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Setup Procedure for the multi-roller MR26

1. Check of Battery Switch

  Is the battery connection switch on Master PCB (SW3 - No.6) with ON?

2. Check and re-input with installation country time.

"Menu" -> "System ADJ" -> "Time Setting"

3. Setup and readjustment of Touch panel

  "Menu" -> "System ADJ" -> "Touch panel"
Adjust to Calibration and Contrast. Calibration.

4. Input of Pressure Setting

  "Menu" -> "Pressure"
Input Setting1 and Setting2 as a request of a customer.

5. Input of Timer Setting

  "Menu" -> "Timer"
Input Timer setting.
   However, according to the operating state in start-up, if unsuitable, you have to re-set up after the start-up.

6. Input of Weekly timer

  "Menu" -> "Timer" -> "Weekly timer"
   Input Weekly schedule, if the customer ask a weekly schedule operation.
[The input of Service Maintenance Menu]
Continue pushing the pressure display part of the monitoring screen or the operation screen,
or the pressure setting screen 5 seconds or more.
The screen will change to Service Maintenance Menu.

7. Input of Parameter
  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Parameter"

Item name Sign Setting range Factory setup Measure Remark

Initial pump up timer IST 0~999 3 Min * Notes 1
Number of Compressr units for IST ISD 1~12 1 Unit
Press. drop prevention control timer RPT 0~999 0 Sec * Notes 2
OSK 0~99 0 * Notes 2
External forced starting timer EFT 0~999 0 Min * Notes 3
Number of forced starting unit EFD 1~12 0 Unit * Notes 3
Parallel-operation timer PRT 0~999 15 Sec
Stop limitation timer MT 0~999 20 Min For Motor protection
Restart limitation timer ST 0~999 60 Sec For Overload protection
Unload Stop Timer OSK 0~999 3 Min For Rust protection
Operation answer timer EFT 0~999 15 Sec
Number of times of Pressure sampling PSK 1~999 5 Times * Notes 2
Press. signal input compensation gain PIG 0.900~1.100 1 * Notes 2
Press. signal input compensation bias PIB -99~99 0 MPa * Notes 2
Press. signal output comp. gain POG 0.900~1.100 1   * Notes 2
Press. signal output comp. bias POB -99~99 0 MPa * Notes 2
Item name Sign Setting range Factory setup Measure Remark
PID propo. arithmetic scale factor PG 0~99 5 * Notes 2
PID addition time IG 0~99 1 * Notes 2
PID proportionality non-feel zone(?) PPF 0~99 0 * Notes 2
PID integral non-feel zone(?) IIIF 0~99 * Notes 2
PID proportionality output division PKK 0~99 1 * Notes 2
PID minimum output value MLV 1~12 0~100 0 % * Notes 4

DSP-22VI 44 %
DSP-37VI 32 %
Input table of MLV
DSP-55VI 32 %
Other models 0 %

Item name Sign Setting range Factory setup Measure Remark

Number of times of flow sampling FSK 1~999 5 Times * Notes 5
Flow sign span FSP 0~9999 10 m3/min * Notes 5
Flow sign input compensation gain FIG 0.900~1.100 1 * Notes 5
Flow sign input compensation bias FIB -99~99 0 m3/min * Notes 5
Flow sign output compensation gain FOG 0.900~1.100 1 * Notes 5
Flow sign output compensation bias FOB -99~99 0 m3/min * Notes 5
Compressor discharge capacity CEA 1~12 0.1~999.9 10 * Notes 6
Number of the minimum running MID 0/1 0 * Notes 7

*Notes 1 This control will not be performed if 0 is inputted.

*Notes 2 It is not necessary to make a setting change without a demand of a customer.
*Notes 3 It is a setup to the Forced switching signal of an extarnal panel,
and is not related to the Forced switching timer.
*Notes 4 Setting change is required if connecting the single stage DSP.
*Notes 5 Setting input is required if installing a flowmeter.
*Notes 6 Input the discharge capacity of each compressor.
*Notes 7 If 0 is inpuuted, it will stops all. If 1 is inputted, at least 1 unit will run.

8. Input of Requirement

8-1. Input of Layout

  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Requirement" -> " Layout"
Set Standard model to "LP1" and set Inverter model to "LP2."
Choose "rotation" or "turn back."

8-2. Input of Device

  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Requirement" -> " Device"
Input each number of Driers and Pumps.
Input each pre-starting time of Drier and Pump.

8-3. IPI selection

  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Requirement"
Choose whether the system will restart or not after a power failure.
8-4. DO-status selection (The output of "RY4" in each slave units.)
  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Requirement"
Choose "REN", if you want to set the output of "RY4" to "AUTO."
Choose "RUN", if you want to set the output of "RY4" to "RUN."
Choose "ALM", if you want to set the output of "RY4" to "ALARM."

This selection is interlocked with all slave units.

8-5. Comp. unit Input

  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Requirement"
Input number of Compressors.

8-6. Selection of YCO (Output form for capacity control)

  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Requirement" -> " YCO"
OSP chooses Unload.
DSP chooses Load.

8-6. Selection of TON (Capacity control setup in solo operation)

  "Maintenace Menu" -> "Requirement" -> " TON"
OSP chooses Unload.
DSP chooses Load.
Input the capacity control pressure in solo operation.

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