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MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

Student name: Huda Hamad Owaidha Ali Al Ahbabi Student ID: H00377395
MCT name: Ms. Antoinette Wiseman Course code: EPC 3903
MST name: Ms. Randa Placement School: Aaliyah
Subject: Science Date: March 8, 2021 10:35-11:05

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the
trainee's performance and give formative feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

Huda demonstrates professional behavior by sending lesson plans, being punctual attending class, and was very positive in
the feedback meetings. Huda takes the lead and uses initiative inside the virtual classroom. She professionally collaborated
with her MST to prepare to teach students their lessons.

Areas for improvement:

None at this Time.

Planning for Learning


Huda design, write and plans her lesson by taking the KG learning outcomes and using it throughout her lesson. Huda
collaborates with the MST to ensure that the lesson plan includes strategies and methods for each subject or topic.

Areas for improvement:

None at this Time.

Managing Learning


Huda students are well aware of the routines and procedures in her online classroom.
Huda clearly stated the lesson objective and listed it on the PowerPoint slides for her students
Huda read the online class rules to the students. The rules were clear, and it showed examples of what she expected
from the students
She modeled the students' assignments in the introduction and provided clear directions, both orally and on the
online presentation slide.
Huda's online classroom interactions were friendly and polite between her and students.
Students felt comfortable taking risks, as evidenced by their willingness to answer questions and actively participate
with Solar System on Nearpod
She continuously praised students and encouraged their efforts throughout the lesson
Areas for improvement:

Implementing Learning
Huda gave step-by-step instructions so that her students can log into Nearpod.
Huda demonstrates Nearpod slowly with her students explaining step by step
She waited for all students to participate in Nearpod. She had activities to assess her students
Huda' spacing of the lesson was appropriate, and most students had the Time needed to engage intellectually
Students were active participants throughout the lesson, and the activity provided most students an opportunity to
be challenged
She uses a video using the Solar planets, and she asked to mute their microphone
Huda taught during the video to make sure students understood the planets
She asks different types of questions for her students; she evaluates by asking questions about the planets
She had a wait time to call upon students about the different characteristic of the planets

Areas for improvement:

When using Time to climb on Nearpod, make sure you discuss the top three winners

Huda's strategies develop with Nearpod; she can monitor students' progress, but Huda needs to extend her questions to be
more challenging for the higher students by using Bloom's Taxonomy. Higher-order thinking.

Areas for improvement:

Huda needs to extend her questions to be more challenging for the higher students by using Bloom's Taxonomy. Higher-
order thinking.

Reflection on Practice

Identify, apply and reflect on strategies, which will improve lesson delivery
Actively seek feedback and support for teaching sessions
MST and MCT gave Acton feedback
Recognize strengths and weaknesses
Able to reflect on the lesson taught and justification of student learning outcomes

Areas for improvement:

Demonstrate a growing ability to link theory and practice

Action Plan (next steps):

Writing reflection link theory to practice
Give Time to explain the last activity so students can gauge their progress
MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form
Student name: Huda Hamad Owaidha Ali Al Ahbabi Student ID: H00377395
MCT name: Ms. Antoinette Wiseman Course code: EPC 3903
MST name: Ms. Randa Placement School: Aaliyah
Subject: Science Date: March 14, 2021

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the
trainee's performance and give formative feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

Huda demonstrates professional behavior by sending lesson plans, being punctual attending class, and was very positive in
the feedback meetings. Huda takes the lead and uses initiative inside the virtual classroom. She professionally collaborated
with her MST to prepare to teach students their lessons.

Areas for Improvement:

None at this time.

Planning for Learning


Huda writes lesson plans, and all components of lesson plans are clearly defined and address the learning objectives. Reflects
all essential concepts and strategies. Prerequisites skills are accommodated and reviewed to assess students' progress. Huda
managed well-structured lessons and discussed with her MST to developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes
to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts. Huda's sequence of activities purposefully scaffolds learners
toward achieving the lesson's objectives. Huda uses the lesson planning template to design and plan her lesson with her
MST. Huda's sequence of activities purposefully scaffolds learners toward achieving the lesson's objectives. Huda's learning
activities sequence keeps learners engaged in the content and has a clear sense of purpose throughout the class period. In
most parts of her lesson plans, she uses her step-by-step instructions precisely what she would teach from her lesson plan.

Areas for Improvement:

Areas for Improvement is not required during this time

Managing Learning


Ms. Huda started the class by showing them how to join Nearpod. She has a great relationship with the class. Huda asked
students in Arabic and English to join Nearpod. She redirects students to join and calls out individually each one who has
not joined. Students began to respond by joining and answering her questions about the Solar System called my planets. She
asks students how many planets do we have? Students were able to answer the question. Huda assesses prior knowledge
about the planet and the sun. She explained to students the objective was for the lesson. Huda then gave the students a short
quiz to test their previous knowledge. She showed a video about the planets in the solar system.
Huda exhibits her teaching skills by using different formative assessments through Nearpod, and all activities reflect the
learning outcomes. Huda navigated Nearpod and Teams; she had Time to Climb to make sure students understood.

Huda maintains an effective classroom presence in her online classroom.

Huda uses a range of resources creatively to extend teaching and learning opportunities in her online.
Huda needs to anticipate and apply appropriate strategies to manage student behavior

Areas for Improvement:

No need for Improvement

Implementing Learning


Huda demonstrated each planet and had students identify the planets and some of the characteristics. Huda explained in
detailed the main characteristic of some of the planets. Students could read and identify the planet. Huda demonstrates
accurate and in-depth knowledge of most concepts in presenting the lesson. After teaching several planets, Huda had
students match the planets with the correct descriptions. Huda's teaching technique was very appropriate for teaching four
more planets and making sure students understood by filling in the blanks. Huda is responsive to student developmental
learning needs by assessing their knowledge.

Huda makes connections across curriculum teaching areas, if appropriate. Huda presents conceptual knowledge of the
subject and makes connections within the teaching area. Huda displays a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and
structure of the teaching area. Huda employs various questioning and elicitation techniques at various levels in her online

Areas for Improvement:

None at this time



Huda tries to elicit student responses to carry/drive the lesson forward and ask thought-provoking open-ended questions.
Students are encouraged to construct/generate knowledge. She provided classroom resources for students to identify how to
read life-related pictures on the graph. Huda uses various questions or prompts to challenge students cognitively, advance
high-level thinking and discourse, and promote metacognition. Students themselves ensure that all voices are heard in the
discussion. Assessment is fully integrated into instruction through interactive activities.

Areas for Improvement:

Huda needs to allow students to be more independent of inquiring different types of questioning

Reflection on Practice

Huda identify, apply and reflect on strategies, which will improve lesson delivery
Actively seek feedback and support for teaching sessions
Recognize strengths and weaknesses
Able to reflect on the lesson taught and justification of student learning outcomes

Areas for Improvement:

Demonstrate a growing ability to link theory and practice
Action Plan (next steps):

Demonstrate a growing ability to link theory and practice

Huda needs to allow students to be more independent of inquiring different types of questions
MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form
Student name: Huda Hamad Owaidha Ali Al Ahbabi Student ID: H00377395
MCT name: Ms. Antoinette Wiseman Course code: EPC 3903
MST name: Ms. Randa Placement School: Aaliyah
Subject: Science Date: March 14, 2021

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the
trainee's performance and give formative feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

Huda demonstrates professional behavior by sending lesson plans, being punctual attending class, and was very positive in
the feedback meetings. Huda takes the lead and uses initiative inside the virtual classroom. She professionally collaborated
with her MST to prepare to teach students their lessons.

Areas for Improvement:

None at this time.

Planning for Learning


Huda writes lesson plans, and all components of lesson plans are clearly defined and address the learning objectives. Reflects
all essential concepts and strategies. Prerequisites skills are accommodated and reviewed to assess students' progress. Huda
managed well-structured lessons and discussed with her MST to developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes
to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts. Huda's sequence of activities purposefully scaffolds learners
toward achieving the lesson's objectives. Huda uses the lesson planning template to design and plan her lesson with her
MST. Huda's sequence of activities purposefully scaffolds learners toward achieving the lesson's objectives. Huda's learning
activities sequence keeps learners engaged in the content and has a clear sense of purpose throughout the class period. In
most parts of her lesson plans, she uses her step-by-step instructions precisely what she would teach from her lesson plan.

Areas for Improvement:

Areas for Improvement is not required during this time

Managing Learning


Ms. Huda started the class by showing them how to join Nearpod. She has a great relationship with the class. Huda asked
students in Arabic and English to join Nearpod. She redirects students to join and calls out individually each one who has
not joined. Students began to respond by joining and answering her questions about the Solar System called my planets. She
asks students how many planets do we have? Students were able to answer the question. Huda assesses prior knowledge
about the planet and the sun. She explained to students the objective was for the lesson. Huda then gave the students a short
quiz to test their previous knowledge. She showed a video about the planets in the solar system.
Huda exhibits her teaching skills by using different formative assessments through Nearpod, and all activities reflect the
learning outcomes. Huda navigated Nearpod and Teams; she had Time to Climb to make sure students understood.

Huda maintains an effective classroom presence in her online classroom.

Huda uses a range of resources creatively to extend teaching and learning opportunities in her online.
Huda needs to anticipate and apply appropriate strategies to manage student behavior

Areas for Improvement:

No need for Improvement

Implementing Learning


Huda demonstrated each planet and had students identify the planets and some of the characteristics. Huda explained in
detailed the main characteristic of some of the planets. Students could read and identify the planet. Huda demonstrates
accurate and in-depth knowledge of most concepts in presenting the lesson. After teaching several planets, Huda had
students match the planets with the correct descriptions. Huda's teaching technique was very appropriate for teaching four
more planets and making sure students understood by filling in the blanks. Huda is responsive to student developmental
learning needs by assessing their knowledge.

Huda makes connections across curriculum teaching areas, if appropriate. Huda presents conceptual knowledge of the
subject and makes connections within the teaching area. Huda displays a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and
structure of the teaching area. Huda employs various questioning and elicitation techniques at various levels in her online

Areas for Improvement:

None at this time



Huda tries to elicit student responses to carry/drive the lesson forward and ask thought-provoking open-ended questions.
Students are encouraged to construct/generate knowledge. She provided classroom resources for students to identify how to
read life-related pictures on the graph. Huda uses various questions or prompts to challenge students cognitively, advance
high-level thinking and discourse, and promote metacognition. Students themselves ensure that all voices are heard in the
discussion. Assessment is fully integrated into instruction through interactive activities.

Areas for Improvement:

Huda needs to allow students to be more independent of inquiring different types of questioning

Reflection on Practice

Huda identify, apply and reflect on strategies, which will improve lesson delivery
Actively seek feedback and support for teaching sessions
Recognize strengths and weaknesses
Able to reflect on the lesson taught and justification of student learning outcomes

Areas for Improvement:

Demonstrate a growing ability to link theory and practice
Action Plan (next steps):

Demonstrate a growing ability to link theory and practice

Huda needs to allow students to be more independent of inquiring different types of questions
MCT/MST Lesson Observation Feedback Form Template
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
(kindly fill in conjunction with a completed copy of the supporting assessment rubric)

Course Code: Science

Trainee Name: Huda Hamad AlAhbabi School: Aalyia

MCT/MST Name: Antoinette Wiseman / Randa Date: 4th / Mar / 2021
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Comments: She has a great passion for teaching and a scientific background about the lesson
Planning for Learning F D C B A
Comments: The lesson was on the Nearpod platform and is full of various activities that focus on the
differentiation between students, time management should be taken into consideration more
Managing Learning F D C B A
Comments: There is a timer for each activity, and this helps complete all parts of the lesson

Implementing Learning F D C B A
Comments: She gave a review to the students about the moon lesson, and after explaining each
information to check their understanding, she gives them an activity, and this is an interesting style for
Assessment F D C B A
Comments: There was a quiz at the end of the period. its time to climb
Reflection on Practice F D C B A
The class atmosphere was interactive and positive, and a good routine change for the students
One of the positive points is Miss Huda’s keenness to follow up on students entering the Nearpod platform
and helping them log in.

Action Plan:
MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form
Student name: Huda Alhababi Student ID:
MCT name: Antoinette Wiseman Course code:
MST name: Randa Alkhawaja Placement School: 21st /Mar/2021
Subject: Science Date:

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the
trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

Showing a good background about living and non-living, I liked her way of determining if something is living or
nonliving by asking questions
Is this thing moving? Grow? breathes? Need food and water? Reproduce

Areas for improvement: she did not discuss the video with the students after watching it

Planning for Learning

The whole lesson was on Nearpod with different activities

Areas for improvement:

As a plan B she can make a PowerPoint and keep Nearpod for the activities and the assessments

Managing Learning

Using the timer for each activity really help the teacher to keep on the track. And it creates a spirit of competition
among students.

Areas for improvement:


Implementing Learning

I like Miss Huda’s way of asking questions on several levels and making sure that the students participate and
enjoy the lesson

Areas for improvement:


As a plenary activity, she gave them an open question: to write an example of something living or nonliving , and
to attach with their answer’s pictures
This is a good opportunity to express and students can be creative about this question

Then Quiz Time to climb

Areas for improvement:
Reflection on Practice

She gave the students time to think before they answer, also she picks the students randomly

Areas for improvement:

Action Plan (next steps):

I hope Miss Huda will give the students a new lesson from the start, not as a revision
She has wonderful capabilities and attracts students with her style.

Keep going Ms Huda

MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form
Student name: Huda Alhababi Student ID:
MCT name: Antoinette Wiseman Course code:
MST name: Randa Alkhawaja Placement School: 11/Mar/2021
Subject: Science Date:

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally observe the
trainee’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.

Commitment to the Profession

Showing a good background about the solar system and she gives the students extra information about each

Areas for improvement: non

Planning for Learning

The whole lesson was on Nearpod with multi and fun activities

Areas for improvement:

As a plan B she can make a PowerPoint and keep Nearpod for the activities and the assessments

Managing Learning

Using the timer for each activity really help the teacher to keep on the track. And it creates a spirit of competition
among students.

Areas for improvement:

Some students cannot log in quickly so I think the time should be extended a little (more than 30 sec)

Implementing Learning

As a starter activity she asks them a question to access prior knowledge which is a great idea for pre assessment.
She asks many questions with different levels for the students.

Areas for improvement:

No keywords at the begging of the lesson


I like how she gave the students 2 assessments, one at the mid of the period and the other at the end of the period

Areas for improvement:

Reflection on Practice

She gave the students time to think before they answer, also she picks the students randomly

Areas for improvement:

Action Plan (next steps):

I hope Miss Huda will give the students a new lesson from the start, not as a revision
She has wonderful capabilities and attracts students with her style.

Keep going Ms Huda

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