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Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

I. Describe the Class

For the 10th grade world history class, there will be 15 students and 5 second
language learning within the classroom.

II. Subject/Skill:
Classification of Feudalism: Monarchs, Lords/Ladies (Nobles), Knights, and

III. Objective(s)
Students will be able to classify and rank the different levels of Feudalism after
reading chapter materials and working in groups with 90% accuracy.
After completing classroom discussions, students will be able to summarize the
creation of the feudalism system.

IV. Procedures
a. Objective: Present different levels of feudalism in powerpoint and explain
each definition and concept to students while students follow along in
the textbook.
b. Prerequisite: Cover background and what led to the creation of
feudalism. Explain key terms that will be used in the lesson.
c. Modeling: Use photos and powerpoint to explain the information.
d. Guided Practice: Cooperative: Learning Together:Give out different
scenarios and jobs during that era and have students answer which one
they think it may be as a group. Students will then discuss answers as a
group and then nominate a speaker to tell the classroom their answer.
e. Independent Practice: Cooperative: STAD (Student Teams-
Achievement Divisions): Students will work on feudalism pyramid
together to categorize each group and then be tested individually.
V. Materials
Powerpoint, worksheets, writing utensils, and textbook.

VI. Grouping Structures

1 boy and 1 girl from the lower test scoring group will be paired with 1 boy
and 1 girl from the higher test scoring group. Desks in the classroom will be
broken up into 4s. There will be 5 groups in total.

VII. Modifications
Groups will be monitored to see if students need help. Those with learning
disabilities will be placed into groups with students that learn in the most
similar way. The teacher will rotate between groups to answer questions and
assist with the worksheet. Peer teaching will be encouraged during this

VIII. Assessment
When group time has ended, those with questions will be given the time for
a Q&A. After questions have been answered, students will put desks in their
original position and take a quiz on material just learned. Quiz will be graded.
Connection to the next lesson will be taught by relating information to how
the next chapter will cover how people during that time lived. a Preview
lesson will be given.

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