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National Teachers College - School of Teacher Education

GED109 1S2020-21 OER Repository

# Name Site Description Owner Subject Areas Licensing Note Others

DepEd Commons is an online Yo u can access

DEPED platform that supports teachers and Department of C rea tive Commons D epEd com mo ns by
learners with distance learning
All Subjects
COM MONS E ducation Attribution license creating a stude nt o r
modalities. a teacher accou nt

A ll open textbook s in the

Open Textbook Library serves as an Journalism , Media libr ary c an be
Open Textbook openly licensed repository of open downloa de d and a dopted
2 Open Education Network
Studies & Openly Licensed
Library textbooks from different authors and for fre e without additional
publishers. Communica tions per missions or
paper work .

Offers teaching and learning ( IS KM E) T h e In stitu te f or O ER Co m mo ns al so

English Language C rea tive Commons
3 OER Commons
resources that can be reused, adapted th e Stu dy of Kn ow led ge su ppo rts LT I integr ati on
and share. M an agem ent in Edu catio n Arts Attribution license su ch as Mo odl e an d Can vas

TED Ed serves as a digital library of Asi de fro m vi deos, TE D E d

Richa rd Saul al so offers vari ous
original animated videos where C rea tive Commons
4 TED Ed Wurma n a nd Harry All Subjects reso urces in the fo rm of
teachers can also create their Attribution license p odcast, bl og, b ook and
interactive lessons M arks co nferences.

Digital Pub lic DPLA provides resource materials Digita l Public C rea tive Commons D PLA is a fully digital
from different libraries, archives, libr ary that colle cts
4 Libr ary of htt ps: // Library of America, All Subjects Attribution 3.0
museums, and other cultural m etadata fr om libr arie s
Am er ica institutions in the USA. Inc. ( “DPLA”) Unported License a nd museums .
The ne w website of
Pr ojec t Gutenbe rg has
v arious fe atures s uch a s
Project Gute nberg is an online Tex t-to-s pe ech and tex t-
5 Project Gutenberg Michael Hart All Subjects Full License to-Br aille sc ree n re ader s.
library of free eBooks. Suitable for pers ons with
v is ua l impairme nts ,
including low v is ion a nd
c olor blindness

A lso offers
Offers ccourse materials for DR. DAVID WILE Y, C rea tive Commons
6 Lumen Learning
v arious disciplines KIM THANOS
All Subjects
Attribution license
Waym aker, OHI, an d

Tex tbooks by OpenStax

Library of free te xtbooks tha t Dr. Richard C rea tive Commons will be v ie wa ble until
7 OpenStax a nyone can dow nload anytime . Baraniuk
All Subjects
Attribution license
J anua ry 20 22 a nd will be
m ov ed to inter ne t
a rchive.

TVUP is an Internet television

TVUP: University of ( webca st) ne tw ork opera ted by the T he resou rces are
the Philippine s’ University of the Philippines which University of the All Subjects C rea tive Commons availab le fo r g eneral
Internet Television delive rs free content for Philippines Attribution license u se all over th e
Ne tw ork informa tion a nd educational Ph ilip pin
O n-prem ise es
use of the
purposes. l ib rary’s col lectio n and
faci li ti es (excep t for
co mp uter an d intern et
term i nals)
Offers a ccess to e-re ources such a s
Open Educational Ateneo de Ma nila C rea tive Commons
9 journals, eBooks, conferences a nd All Subjects Req uirem en ts:
Resources (OER) - Univesrity Attribution license
others. I denti ficatio n car d
Riza l Library
Provides access to resources, tools and Research fee:
practices such as Open Educational T he website is also
Open Educat ion C rea tive Commons
Resources (OER) The Global Network All Subjects P
as day).
Th e Op en
Massive Open Online Courses for Open Educa tion
Attribution 4.0
Glob al I nte rna tiona l License
Ed ucatio n
(MOOCs) C onso rtium (OEC )
Open Access (OA)

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