HCI Project Phase II

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HCI Project Phase II

Group member names:

Abdullah Jaswal
Hamzah Mahmood Saeed
Ahmad Hassan Khan

Chosen Idea:

- Students can’t get proper education during this time period

List of Candidates and how they are dealing with the problem right now:

1. Hamzah Saeed’s niece (5 years old)

After discussing the matter with her parents, they said, “her education is
left to us as the teachers assign her work and the parents are meant to
pick up the slack.”.
This is difficult to accomplish in the current situation due to a multitude
of factors involving time and work obligations.
According to the person in question, when asked what 6+1 was, all she
had to say was, “F”.

2. A fellow student from our class

As we discussed our highlighted problem with a fellow student and class
fellow, he agreed that there have been a few problems that he has faced since
the start of online classes. One of them is the fact that in the courses which are
mainly focused around “coding” it is difficult to follow the instructor. Normally
any errors would be discussed by being physically present in the class and
showing it to the teacher but now whenever a problem occurs, sometimes one
has to wait for an entire day to get a response from the teacher. The problem
is usually shared with the teacher through an email. The fact that there are
deadlines to each and every task, that is assigned, this problem has a very
large impact on their studies.

(For the evidence I have an email that the student sent to the instructor but I don’t think it’s
appropriate to share that here. Furthermore, we carried out this exercise with him on a call )

3. Ahmad Hassan Khan (Me)

The last time I was attempting an online quiz my wifi got disconnected while I
was still working. The instructor had asked us to keep our cameras on and
that there’ll be negative consequences if the camera turned off. I quickly
turned on my mobile data but there was a disconnectivity for about two
minutes. The consequences:
1) I had to give an explanation to my instructor
2) I lost a total of around 3 minutes from the alloted time for the quiz
3) The stress that this gave me affected my performance during that quiz

Breakdown of the Problem (Min 10):

1. Children do not have a proper channel or source of education.

2. If there is an established channel, the source may not be reliable.
3. A method of receiving and answering queries a student may have
efficiently is unavailable.
4. A way of making sure the student is retaining the topic is difficult.
5. No alternate means of communications with the teacher if there are
problems with the internet’s connectivity
6. Less direct Contact i.e online Lectures are not as effective as on site
lectures due to the fact that it is difficult for an instructor to give
individual attention to each student and also gauge their understanding
by their facial expressions
7. Submission of real time quizzes and assignments is an issue (e.g
students are assigned a quiz at 2 pm and their submission deadline is
2:30pm. If there is a lapse in the connectivity of the internet the student
may have to do it all over again if the quiz was on an online form, or it
may be difficult to submit on time)
8. Staring at the screen of the laptop for several hours each day can not
only affect the eye-sight of an individual but could also strain their
9. Online students can't rely on as much instructor and peer feedback and
accountability as traditional courses sometimes offer. Additionally,
students don't have regular contact with class peers, who can offer
assignment reminders and encouragement to complete projects and
10. It's hard to find the motivation to learn online. Online learning
requires increased time-management skills and focus, and less
dependence from learners.
11. Technology's downsides includes cost, hardware issues, Internet
problems and production of course materials. A student as to face all of
these issues to keep up with the lectures online

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