ENGLISH 7 - Q1 - Mod5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Expressing Oneself

Quarter 1 Week 5 Module 5

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Phrases permission,

Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks
that will distract you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every

page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the
lessons. Writing enhances learning, which is important to develop
and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after
completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-Test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure what learnings and skills
that you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking
and other competencies. This can be done with or without a partner
depending on the nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications
of the lessons.
• Checking Your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from
the lesson.
• Post-Test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module

Lesson 6 – Expressing Oneself

As you go through this lesson, you are expected to:

• discover literature as a means of connecting to significant past
• analyze the connections between words through analogies
• read intensively to find answers to specific questions
• narrate the sequence of events in the story using a plot organizer
• express thoughts on a given topic through writing

Read the questions carefully and then encircle the letter of your answer.
1. The word Maranao means
a. People of the Lake
b. People of the Philippines
c. Mindanao
d. Muslim

2. The hero of an epic is imbued with..

a. idealism, courage, selfishness
b. beauty, wisdom, fear
c. courage, wisdom, chivalry
d. endurance, injustice, idealism

3. The most exciting part of the story is..

a. falling action
b. climax
c. resolution
d. exposition

4. It is the series of events that make up the whole story.

a. setting
b. character
c. conflict
d. plot

5. A part of the plot where the story ends.

a. resolution
b. exposition
c. falling action
d. climax

In your previous lesson you have learned that an epic is a long
narrative poem telling the acts or exploits of a legendary hero to save
his country, race, or community from savage creatures. The hero of
an epic is imbued with idealism, courage, wisdom, beauty,
endurance, chivalry, and justice. His legendary adventures are full of
fearful obstacles put up by supernatural forces or people with
supernatural powers. To overcome these supernatural obstacles, the
hero’s prowess has to be aided by friendly supernatural beings.

Photo credit: https://maranaoculture.wordpress.com/

Maranao is one of the major Muslim groups in the Philippines. The name
Maranao means “people of the lake” or “lake dwellers” – they are the first
inhabitants of Lake Lanao. The Maranao people have rich literature that
include legends, myths, and epic stories. One of the epic stories you have

already read, the adventure of the two heroes Sulayman and Indarapatra.
Let’s discover another adventure of an epic hero in our new lesson.

Activity 1: Vocabulary Building

Give the missing word by analyzing the relationship to its first set of
words. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. ruled: governed :: king : _________

a. peasant b. monarch c. queen regnant
2. king: rule :: slave: __________
a. govern b. lead c. follow
3. travel: journey :: stop : __________
a. start b. quit c. continue
4. keeper: guardian :: destroyer: ______
a. betrayer b. protector c. defender
5. brave: courageous :: cowardly: _________
a. fearful b. fearless c. valiant

Activity 2: Reading

The Good Prince Bantugan

(A Maranao Epic)

An old king ruled over the kingdom of Bumbaran. His kingdom was
prosperous, his people were good ,and he should have been very happy .But
the king was not contented. His heart was full of envy toward his younger
brother, Prince Bantugan. Every time someone praised Prince Bantugan, the
king frowned and looked angry.

"Prince Bantugan is so handsome." he often heard the women say,

and he would look in a mirror and see with sorrow that he was not
good looking.

"Prince Bantugan is so good." other people said, and the king grew
more angry because he knew that he was not as good as his brother
either. "Prince Bantugan is so brave," everybody said.

The king grew tired of people saying so many good things about his
brother while they said nothing nice about himself. The young ladies smiled
at Prince Bantugan. They allowed him to hold their hands, and they gave
him their love. But they did not like the older brother, the king.

One day enemies attacked the kingdom of Bumbaran and Prince
Bantugan led his men to defend the country. While he was gone, the evil
king plotted against the good prince. He issued a proclamation that no one
should speak to Prince Bantugan. He added that whoever dared to speak to
Bantugan would be killed.

Soon Prince Bantugan returned victorious from battle. To his

astonishment no one met him, no one praised him, and no one even wanted
to speak to him. This saddened the good prince. He knew that his brother
hated him, so he decided to leave Bumbaran. He preferred to live in other
countries and to travel to far lands and forget about his unkind brother. In
his travels he heard about the beautiful land of the Kingdom-Between-Two-
Seas. It was ruled by a good, kind king and his sist er, the beautiful and
kind Princess Datimbang. Prince Bantugan decided to go there.

He traveled through forests and across rivers and mountains and at

last reached the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas. Prince Bantugan was very
weary from his travels. As he stood outside the gates of the great palace, he
suddenly felt very weak. His legs could not carry his body, and the prince
fell to the ground and died.

When the king of the Kingdom-

Between-Two-Seas heard of the
stranger who had died at his palace
gate, he and his sister, Princess
Datimbang, went to see the body. Even
in death Prince Bantugan was very

The heart of Princess Datimbang

went out to him in love and sorrow."
What a handsome young man, "She
said weeping softly." I wish I could
have spoken to him before he died. I
am sure he was as good as he was handsome."

"How unfortunate that he should die here, " the king said." Does
anyone know who this young man is and where he came from? By his
clothes and appearance, he must be a king or a prince."

No one knew who the strange young man was. The king ordered
his body to be brought into the palace. The king was afraid that the relatives
or subjects of the dead man might wage war upon his kingdom. He therefore
treated the body of the young man as he would a royal person. He had it
dressed in magnificent clothes and placed it in a large hole in the palace.
Princess Datimbang placed flowers upon the bed on which the body lay. She
also decorated it with colored jewelry. Around the bed was an abundance of
fragrant flowers in jars and vases.

(Photo credit: http://philliteraturemercado.blogspot.com/2013/07/)

The king then ordered the great brass going to be sounded. He made a
proclamation that all his people and the people of the neighboring kingdoms
must come to look at the prince or king so that he would know who he was
and where he came from.

People from far and near came to see the body, but no one knew who
the man was. The beautiful Princess Datimbang watched nearby. She had
fallen deeply in love with the handsome stranger.
In another part of the kingdom, some parrots were talking about the
young man and how he died in the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas. Suddenly
they noticed that the parrot from the kingdom of Bumbaran was silent and
"Why are you sad, my brother?" one of the parrots asked.
"I lost my master, the Prince Bantugan." The parrot from Bumbaran
" He left Bumbaran never to return. I have looked for him everywhere
but have not found him."
"Ah, your master is lost, indeed," another parrot said. "He is dead. But
you can see his body in the palace where he is lying in royal state."

Without another word, Prince Bantugan's parrot flew to the palace. He

saw his master's body and shrieked in grief. Princess Datimbang heard him
asked him what the matter was.
"My master is dead! The parrot cried in grief.
“My master, Prince Bantugan of Bumbaran, is dead. He who was so
good to his people. He defended them in war, he gave them wise
advice when they were in trouble, and cured the people when they
were sick."

When the king heard what the parrot had said, he was determined to
put the body on a vinta and take it himself, with all honors, to the kingdom
of Bumbaran. Princess Datimbang went with him. Before the royal party left
the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas, the princess asked the parrot to go ahead
of them and notify the King of Bumbaran of their coming. The parrot flew
ahead to the kingdom of Bumbaran. When he told the king about the death
of Prince Bantugan, the ladies shrieked and tore their hair and fainted.
Everyone grieved for the Good Prince Bantugan.

Even the king, his brother, was stricken with remorse and pain. He
was full of repentance. He blamed himself for the death of his brother. He
did not know what to do. Prince Madali was a brother of Prince Bantugan
and loved him dearly. He volunteered to go to the region of the dead and
bring Bantugan's soul back to his body. The king decided to go with him. It

was a very dangerous journey, but the two were not afraid .They rode on
their magic shields and rode up to the sky.

For five days they flew. They reached the place of lightning, thunder,
and endless rain. Five more days they travelled. They reached the land of
burning heat. Their magic shields almost melted under them. So great was
the distance that they went on for five more days. At last they reached the
highest portals of the sky.

The keeper of the gate asked them," Why are you here? What do you
"We have come to ask the angel of Death when we shall die and when
the end of the world will come, the young men were answered.

"Go to the next door" the gatekeeper told them." You will find the angel
who guards the soul of the dead there.
So the two flew to the second gate and were stopped by the guard

"Why are you here?" asked the guard. "You have no business here."
You are not dead."

"We have come to ask the Angel of Death when we shall die." Prince
Madali answered.
"Come in but only for a minute," the guardian said opening the door.
"Then you must return to earth right away."
The two entered and found themselves in a beautiful garden full of
fragrant flowers and delicious fruits. On a large table were bottles of
different colors which contained the souls of the dead.

The two tricked the Angel of Death to go out for a minute. As soon as
the angel was out of the room, Prince Madali whispered softly, "Bantugan,
my brother where are you?"

From a large blue bottle near them, the voice of Prince Bantugan
answered, "I am here."

Prince Madali seized the bottle and away the young men flew back to
earth. When they reached the place, the king and the princess of the
Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas were just landing with the body of Prince

Prince Madali transferred the soul of Prince Bantugan from the bottle
to his body. The body stirred. Then Prince Bantugan sat up and stretched
out as if just awakening from a deep sleep.

The people shouted with joy. For many days they celebrated the
return of their beloved prince. Later Prince Bantugan married the beautiful
Princess Datimbang.

Activity 3 Understanding the Text
1. Why did the old king of Bumbaran hate Prince Bantugan?

2. What did the old king do while the prince was away to draw the people
away from the latter? ________________________________________________

3. What did Prince Bantugan do when he learned about the proclamation

issued by the king? ___________________________________________________

4. How did Prince Bantugan die?


5. How did the king of the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas treat the prince’s

body? __________________________________________________________________

6. Why did the princess fall in love with the dead prince?

7. How did the king and the princess find out who the dead man really was?

8. What did the old king and Prince Madali do when they found out that
Prince Bantugan had died?

9. How was Prince Bantugan brought back to life again?



10. How did the story end?


Activity 4 Writing Activity

Expressing Your Gratitude and Your Words of Encouragement

You have learned that “The Good Prince Bantugan” is an epic story
told in the great oral tradition of the Maranao. It deals with the adventures
of Bantugan and of his friends. You have learned in your previous activity
that frontliners are our modern-day heroes because they have gone through
countless adventures in coronavirus-stricken places. In your family, who do
you consider a hero?
Cut and paste a picture of your family member and write words of
gratitude and encouraging words.

____ _______________________


Paste photo here ________________________













Appreciating the Text

Plot is the series of related events that make up a story. Most

plots are built with these parts:

• Exposition, tells you who the characters are and, usually

what their conflict is.
• Rising action is the series of relevant incidents that create
suspense, interest, and tension. It is also the background
circumstances that together create turns and twists leading to
a climax.
• Climax is the story’s central turning point – the moment of
peak tension or conflict. It can also be the most exciting part
of the story.
• Falling action occurs right after the climax, when the
characters take steps to resolve the conflict.

Your Task. Narrate the sequence of events in the story using the plot coaster
as your guide.

Write sequence of the story inside the box below.

Plot is the series of related events that make up a story.

Most plots are built with these parts: Exposition, Rising
Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution.

Remember to familiarize the parts of a plot to help you

understand the story better. This is also needed when you
are asked to sequence the story.

Fill in the blanks with the correct parts of a plot.

1. __________is the most exciting part of the story.

2. ___________is the series of relevant incidents that create suspense.

3. __________tells you who the characters at the beginning of the story.

4. __________ it occur right after the climax, when characters take

take steps in resolving the conflict.

5. __________is the part where the conflict is resolves and the end of the

Lesson 7 – Phrases

As you go through this lesson, you are expected to:

• differentiate the types of phrases

• identify phrases found in a text
• create sentences out of the given text and video
• apply understanding of the lesson through writing

Identify what type of phrase. (verb phrase, prepositional phrase, noun

1. for him ____________________________
2. wooden table ____________________________
3. happy day ____________________________
4. through us ____________________________
5. cold night ____________________________
6. cute puppy ____________________________
7. have talked ____________________________
8. around the park ____________________________
9. around the house ____________________________
10. will have gone ____________________________

Verb – is a word used to describe an action, state, or
Noun – is a naming word; it names a person, place,
things, events, or ideas.
Preposition – is a word used to link nouns, pronoun,
or a phrase to other words within a sentence. It acts to
connect the people, objects, time and location.

Noun phrase verb phrase prepositional


A message is understood when it is written clearly. The sentences in your

message must be expressed in a complete thought to avoid
miscommunication. You have to understand that a group of words string
together cannot be automatically called a sentence unless it expresses a
complete thought. Sometimes, these group of words are just a phrase but
not a sentence. In this lesson, you will learn what is a phrase and what are
the different kinds of phrases.

A noun phrase consists of a noun (person, place, things)
and other related words (usually modifiers and determiners)
which modify the noun.
Form: modifier + noun
Example of a Noun Phrase:
• Delia had a weak heart.
noun phrase
weak (modifier + heart (noun)

• The young man threw the old dog a bone.

noun phrase noun phrase
Remember: Noun phrase modifiers are words, phrases,
and clauses that describe a noun.

The term phrase refers to a group of words that doesn’t

include a subject and a verb. It acts as a part of a speech
within in sentence.

Practice 1. Identify the Noun Phrase in the sentence.

Write your answer on the line.

1. She has angelic voice. _______________________

2. The red hat looks expensive. _______________________
3. The skinny boy runs fast. _______________________
4. Rolly likes cheap clothes. _______________________
5. This is a difficult lesson. _______________________

A verb phrase is a combination of main verb and its auxiliary

(helping verb) in a sentence.

Form: helping verb + main verb

Example of Verb Phrase:

• My mother is cooking us some dinner.

verb phrase
is (helping verb) + cooking (main verb)

• You can’t eat that!

verb phrase
• She was walking quickly to the market.
verb phrase

Remember: a helping verb is a verb that helps a main verb

in a sentence

How to Form a Verb Phrase

Helping Verbs Main Verbs Example

is, are, was, were verb - ing She is singing
has, have, had past Kara has planted tomatoes.
participle They have written a poem.
do, does, did Do you eat carrots?
will, shall, could, base form Did you exercise today?
would, should We will go to the park.
might, must, can We could travel to Japan.
Ana and Liza might stay in the

Practice 2. Identify the Verb Phrase in the sentence.

Write your answer on the line.

1. He doesn’t like to study. _____________________________

2. She has washed her face. _____________________________

3. He was introduced to his friends.____________________________

4. I could buy gifts with this money. ___________________________

5. Hilda doesn’t play video games. __________________________

Prepositional phrase – contains a preposition (the first
word) + a noun or pronoun.
Form: preposition + noun/pronoun
Example of Prepositional Phrase:

1. Maria is in the park.

in (preposition) + park (noun)

2. The cake is for her.

for (preposition) + her (pronoun)

List of Common Prepositions

about by outside according to
above down over because of
across during since by way of
after except through in addition to
against for throughout in front of
around from till in place of
at in to in regard to
before inside toward in spite of
behind into under instead of
below like until on account of
beside near up out of
besides of upon out
beneath off with beyond
between on without

Practice 3. Identify the Prepositional Phrase in the sentence.

Write your answer on the line.

1. I take a bus going to school. ______________________

2. My school is just around the corner. ______________________

3. K-pop actors are loved by Filipinos. ______________________

4. Anna chooses her family over him. ______________________

5. The gift I bought is for my mother. ______________________

Activity 1: Noun Phrase
Read the short passage then spot any Noun Phrases in it.

The Clever Cap Seller

One day a poor cap seller was selling his caps in a small village.
He was very tired, so he set down the bundle and fell asleep
under a big tree. While he slept, the monkeys from the trees came
down, opened the bundle of caps and wore them. After some
time, the cap seller woke up. He saw the that monkeys had taken
his caps, so he shouted, “Hey, those caps are mine. Give them
back”. The monkeys shouted back imitating him. This give him an
idea. He immediately threw his own cap on the ground. All the
monkeys took off the caps and threw them on the ground. The
cap seller happily collected his caps, tied his bundle and went

(Source: Pebbles Kids Stories @ www.youtube.com)

Write the Noun Phrase on the first column. Construct your own sentence
using the phrase you listed.

Noun Phrase Your Own Sentence

Activity 2: Prepositional Phrase
Read the short story carefully and then list down the Prepositional

The Greedy Dog

Roger was a naughty little dog. He was very fond of bones. One
day while walking across a road. He found a juicy bone. He picked
up the bone, “hey, I have found my favorite dish.” He started
walking back home. On the way, while crossing a bridge, he
looked into the water and saw another dog holding a bone in his
mouth. Roger was very greedy. I want that bone too. I’ll have to
get it from him somehow. He decided to bark at the other dog,
frightened him and steal the bone from him. He opened his mouth
to bark at the other dog, which was actually his own reflection. The
bone slipped from his mouth and fell into the stream.

(S i G i @ b )

Write the Prepositional Phrase on the first column. Construct your own sentence
using the Prepositional Phrase you listed.

Prepositional Phrase Your Own Sentence

Activity 3: Verb Phrase. Read the short passage then spot any Verb
Phrases in it.

Isaac Newton’s Biography

Newton was born on Christmas morning, in Lincolnshire,

England. He was a tiny baby, given little chance of survival.
Newton’s father had died before he was born. When Isaac was
three, his mother left him with his grandmother and married a
man from a nearby village.
He liked literature and poetry but loved mechanics and
technology, and inventing. While his mother hoped he would run
the family farm, his uncle and his headmaster had realized
Newton was destined for an intellectual life. Newton enrolled at
Trinity College, Cambridge. Here he had found a father figure
who set him on the road to important discoveries.
Isaac Barrow, first professor of mathematics in Cambridge,
steered Newton towards calculus - a way of describing how
things change. Calculus would later help in explaining the
universe in mathematical terms. Newton also hunted out new
works by men such as Descartes, who argued that the Universe
was governed by mechanical laws.

Write the Verb Phrase on the first column. Construct your own sentence
using the phrase you listed.
Verb Phrase Your Own Sentence

Activity 1: VERB PHRASE
Identify the Verb Phrase in the sentence. Write your answer on the line.
1. My mother has cooked dinner for us. _____________________________
2. All teenagers must stay home at night. ___________________________
3. Ruben has gotten good grades last quarter. ______________________
4. The students have cleaned the classroom.________________________
5. Curfew for minors must be implemented. _________________________


Identify the Prepositional Phrase in the sentence. Write your answer on the
1. Karla threw the ball against the wall. _____________________________
2. I send the message through e-mail. ______________________________
3. Subway is just across Araullo High School. ________________________
4. I had a lot of fun during the summer. ____________________________
5. My pet puppy loves to hide behind the door. ____________________

Activity 3: NOUN PHRASE

Identify the Noun Phrase in the sentence. Write your answer on the line.
1. Aimee was tasked to clean her messy room. _____________________
2. You have to water the dried plants. _____________________
3. She needs to give the love letter to Ana. _____________________

4. To cook is the hardest chore for me. _____________________
5. She held the tiny baby in her hand. _____________________
6. Some young students love to be in school. _____________________
7. This delicious food is a bit pricey. _____________________
8. Loren loves her beautiful garden. _____________________
9. The wild dogs are chasing the old man. _____________________
10. My English teacher is very kind. _____________________

The term phrase refers to a group of words that doesn’t

include a subject and a verb. It acts as a part of a speech
within in sentence.

Noun phrase Verb phrase Verb phrase

consists of a
A verb phrase contains a
noun and
is a preposition
other related
combination of (the first word)
words (usually
main verb and + a noun or
modifiers and
its auxiliary pronoun.
(helping verb)
which modify
in a sentence.

Directions: Identify the type of phrase being underlined below. Write NP in

the lines provided if noun phrase, VP for verb phrase or PP for prepositional
_______1. Ruth’s book were in her backpack.
_______2. My shoes are under the wooden bench.
_______3. She is my favorite English teacher.
_______4. The man in the sports car is my neighbor.
_______5. Maisa will wait for the taxi at the corner.
_______6. The woman on the stage is very talented.
_______7. I am becoming tired of canned foods.
_______8. These jeans do not fit me anymore.
_______9. The people were surprised by the summer rain.
______10. Has anyone seen my big, brown dog?

Name: _______________________Grade and Sec.______________


Directions: Write a reflective learning on different kinds of phrases

learned by answering the questions inside the box. You may
express your answers in a more critical and creative presentation
of your great learning. Have fun and enjoy!

This lesson What learnings have I What other example

guides me to reflect found from this can I contribute
on… lesson? to explore
and think more?

What learnings can What good What is my

I share with my character have I conclusion on the
family and peers? developed from this lesson?

Bergman, Bennet. “Climax (Plot).” LitCharts LL, Auguste 24, 2017.

BBC Teach, “Isaac Newton: The Man who Discovered Gravity.

Date accessed: May 29, 2020
EasyTeachersWorksheet.com “Worksheet Viewer Page”. Accessed May 20, 2020

Englishlinx.com, “Identifying Prepositional Phrases Worksheet”,

Accessed May 20, 2020.

Englishlinx.com, “Worksheet Viewer Page”, Accessed May 20, 2020


Gingersoftware.com. “What is Preposition”, Accessed June, 08, 20202


LiteraryDevices Editors. “Falling Action” LiteraryDevices.net.2013.


LiteraryDevices Editors. “Rising Action” LiteraryDevices.net.2013.


Norwellschool.Org “Clauses and Phrases Worksheet”, Accessed May 20, 2020


Pebbles Kids Stories. “The Clever Cap Seller| Grandma English Stories | Stories
For Kids | Stories For Children HD” Published on April 09, 2015.

Roving Genius. “The Greedy Dog | Popular Bedtime Stories For Kids | Roving
Genius” Published on June 16, 2018.

Wordpress.com. “Maranao Culture”. Accessed: June 15, 20202



Writers: Alma P. Alombro, MT I, Maribel O. Francisco, T-I

Marivic O. Tabuena, T-I
Editor: Doriecelle P. Balancio, Head Teacher VI
Reviewer: Vicente M. Victorio, Jr., EPS
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMDS

Activity 3: Understanding the Text
1. The old king of Bumbaran
hated Prince Bantugan because
he was envious with the latter.
2. He issued a proclamation that
no one should speak to Prince
Bantugan lest he would be
1. Climax
killed. 2. Rising action
3. He left Bumbaran and 3. Exposition
decided to go to the Kingdom- 4. Falling action
5. Resolution
4. He died due to wearisome
during his travels.
5. The king of the Kingdom-
Between-Two-Seas treated the
prince’s body as he would a
royal person.
6. The princess fell in love with
the dead prince because she
found him very handsome.
7. The king and the princess
found out that the dead man Activities Pretest
was Prince Bantugan of
Activity 1: 1. A
8. The old king and Prince Vocabulary 2. C
Madali journeyed to the region
of the dead to bring Bantugan’s 1. B 3. B
soul back to his body. 2. C 4. D
9. Prince Bantugan’s soul from 3. B 5. A
the bottle was transferred to his 4. A
body by Prince Madali.
5. A
10. It ended in merriment and
marrying the beautiful Princess
Checking Your
Activity 3:
1. PP 6. PP
Activities 1. messy room 2. PP 7. VP
2. dried plants 3. NP 8. VP
Activity 1:
3. love letter 4. PP 9. NP
1. a poor cap seller
4. hardest chores 5. VP 10. NP
2. a big tree
5. tiny baby
3. the bundle of caps
6. young students
4. the cap seller
7. delicious food
5. his own cap
8. beautiful garden Checking Your
6. cap seller
9. old man Understanding
10. English teacher
Activity 2: Activity 1:
1. of bones
1. has cooked
2. across a road
2. must stay
3. back home
3. has gotten
4. on the way
4. have cleaned
5. while crossing a
5. must be implemented
bridge Key Points
Activity 2:
6. into the water
Practice 1: 1. against the wall
7. in his mouth
1. angelic voice 2. through e-mail
8. from him
2. red hat 3. across Araullo High
9. at the other dog
3.skinny boy School
10. from him
4. cheap clothes 4. during the summer
11. at the other dog
5. difficult lesson 5. behind the door
12. his own
13. his mouth
Practice 2:
14. into the stream
1. doesn’t like
2. has no pimples
Activity 3:
3. was introduced 1. prepositional phrase
1. was born
4. could buy 2. noun phrase
2. had died
5. doesn’t play 3. noun phrase
3. was born
4. would run 4. prepositional phrase
Practice 3: 5. noun phrase
5. had realized
1. to school 6. noun phrase
6. was destined
2. around the corner 7. verb phrase
7. had found
3. by Filipinos 8. prepositional phrase
8. would help
4. over him 9. prepositional phrase
9. was governed
5. for my mother 10. verb phrase

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