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Themes And
Purposes of Art
Categories: Art And Craft Contemporary
Art Fantasy


Essay, Pages 5 (1235 words) Views 677

Have you ever wondered about the

different purposes of art and their
importance? While some art depicts
the views of the Artists culture or
personal fantasy and imagination,
others refer to the reality of life, such
as religion, experiences of life and the
process of which we all relate to.
Some cultures still believe art and
craft to be of one concept, using
objects that reflect importance or
belief. While most use canvases
expressing ones self, either relating to
personal imagination or portraying a
fantasy, others depict reality or
established religions.

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Themes And Purposes of Art


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In many cultures, art is expressed

through objects much like it is through
images or architecture. However, they
are of more value to the Artist than it is
to viewers. For example, the art of
basketry is portrayed as art by some
cultures. The Pomo Indians believe
these baskets are linked to larger
meaning of the universe. Basketry has
ritual significance, being made for
honorable persons. For instance, great
specific quality goes into making these

Carefully, the materials are sought out

and chose to depict its value for the
person it is specifically designed for.

Today, objects of daily life, expresses

the extension of value to the architect
or sculptor of the object. Moreover,
large amounts of art in daily life is
produced by industrial methods, yet,
someone must still design them giving
them a significant purpose. To see
these as art, we could, for a moment,
relate them to something specific in
our life or beliefs. Otherwise, giving
these objects of art credit as being art,
without relating it to oneself, would
make them seem benign pertaining to

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Art is also expressed through

inventions and fantasy. Much like
poetry, Hieronyms Bosch’s triptych of,
“The Garden of Earthly Delights” is
expressed through painting and can
bring an imaginary world to life as
poetry does. Bosch’s three-section
panel depicts his own inventiveness of
a fantasy. Another artist who creates
from imagination conjuring up fantasy
is contemporary artist, “Sandy
Skogund”. In her choice of art, she
portrays images of reality with found
objects and alters them into fantasy.
In her piece, ” Radioactive Cats”, she
displays imagination with designing
this set with eerily glowing cats that
seem to have been in a nuclear spill of
some sort. Skogund’s art is different
than Bosch’s, yet they are both
designed to portray pure imagination
of their own. However, opinion to
fantasy art comes from ones
imagination. Each piece pertaining to
the inventiveness of fantasy can have
different views depending on the
perspective of the viewer.

Through art, our environment has

been acknowledged and expressed
through several artists. These artists
have several different preferences for
displaying their art for viewers.
Thomas Cole’s, ” The Oxbow”, places
the viewer on top of a mountain in the
New England countryside. Cole’s piece
certainly shows to be painted from a
personal experience, a view in which
he has seen. In this painting, Thomas
Cole himself is being displayed, which
in fact confirms his viewing
preference. Although Cole’s art
displays nature from a fixed position,
there are other artists who place the
viewer at a different outlook. For
instance, Wang Jian has portrayed his
art piece, “White Clouds over Xiao and
Xiang”, from a view of mobility. In this
piece, Jian places us directly above
the landscape overlooking without a
fixed position.

Both Cole’s and Jian’s painting have

similarities of being art of nature,
however, Cole’s is created from a
personal viewpoint in which he had
seen in reality and gives us a sense of
ownership. Jian’s depicts a view of
imagination, one of which the viewer is
placed in midair allowing the viewer to
seem as if they are able to move
around from a different viewpoint.
Jian’s art piece also shows of being
conjured from his own imagination and
not a portrait in which one could imply
ownership. Other arts of nature, such
as the famed, ” stone and gravel
garden of Ryoan-ji” and Robert
Smithson’s, ” Spiral Jetty”, own
specific qualities captured from
earthwork. These are designed from
nature itself, portraying its natural
functions as art. Art of nature
emphasizes our natural world and
gives us a true picture that we could
relate to.

Another form of art is created solely of

the human experience. The human
experience art relates to the process
of life and its successes and
hardships. All of us have in sometime
experienced doubt and wonder,
happiness and sorrow, loneliness and
despair. Artists Rembrandt van Rijn,
expressed his life through self-

Painting himself throughout the coarse

of his adult life. In his paintings you
can see him from his youthful
adulthood to his success and failure in
life, depicted from his appearance, to
latter age. Another artist who relates
paintings of human experience is,
Christian Schumann. In Schumann’s
canvass, “Edible”, you can see the
identity of oneself almost as if it were
a scrapbook. We can relate to these
paintings on several different levels.
Although we experience different
things in our lives, we all have in
common birth, hardship, success,
love, old age and death. Art of the
human experience allows you to look
at ones self and their feelings and
placing attributes of ownership in

Art of social order has brought about

change in social injustices. Inspired by
Society and their indifferences, artists
have gone to great measures
portraying statements for social order
through their art. While there are many
artists in this category of art, Honore
Daumier’s, ” Murder in the Rue
Transnonian”, depicts one of great
sadness. Daumier’s bold choice to
paint this chilling statement of political
criticism caused him trouble with the

Daumier portrayed that of an entire

family who was murdered by the civil
guard. In contrast, “Murder in the Rue
Transonian” was widely distributed
and caused official wrath. Another
chilling canvas is, “Guernica”, by Pablo
Picasso. Guernica was inspired by the
brutalities of war. In this painting,
Picasso expressed the view of war in
the town of Guernica after being
bomb. Art of social order has a
valuable significance, capturing
memorable happening in the world
and bringing about truths to injustices.

The purpose of art pertaining to the

sacred realm is to give concrete form
to the unknown and abstract
perceptions of ones established
religion. The sacred realm cannot be
seen with human eyes, therefore,
artists have created images of gods,
goddesses, angels, demons, and all
manner of spirit beings. However, each
piece of art created to depict an
established religion has a storyline
behind them. For example, the Sainte-
Chapelle located in Paris, depicts art
of the sacred realm. In contrast, the
walls of Sainte-Chapelle depicts art of
Christianity. The walls are made of
stained glass in which light gleams
through it in a way that is believed the
glory of heaven seems closer. Art
created for established religions or
specific culture are beneficial to ones
beliefs by bringing forth a form to
relate to their religion or culture.

While there are many purposes of art,

you can gather from here specific
purposes. Here we have covered the
purposes of, “Arts of Daily Life”,
“Invention and Fantasy”, “Art and
Nature”, “The Human Experience”,
“Social Order” and ” The Sacred
Realm”. All in all, there is meaning to
each function of art. Whether it be
pertaining to the Artist view or for the
viewers imagination. Some are of
importance to many while others are
important to only the Artist or a
specific culture.

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Themes And Purposes of Art. (2016, Jul 14).

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