 14 years. 5 years ago, the elder one was 3 times as old as the younger one. What are their present ages of the elder person? A)36 B)24 cy32 D)26 E)None of these Answer & Solution 1. Average age of a group of 40 students is 37 yrs. If a teacher is included then the average age rises by 1,then find the age of ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied the teacher after 2 years 7 Ay77 B)BO c)78 D)81 Answer 2. At present Priya Is twice Sariga’s age. 8 yrs hence the respective ratio between Priya and Sariga’s age will be 22:13, What Is Sariga’s present age ? A)26 B)36 cis D)20 Answer 3. The ratio between the present ages of X and ¥ Is 4:9 respectively. 2yrs from now, Y's age will become twice the age ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied * of X.What was the difference between thelr ages five yrs ago ? Ay10 B)7 cyi2 D9 Answer The ratio of present age of Kavlya and LakshmI Is 6:7, the ratio of their ages after Syrs would be 8:9, What Is Kaviya’s present age? A)20 B)24 c)28 D)30 Answer nf ses eae Racicactotied 5. The ratio between the present age of Maha and Deepa Is 5:X. Maha Is 9yrs younger than Parveen. Parveen’s age after 9yrs will be 33yrs. The difference between the Deepa and Maha age is same as the present age of Parveen.Find X Ay13 B)10 cyl Dy14 Answer 6. The present age of Akil is 3 times that of Nirmal. 3 yrs hence the age of Akil will become 4yrs more than Nirmal. age The present age of Akil is A)l B)2 cy4 D)6 Answer shige SPN init iin tice ebee: Mecca Ain: 7. The age of Vivek Is S4yrs, If shams age Is 36% more than that of Vivek, What % Is Vivek’s age less than Sham ? A)26% B)20% C)35% D)30% Answer 8. Ashok Is 3 years elder than Balu who Is now 4 times as old as Jaswanth. Jaswanth Is now 6 years old. What was Ashok’s age when Jaswanth was born? A)20 B)27 cy2a D)25 Answer aie sone Peviedshel: Mewe”-e- aa ee Biccctaids 4 RIOR Meee ieee: 9. The sum of the ages of 5 children born at the Intervals of 3 years each Is 50 years. What ls the age of the elder child among 5 childern? Ay2i B15 cy16 p)1s Answer 10. The sum of the present ages of Jal, Prem and Saran Is 93 years, Ten years ago, the ratio of their ages was 2:3:4. What Is the present age of Sara? A)31 B)38 cy2a D)28 Answer ut sRalk: Seskea- nic ses eae Racicactotied

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