01 11 2020 SR - Super60 Jee Adv (2018 P1) PTA 03 Question Paper

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy., India.


A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office , Madhapur – Hyderabad
Sec: Sr.Super60 PTA-03 Date: 01-11-2020
Time: 08:00Am to 11:00Am 2018_P1 Max.Marks:180


MATHS : PT-3 Syllabus Only (Level – I Students)

PHYSICS : PT-3 Syllabus Only (Level – I Students)

CHEMISTRY : PT-3 Syllabus Only (Level – I Students)

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 01-11-2020_Sr.Super60_Jee-Adv(2018-P1)_PTA-03_Q’P
Time: 3:00Hour’s IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max Marks: 180
+Ve - Ve
Section Question Type No.of Qs Total marks
Marks Marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 6) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – II(Q.N : 7 – 14) +3 0 8 24
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 15-18) +3 -1 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 +2 = 4Q)

Total 18 60
+Ve - Ve
Section Question Type No.of Qs Total marks
Marks Marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N : 19 – 24) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – II(Q.N : 25 –32) +3 0 8 24
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec – III(Q.N : 33-36) +3 -1 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 +2 = 4Q)

Total 18 60
+Ve - Ve
Section Question Type No.of Qs Total marks
Marks Marks
Questions with Multiple Correct Choice
Sec – I(Q.N:37 – 42) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1,0)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – II(Q.N :43–50) +3 0 8 24
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30)
Questions with Comprehension Type
Sec –III(Q.N : 51-54) +3 -1 4 12
(2 Comprehensions – 2 +2 = 4Q)

Total 18 60

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PHYSICS Max. Marks: 60
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
1. In an interference experiment similar to Young’s double slit experiment, the slits
S1 and S2 are illuminated with coherent microwave sources, each of frequency
106 Hz. The source are synchronized to have zero phase difference. The slits
are separated by a distance d = 150.0m. The intensity I () is measured as a
function of  , where  is defined as shown. If I 0 is the maximum intensity, then
I    for 0    90 is given by (interference occurs at very large distance from
the slits).



I0 I0
A) I ()  for   30 B) I ()  for   90
2 4
C) I ()  I0 for   0 D) I () is constant for all
2. If the source of light used in a Youngs Double Slit Experiment is changed from
red to blue, then
A) The fringes will become brighter
B) Consecutive fringes will come closer
C) The number of maxima formed on the screen increases
D) The central bright fringe will become a dark fringe

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3. Pick the correct options
A) in Young’s double slit experiment, if the width of the source slit is increased,
the fringe pattern becomes indistinct
B) during interference of light energy is not conserved
C) Young’s double slit experiment when performed using a source of white light
white fringes are observed
D) in 3d movies 2 projectors are used to project 2 images on screen
4. The pitch of screw gauge is 0.5 mm and there are 100 divisions on it’s circular
scale. The instrument reads 2 circular divisions when nothing is put in between
it jaws. In measuring the diameter of a wire, there are 8 divisions on the main
scale and 83rd division coincides with the reference line. Then choose the
correct option (s).
A) screw gauge is having zero error of -0.01 mm
B) screw gauge is having zero error of -0.49 mm
C) diameter of the wire is 4.405 mm
D) diameter of the wire is 4.425 mm
5. Two point monochromatic and coherent source of light of wavelength  are
each placed as shown in the figure. The initial phase difference between the
sources is zero. If D>>d, select the correct option(s). (during the counting
exclude fringes at infinity)

S1 S2

A) If d  , O will be minima
B) If d   , only one maxima can be observed on screen.
C) If d  4.8 , then a total 8 minima would be there on screen.
D) If d  , then intensity at O would be minimum
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6. Two point monochromatic and coherent sources of light of wavelength  and
of same intensity at point O are placed on the dotted line in front of an infinite
screen. The sources emit waves in phase with each other. The distance
between S1 & S 2 is d while their distance from the screen is much larger than ‘d’

S1 S2

A) if d is at O minima will be observed.
11 3
B) If d is , then intensity at O will be of maximum intensity on the screen
6 4
C) If d is 3 , then intensity at O will be maximum
7 3
D) If d is , the intensity at O will be of maximum intensity
6 4

This section contains 8 questions. Each question is numerical value. For each question, enter the correct
numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place.
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30).
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
7. A monochromatic light of wavelength  0 and intensity l0 is incident on YDSE
experiment. The distance between slits S1S2 is ‘d’ (d<<D). The angle made by
 3 
parallel beam light with the normal to the plane of slits is Sin 1   . Now, if a
 2d 
transparent glass slab of thickness is kept infront of one of the slits,
2    1
where '  ' is refractive index of glass slab. Find the intensity ( in W/m2) at the

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geometrical centre ‘O’ of the screen. (Given, d=1 mm, D=2m,
  4 / 3,   4000 A and l0  4.16W / m 2 )


d O

8. A screw gauge is used to measure the thickness of thin sheet of copper. The
pitch of screw gauge is 0.2 mm and total number of division on circular scale is
200. When two jaws are brought in contact then 160th division of circular scale
is exactly coincide with the main scale line, and that the zero of main scale is
barely visible. When thickness of sheet is measured with screw gauge then
main scale reading is 0.6 mm and 100th division coincide with the main scale
line. Find the thickness of copper sheet in mm.
9. In the Youngs double slit experiment apparatus the ratio of maximum to
minimum intensity on the screen is 9. The wavelength of light used is  , then
find the ratio of the width of the larger slit to smaller slit.
10. A point source ‘s’ which is symmetrically placed (as shown in figure) emits light
rays of wavelength 4000A and 6000A . Distance between slits S1 and S 2 is 1mm
then least (non –zero) distance of point on screen from ‘O’ at which both the
wavelengths produces maxima together is mm then calculate ‘x’:

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11. In the young’s double slit experiment a point source of   5000 A0 is placed

slightly off the central axis as shown in the figure. If 70th order maximum is
formed at P, the value of n is.

S n mm


1m 2m

12. A liquid of refractive index  0 is filled between slits and screen. Initially the

central maxima is at point O on screen, with no slabs in front of slits. Now two
slabs of refractive index  1 and  2 , with thickness t 1 and t2 respectively are

placed in front of slits as shown, So that the position of central maxima does
not change. Find the ratio of , if  0  1.5,  1  1.8 and  2  2.1 .


t1 0
d S1 1

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13. The main scale of a vernier calipers reads in millimeter and its vernier is divided
into 10 division which coincide with 9 division of main scale. When two jaws of
instrument touch each other the fourth division of the Vernier scale
coincides with a main scale division and the zero of the vernier lies to the right
of zero of main scale and lies
Between 2nd and 3rd division of main scale. Further more, when a cylinder is
tightly placed along its length between two jaws, it is observed that 78th division
of the main scale consider sixth division of vernier scale, calculate the length of
the cylinder in cm.
14. In a young’s double slit there is a point which is adjacent to central maxima
where Intensity is th of maximum intensity. The phase difference between the

waves from the two slits reaching at that point is . What is the value of n ?
This section contains 2 Paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are 2 questions. Each question has 4
options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 15 to 16
shows an experimental arrangement given by Fresnel. It consists of two plane
mirrors inclined at an angle of 12 minutes of an arc. The distances from mirrors
intersection to the slit ‘S’ and the screen ‘SC’ are 10 cm and 130 cm respectively.
The wavelength of light is 0.55 106 m. Fresnel double mirrors can be looked upon
as modified YDSE. Here, the two coherent sources and are virtual and mirror
image of S. Interference is obtained due to reflected light from the two mirrors.
Interference pattern consists of alternate bright and dark fringes similar to
YDSE but with a difference that interference pattern is limited to over lapping

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region. Fringe width and position of maxima and minima is given by similar
expression as in YDSE.
10 cm

S1 
130 cm
O 12

15. Fringe width is: (approximately)
A) 0.9 mm B) 1.0 mm C) 1.1 mm D) 1.3 mm
16. The number of possible fringes formed on the screen is:
A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 9
Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18
In a modified YDSE the region between the screen and slits is immersed in a
5 T
liquid whose refractive index varies with time as l     until it reaches a
2 4  

steady state value 5/4. A glass plate of thickness 36  m and refractive index 3/2
is introduced in front of one of the slits S2 as shown in fig. The distance
between the slits is d = 2mm and the distance between slits and screen is D =
1m (O is located symmetrically with respect to S1 and S2 )

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17. The position of central maxima at T = 0 from the point O is

A) 1.8 mm B) 3.6mm C) 7.2 mm D) 14.4 mm
18. The time when central maxima reaches O is
A) 1Sec B) 2Sec C) 3Sec D) 4Sec

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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 60
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
19. The half-life of the decomposition of dinitrogenoxide (N2O) to form the elements
is inversely proportional to the initial pressure of N2O at given temperature
At two different temperatures the following results are obtained
T (°C) 694 757
P0 (kPa)(initial partial pressure of dinitrogen oxide 39.2 48.0
Half-life (s) 1520 212
Which of the following are incorrect statements with respect to decomposition
of dinitrogenoxide?
A) reaction is second order with respect to dinitrogen oxide
B) Increase in temperature always decreases half-life of reaction in different
experiments with different initial concentrations of dinitrogen oxide
C) Increase in temperature increases rate constant of reaction in different
experiments with different initial concentrations of dinitrogen oxide
k  T2  E A  1 1 
D) ln   is applicable as it is first order reaction
k  T1  R  T1 T2 
20. Consider the following kinetically controlled irreversible reaction that involves
conversion of A in to C through the formation B.
E1 E2
A   B  C
When energy of activation for first reaction (E1) is much greater than that of
second reaction(E2), the yield of B increases with
A) Decreases in temperature
B) Increase in temperature
C) Increase in initial concentration of A
D) Decrease in initial concentration of A

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21. Which of the following is/are correct statement(s)?
A) Simplest ratio of stoichiometric coefficients of an elementary reaction can
tell about the order an elementary reaction.
B) For a zero-order reaction, rate and the rate constant are identical
C) A zero-order reaction is controlled by factors other than concentration of
D) A zero-order reaction is always an elementary reaction
22. Select all incorrect statement(s) from the following with reference to Arrhenius
A) Unit of pre-exponential factor (A) for second order reaction is mol L–1 s–1
B) A zero-order reaction must have zero molecularity
C) Molecularity is defined only for a complex reaction
D) Decay constant (λ) of radioactive substance is affected by temperature
23. Which of the following graphs are properly matched by qualitative basis?
Given [X]= concentration of X at given time, [X]0= concentration of X at time(t)=0
R= rate, R0= initial rate

A) = ln [X] (y-axis), t(x-axis) (order = 1)

B) t1/2(y-axis), [X0] (x-axis)(order=1) and

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also R(y-axis), t(x-axis)(order = 0)

C) R0(y-axis), [X](x-axis)(order = 1)

D) R(y-axis), t(x-axis)(order > 0)

24. Which of the following statements are correct about the Arrhenius equation?
A) Pre-exponential factor becomes equal to rate constant at a very high
B) When energy of activation of a reaction is zero, then rate of such reaction is
more affected by temperature than the reaction with non-zero energy of
C) Boltzmann factor represents the fraction of molecules having energy more
than threshold energy
D) Catalyst can only increase pre-exponential factor to increase the rate of the

This section contains 8 questions. Each question is numerical value. For each question, enter the correct
numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place.
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
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25. The radioactive decay series of Ra is as follows:

The times indicated are half-lives, the units are y = years, d = days, m = minutes.
The first decay, marked t above, has a value more than300 years.
A pure sample containing 152.63 mg of 226Ra (atomic mass is 226 u) was
sealed and allowed to stand for 50 days. The total rate of alpha-decay from the
sample was then determined by scintillation to be 30.00 GBq. What is the half-
life (in years) of 226Ra?
1 Bq = 1 count s–1and Avogadro number= 6 x 1023 ln2= 0.69, 1 year=
3,15,36,000 s, Report your answer to nearest integer
26. In a 5 L container, 3 moles of A are taken and it immediately starts
decomposing with half-life of 10 minutes. After 10 min, 3 moles of B are added
which undergoes independent decomposition as A with half-life of 5 minutes. If
both decompositions follow first order kinetics then how many minutes it will
take for the concentration of A and B to become same from the time of start of
decomposition of A?

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27. Consider the reaction,

k1  6.93  102 min 1


k 2  13.85  102 min 1

A, B and C all are optically active compounds. If optical rotation per unit
concentration of A, B and C are 60°,–72°, 42° and initial concentration of A is 2
M then what is the angle of rotation of plane polarized light( in degrees) of
solution After 75% conversion of A in to B and C ?
28. Decomposition of H2O2 is a first order reaction. A solution of H2O2 labelled as
“16.8 V” was left open. Due to this, some H2O2 decomposed. To determine the
new volume strength after 2.303 hours., 20 mL of this solution was diluted to
100 mL. 25 mL of this diluted solution was titrated against 37.5 mL of 0.02 M
KMnO4solution under acidic conditions in very short time where it can be
approximated that decomposition of hydrogen peroxide can be neglected
during the process of dilution and titration [Given: STP is 1 atm and 273 K].
What is the rate constant (in hr–1) for decomposition of H2O2?(log2=0.30)
29. Experiments always associate with unavoidable errors and careful
approximations of errors are sometimes important in kinetic study. The
following may be one of such experiments. Change in concentration of X with
time in two experiments starting with two different initial concentrations of X is
given in the following graphs. The reaction is represented as 2X(aq) → X2(aq).
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What is the rate of reaction (M/min) when concentration of X in aqueous
solution was 1.8 M? ln2=0.69



30. For the first order decomposition of SO2Cl2(g).SO2Cl2(g) → SO2(g) + Cl2(g)

A graph of log (a0 – x) vs t is shown in figure at 400K where a0 is the initial
concentration and x is the concentration reactant decomposed

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If SO2Cl2 is taken in 0.821 L container at 5 atm along with helium gas at 2 atm,
in what minmum time(in minutes) from the start of the reaction, container
explodes? Given that container can hold gases up to the total pressure of
9.5atm  log 2  0.30  .(Temperature Remains contestant)

31. For the first-order reaction A(g) → 2B(g) + C(g), the total pressure after time 1.8
minutes from the start of reaction with A is 5 atm and after infinite time, it is 10
atm. What is the rate constant of the reaction in min-1?
ln=0.48 ln=0.30
32. An isotope of silver, on bombardment with protons, undergoes a nuclear
reaction yielding element Z as shown below. To which group, element Z
belongs in the periodic table as per IUPAC group numbering?

47 Ag108 1 H1  6 0 n1    2 1H1  Z

This section contains 2 Paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are 2 questions. Each question has 4
options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 33 and 34
To study the kinetics of the following reaction at 820 °C, initial rates for the
formation of N2O were measured using various initial partial pressures of NO
and H2.
2NO(g) + H2(g) N2O(g) + H2O(g)

Initial pressure, torr

Exp. H2 Initial rate of production of N2O, torr s-1
1. 120.0 60.0 8.66 x 10-2
2. 60.0 60.0 2.17 x 10-2
3. 60.0 180.0 6.62 x 10-2

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A proposed mechanism for the reaction between NO and H2 is given
 N 2 O 2  g 
below: 2NO  g  
k 1
N 2 O 2  g   H 2  g  
 N 2O  g  H 2O  g
It can be Assumed that rate of formation of N2O2 is same as rate of
consumption during the study of kinetics.
33. What is the time elapsed to reduce the partial pressure of H2 to the half of its
initial value, if NO with a pressure of 8.00 x 102 torr and H2 with 1.0 torr are
mixed at 820 °C?
A) 11.00 Hrs B) 223.6 s C) 10.8 s D) 0.8Hrs
34. Under what condition does rate law derived from given mechanism reduces to
the experimentally determined rate law:
A) If k–1<<k2 pH2 B) If k-1>>k2 pH2
C) If k-1>k2 D) If k1>k–1
Paragraph for Questions 35 and 36
Consider the following first order gaseous reaction, n1 A(g) → n2B (g) where n1
is not equal to n2. The rate constant of reaction given is k. The reaction is
studied at a constant temperature T. Initially, the moles of A were ‘a’ and no B
were present in initially in the volume of V0.
35. How many moles of A are present at time, t?
A) a.e  kt at constant volume B) a.e  n 2kt at constant pressure
C) a.e  n1kt at constant volume D)All the above
36. What is the final pressure of the system after time t at constant volume of V0?

 RT  n12  RT 
A) n 2  B)
 V0  n 2  V0 
C) (aRT/Vo)(1-e-n1kt)[(n1+n2)/n2] D) none of the above

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MATHS Max. Marks: 60
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
37. A line 3x + y = 8 touches a hyperbola H = 0 at P(1,5) meets its asymptotes at A

and B. If AB  2 10,C 1,1 be the centre of hyperbola, e and  are eccentricity

and latus rectum of hyperbola then which of the following is/are CORRECT ?

7 5
A) e  B) e  C)   2 D)   2 2
2 2
38. A circle with centre  3 ,3  and with variable radius cuts the hyperbola

x 2  y 2  36 at the points A,B,C and D. If the locus of the centroid of ABC

2 2
is  x  k1a    y  k 2  k 3 , then which of the following is true

A) k1  k 2  k 3 B) k12  k 22  k 3

C) 6k1  k 22  k 32 D) k12  6k 2  k 32

39. Let S be the circle with centre at (1,0) ,which touches the ellipse x 2  4y 2  16

then which of the following is/are CORRECT ?

A) The radius of S is
B) The radius of S is
C) S makes an intercept of length 4 on y-axis
D) S makes an intercept of length 2 on x-axis

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40. If the length of the latus rectums of the ellipse
2 2 x 2 y2
E1 : 4  x  y  1  2  x  y  3  8 and the ellipse E 2 :  2  1  0  k  1
k k
are equal, then which of the following is/are true?

A) Area of the ellipse E2 is sq.units
 31 2

B) Area of the director circle of E2 is   2  2 3  sq.units
 
2 2
C) If (x,y) be a point on E1, then maximum value of  x  1   y  2 is 2

D) Area of the ellipse E1 is  2 sq.units

41. If the normal at  4cos  ,3sin   on the ellipse 9x 2  16y 2  144 again

 a  b cos 2  
intersects the ellipse at  4 cos ,3sin   , then cos   cos   where
 c  d cos 2  

a,b,c,d N and GCD (a,b,c,d)=1.    n, n  I where

A) a  b  d  4 B) b  d  c  49
C) a  b  d  1 D) a  c  b  d  0

42. For an ellipse 3x 2  4y 2  12  0 which of the following statements (s) is (are)


A) Maximum area of rectangle inscribed in the ellipse is 4 3 sq.u

B) Minimum length of intercept made by any tangent to the ellipse between
 5 
coordinate axes is tan  units
 12 
 5 
C) Maximum distance from centre on any normal is cos   units
 12 
D) area of the ellipse is 2 3 sq.units
Sec: Sr.Super60 Space for rough work Page 20
Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 01-11-2020_Sr.Super60_Jee-Adv(2018-P1)_PTA-03_Q’P
This section contains 8 questions. Each question is numerical value. For each question, enter the correct
numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place.
(e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐127.30).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
x 2 y2
43. If the three ellipses 2  2  1,i  1, 2,3, have a common tangent, then the
a i bi

a12 b12 1
value of a 22 b22 1 
a 32 b32 1

44. How many tangents to the circle x 2  y 2  3 are there which are normal to the

x 2 y2
ellipse  1 ?
9 4
45. Locus of foot of perpendicular drawn from the centre (0,0) to any tangent on the
2 1
ellipse kx 2  3y 2  2 is 3kx 2  4y2  6 x 2  y 2   0 , then the value of
(where e is eccentricity of the ellipse) is ......
46. If l is the length of intercept made by a common tangent to the circle

2 2 x 2 y2
x  y  16 and the ellipse   1, on the coordinate axis, then the value
25 4
of 3l2 is .......
x 2 y2
47. If the tangent at the point P(h,2) on the hyperbola 2  2  1 cuts the circle
a b
1 1
x 2  y 2  a 2 the points Q  x1 , y1  and R  x 2 , y 2  then the value of  
y1 y 2

Sec: Sr.Super60 Space for rough work Page 21

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 01-11-2020_Sr.Super60_Jee-Adv(2018-P1)_PTA-03_Q’P
2 2 y2
If ‘e’ is the eccentricity of the ellipse  x  3   y  4  , then 9e =
48. 9

x 2 y2
49. C is the centre of the hyperbola   1 and ‘A’ is any point on it. The
4 1
tangent at A to the hyperbola meet the lines x-2y=0 and x+2y = 0 at Q and R
respectively. The value of CQ.CR.
2 2

50. If the equation of reflection of the ellipse

 x  4

 y  3
 1 with respect to
16 9
the line x  y  2  0 is 16x 2  9y 2  k1x  36y  k 2  0 then k 2  k1 

This section contains 2 Paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are 2 questions. Each question has 4
options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Questions 51 to 52
Statement : I

 c
If the normal to the hyperbola xy  c 2 at the point  ct ,  meets the hyperbola
 t

 c
again at  ct ',  then t 3t '  1
 t'
Statement : II
A ladder 12m long slides in a vertical plane with its ends is contact with a
vertical wall and a horizontal floor. Then the locus of a point on the ladder 4m
x 2 y2
from its foot is part of the ellipse  1
64 16

Sec: Sr.Super60 Space for rough work Page 22

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 01-11-2020_Sr.Super60_Jee-Adv(2018-P1)_PTA-03_Q’P
Statement : III

An ellipse has semi axes of length 2a, 3a . The distance of a point P on this

ellipse from one focus S is a and the tangent at P to the ellipse cuts the major
axis at T.
Then ST 
Statement : IV
The normal at the point P on xy  c 2 meets the hyperbola x 2  y 2  a 2 at Q & R.
Then P is the mid point of QR
51. Which of the following is true
A) Statement – I is true & Statement – II is false
B) Statement – I is false & Statement – II is false
C) Statement – I is false & Statement – II is true
D) Statement – I is true & Statement – II is true
52. Which of the following is true
A) Statement – III is true & Statement – IV is true
B) Statement – III is false & Statement – IV is false
C) Statement – III is false & Statement – IV is true
D) Statement – III is true & Statement – IV is false

Sec: Sr.Super60 Space for rough work Page 23

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy 01-11-2020_Sr.Super60_Jee-Adv(2018-P1)_PTA-03_Q’P
Paragraph for Questions 53 to 54
x 2 y2
Let S(x1 , 0) for x1>0 is focus of the ellipse E :   1.Suppose a parabola
9 4

whose vertex is V(x1 5,0) touches the ellipse at points A and B in I and IV

quadrants respectively. Axis of parabola is x-axis.

On the basis of above information. Answer the following questions:

53. Equation of normal to the ellipse E at A is

A) 9x 2  3y  5 2  0 B) 9x 2  3y  5 2  0

C) 9x 2  3y  5 2 D) 9x 2  3y  5

54. Tangent to the ellipse E at A and B meet at C, then area of ABC is (in sq.units)

32 2 16 2
A) 32 2 B) C)12 2 D)
3 3

Sec: Sr.Super60 Space for rough work Page 24

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