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Environmental Chemistry

• Submitted to:
Dr. Muhammad Rehan Hussain Gillani

• Submitted by:
Umar Draz

• Roll Number:

• Session:

• Semester:
3rd (morning)

Institute of Chemical Sciences

Bahauddin Zakriya University

Environmental Chemistry
I am a citizenof duniya Pur . A city capital of the largest province of Pakistan area wise. The city famous
for its beautiful climate and seasons spreading different pleasant colors in the eyes of viewers.

The climate here is usually dry with extreme weathers that is summer and winter. In rainy
weathers like monsoon, spring, and winter the raining is quite good and sometimes under cold
and wet conditions it might even snow in January usually. The average rainfall is 8.38 inches.
Quetta bearing both extreme weathers gives us varieties of crops, fruits and veggies.

Environmental Condition
The environmental condition of Duniya Pur is quite bad, being capital we have dense
population and it is increasing rapidly due to opportunities for better life style which attracts
the citizens of other small cities and villages. The people are mostly careless and have no
intention to clean their surroundings and this is a general here. Vehicles and other transports
are making this place hell due to their bad exhaust and engine conditions.
Duniya Pur is dry having no humidity that causes various diseases in which cold and cough
are quite common. There’s a trace amount of humidity in the air because of plantations and
trees present in cantonment which as far as I know rarely makes a difference to the City.
Over all the whole province is dry and as well asDuniaya Pur . Dryness is its worst enemy. It
causes diseases and pollutions. This weather has no solution possible in short way. It is only and
only possible by increasing the plantation rate which will humidify the climate, but as being dry
we don’t have enough water supply to make that dream come true. Our city is using the
underwater reservoir from always and now due to reduction of water level beneath the Earth
the crust is going down due to vacancy available there to be filled. We are now using the only
source of water available and which according to WASA (Water and salinity Authority) in half
century our city will be desertified and wont be able to live in.
If no alternative is found by the officials regarding this problem soon people will have to
vacant the city and abandon it. As using the underwater reserviour will ultimately exhaust.

Corona viruses also known as COVID-19 is a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and
some cause disease. A newly identified coronavirus, SARSCoV-2, has caused a worldwide
pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19. COVID-19 affects different people in different
ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without
Symptoms of Covid-19
Most common symptoms
• Fever • Dry cough • Tiredness

Rear Symptoms
• Aches and pain • Sore throat • Diarrhea • Headache • Loss of taste or smell

Spread of COVID-19 :
COVID-19 droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The
droplets generally do not travel more than a few feet, and they fall to the ground (or As of now,
researchers know that the new coronavirus is spread through onto surfaces) in a few seconds
— this is why physical distancing is effective in preventing the spread.

Condition of COVID-19 in Duniya Pur :

In Duniya Pur it has spread on alarming stage. Having a dense population it spread like a fire in
a jungle. People didn’t followed the SOPs as a result it caused deaths of thousands and
thousands more being sick and damaged lungs. One of the most core factors of spread of virus
was Zahirines who came from Iran being infected and due to their huge masses they were not
controllable and many of them escaped the Quarantine which resulted in spread of virus very
quickly, but now as people have seen deaths of their beloved ones and others beloved ones
they are scared and strictly following the SOPs which decreased the graph of infectants and
Besides the COVID-19 there is not much more of disease as we have healthy number of
hospitals and doctors. Usually the diseases here are seasonal like Pneumonia which mostly
occurs in November, same for coughs and cold which usually occurs due to change of weather.

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