Assiginment of Mpob

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Assiginment of mpob

Submitted to:-
Ms nancy
Submitted by:-
Nisha rialch
Roll no.:- r315
Mba 1st sem.
First and foremost I want to thank my teacher Miss Nancy who has
assigned me this assignment to bring out my creative capabilities. I
express my gratitude to my parents for being a continuous source of
encouragement and for all their financial aids given to me.

I would like to acknowledge the assistance provided to me by the

library staff of Lovely Professional University. My heartfelt gratitude to my
friends, roommates for helping me to complete my work in time.

Ques. 1:- “One of the significant essentials for success during transition is
team building.” Do you agree with the statement?

Ans.:- Team building is essential for the success during transition. Team
building is basically the process of collective performance. Using team
building processes in the correct sequence is to gradually raise
performance, akin to climbing a ladder one rung at a time.
Team building process introduces enablers such as awareness,
resources, information etc. in order to achieve organizational goals.
Team building is often effective because advanced technologies are
used in order to achieve organizational goals. Working in a team is highly
creative and innovative.

Leaders that can challenge, motivate, and empower their teams

through change are successful. Most change disrupts teamwork. The
leaders who can keep their work teams focused during changes will have
organizations and businesses which thrive.

There are some characteristics of a high performance teams:-

1. Participative Leadership
2. Responsive
3. Aligned on Purpose
4. Communicative
5. Task Focused
6. Problem Solving
7. Shared Responsibility
8. Innovative
Ques.2:- In view of this case , discuss the role of leaders in the midst of

Ans.:- The role of the leader is the most important part to make the team
effective and efficient.

Here are some basic qualities of an effective and efficient team leader:-

1. Coaching Skills
2. Flexible Leadership
3. Leading Groups to Solutions (Facilitation Skills)
4. Leading Innovation and Change
5. Conflict and Collaboration
6. Qualities of Leadership
7. Strategic Thinking for Leaders
8. Leading High Performance Teams



Ques. 1:- Would you offer him better retirement benefits rather than
motivating him to increase his sales?

Ans.:- If I would be the sales manager Mr., Rajan of Ben & Jerry Co. Ltd.
Then I would have been firstly motivate Mr.Ramanathan. My very first
priority would be definitely to motivate Mr. Ramanathan to increase his
sales in order to achieve the organizational goals. I would definitely
motivate and encourage him in order to increase his sales and to be in
pace with the other employees.

But if the results would not be fruitful then I would go with the second
option left with that is to offer him better retirement benefits rather than
motivating him anymore. I’ll not take the decision emotionally as he has
been the asset for the company, but now he is not working with pace as
required by the demand of time. So now I would offer him the retirement

Ques. 2:- Would you rather change his job or position?

Ans.:- If he could fit in some other job or position then I’ll go with this
option. If Mr. Ramanathan is provided with some other job or position and
he would be doing the job as per required that is effectively and efficiently
then I’ll change his job. But will never compromise in terms of the
company’s goals.


Ques. 1:- Trace through the steps in O.B.Model to show how it could be
applied to this tardiness problem. Make sure you are specific in identifying
the critical performance behaviors and the antecedents and consequences
of functional analysis?

Ans.:- The steps basically involved in the O.B. Model are as follows:-

(1)Individual level
(2)Group level
(3)Organization level

Now first of all we should take step on individual level that is I should
take suitable steps on my responsibility.

Then comes the group level that is the improvement steps to be taken
on the group level.

Then finally comes the organization level that is the top authorities
should take the appropriate steps.
Ques. 2:- Do you think the approach you have suggested in your answer
would really work? Why or why not?

Ans:- Yess, the approach I have suggested in my answer will really work.
It is due the reason that the improvement steps will taken order wise that
first of all on individual level, then on group level and finally on
organizational level.

Ques.:- As Ivan Povlov experimented on a dog to demonstrate the effect of

classical conditioning. Take a relevant practical example and explain the
organizational implication of this theory?

Ans.:- Classical conditioning is basically a type of conditioning in which an

individual responds to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce
such a response.

Here is an example of classical conditioning. Like in an organization

when inspection is there or a senior is on round there is a great silence in
the office. But if generally silence is maintained when everybody is doing
his or her job. Then everybody thinks that might be senior is on inspection.

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