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Sept R 979027 Date : 26-02-2008 Serial Nes 3,119 Denomination ¢ 100 i Duuehooed By + R. WAGAMANE Coir. amuensanen ei: oe — ¥/0 FILLIGUDA (V) \V'7 > mrlOFici® Stamp Vendor bax. prez, . ‘ RO. SAAGAREDDY - For whee { yewig | SALE DEF G0} ResELrs* x . pres THIS DEED OF SALE IS MADE AND EXECUTED ON THIS THE 26™ DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2009 BY;- — SRLP:NARSIMLOO S/O, ADIVAIAH, AGED ABOUT 63 . YEARS, OCCUPATION: RETD EMPLOYEE R/O H.NO. 3-5-48/2, VEERA BHADRA f NAGAR COLONY, SANGAREDDY TOWN AND MANDAL, MEDAK DIST. AP, INAFTER CALLED THE VENDOR WHICH EXPRESSION SHALL MEAN AND INCBUDE HIS HEIRS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES EXECUTORS, SUCCESSORS, Sot AND ADMINISTRATORS OF THE ONE PART. t IN_FAVOUR OF SMT.K.NAGAMANI W/O K.SH. q OCCUPATION: HOUSEWIFE fy t MARPALLY MANDAL, R.R. DIST NIKARAPPA, AGED ABOUT 58 YEARS, H.NG. 1-54/1, PTAA YO™ HEREINAFTER CALLED THE VENDEE WHICH EX INCLUDE HER HEIRS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE’S ASSIGNS AND ADMINISTRATORS OF THE OTHER Wee Tepe 5 SSSION SHALL MEAN ANE [TORS, SUCCESSORS, KHAN, MALE j FEA NOTARY reddy Dist. Telangana State (lee!*) Calls 9OSGEIPLIS pAssine Sore. ENDORSEMENT Certifierthat the fellowing amounts has been paid respoct ofthis document 1.Stamp Duty i sa the shape of stent 28 the shane of th Stine Bie & yaaredy = gers ‘ ore Ret vents Be isin be R, HSo. otf Pellsqurcbto, i: Hoey vm Whereas the vendor is the absolute owner possessor enjoyment Open plot bearing No.12, IN H.NO. 4-7-23/14/1, admeasuring 120.75 Sq.yards, or 100.94 Sq.Mts, as shown in the Schedule plan annexed herewith Situated Ward No.4, Block No.7, Rajampet Sangareddy Town and Mandal, Medak Dist. The said property is comes to Gramakantam of Rajampet, Sangareddy. WHEREAS the Vendor herein has desired to sell the said plot to meet his family and legal necessities for a total Sale consideration of Rs.1,45,000/- only. The Vendee has agreed to purchase the same for the said consideration. WHEREAS the VENDEE has already pald the sald total Sale consideration of Rs.1,45,000/- (Rupees One lakh Forty Five thousand only) by cash, to the VENDOR, before the execution of this Sale Deed, the same is. hereby acknowledged receipt by the VENDOR, and the VENDOR hereby declared that the property thus sold is free from all encumbrances, loans, litigation’s, claims, demands, mortgages, court-attachments, whatsoever. WHEREAS the VENDOR above named do hereby grant transfers and convey his absolute rights, title and interest, claims and demands whatsoever, over the SAID ABOVE PROPERTY in favour of the VENDEE, The VENDOR has delivered the vacant possession of the SAID ABOVE PROPERTY hereby conveyed to the VENDEE. The VENDOR hereby undertakes to indemnify the VENDEE from all losses and litigation’s, if any over the SAID ABOVE PROPERTY. WHEREAS the VENDOR hereby further deciares that henceforth, it will be lawful for the VENDEE to occupy and enjoy tne SAID ABOVE PROPERTY as his absolute property and nelther VENDOR nor his heirs or representatives, will not have any right or claim thereon and all such rights of the VENDOR, shall henceforth, rest absolutely in favour of the VENDEE, her heirs and assignees, The vendor further declare that he had not committed any third party sales/ agreement of sales/mortgages/leases etc., against the schedule mentioned property, if the vendee happened any loss due to defective title of the vendors than the vendor agreed to compensate them as per law. NOTE:- The said plot in which the SAID PROPERTY iocated Is not an assigned land, which does not come under Act. No.9 of 1977. ____It is hereby declare that there is no structure or house on the said plot if it is found action can be taken under section 27 and 64 of stamp Act, epee ey oe 6 attested EI D KHAN, MA.ALB CATE & NOTARY . Telangane State (india) sangaredd Cell: 9966697675 arent eee tions Se e 360 Liylndng Tron Dy 41 of 15, fe, Ihe 12977 fi ‘wears Bap erecta mL SAS BOY hi eae ee as em LBD aoe HAR oan A Hengareddy — Regis ‘SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY Open plot bearing No.12, in H.NO. 4-7-23/14/1, admeasuring 120.75 Sq.yards, or 100.94 Sq.Mts, as shown in the plan annexed herewith Situated Ward No.4, Block No.7, Rajampet Sangareddy Town and Mandal, Medak Dist. UNDER city Municipality Sangareddy, Z.P. Medak at Sangareddy, and Registration Sub-District Sangareddy Registration District Medak at Sangareddy and bounded by: SERI AFTER H.NO. 4- ‘SERI AFTER H.NO. 4- NORTH BY: 23/3/1. SOUTH B EAST 8B’ 80 FEET WIDE ROAD. WEST BY: MET ian PLACE. RATE/ | TOTALAREA | TOTAL VALUE. SQ.YD ice 3; 3. 4 5 12. WARD NO.4, | 1200/- | 120.75 | 1,45,000/- ff IN H.NO. BLOCK NO.7, | SQ.YARDS | 4-7-23/14/1|SINGUR PROJECT | | | QRTS, SANGAREDDY, | have put his gereddy. INWITNESS whereof the VENDOR, above'*narn signature on the day month and year aforementioned'at S; ; A i 5 2 sagen = or | 2 Ro. K ia @ (he vathontts yy V 3 Beneadtk presto? 4 soma. EED KHAN, MAES ‘ADVOCATE & NOTA a arodidy Dist TAANGEMA San Cell: 9966607879 prtested 'D KHAN; M.4..UL.8. ADVOCATE & NOTARY Sangareddy Dist. Telengana State (ler Cell: 9966597575 REGISTRATION PLAN OF OPEN PLOT BEARING NO.12, IN H.NO. 4-7-23/14/1, ADMEASURING 120.75 SQ.YARDS, OR 100.94 SQ.MTS, SITUATED WARD NO.4, BLOCK NO.7, SITUATED AT RAJAMPET SANGAREDDY TOWN AND MANDAL, MEDAK DIST. VENDOR: SRI.P.NARSIMLOO- VENDEE: SMT.K.NAGAMANI. nro 4=7- 28 )2)3)). Se Als yl aig PLOTNO.12. Sj) MNNo” «|| 8 mw |X sranan Pls} FP a Ree | we &I 12075 se.vaRDs Oo]! ” cy my) 8 z SERI AFTER H.NO. 4-7-23/3/1. SERI AFTER H.NO. 4-7-23/4, 80 FEET WIDE ROAD. SERI AFTER H.NO. 4-7-23/2/3/1. WITNESESS. -- A _—_ 2 se 1 hy : ED KHAN, ma... ADVOCATE & NOTARY Sangareddy Dist. Telangana State (India) Cell: 9966597675 casted D HAN, wa ALB, VOCATE NoTary Sangareddy nist Tela "gana State (nctias Cell: 2966697675 PHOTO SCHEDULE REGISTRATION PLAN OF OPEN PLOT BEARING NO.12, IN H.NO. 4-7-23/14/1, ADMEASURING 120.75 SQ.YARDS, OR 100.94 SQ.MTS, SITUATED WARD NO.4, BLOCK NO.7, SITUATED AT RAJAMPET SANGAREDDY TOWN AND MANDAL, MEDAK DIST. VENDOR: SRI.P.NARSIMLOO VENDEE: SMT.K.NAGAMANT. SERI AFTER H.NO. 4-7-23/3/1. SERI AFTER H.NO. 4-7-23/4. 80 FEET WIDE ROAD. SERI AFTER H.NO. 4-7-23/2/3/1. 2. wea ED KHAN, mati. ADVOCATE & NOTARY 30 B ee.) ge bel ata : eee) attested ED KHAN, MAALS- DVOCATE & NOTARY dist. Telangana State (India) Cel: 9966597575 sassryae 330 Oceapton setsps louse Now 55 (Steet Colony | Ward Ne. | unicipaiy ep /Dstret Annual ince (Rs) oloas47 3 Retired Employee 3492 \VEERABHADRA NAGA \VEERABHADRA NAGA =eu Wada Some / Segwotty 2 Re / Meek 60,000 4379 Double) ae [ot2 3 /owwetbew soio6t Family Members Details [sare ar Ed [mar Boa gg | ed Basin BES To faa wp KHAN, m.A..L8. ADVOCATE & NOTARY Songareddy Dist. Totans70- prreste™ cone DN ee see ose) pov! ae a seat 400 gone FIN REGISTRATION ACT, 1908, oe NO. FINGER PRINT IN BLACK INK (LEFT THUMB) PASSPORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPH (BLACK & WHITE) NAME & PERMANENT POSTAL ADDRESS OF PRESENTANT/SELLER/BUYER SRILP.NARSIMLOO S/O ADIVAIAH, AGED ABOUT 63 YEARS, OCCUPATION: RETD EMPLOYEE R/O H.NO. 3-5- | 48/2, VEERA BHADRA NAGAR | COLONY, SANGAREDDY TOWN AND MANDAL, MEDAK | DIST. A.P. WITNESESS 15 Regi ey sangareddy Ot cell: SMT.K.NAGAMANI K.SHANKARAPPA, ABOUT 58 OCCUPATION: R/O H.NO. PILLIGUNDLA MARPALLY DIST. A.P. w/0| AGED YEARS, | HOUSEWIFE | 1-54/1, VILLAGE, | MANDAL, RR 1. Tel 19966697675 Date: /9/..9/ 200% ‘ House No: Ka. 7-.28MW/) Name ofthe Remitter Se. patra hen As mtbarciidiat. Nemo of Locality PawiemY..Tied... Racroata.Karlerird Details of Tax fowler 2G... Terr. arial Cee ‘ral 2OMANG ARB A OP on AOL ni BOY, zs | \mount Colecies 12. a... itetoncheaaleah. ae Fabs “| roriod ..Lzbie Aeaee®. Ble eae gene Attested EED KHAN, Mis \TE & NO ee Telangana Oo (india) sangaredey a 9966697675 ED KHAN, MALLS. ADVOCATE & NOTARY Sangareddy Dist. Telangana Stat (Indi) Cell: 9966697675 unicipality istrict No : A1/293322/2019 “This is to certify that the house bearing Door No : No. 1112011564 situated at Odf Colony with of Si/Smt: KNagamani S/o / W/o: To 'Sri/smt : K Nagamani H.No 4-7-23/14/1 Locality : Odf Colony Date : 18/6/2019 in Sangareddy Municipality is stands on the name '3s per the avilable Records of the Municipality. wy imi L

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