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975 MT oxygen to Irresponsible...

Gujarat: State in HC must perhaps face
and as per the affidavit, 52,036
patients are on oxygen support.
murder charge:
EVEN AS several private hospi-
tals in Gujarat have reported an
oxygen shortage, an affidavit
The total number of cases in the
state has now crossed five lakh,
adding nealy two lakh cases in
April alone. As per the affidavit,
Madras HC on EC
filed before the Gujarat High the state government is keeping Will get counting stopped if no
Court by Principal Health record of oxygen usage “of every
SecretaryJayantiRavionMonday patient... to minimise wastage”. blueprint before May 2, says court
states that the central govern- As per the affidavit filed on
ment has allocated 975 metric April24,followingdirectionsfrom cols amid the surging second
tonnes (MT) of oxygen to the theHChearingasuomotupublic EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE wave.
state, which is lesser than the interest litigation (PIL), 1,000 MT CHENNAI, APRIL 26 “You have been singularly
currentconsumptionof thestate. of oxygenwasconsumedagainst lacking any kind of exercise of
Chief secretary Anil Mukim the production of 1,000 MT. COMING DOWN heavily on the authority. You have not taken
has written to the central gov- On April 20, government Election Commission for “not measures against political par-
ernment that the state'’s de- pleader Manisha Shah had sub- stopping political parties" from ties holding rallies despite every
mand was expected to rise to mitted before the court that Ambulances line up at MS University’s Samras Hostel that has been converted into a Covid hospital in Vadodara. Bhupendra Rana violating Covid protocols during order of this court saying ‘main-
1,500 MT thus making it “unvi- against the state’s daily produc- their campaign rallies for tain Covid protocol, maintain
able” to support other states. tion of 1,100 metric tonnes (MT), Assemblypollsinfourstatesand Covid protocol’,” the Madras
Gujarat on Monday reported CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 an Union Territory over the last High Court observed.
CALL AFTER CRITICISM OVER SILENCE month, the Madras High Court Remarkingthatthepanelhas

Biden pledges support to PM

said Monday that murder been “the most irresponsible

Covid patients shifted charges should probably be im-

only institution responsible for
over the last few months in not
stopping political parties from
wanton abuse of the Covid-19

from hospital in Surat

on vaccine inputs, key supplies
the situation that we are in to- protocol",abenchof Chief Justice
day”. Sanjib Banerjee and Justice
The scathing observations Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy

after fire in ICU, 4 die camefourdaysaftertheCalcutta

High Court had censured the EC
for not doing enough to ensure
said: “You should be put up on
murder charges probably.”
It asked whether the EC,
rescued the patients, while an- that political parties were fol- which is a Constitutional body,
Smoke filled the area and we
Beijing offers to help, Chinese envoy
says will facilitate medical supplies
New norms: Treat all lowing appropriate Covid proto- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

those with symptoms,

broke open the windows for air
A FIRE broke out in the intensive circulation. The patients were
care unit (ICU) of Ayush Hospital brought down and were shifted statement said about the call.
on Station Road in Surat, late on
patients had to be shifted to
but some of them died.”
Officials said that of the 15
"India was there for us, we will
be there for them," Biden
tweeted later.
mask up at home
otherhospitals.However,fourof patients, six were shifted to US PRESIDENT Joe Biden spoke This comes after criticism of ber of the Covid-19 task force
them, including a woman, died SMIMER hospital, while seven toPrimeMinisterNarendraModi Washington over its delay in re- KAUNAIN SHERIFF M and Director of AIIMS Randeep
after being shifted. wereshiftedtoSanjeevaniHospi- Monday and pledged America’s sponding and its earlier cold NEW DELHI, APRIL 26 Guleria said that given the un-
According to fire depart- tal and two to SIMS Hospital. “steadfastsupportforthepeople shoulder to a request for lifting precedented surge, it is impera-
ment officials, the fire broke out SMC deputy health commis- of India” hit by the unprece- the freeze on export of raw ma- UNDERLINING THAT the virus tive to start Covid-19 treatment
“due to a spark in the air-con- sioner Dr Ashish Naik said, “One dented surge in Covid cases that terials linked to vaccine manu- strain in the second surge is of those who show “classic
ditioner in the ICU” on the fifth patient died in SMIMER has hit a record high in both case facturing. highly infectious, the head of Covid-19 symptoms” despite
floor of the facility at Lal Hospital,whilethreeothersdied count and daily deaths. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 India’s Covid-19 task force negative RT-PCR tests or of those
Darwaja. Of the 15 patients un- in private hospitals. All these pa- The United States will pro- Monday recommended that the whose results are awaited.
dergoing treatment there, four tientswereonventilator.Among vide a range of emergency assis- time has come to wear masks in These two key recommen-
were on ventilator. the remaining four patients ad- tance, including oxygen-related GOVT ASKS VACCINE “home settings” to break the dations came as India reported a
Chief fire officer Basant mitted to SMIMER, three are on supplies, vaccine materials, and MAKERS TO CUT chain of transmission. record 3,52,991 new cases
Pareek said, “One of our teams BiPAP and one on ventilator.” therapeutics, a White House PRICES PAGE 9 Significantly, another mem- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee arrives at a
polling booth to cast her vote at Bhawanipore in
south Kolkata, on Monday. Partha Paul
THE EDITORIAL PAGE Ready to help, we need political 3 yrs after DECISION
PHASE 7 SEATS: 34 of 294 TURNOUT: 75.06 %
GOVT’S VACCINE shutdown,
consensus to fight Covid: Sonia

PAGE 6 Abdicationof leadershipshocking,culpable...ModiGovt
TN to reopen As Covid curve and
Sterlite plant
Governmentevenasshesaidthe as a nation,” she said. “The Modi for oxygen deaths surged, hardly
“abdicationof leadership”bythe
Centre in this public health
emergency is “shocking” and
government must realise that
the battle is against Covid, it is
notagainsttheCongressorother ARUN JANARDHANAN
a blip on EC radar
CONGRESS president Sonia “culpable.” And there was a political opponents.”
TMC, Cong asked for curbs which came
THE EXPRESS Gandhi underlined Monday the sense people have been “aban- "A political consensus is es-
April 22 an hour after PM called off rallies
need for the political leadership doned” by an “all-round col- sential. We must bring together MOVING TO ease the oxygen
to rise above “our differences” lapse” of governance. all stakeholders to fight a shortage that has hit efforts to
and come together to fight the “We believe that fighting calamity like the one we are fac- tackle the Covid crisis, an all- the EC urging it to end cam-
Covid “calamity” as a nation. Covidisnota‘YouversusUs’bat- ing.Unfortunately,theModigov- party meeting convened by RITIKA CHOPRA paigning and reschedule the re-
SURGE, KARNATAKA SONIA GANDHI In an exclusive interview to tle but is an ‘Us versus Corona’ ernmenthasrepeatedlydemon- Chief Minister E K Palaniswami NEW DELHI, APRIL 26 maining election dates in West
SHUTS DOWN FOR 14 The Indian Express, Gandhi said battle. This battle is, therefore, stratedthatitpreferscoercionto inTamilNaduMondayreacheda Bengal in the wake of the Covid
DAYS PAGE 5 PAGE 10 that the Congress was ready to beyond political alignments. We consensus…I truly believe that consensus to reopen the contro- THE MADRAS High Court's surge.
extend all cooperation to the have to fight this battle together CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 versial Sterlite copper smelting strong words for the Election Significantly, by February 26,

plant in Thoothukudi on a “tem- Commission (EC) on Monday when the poll schedule was an-
VERDICT TOMORROW porary basis” for four months. may have a basis. nounced,theCentrehadalready

Covid fear and anxiety spread,


PAGE 9 Theagreementcomesnearly A scrutiny of the EC’s an- warned at least two poll-bound
Signof three years after the state gov- nouncements starting from states (Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
insecurity, ernment shut down the plant, February 26, when it declared about a spike in their daily new

BUSINESS AS USUAL cash back in favour with public ● uncertainty which is owned by Vedanta Ltd,
ing of 13 people who were part
the schedule for five Assembly
stringent curbs on campaigning
cases. But the EC merely reiter-
ated the precautions it had put
in place for the Bihar Assembly
BY UNNY February 27 and April 9, cur- by Rs 3.07 lakh from Rs 22.55 CASH HOLDING is ex- of heated protests over environ- in West Bengal, shows that the elections when the curve was
SANDEEP SINGH & rency with the public rose by Rs lakh crore in the fortnight ended pected to rise further be- mental concerns related to its fierce second Covid surge regis- steadily falling.
GEORGE MATHEW 52,928 crore, show RBI data. February 28, 2020 to Rs 25.62 cause of the recent spike operations. teredashardlyabliponitsradar. A day later, West Bengal was
NEW DELHI, MUMBAI, APRIL 26 Experts said the increase in lakh crore in the fortnight ended in Covid cases as people The all-party meeting was Ironically, its ban on road- also added to the list of states
currencywiththepublicisonac- June 19, 2020. prefer cash in uncertain held in Chennai after a public shows, vehicle rallies, and pub- flagged by the Centre as report-
AS THE second surge began and countof thefearof impositionof On a year-on-year basis, cur- times. The fear of lock- hearing called by the lic meetings of over 500 people inganincreasingnumberof new
intensified over the last two lockdowns by state or central rencywiththepublicjumpedby downs has forced people Thoothukudi district adminis- in West Bengal came as late as cases.
months, the reliance of the pub- governments. 16.7 per cent, or Rs 3,98,382 to withdraw money from tration Friday failed to convince April 22 and an hour after Prime By March 31, when the last
lic on cash increased steadily. Last year, after the govern- crore, as against a rise of 14.6 per banks, and to keep cash local residents about the “emer- Minister Narendra Modi can- two phases (Phase 7 and 8) of
During the fortnight ended ment announced a stringent cent, or Rs 3,03,955 crore, in the with them — both for gency requirement” to reopen celled his four rallies scheduled West Bengal elections were no-
April 9, currency with the public lockdown in March, currency same period of last year, accord- medical exigencies and the plant to produce medical there the next day. tified, cases there were steadily
jumped by Rs 30,191 crore to hit with the public had surged. ing to the RBI data. basic needs in uncertain oxygen. This, even though the climbing, 982 new infections
a new high of Rs 27,87,941 crore. Between March and June 2020, While the currency with the times. According to Vedanta, the Trinamool Congress and the compared to just about 320
In the six-week period between currencywiththepublicshotup CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Congresshadfiledpetitionswith CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ANCHOR Chhatarpur centre opens, but only for those already registered
Among those who reached need to get a bed somewhere,” my auto because he gets fresh from where their details will be waited without food or water.
ASHNA BUTANI & the facility was autorickshaw Pramod said. air,” he said. They had managed sent to the DSOs. Patients have Many were unaware that they
ABHINAV SAHA driver Pramod Kumar, who had Lok Nayak, GTB, Ram to get an oxygen cylinder for Rs to provide their name, age, ad- had to register, and thought they
NEW DELHI, APRIL 26 hoped to get his brother-in-law ManoharLohiaandRajivGandhi 4,000, much more than the nor- dress,contactnumber,SpO2and would be admitted on a first
Kamal Kishor (50) admitted. were among some of the hospi- malpriceof Rs500,Pramodsaid. pulse readings, co-morbidities, come, first served basis.
AS THE Covid care facility at the PramodhasbeenferryingKamal tals that he had tried since his The sprawling Chhatarpur and symptoms. Virender from Pandav Nagar
Radha Soami Satsang Beas com- aroundthecityforthepastthree brother-in-law fell sick with centremeasures1,700feetby700 An ITBP spokesperson said, tried to get his wife admitted.
plex opened on Monday, fami- days, looking for a bed. Covid-19, Pramod said. feet, and has 500 oxygen beds. It “Patients are being referred by The 45-year-old patient, whose
lies of patients who have not After waiting for several Kamalreturnedapositivere- is manned by the Indo Tibetan DSOs. Once they have been re- blood oxygen level was low,
been able to get beds elsewhere hours at the complex, the two port for coronavirus infection on Border Police. The first patient ferred, it hardly takes any time. waited in an ambulance.
for days flocked to the facility in men decided to go back home. Sunday evening. His oxygen lev- was admitted to the facility at They reach the reception, from “There is a lot of confusion.
SouthDelhi’sChhatarpur —only “There is no big government els were 74-75 on Monday, and 10.30amonMonday;byevening, where they are taken to the Some are telling us to call this
to find that walk-in patients hospital that we have not tried. he was breathing with immense 110 patients had been admitted. ward.”Askedaboutpatientswho number, some others are saying
would not be admitted. This was our last hope. We have difficulty. Onlypatientsreferredbydis- may be serious but are not regis- send a message... Our turn never
Families were told to register tried private hospitals as well, Pramod said they had tried trict surveillance officers (DSO) tered, the spokesperson said the came,” Virender said.
bysendingaWhatsAppmessage even though we cannot afford an ambulance initially, but de- are being taken in. Patients can admission process was con- After spending four hours at
to a district number, and in- treatment there. If needed, we cidedtotravelbyautosinceeven Patients in ambulances wait for admission outside the Covid also call the helpline numbers trolledbythedistrictauthorities. the centre, the family left to try
formedthattheywouldgetacall willsellwhateverwehavesowe ambulances don’t have oxygen centre in Chhatarpur, Delhi, Monday. Abhinav Saha 011-26655547-49, 011- As the day progressed, the their luck at Sardar Vallabh Bhai
when their turn comes. can get him admitted. But we these days. “Jijaji likes sitting in 26655949, and 011-26655969, lines grew longer, and families CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



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India third
Irresponsible... Modi cancelled four rallies in Monday's all-party meeting
Biden pledges support to PM
the state citing several high- was attended by representa-
must perhaps level meetings to tackle the tives of all major parties, includ-

spender in
Covid crisis, the EC banned ing the main Opposition DMK.
face murder roadshows, vehicle rallies and The parties also decided to form

charge: Madras
HC on EC
public meetings of more than
500 people, noting that political
parties and candidates were
“still not adhering to the pre-
on vaccine inputs, key supplies a committee headed by the
District Collector and SP, and in-
cluding representatives of the
government as well as local res-
2020: Study
“was on another planet when scribed safety norms”. In what suggests that vac- tain the second wave through the Quad Vaccine Initiatives. standoff that has clouded the idents, to reopen the plant. EXPRESS NEWS
poll rallies were held”. On the same day, the cines could also be shipped, US expedited vaccination, and “The Prime Minister un- bilateral relationship. A senior official of the SERVICE
The observations were made Calcutta High Court expressed Surgeon General Vivek ensuring supply of medicines, derscored the need to ensure The Chinese Ambassador AIADMK government con- NEW DELHI, APRIL 26
bythebenchwhilehearingape- dissatisfaction with the EC over Murthy announced on Twitter therapeutics and healthcare smooth and open supply tweeted: “China firmly sup- firmed that the plant will be al-
tition filed by AIADMK leader the enforcement of Covid that the US plans to share equipment. chains of raw materials and ports India in fighting against lowed to manufacture oxygen INDIA WAS the third largest
and Tamil Nadu Transport norms during the election AstraZeneca doses with the “President Biden con- inputs required for manufac- Covid-19. We will encourage for “four months”. “There is an military spender in the world
Minister M R Vijayabhaskar process. world: “Sixty million doses to veyed solidarity with India ture of vaccines, medicines, and guide Chinese companies agreement that operations at- in 2020, behind only the US and
seeking directions for the EC to be shared as they become and affirmed that the United and therapeutics related to to actively participate into the tached to the oxygen plant will China. According to the latest
implement strict measures dur- Cash is back available. Global pandemics States was determined to sup- Covid-19”, it said. cooperation in facilitating be done in a manner that will military expenditure database
ing counting on May 2 at his public has been rising, its pace require global cooperation.” port India’s efforts by quickly Hours after the Biden call, various needed medical sup- keep public representatives in- published on Monday by the
Karur constituency. slowed after July 2020, before The Biden-Modi call came deploying resources such as Beijing, too, has made a direct plies for India.” formed. There is also a provision Stockholm International Peace
The bench also directed the gathering momentum once a day after US NSA Jake therapeutics, ventilators and offer to help. Chinese Foreign Besides Biden, other top to extend the four-month pe- Research Institute, which tracks
EC to prepare a blueprint before again in February 2021. Since Sullivan dialled his counter- identifying sources of raw ma- ministry spokesperson Hua US administration officials riod for further operations if the military expenditure and arms
May 2 on how Covid protocol February 2021, it has risen by Rs part NSA Ajit Doval Sunday terials to be made available for Chunying said Beijing is con- also came out with strong oxygen requirements continue,” trade globally, while the US ac-
will be maintained so that “this 80,857 crore. and conveyed to him that the manufacture of Covishield cerned about the “grave situ- statements of support and as- the official told The Indian counted for 39 per cent of the
state does not succumb to your By comparison, the rise in “just as India sent assistance vaccines,” the statement said. ation” in India, and is ready to sistance. Express. money spent on military glob-
idiosyncrasies any further”. currency with the public be- to the United States as our According to the state- help “if India tells us its spe- US Vice President Kamala DMK MP Kanimozhi, who ally, China accounted for 13 per
Otherwise, the court warned, it tween December 2020 and hospitals were strained early ment, Modi conveyed his cific needs.” Harris said that the US is represented the Opposition, cent, and India accounted for
will order the counting to be January 2021 was only Rs in the pandemic, the United “heartfelt appreciation” for Following up, Chinese “working closely” with the said that only operations of the 3.7 per cent of the globe’s share.
stopped. 33,500 crore. Also, in the three- States is determined to help the offer of assistance and Ambassador Sun Weidong Indian government to rapidly oxygen-generation facility at The US spent a total of $778
Later, issuing an interim or- month period between July and India in its time of need”. support from the US govern- said that Beijing supports deploy additional support the plant will be allowed “con- billion in 2020, China spent
der on the plea, the court said: September 2020, the rise in cur- A PMO statement said that ment and mentioned India’s India and will encourage and supplies . "As we provide sidering the pandemic situa- $252 billion and India’s
“Despite repeated orders of this rency with the public was Rs Biden and Modi discussed the commitment to contain the Chinese firms to facilitate assistance, we pray for the tion”. It has been agreed that “no military expenditure was
court, going on like a broken 22,305 crore. A jump was, how- Covid-19 situation in their re- Covid pandemic globally medical supplies to India. people of India—including its other plant operations or pro- $72.9 billion. All three countries
record at the foot of almost ever, seen in the festive months spective countries, including through Vaccine Maitri, and This when the two coun- courageous healthcare work- duction at the copper plant will saw their military spending go
every order on an election pe- of October and November, India’s ongoing efforts to con- its participation in Covax and tries are in a year-long border ers,” she tweeted. be allowed during this tempo- up compared to 2019, even
tition, that Covid protocol when the currency with public rary period”, she said. during a pandemic year. India’s
ought to be maintained during rose by Rs 88,300 crore between According to Kanimozhi, the spending over 2019 grew by 2.1
the campaign time, the signif- become popular of late. Ramzan. This, the Congress ar- and by chance someone can get aspect of Covid-19 treatment; state government should en- per cent, the increase for China
icance of adhering to such pro- According to bankers, the gued, would give time for the it. There are benefits if you wear but its misuse is an equally im- sure that the temporary permis- was more moderate, at 1.9 per
tocols may have been lost on CURRENCY WITH rise in cash with the public in- fresh wave to wane. In its replies a mask even when you are sit- portant aspect. Even those who sion being granted wouldn’t be cent, while the US saw a 4.4 per
the Election Commission, go-
ing by the silence on the part of PUBLIC (IN RS CR) dicates greater usage of cash for
transactional purposes — which
to both parties on April 21, the
EC turned down the sugges-
ting with someone at home,”
Paul said.
have 94-95 oxygen saturation
level, the oxygen is reaching the
misused in a later stage to re-
open the entire plant. “Only
cent growth over its 2019 ex-
the Election Commission, as In fortnight ended could have prompted more tions, citing legal and resource “In this situation, it is very key organs. There is no require- their technicians will be al- As a share of the GDP, for the
campaigning and rallies were 9 Apr 2021 27,87,941 withdrawals from ATMs. A constraints. important that we wear a mask. ment to make it 98-99 through lowed to access the plant dur- US it was 3.7 per cent, China’s
conducted without distancing 26 Mar 2021 27,57,750 banker who did not wish to be By this time, West Bengal's We should not unnecessarily oxygen therapy. This is misuse ing this period, and meeting the and India’s military expendi-
norms being maintained and in named said many people are daily Covid case count was al- venture out. Stay with the fam- because the same oxygen can be medical oxygen requirement of ture were 1.7 per cent and 2.9
12 Mar 2021 27,59,400
wanton disregard of the other withdrawing cash to prepare for most 10,000 — a 10-fold jump ily. However, even with the fam- used for those whose levels are Tamil Nadu will be the first pri- per cent respectively of the part
requirements of the protocol.” 26 Feb 2021 27,35,013 a health emergency. since April 1. ily, please wear mask. Please below 90. When it is falling (be- ority,” she said. of the GDP.
The interim order stated 12 Feb 2021 27,45,374 It is, however, important to A former senior EC officer don't invite people into your low 94), contact your doctor,” Vedanta said in a statement: During the 2011 to 2020 pe-
that the Election Commission 29 Jan 2021 27,07,084 note that the currency with the said it was legally possible to home. At home, if someone has Guleria said. “We are committed to making riod American military expen-
should have planned safety public has jumped by Rs 9.9 merge the last two phases since aninfection,extracareshouldbe the entire production capacity diture dropped by 10 per cent,
measures for May 2 as there is
15 Jan 2021
1 Jan 2021
lakh crore or 55 per cent since their dates of notification were takenbecausethevirusishighly ‘Ready to help’ of 1000 tonnes available for the but China saw a 76 per cent
hardly a week left for counting the government announced de- same: March 31. “The RP Act transmissible.Theangleof trans- challenging times warrant the purpose of producing medical growth and India’s military
day. “The matter will appear on 18 Dec 2020 26,81,605 monetisation on November 8, states the gap between the date missibilityisbecomingclear.Itis political leadership to rise above grade oxygen, and are already spending grew by 34 per cent,
April 30, 2021 to review the sit- 4 Dec 2020 26,77,774 2016. As on November 4, 2016, of withdrawal of candidature very important we don't go out our political differences. We working with experts on how during the decade.
uation when a complete picture 20 Nov 2020 26,73,572 the currency with the public and the date of voting should be orinvitepeopleasweprotectour have done so in the past many best to resolve the logistics of SIPRI said that military
as to adequate steps having 6 Nov 2020 26,36,629 stood at Rs 17.97 lakh crore – at least 14 days. If the families,” Paul said. times. As a country and as a dispatching thus to critical ar- spending in Asia and Oceania
been taken at all counting cen- 23 Oct 2020 26,19,612 and currently, it amounts to Rs Commission wanted, it could On Monday, Guleria empha- democracy, India has always eas in TN on priority, and subse- “was 2.5 per cent higher in
tres should be indicated by the 27.87 lakh crore. have issued a fresh notification sized that people with mild cometogetherincrisis,"shesaid. quently across the nation.” 2020 than in 2019 and 47 per
9 Oct 2020 26,09,171
Election Commission,” it stated. One of the reasons the gov- for either postponing the 7th symptoms should not panic — As an Opposition party, The plant had been facing cent higher than in 2011, con-
Earlier, the court reminded 25 Sep 2020 25,85,272 ernment cited for demonetisa- phase of voting till the 8th phase and that this can result in over- Gandhi said the Congress has to protests ever since its entry into tinuing an uninterrupted up-
the EC counsel that it is all about 11 Sep 2020 26,00,933 tionwastomakeIndiaaless-cash or reschedule the last phase and whelming of health infrastruc- insist upon transparency and the state in 1994 over its indus- ward trend since at least 1989”
“survival and protection” now, 28 Aug 2020 25,83,042 society.ThegovernmentandRBI hold it with the 7th phase. This ture. accountability from the Govern- trial operations that, local resi- and attributed the rise “prima-
and “everything else comes 14 Aug 2020 25,93,699 pushed digitisation of payments is possible since the date of no- “In this critical phase of the ment and join the people to put dents and protesters say, have rily to increases in spending by
next”. 31 Jul 2020 25,76,289 and slapped restrictions on the tification for both phases was pandemic, we have to ensure pressure on the government to severely affected the popula- China and India, which to-
“Politics or no politics, use of cash on various transac- the same,” he said. that our hospital facilities are recognise that nothing is more tion's health. gether accounted for 62 per
whether the counting takes 17 Jul 2020 25,80,271 tions; the cash with the public, A senior EC official, however, optimally utilised. There is an vital now than to save lives. The protests, which were cent of total military expendi-
place in a staggered manner or 3 Jul 2020 25,71,573 however, continues to rise. said that even if it’s legally pos- unnecessary panic that is caus- “It is as if our people have mostly peaceful, escalated in ture in the region in 2020”.
deferred... at no cost (should) 19 Jun 2020 25,62,967 On the other hand, money sible, it would have been a chal- ing more harm than good. There been abandoned by the all- February 2018 following reports The other top spenders in-
the counting of votes on May 2 5 Jun 2020 25,44,406 supply in the economy – or M3 lenge to arrange enough forces is panic among patients who are round collapse of governance of Sterlite’s expansion plans. The cluded Russia with $61.7 bil-
result in being a catalyst to a fur- 22 May 2020 25,12,850 – has gone up over the last cou- to hold elections to about 70 tested positive, and have normal and relinquishment of respon- plant was ordered to shut down lion, the UK at $59.2 billion,
ther surge. Public health is of ple of months. M3, which in- seats together at short notice. oxygen saturation; they also sibility. Therefore, our role as an by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Saudi Arabia at $57.5 billion fol-
8 May 2020 24,74,031
paramount importance and it is cludes currency with public, start searching for hospital beds Opposition to listen to people Control Board and the state gov- lowed by Germany and France
distressing that Constitutional 24 Apr 2020 24,24,823 current deposits, savings de- New norms because of which we are expe- and convey their anguish be- ernment over environmental at just under $53 billion each.
authorities have to be re- 10 Apr 2020 23,91,299 posits, and fixed deposits, has Monday and 2,812 deaths in the riencing a huge rush outside the comes all the more imperative,” violations — the case is still
minded,” the court observed. 27 Mar 2020 23,41,851 increased by 11.3 per cent, or Rs last 24 hours; the country’s ac- hospitals. Genuine patients will she said. pending in the Supreme Court.
An EC official told The Indian 13 Mar 2020 23,08,312 19.17 lakh crore, to a new high tive caseload has reached suffer because of this panic be- Asked if she and her party On May 22, 2018, 13 people CM WRITES TO PM
Express: “The text of the interim
written order of the Honourable
28 Feb 2020 22,55,771 of Rs 189.07 lakh crore as on
April 9, 2021.
“In my view, looking at the
cause they will not receive
proper treatment,” Guleria said.
were willing to sit down and
help the Government if it
were killed and several others
were injured when the police Vaccine pricing
High Court of Madras does not
have any reference to the pur- the fortnight ended October 9 Blip on EC radar
pandemic and the number of
cases, we have to do clinico-ra-
Guleria said some people, in
panic, have begun hoarding
reached out, ahead, Gandhi
said: “Of course. My answer is
fired on protesters during a
demonstration. is inherently
ported observations made dur-
ing the hearing in the court.”
and November 20, 2020.
According to the RBI, cur-
barely 10 days earlier.
Elsewhere, the second wave
diological diagnosis, for those
whose RT-PCR tests are getting
medicines. “This is also causing
an unnecessary shortage of cer-
an unequivocal yes.”
Chhatarpur unfair: TN govt
The first election after the rency with the public is arrived was raging. A total 72,330 new delayed but the patient is show- tain drugs in the market. There Sterlite plant Patel Hospital in East Patel
pandemic broke out last at after deducting the cash with cases were recorded nationally; ing classical Covid-19 symp- is also misuse of drugs because plant has a production capacity Nagar.
February was held in Bihar in banks from the total currency in the daily death count had risen toms, or CT scan shows classical people assume that if they con- of 1,000 metric tonnes of oxy- Tushar Rawat (23), who EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
October-November, with the EC circulation. Currency in circula- to more than 450 by March 31. Covid-19 symptoms. We should sume the medicines from the gen. Last week, the company tried to get his father admitted, CHENNAI, APRIL 26
putting in place Covid protocols tion, which includes notes in cir- By April 15, the TMC started accept this is Covid-19 and these first day itself (after testing pos- had moved a petition in also left after waiting for a few
such as limiting the number of culation, rupee coins, and small requesting the Commission to people should get treatment as itive), they can protect them- Supreme Court assuring that it hours. His father, aged 53, TERMING THE differential price
voters to 1,000 at a polling sta- coins, refers to cash or currency club the remaining phases of per Covid-19 protocol...the RT- selves. This causes side effects,” could produce oxygen in the whose oxygen levels were mechanism in the vaccine pro-
tion, down from the earlier limit within a country that is physi- elections in the state. However, PCR tests also could come neg- Guleria said. plant if it was allowed to reopen. around 81, has been unwell for curement “inherently unfair,”
of 1,500. cally used to conduct transac- on April 15, the EC spokesper- ative because its sensitivity is Guleria, specifically, raised The Central Government and the past 10 days. They would try Chief Minister Edappadi K
The next set of elections, for tions between consumers and son denied any plans for chang- not 100 per cent,” Guleria said. the issue of “rational” use of the Supreme Court had Lok Nayak Hospital, the family Palaniswami on Monday wrote
West Bengal, Assam, Tamil businesses. It effectively means ing the election schedule. Flagging the surge, V K Paul, oxygen at home. “In this dis- favoured the idea, but the Tamil said as they left. to Prime Minister Narendra
Nadu, Kerala and the Union the currency that individuals On April 16, only after the who heads the Covid-19 task ease 85 per cent will have mild Nadu government opposed it. Chief Minister Arvind Modi demanding measures
Territory of Puducherry, started across the country hold with daily case count had crossed 2 force said, that there are bene- disease, who will recover The apex court then sug- Kejriwal visited the centre in the from the Centre to “procure
on March 27 and most of it was themselves. lakh, the EC, for the first time, fits to wear a mask at home slowly. All of them will recover gested that the state should pur- morning and said 200 ICU beds and supply the entire re-
wrapped up by April 6, except Between March and June acknowledged an “unprece- given its rapid spread. with supportive treatment. sue the issue considering the would come up there soon. quired quantity of vaccine for
for West Bengal where polling 2020, people withdrew cash dented public health situation” “We should stay at home They only need home isolation emergency requirement in “We are also trying to in- administering all groups in-
ends on April 29. heavily from bank branches and and imposed curbs on cam- and get treatment (for mild and close monitoring. We have Tamil Nadu and other states. crease oxygen beds in Delhi. cluding those in the age group
Monday witnessed the sev- ATMs in the wake of the lock- paigning — but for activities symptoms). We have to adopt to watch the warning signs: On Sunday, Chief Minister This morning, I visited the cen- of 18 to 45.”
enth and penultimate phase of down, and as dependence on from 7pm to 10 am. the right things… promote high temperature; low oxygen Palaniswami wrote to Prime tre that has been created at the The letter written by
the eight-phase elections in cash transactions rose. It also extended the silence home care. We also have to re- saturation; severe vomiting; Minister Narendra Modi, urging Radha Soami Satsang Beas. Palaniswami criticised the sys-
West Bengal involving 34 seats Bankers say the increase in period for campaigning from 48 member that if there is one pos- and fatigue. If everyone wants him to immediately cancel the There are 150 beds as of now; in tem asking states to procure
and 284 candidates with over currency with the public indi- hours to 72 hours before voting itive case in the house — it is a hospital bed due to panic, diversion of 80 MTs of oxygen to the next two-three days, this vaccines at predetermined
86 lakh registered voters. cates that people have started to day for the phases on April 22, very important that the person then no health infrastructure Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. will be pushed to 500 beds, then prices. “Such a differential price
The elections, particularly in accumulate cash in anticipation 26, and 29. On this day, the total wears the mask; because he can handle this load,” Guleria He said Tamil Nadu would soon 2,000 beds, and finally 5,000 mechanism is inherently unfair
West Bengal, were marked by of more stringent lockdown new cases in West Bengal was spreads the virus. I want to say said. require up to 450 MT oxygen beds. We are also creating a 200 since it places a higher financial
huge rallies that were addressed measures that states or central almost 7,000. that time has come that we “Some people also think that shortly, which is more than its ICU-bed facility...,” he said. burden on the states. It is also
by Prime Minister Narendra governments may announce to The TMC had urged the EC to should start wearing masks at if they store oxygen and start current production capacity, The facility was opened in iniquitous since the state gov-
Modi, Union Home Minister control the spread of Covid-19. merge the remaining three home even in normal circum- oxygen therapy from the first and pointed out that the na- July last year, and capacity was ernments have considerably
Amit Shah and Chief Minister People prefer cash during un- phases of voting into one, and stances. Earlier we spoke about day, they would not need oxy- tional allotment plan had ear- ramped up to over 10,000 beds. less fiscal resources at their
Mamata Banerjee. certain times, even though debit the Congress had suggested that (wearing a mask) outdoors. The gen later. These are wrong no- marked only 220 MT for the But it was dismantled in command than the central gov-
On Thursday, hours after cards and mobile wallets have voting be postponed until after spread of the infection is faster tions. Oxygen is an important state. February. ernment..,” it added.



Decision to classify hospitals to cut down

on oxygen supply in Vadodara revoked
threegroupsforrationingoxygen Inamdar added in his letter to groups”. Advocating a lockdown,
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE supplyandthusdirecting164pri- Rupani, “A month ago, Vadodara Inamdar has said, “The danger of
VADODARA,APRIL26 vate hospitals to stop providing neededonly15tonnesofoxygen, transmissionof thevirusinsocial
Oxygen treatment to patients which has now risen to over 160 events is high and it is important
ADAYafterOfficeronSpecialDuty with immediate effect. metric tonnes. There are several to take a decision to impose lock-
for Covid-19, Vinod Rao, issued a The notification was “put on facilitiescreatedinSavliandDesar down or similar measures to
notification classifying the em- hold” late on Monday after Rao, areas for Covid-19 treatment by break the chain of this epidemic
paneled private hospitals across along with elected representa- the administration as well as pri- by restraining people.”
the city to cut down on oxygen tivesfromtheBJP,heldameeting vate charitable institutions but in Inamdar also raised the issue
supply, the Vadodara Municipal withGroupCHospitalsthatwere the absence of oxygen supply, of the difficulty being faced in
Corporation (VMC) put the noti- prevented from offering oxygen whatarethesefacilitiessupposed procuring Remdesivir injections
fication “on hold”. treatment to patients as per the todo?ThesupplyofO2 invillages and urged government action to
The decision comes after notification. wasalwayslowbuttocompletely stop black-marketing of the drug
electedrepresentativesof theBJP Rao said, “Group C repre- discontinue it is not right.” as well as to prevent hospitals
assuredthattheywouldintervene sented that they would optimise Inamdar, who had submitted from exerting pressure on rela-
andhavethestategovernmentin- the use of oxygen... The elected hisresignationtothepartyin2019 tivestoprocurethedrugforCovid
crease the oxygen quota for representativesinformedthatex- citing bureaucrats not paying patients.
Vadodara.EarlieronMonday,Savli tra efforts are being made to re- heed to development work re- In Surat, members of the
BJP MLA Ketan Inamdar wrote a ceivetherequiredstockofoxygen quests and later withdrew it, Indian Medial Association on
letter to Chief Minister Vijay fromstategovernmentforhospi- added,“AstheChiefMinister,you Monday, handed over a memo-
Rupaniseekingimmediatewith- tals in Vadodara... In view of all have been sensitive to the needs randum to the District Collector,
drawal of the decision. this, the implementation of noti- of the people and so, you must requesting him to smoothen the
In his letter, MLA Ketan fication for grouping of hospitals make serious note of this issue. supplyofoxygenincityhospitals.
Staff work round-the-clock at the oxygen supply unit of the civil hospital in Ahmedabad’s Asarwa. Nirmal Harindran Inamdar said, “Until now, the to assist in uninterrupted avail- Vadodaracityanddistrictarewit- In the memorandum, IMA
VadodaraMunicipalCorporation ability of oxygen to hospitals (is- nessing admissions from neigh- Surat wing president Hiral Shah
(VMC)hadbeenensuringoxygen suedSunday)hasbeentemporar- bouringdistrictsformedicaltreat- said, “The daily rise in Covid-19
supplytohospitalsinthecityand ily put on hold. All hospitals will mentduringthispandemicandit casesinthecityareseeingpatients
SANAND GIDC rural Vadodara. But it has now make efforts to further minimise is important that your decision turningupathospitalsinacritical

been learned that the hospitals leakage and wastage of oxygen.” must be based on the gravity of state and in need of oxygen. For
havebeendividedintocategories According to Rao, the state the situation in Vadodara.” thelastfewdays,theprivatehos-
and oxygen supply to several pri- governmenthadcappedtheoxy- Inamdar said that the virus is pitalsinthecityarefacingashort-
vatehospitalsinthecityandinru- gen consumption in Vadodara to “slowlyspreading”intheruralar- age of oxygen. There is a daily re-

ral Vadodara has been discontin- 160 MT, which was its consump- eas because social events that quirement of 230 metric tonnes
ued.” tion on Friday. were completely prohibited last of oxygen in hospitals, with
The notification issued on Seekingsupplyof oxygenand yearhavebeenallowed,“causing around 4,000 patients undergo-
Sunday classified hospitals into Remdesivir in rural hospitals, people to interact and move in ing treatment...”

SEALS 1,500 UNITS Two held for

EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Several engineering AMC appeals to ‘illegally’
AHMEDABAD, APRIL 26 units in parts of hair salons, beauty procuring
WITH INDUSTRIAL oxygen was Ahmedabad, parlours to close remdesivir from
diverted for medical use amid Bhavnagar, Rajkot and
the pandemic, around 50 indus-
Vadodara have been
for a week SVP Hospital
trial units dealing with auto
components at Sanand Gujarat forced to shut down Ahmedabad: The Ahmedabad
Industrial Development MunicipalCorporation(AMC)on Ahmedabad: Two persons were
Corporation (GIDC) have put up Monday appealed to the owners arrestedSundayforallegedlyille-
the shutters recently, leaving a closed down. ofhairsalonsandbeautyparlours gallyprocuring30Remdesivirin-
number of workers out of job. The Indian Express had al- in the city for “voluntary closure” jections from SVP Hospital in
Several engineering units in ready reported that the large for a week to break the chain of Ahmedabadusingfakeletterpad
parts of Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, industrial clusters, like the coronaviorus infection, while fromaprivatehospital,policesaid.
Rajkot and Vadodara -- mostly shipbreaking yard in Alang, 1,500 of such businesses were The certificates were handed over to the four personnel by Altaf Lohiya(26),aresidentof
areas that are facing shortage of have almost shut down due to closed down for not following Vadodara Commissioner of Police at Police Bhavan Monday. Danilimda, and Zakir Hussain
oxygen, have been forced to shut lack of oxygen. Covid norms. Shaikh(19),aresidentofJamalpur,
down too. A staffer carries an oxygen cylinder to the storage area at the “There were 15,000-17,000 The civic body’s solid waste wereheldbyateamfromtheEllis
“About 50 engineering units
in Sanand GIDC have shut due
to lack of oxygen. These are
Covid ward of Gandhinagar civil hospital on Monday.
Nirmal Harindran
migrant workers at Alang in
January. With shipbreaking
coming to a standstill, more
management department in a
drive closed down the units —
highest of 380 in the North zone,
Four cops felicitated Bridge police station. “The main
Hospital in Jamalpur area of
largely auto component and
road equipment manufactur-
ers,” Ajit Shah, president of
is no work in these units. Large-
scale layoffs will create another
ing units dealing with cutting
steel are also closing down due
than half of them have left for
their homes. The shipbreakers
cannot promise their work-
team found more than four per-
for donating plasma Ahmedabad conspired with two
other accused Zakir Hussain and
Sanand Industrial Association social crisis, and with the pan- to the diversion of oxygen for force when the oxygen supply, withviolationofsocialdistancing have recovered from Covid-19. sivirinjectionsfromSVPHospital
(SIA) said Monday. demic we cannot even ask the medical use. diverted for medical use, will guideline. In the East zone, 242 EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE A certificate of appreciation bygettingfakeprescriptionsfrom
Spread over several government for oxygen (to re- “Those units, which have resume and so, they have asked unitswerecloseddownfollowed VADODARA,APRIL26 and gratitude was handed over Shafi Hospital for Covid positive
hectares, Sanand GIDC has units sume work in these units),” been badly hit, are mostly based the workers to leave. Work is by South zone 233, central zone to the personnel by Singh at the patients.FromApril11toApril14,
dealing with engineering, auto- Shah said. in Rajkot, Vadodara, Bhavnagar available only on a few plots as 186, north west 183 and east 154. VADODARA COMMISSIONER of Police Bhavan on Monday. the accused procured 30 remde-
mobiles, semiconductors and The Gujarat Chamber of and Ahmedabad,” Pathik of now. These plots, too, will Another 126 units were sealed in Police Shamsher Singh on An official release issued by sivir injections for their personal
electronics. Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Patwari, the GCCI secretary, soon close down,” Sanjay Singh, the South west zone of the city. Mondayfelicitatedfourpoliceof- the department said, “The gain,”saidaseniorofficerof zone
“While some owners are still one of the primary associations said. The chamber, however, secretary of Alang Sosiya Ship AMC is planning such drives ficers attached to various police Commissionerfelicitatedtheof- 7 Ahmedabad Police.
paying salaries to their workers, representing MSME units did not share data related to the Recycling and General Workers among “superspreader” shops in stations in the city for donating ficers for donating their plasma All three accused have been
many of them have left as there across the state, said engineer- layoffs or the units that have Association, said. the coming days. ENS plasma to Covid-19 patients. in times of need to Covid-19 pa- held under IPC sections 420 for
Thefourpersonnel—sub-in- tientsinordertoencourageother fraud, 467 for forgery of valuable
spectorABMishrafromWarasiya officials, who have recovered security, 468 for forgery for pur-

Former Gujarat cadre IAS officer Gujarat BJP chief’s website ‘hacked’
The hacker, who identified
police station, head constable
Kalpesh Nandkishor from
Makarpura police station, Lok
from the virus, to do the same.”
Singh, last week, Singh had
asked the She Teams attached
pose of cheating, 471 for fraudu-
document and 120b for criminal

succumbs to Covid in Lucknow PRESS TRUST OF INDIA

himself as Mohammad Bilal
from Pakistan, uploaded some
objectionable content on the
Rakshak Vanrajji Shekharji, and
Lok Rakshak Aakash Bhanubhai
from Raopura police station —
police stations in the city to join
hands with a local organisation
for plasma donation.
Drugs and Cosmetics Act and
Disaster Management Act. ENS
Covid-19. Gupta also got infected (MEGA),aspecialpurposevehicle GUJARAT BJP chief and Navsari homepage of Paatil’s website, a
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE and was admitted to a hospital.” formedfortheimplementationof MP CR Paatil’s office on Monday statement said, adding that no
AHMEDABAD,APRIL26 The1985-batchGujaratcadre theproject.Thecompanyhasnow claimed that his website has police complaint has been
IAS officer had played a pivotal been renamed as the Gujarat been hacked apparently by a filed yet. The content was re-
FORMERIASofficerSanjayGupta roleinturningaroundtheGujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC). Pakistani hacker. moved, it said.
(58),whospearheadedthedevel- State Petroleum Corporation, be- GuptahadquittheMetroproj-
opmentoftheAhmedabadMetro forehejoinedtheAdaniGroupin ectinAugust30,2013,toconcen-
between 2011 and 2013 and ar- 2002. Later, he started his multi- trateonhisbusinesses.In2015,he
restedforallegedRs113-crorecor- business conglomerate, Neesa was arrested by the Gujarat CID
ruption during the tenure, suc- Group, which had operations in onchargesofcorruptionamount-
cumbed to the coronavirus hospitality, argo-biotechnology, ing to Rs 113 crore during his
diseaseinLucknowSundaynight. steelcasting,informationtechnol- tenure as the head of the
Gupta was admitted to a hos- ogy, and media among others. Ahmedabad Metro. A court later
pital in Lucknow for about a fort- In April 2011, then Prime released him on bail.
night.Asourceclosetothefamily MinisterNarendraModi-ledgov- In December 2020, the
Mondaysaid,“Thefamily,includ- ernmentinGujarathadappointed ExpressGroupofHotelsacquired
ing Gupta, were in Lucknow to Gupta as the head of Metro sevenpropertiesbelongingtothe
takecareofGupta’sailingparents, Express between Gandhinagar CambayHotels, theflagshipcom-
who themselves had contracted and Ahmedabad Company Ltd pany of the Neesa Group.

BRIEFLY Government of India

Bigfirms joinhands Jolly (53), the chairman and Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Panchsheel Bhawan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110049
foroxygensupply managing director of Prolife, a
dyes and intermediates manu- Reference No: M-11/6/2020-(FME)(Part-1)
facturing company based in Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) invites applications from eligible and interested candidates
Ahmedabad: The Gujarat Ankleshwar, succumbed to for the following positions on contract basis to work in the National Programme Management Unit under the
Narmada Valley Fertilisers and Covid-19 on Monday. Jolly had PMFME Scheme:
Chemicals Limited (GNFC) has over two decades of experience SI. No Name of the Position No of Vacancy
tripled its oxygen production in chemical industry. ENS 1. Lead Project Manager (State Programme) 1
over the last week from 10,000 2. Lead Project Manager (Knowledge Management) 1
litres per day on April 19 to
18%admissions 3.
Lead Project Manager (Capacity Building)
Lead Project Manager (Planning)
dersdaily,astatementissuedby through108:AMC 5.
Lead Project Manager ( Branding & Marketing)
Manager (State Programme)
in an official release, also stated Ahmedabad: The Ahmedabad 7. Manager (Knowledge Management) 1
the first shipment of four ISO MunicipalCorporation,inanof- 8. Manager (Capacity Building) 1
cryogenic tanks, with 80 tonnes ficialreleaseMonday,saidofthe 9. Manager (Planning) 1
of liquid oxygen, was on its way 1,300-1,400patientsadmittedto
10. Manager (Branding & Marketing) 1
11. Manager (MIS) 1
from Dammam in Saudi Arabia various city hospitals daily, only
12. Manager(Financial & Micro Credit) 1
to Mundra port. In addition, 225-250, which was 17-18%,
13. Manager (Monitoring & Evaluation) 1
5,000 oxygen cylinders was be- were being done through the
14. Food Technologist 2
ing bought from Linde, Saudi 108 emergency services while 15. Communication Manager 2
Arabia. ENS the rest were done directly. 16. Joint Secretary/ Director (Retired from GOI) 1
“These admissions are referred 17. Pay & Accounts Officer (Retired from GOI) 1
Profileschairman byAMCon20%reservedbedsin
18. Young Professional-Administration 1

diesofCovid-19 Medicity campus, Sola Civil

The details such as eligibility, experience and selection procedure can be seen on the links and
Ahmedabad: Maninder Singh pitals,” it stated. ENS davp 16101/11/0003/2122


In Ahmedabad city,
98% of critical care
beds occupied: AMC
Places Confirmed Deaths New cases
OF THE total 8,211 critical care Ahmedabad 1,34,765 2,818 5,679
beds—oxygen-equippedandin- Amreli 5,967 48 158
tensive care units — across gov- Anand 4,444 22 92
ernmentandprivatehospitalsin Aravalli 2,317 37 77
Ahmedabad as well as the mu-
nicipalcorporation-runfacilities, Banaskantha 8,137 79 297
only 191 beds are vacant. Bharuch 7,038 48 135
The data, released by the Bhavnagar 11,597 126 536
Ahmedabad Municipal Botad 1,616 23 21
Corporation (AMC) on Monday
Chhota Udepur 1,655 13 58
wave of the coronavirus pan- Dahod 5,635 13 250
demichitAhmedabad,indicates Dang 513 11 28
nearly 98 per cent occupancy DevbhoomiDwarka 10,788 25 52
even as the city recorded 5,619 Gandhinagar 13,597 149 343
cases and 26 deaths due to the
Gir Somnath 3,746 26 121
virus in the previous 24 hours.
Among these vacant critical Jamnagar 21,502 140 668
care beds, 59 are in 176 nursing Junagadh 8,743 63 259
homes, 40 in 167 private Covid- Kheda 5,499 24 149
designated hospitals, 31 in Kutch 7,384 45 232

THE WAIT... Ahmedabad Medicity campus

ing Civil Hospital, 20 in

& DESPAIR Shardaben hospital, 14 each in

Sheth Lallubhai Gordhandas
Municipal General Hospital and
Navsari 3,552 8 125
(Clockwise from above) A VSGeneralHospitaland13inSVP
Panchmahal 6,466 33 176
Covid-19 patient on oxygen Hospital, the AMC data states.
support waits for “Occupancy in Covid-desig- Patan 7,689 69 230
admission at the 600-bed nated private hospitals, health Porbandar 1,567 6 51
facility in Gandhinagar centres and covid care centres is Rajkot 41,871 407 598
Civil Hospital on Monday; A more than 90 per cent. The beds Sabarkantha 5,066 58 161
senior citizen gasps for that are vacant, are mostly isola-
Surat 1,06,497 1,509 1,876
breath inside a car outside tion beds. Thus, in 167 private
Dhanvantari Covid Hospital hospitals, the occupancy is of 94 Surendranagar 5,308 61 199
in Ahmedabad; Relative of a per cent,” a statement issued by Tapi 2,644 9 156
patient breaks down at the the AMC stated. Vadodara 47,589 441 706
Samras Hostel that has Thecivicbodyalsocautioned Valsad 2,859 20 118
been converted into a residents: “Corona(virus) infec-
Other states 148 3
Covid-19 facility in tion in Ahmedabad city is at its
Vadodara; Patients had to peak. Until and unless it is very Cumulative Total New Cumulative
wait for long, some for important, do not step out from discharge: cases: cases: deaths:
nearly 12 hours, before
getting a bed at
your house.”
As per the AMC data, the
3,82,426 5,09,627 14,340 6,472
Gandhinagar highest number of critical care
Civil Hospital; A patient beds – 3,869 – are in 167 private
Firstdose Fullyvaccinated Firstdose Fullyvaccinated
takerstilldate tilldate takerstoday today
outside Vadodara’s hospitals,followedby2,355atsix
Samras facility. differentCovidhospitals,includ- 94,35,424 20,19,205 64,571 83,135
ing the civil hospital on the
Medicity campus.
From the total 1,013 beds for for Covid-19 patients at VS, This, the civic body said, was in
Covid-19patientsatitsfourhos- Shardaben and LG hospitals, it addition to the 100 high-flow
pitals on April 10, the civic body has added a total of 728 beds at oxygen machines and 60 venti-
has increased the number of these facilities. Also, 86 ICU beds latorsthathavebeenmadeavail-
beds to 1,907 until Monday, the and 165 oxygen-equipped ones able at four AMC-run hospitals
statementadded.Fromzerobeds havebeenaddedatSVPhospital. recently.


‘Daily supply of violations: 207
cases filed at
Remdesivir injections 3,244 weddings
cut to 16,500 vials across state
per day from 20,000’ on a day
WHAT THE AS MANY as 207 cases of viola-
AFFIDAVIT STATES tion of Covid norms, including
THE GUJARAT government has mask violation, were registered
written to the Centre on Monday ■ As per data on the by Gujarat Police in 3,244 wed-
FROM PAGE ONE to increase its daily allocation of
state-wise allocation of
Remdesivir from April 21
Centre has allocated 975 MT
filed by the state principal health to 30, as submitted in the number of guests at 50 for such
secretary, Jayanti Ravi, before the affidavit, 1,63,500 functions.

In this Bharuch village, GujaratHighCourt,inresponseto injections have been No wedding ceremony is al-

Darul Uloom converted oxygen to Gujarat: State in HC

a direction from the court that is allocated to Gujarat lowed after 8 pm in 20 cities of
hearing a suo motu public inter- ■ The highest allocation Gujarat including Ahmedabad,
estlitigation,statedthatGujarat’s has been kept for Surat, Rajkot and Vadodara.
allocationoftheantiviralinjection Maharashtra at 2,69,200 A statement released by the
the daily consumption for med- had been reduced to 16,500 vials injections. officeof GujaratDirectorGeneral
into Covid care facility ical use stood at 1,050 MT as of
April 19. The affidavit states that
Of the country-wide allocation for oxygen by the
Centre, Maharashtra tops the list with 1,661 MT.
a day from the 20,000 vials pro-
cured by the state earlier.
of Police (DGP) Ashish Bhatia on
Monday said, “To ensure that
while consumption is 1,000 MT AcommunicationbyGujarat mately 20,000 injections a day. wedding ceremonies don’t re-
that the Darul Uloom has been at present, “this Uttar Pradesh is allocated 753 MT oxygen and chief secretary Anil Mukim, Before the Centre took over the sultinincreaseinspreadof Covid
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE converted into a medical treat- increasing day by day primarily Madhya Pradesh 543 MT, the affidavit states datedApril26,tothesecretaryto allocation of Remdesivir for infection, the state government
SURAT, APRIL 26 ment facility. “It was needed as due to fact that daily Covid cases Ministry of Health and Welfare, states, the Gujarat government has issued guidelines with a cap
the nearest hospital is around a are going up by 4-6 per cent. Government of India, Rajesh woulddirectlyprocuretheinjec- of maximum 50 guests... The
WITH THE nearest hospital at few kilometres away,” he said. Besides, oxygen requirement for it unviable to support other cludingduringthewaitingperiod Bhushan, stated, "...The current tions from the manufacturers DGP Gujarat had issued strict in-
least a few kilometres away, the According to the sarpanch, each patient also goes up...” states...werequestyoutosupport atthehospitalpriortoadmission. Covid-19situationhaswarranted and,onaverage,wasmanagingto structions to the police force to
Darul Uloom, a school of Islamic donations have come in from On April 16, the Gujarat gov- us with the supply of extra med- As per the state, it has also added an increase in the demand of procure 20,000 vials per day, the ensure that Covid guidelines is-
studies, in Bharuch’s Tankaria London and other countries ernment requested the ical oxygen...” a fleet of 50 ambulances and in Remdesivir injection that is un- affidavit said. sued by the government were
village has been converted into during the ongoing Ramzan Government of India to increase Of the country-wide alloca- the next three days, 150 more precedented.Giventhehugede- "It is pointed out to the being followed at weddings. In
a Covid Care Centre and month. allocation.Aspertheaffidavit,the tion for oxygen by the Centre, ambulances will be added. “This mand of oxygen and ventilator Government of India that the that regard, police has taken
equipped with oxygen supply. “So far, we have set up a 30- state has seen a daily increase of Maharashtra tops the list with willdefinitelygoalongwayinre- (equipped) beds, use of state requires approximately 4 strict action across the state
The initiative, possibly for the bed facility. All the arrange- 8-9 per cent of oxygen require- 1,661 MT, followed by Gujarat ducingthetimelagandthewait- Remdesivir is of great signifi- lakh injections, therefore, in- wherever guidelines were being
first time in the history of the ments have been completed ment on an average since April 1. with 975 MT, Uttar Pradesh with ing period for patients to be ad- canceinreducingthestay(of pa- crease the allotment on priority. violated...”
district, was taken after the vil- and in next couple of days we Gujarat is also supplying oxygen 753 MT and Madhya Pradesh at mitted in hospitals.” tients) in hospitals, thus giving This issue is being rigorously fol- “The state government had
lage saw a surge in Covid-19 will start treating the patients daily to Maharashtra, Rajasthan, 543MT.Goahasbeenallocateda Asperthestate’srecords,also somerelief inmakingbedsavail- lowed up... As on date, the entire made it compulsory to register
cases and deaths. here,” he said. Madhya Pradesh and Daman. dailyof11MToxygenandJammu mentioned in the affidavit, it has able to those in need. Looking at stock (with the Gujarat govern- at the government portal for
Tankaria sarpanch Usman The centre's convenor Yunus InthecommunicationofApril and Kashmir another 12 MT. a total of 687 emergency ambu- the current demand and supply ment)isclearedbytheendof the marriages in advance and using
Adam said, “The second wave of Patel told The Indian Express: 16 addressed to Guruprasad As per the state government, lances across the state dealing forecast,thestatewillrequireap- day," the affidavit submitted by database from the portal, police
the pandemic has been particu- “We have already taken permis- Mohapatra, secretary to govern- suppliers directly supply oxygen with3,544emergencycaseseach proximately4lakhsinjectionsin Ravi states. teams visited 3,244 wedding
larly dangerous. At least seven sion from the local district ad- ment of India in department for to 61 hospitals and to 77 bottlers day on an average. Each ambu- the least. Therefore, we request As per data on the state-wise ceremonies across the state on
villagers have succumbed to the ministrative authorities. The promotion of Industry and who in turn supply bottled oxy- lance per day deals with around you to support us with the sup- allocation of Remdesivir from April 25 in which 146 cases of
infection in the previous 24 Sheikhul Islam Trust and Internal Trade, Mukim stated, “A gen. Three other hospitals have five emergency patients, with a plyofextra4lakhsRemdesivirin- April21to30,assubmittedinthe mask violation and 61 cases of
hours. When we shared the Anjuman Trust of Bharuch, total of eight manufacturers are pressureswingabsorptionplants an average response time of 48 jection to meet the state's in- affidavit,1,63,500injectionshave Covid related guidelines viola-
grim stories with the leaders which run several clinics in the currently manufacturing 1,100 tomakeoxygendirectlyfromair. minutesandanother38minutes creasing demand." been allocated to Gujarat — the tions were registered. A total of
from the village who are staying district, have supported our mis- metrictonnesof medicaloxygen Addressing the issue of long spent at the hospital, waiting. The communication is a part second-highest among the 14 78 persons were also arrested in
abroad, they suggested that a sion by providing doctors and inthestate...However,thecurrent ambulance wait faced by many Providing the testing data of the annexures of the affidavit states under oxygen allocation. these cases,” the statement
Covid Care Centre could be nursing staff. We have got per- Covid-19situationhaswarranted citizens,itwassubmittedthat108 from April 1 to April 23, it was submittedbytheprincipalhealth The highest allocation has been added.
opened at the Darul Uloom, mission to start a 100-bed Covid an increase in the oxygen de- ambulance service is the “only statedthatof the33.62lakhtests secretary before the high court. keptforMaharashtraat2,69,200 From December 19, 2020, to
which also has the largest hall in Care Centre but we are starting mand... Gujarat is also supplying modalitythroughwhichapatient conductedinthestate,13.14lakh The state submitted that un- injections. Gujarat is followed by April 25, 2021, a total of 17,571
the village.” with 30 beds initially. We will around 100 metric tonnes of cangetadmissioninAhmedabad were RT-PCR tests, that is less tilApril30,theperdayallocation UttarPradeshwhere1,22,800in- weddingswerecheckedand727
Due to the pandemic, Adam increase the number of beds medical oxygen to neighbouring Corporation and government than40percent.Thestatehasnot ofRemdesivirhasbeenstipulated jections have been allocated. A cases were registered for mask
said, students of the Islamic gradually.” states. Looking at the current de- quota (beds) in private hospi- seen any increase in its share of at16,500injectionsfortheentire majorityofGujarat'sallocationfor violation and 149 cases were for
school were already at home Not only Tankaria villagers mand and supply forecast, the tals...” RT-PCR tests despite the ICMR state, with distribution now be- theperiodof 10dayswillbesup- violation of other Covid guide-
and the hall closed. This, Adam but also people from neighbour- state will require approximately It was submitted that in gov- recommending that at least 70 ing decided at the all-India level, plied by Zydus Cadila (1.20 lakh), lines.
added, was possibly for the first ing villages is expected to bene- 1,500 metric tonnes of medical ernment hospitals, treatment is per cent of the total tests should which is significantly lower than Mylan (15,000) and Hetero A total of 254 persons were
time in the history in Bharuch fit from the initiative, Patel said. oxygenshortly,therefore,making meted out to every patient, in- be RT-PCR. the earlier allocation of approxi- (14,500), it stated. arrested, it said.

Fresh Covid cases
see dip; drop
Karnataka shuts for 14 days No lockdown, curbs
to be enforced
in Lucknow’s as Covid cases, deaths rise measuresbeingtakenweremore
strongly: Pinarayi
numbers: UP govt
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE likeaCovidcurfew,andnotalock- As part of fresh curbs, a
BENGALURU,APRIL26 down. SHAJU PHILIP maximum of 50 persons would
Karnataka has already been THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, be allowed at places of worship
WITHMOUNTINGCovid-19cases under a semi lockdown over the APRIL 26 after ensuring social distancing.
cials said. and deaths in Karnataka and it's past week with hotels, restau- All social, religious, political and
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE “A slight decline is coming in capital city Bengaluru, the state rants, gyms, bars, clubs not al- NO LOCKDOWN will be placed cultural events have been sus-
LUCKNOW, APRIL 26 the infection rate, which is a governmentMondayannounced lowed to have customers. in Kerala but more curbs would pended until further orders.
good indication. The Chief ashutdownfor14daysbeginning Bengaluruhasbeenunderanight be required to fight the second Number of persons for funeral
THE UTTAR Pradesh govern- Minister has ordered during the Tuesday,April27.Themovecame curfew and a weekend curfew wave of the Covid-19 pan- was limited to 20 and that for
ment on Monday claimed that review meeting to be in touch following a Cabinet meeting since April 19. demic. marriage to 50. All marriages
fresh Covid-19 cases have de- with people in home isolation chaired by Chief Minister BS “Theconditionsinthepresent Chief Minister Pinarayi should have to be registered
clined in the state, with 33,574 and provide the required med- Yediyurappa Monday morning. situationwillcontinueandessen- Vijayan announced the deci- with the state government
new cases being recorded in a icines. While efforts are being “To stop the spread of Covid, Migrants in Bengaluru leave for their hometowns after the tialserviceswillbeavailablefrom sion on Monday after an all- covid-19 portal.
24-hour period even as the made to improve the oxygen strong measures are being initi- Karnataka government announced the shutdown. PTI 6 am to 10 am. Bars and restau- party meeting here. Speaking Counting of votes for the
number of active cases in the supply, action is being taken ated.Fromtomorrow,for14days, rants can provide takeaway serv- to reporters, Vijayan said all po- Assembly elections is sched-
state breached 3 lakh. against hospitals, which are there will be strict measures for ice,” the Chief Minister said. litical parties had agreed with uled to take place on May 2.
“In the last three days, fresh spreading false rumours of the whole state. There will be low rules and prevent this from iceswillnowbecurtailedfortwo Yediyurappa said the govern- the government’s stand that a “However, considering the
Covid-19 positive cases have shortage,” said Additional Chief scopetobuyessentialitemsfrom happening,” he said. A record weeks. Attendance at marriages ment will seek postponement of complete lockdown was not grim situation in the state,
gone down in the state. There Secretary (Information) 6amto10am.After10am,alles- numberof34,804Covid-19cases has been restricted to 50 people allpollsinthestateforsixmonths. needed. more stringent restrictions
is no shortage of beds, oxygen Navneet Sehgal. tablishments must shut down. werereportedonSundayinclud- and at funerals to five persons. He said the movement of goods Although fresh curbs would would be required. On the day
and life-saving drugs in the Otherthanthegarmentsector,all ing 20,733 in Bengaluru. There “There will be no shortage of and cargo within the state and be implemented in a stricter of counting of votes on May 2,
state,” ANI quoted Chief
Lucknow hospitals not manufacturingsectorcompanies have been a record 1,200 deaths oxygen henceforth since the acrossitsborderswillbeallowed. manner, the government does all parties have agreed to aban-
Minister Yogi Adityanath as giving beds: BJP MP can function. In the garment sec- reported in Bengaluru in April so Centre has agreed to provide 800 Yediyurappaalsoannouncedthat not want to see construction don victory processions. At
saying. Lucknow: A day after tor,therearesixtosevenlakhem- far including 867 in the last 10 metrictonnes.TheCentrewillalso the Cabinet had decided to pro- and manufacturing sectors counting centres or its prem-
“In the last four years, we Mohanlalganj MP Kaushal ployedanditmustnotbeasource days. In an order issued on provideRemdesivirsupplies,”the vide vaccines free of cost at gov- coming to a standstill, Vijayan ises, public would not be al-
established 32 oxygen plants in Kishore’s elder brother died of of spread of infections. The con- Monday night, Karnataka Chief Chief Minister said. ernment facilities for those in the said. “All productive sectors lowed.
the state. At present, we have Covid-19, the BJP leader wrote struction sector can be opera- Secretary P Ravikumar said, “The “The Covid pandemic is 18 to 45 age group. “In govern- should move ahead with eco- Only officials would be al-
72 oxygen tankers transporting to Chief Minister Yogi tional.Medicalandessentialserv- stategovernmentissatisfiedthat spreading in a big way. The cases ment hospitals, those aged be- nomic activities. Hence, the lowed entry at the centres. The
oxygen to hospitals across all Adityanath on Monday, ex- ices will function,” Yediyurappa thecurrentcircumstancerequires inBengaluruandsurroundingar- tween18and45willbeprovided government is dropping the entry would be limited to those
districts in the state,” he added. pressing concern over the state said. more aggressive containment eas are on the rise and the cases free vaccines. The health depart- idea of complete lockdown. who have taken two doses of
As per the state Health of affairs at two government “Ifthesituationdoesnotcome measures to break the chain of havenowexceededthenumbers mentwillcomeupwiththeplans. Agriculture, industry, SMEs, vaccine or otherwise those who
Department's bulletin, the hospitals in the Lucknow. He under control in two weeks, we transmission.” Intra- and inter- in Maharashtra,” Yediyurappa The Central government is also NREGS and such sectors should have a RT-PCR test negative cer-
number of active cases has also also sought action against those willtakeadecisiononcontinuing statetravelisallowedonlyincase said after the Cabinet meeting. providing vaccines free of cost,” function while maintaining tificate, obtained within 72
started to decline in some of “failing to provide facilities to the shut down. People must fol- of emergencies and metro serv- Members of the Cabinet said the Yediyurappa said. Covid-19 protocol,” he said. hours,” Vijayan said.
the worst-hit districts like patients despite availability of
Lucknow and Varanasi. beds” at these hospitals.
Active cases in Lucknow,
which stood at 52,068 on
Sunday, dropped to 50,627 on
Kishore claimed that there
were empty beds at King
George's Medical University
Ranchi: Jharkhand CM “In these troubled times, will be paid one month of
Monday with the recovery of
6,035 cases as against 4,566
new cases in the last 24 hours.
(KGMU) “but no new admis-
sions [of Covid patients] are
being done”, and demanded
lack of supervision by senior cops Hemant Soren on Monday
nounced one month’s addi-
Corona warriors are work-
ing day and night.
Therefore, the state
their salary as encourage-
ment money.” ENS

In Varanasi too, the number of that inquiry be ordered. wrong side of law. This court has ing the theft. tional salary to doctors and government has de-
active cases dropped from He also alleged that at ANANDMOHANJ found in several cases of riots in the On March 18, Ahmad gave a de- medical workers employed cided that doctors
17,321 on Sunday to 16,083 on Balrampur hospital in Lucknow, NEWDELHI,APRIL26 entire length and breadth of police tailedcomplaintonhowamobof200- during the second surge of and medical work-
Monday, according to the gov- there are 20 ventilators but only stationsinNortheastDelhithatthere 250peoplewasmobilisedusingapub- Covid-19 pandemic. ers employed in
ernment bulletin data. five are operational. Kishore said ADELHIcourtonMondaydismisseda was complete lack of supervision of licaddresssystem,where"aclarioncall In his post, Soren said, Covid related works
There has been a slight de- that if patients die because of reviewpetitionfiledbypolicechalleng- investigation(s) by senior police offi- was given to persons of a particular
crease in the number of active unavailability of oxygen- ing a Metropolitan Magistrate's order cers of the district. All is not over yet. communitytovandaliseandputonfire Phone/Fax:-0135-2531152
cases in Prayagraj also, but in equipped beds despite the fact over registering an FIR in a Northeast If theseniorofficersnowlookintothe thehousesofpersonsofanothercom- IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff
³f½f¸fÐ ½fÈØf, »fû.d³f.d½f., QZWXSXfQc³f
Kanpur Nagar, Meerut, that they are vacant in hospitals, Delhiriotscase,sayingthatin"several matter(s) and take remedial meas- munity". Ahmad's complaint was Office of the Superintending Engineer, 9th Circle PWD, Dehradun Uttarakhand
Website- E-mail:
Gorakhpur, Bareilly, there has those guilty should be booked cases" it has noticed a "complete lack uresrequired,sothatjusticecouldbe clubbedwithanothercomplaintwith ´fÂffaI 2174/1Àfe-9/21 dQ³ffaI : 26/04/2021
been a rise in active cases, offi- for murder. of supervision of investigation(s) by given to the victims." no accused named. VfbdðX ´fÂf (Corrigendum)
senior police officers of the district". Aspercourtrecords,NisarAhmad FollowingargumentsbyAhmad's BÀf I f¹ffÊ»f¹f I e BÊ-d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Àfa.-2063/1Àfe.-9/21, dQ³ffaI 15.04.2021 IZ õfSf 05 ³fa.
I f¹fûË WZ °fb Sf¿MÑ e¹f ´fid°fÀ´f²ffÊ°¸fI A»´fI f»fe³f d³fd½fQf (BÊ-d³fd½fQf) Af¸fd³Âf°f I e ¦f¹fe ±fe, dªf³fI e
Additional Sessions Judge Vinod had filed a complaint with SHO lawyer,MRShamshad,aMetropolitan d³fd½fQf dQ³ffaI 20.04.2021 ÀfZ ´fûMÊ »f ´fS C´f»f¶²f I SfBÊ
Yadav observed: "I do not find any Gokulpuri on February 25, 2020, re- MagistrateonNovember19,2020,or- ªff³fe ±feÜ dIY³°fb IYûd½fOX-19 IZY ÀfaIiY¸f¯f IZY QÈd¿MX¦f°f »ffIYOXfCX³f WXû³fZ IZY IYfSX¯f A¶f CX¢°f
TRACKING THE SECOND SURGE substanceinthepresentpetitionfiled
garding a mob vandalising and loot-
ing his house. Ahmad claimed police
in this case -- which was challenged
IYf¹fûË IYe d³fd½fQfEZÔ e-tender portal ´fSX dQ³ffaIY 07.05.2021 ÀfZ CX´f»f¶²f WXû¦feÜ
d³fd½fQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f VfZ¿f Vf°fZË ¹f±ff½f°fÐ SWZÔ ¦feÜ

421 NEW CASES: 3,10,325

hasevidentlybeenfoundtobeonthe tookdownasmallcomplaintregard- by police. (Ba.OXe.´fe. dÀfaWX)
A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff

ACTIVE CASES: 28,73,530

³f½f¸fÐ ½fÈØf, »fû.d³f.d½f., QZWXSXfQc³f
2,759 1,97,882 1.73% 1.45%

TESTS TODAY: 17,65,884 | TOTAL TESTS: 28,10,87,061



■ Maharashtra 48,700 6,74,770 23.49% 1,43,42,716
■ Uttar Pradesh 33,551 3,04,199 16.13% 1,17,83,880
■ Karnataka 29,744 2,81,061 16.38% 86,73,594
■ Kerala 21,890 2,33,093 20.43% 68,47,062
■ Delhi 20,201 92,358 32.79% 30,03,495 GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA
1st Corrigendum to Bid Identification No. Tender-Online-C.C. 08 of 2021 Dated 13.04.2021 invited vide this office
DEATHS DEATHS CFR CFR Lr. No. 2074 dated 13.04.2021
The List of works appeared at SI. 11 to SI. 16 of the Annexure to N.I.T. No. Tender-Online-C.C.-08 of 2021 issued vide this office Lr. No.
■ Maharashtra 548 67,161 1.16% 1.94% 2074 Dt- 13.04.2021 pertaining to R.W. Division, Nayagarh is here by replaced as under.
■ Delhi 380 14,628 4.00% 1.99% SI No. of the work in Name of work to be read Amount (Rs.
the Annexure to N.I.T. in lakhs)
■ Uttar Pradesh 249 11,414 1.98% 1.62% 11. Periodical Maintenance of 5 years completed PMGSY roads such as (a) Giridipalli to Jhadasahi (b) RD road Rs. 176.79
to Landabadu via. Luhuni (c) PWD road to Narasinghaprasad (d) RD road to Kusadhipi & (e) PWD road to
■ Chhattisgarh 226 7,536 1.80% 1.65% Bankatara under Package No. PM/NGR-1/01
12. Periodical Maintenance of 5 years completed PMGSY roads such as (a) Balugaon to Kodikahania (b) Rs. 129.69
■ Karnataka 201 14,627 2.08% 1.36% Raghunathprasad to Guptapalli (c) ODR to Khuntabandha (d) ODR to Narsinghaprasad (e) Gotirida to
Guando (s) RD road to D. Brundabanapur & (g) Lathipada to Nagpur under Package No. PM/NGR-1/02
Note:DataasonApr26;vaccinationnumbersasofApr25.Deathsincludethosecausedbycomorbidities. 13. Periodical Maintenance of 5 years completed PMGSY roads such as (a) Magarbandha to Fasipalli road & (b) Rs. 134.53
Godipada to Jakeda road under Package No. PM/NGR-1/03
14. Periodical Maintenance of 5 years completed PMGSY roads such as (a) RD road to Gaonbanikilo (b) NH-5 to Rs. 114.72
Gouorachandrapur (c) RD road to Routraypur under Package No. PM/NGR-1/04

Kerala eases File 10 lockdown 15. Periodical Maintenance of 5 years completed PMGSY roads such as (a) New Jagannath Sadak to
Gopinathpur (b) Kasanda to Katakpada (c) MDR-76 to Rajanagar road under Package No. PM/NGR-1/05
Rs. 147.76

Covid discharge cases a day, 16. Periodical Maintenance of 5 years completed PMGSY roads such as (a) RD road to Jasobantapur (b) RD to
Mardarajprasad (c) MDR-68 to Kainthapalli (d) RD road to Ramachandrapur (e) ODR to Balabhadraprasad &
(f) RD road to Badabhuin road under Package No. PM/NGR-1/06
Rs. 120.90

Mumbai Police told

norms to reduce
Sd/- Superintending Engineer
Central Circle, Rural Works, Bhubaneswar
OIPR- 25082/11/0005/2022
Mumbai: To intensify the crack-
load on hospitals down on lockdown violators,
higher officials in the Mumbai Odisha State Health & Family Welfare Society
police department have in- Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisha
SHAJU PHILIP structed all senior police in- Annex Building of SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751012
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, spectors of 94 police stations E-55 Email id: Phone No 0674-2392479/80/88(Fax)
APRIL 26 across the city to register at least Advt.No.10/21 Date: 27.04.21
10 cases of violation every day.
Hemant Soren on Monday took that the instruction had been is- HIRING SERVICES OF A CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FIRM FOR STATUTORY AUDIT OF
to social media and announced sued to ensure that the norms STATE HEALTH SOCIETY (SHS) & DISTRICT HEALTH SOCIETIES (DHSS) - (FOR THE
one month’s additional salary to set out by the Maharashtra gov- FINANCIAL YEAR 2020-21) UNDER NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION (NHM), ODISHA.
doctors and medical workers ernment are strictly followed by The Odisha State Health & Family Welfare Society (State Health Society) invites "Proposal for audit"
employed during the second citizens. ENS from firms of Chartered Accountants (CA) empanelled with C & AG of India and eligible for
surge of Covid-19 pandemic. conducting audit of major PSUs only for the year 2020-21 and having Head Office or Branch
With a spike in Covid-19 May lose 200-300 Office in Odisha State capital i.e Bhubaneswar for not less than three years as on 01.01.2021.
cases putting stress on Kerala’s Minimum payable fees fixed is Rs 15.69 lakh.
health infrastructure, the state
lives daily in 10 Detailed RFP: Detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) comprising Background, Terms of Reference
has allowed the discharge of pa- days: Goa minister (ToR) and Guidelines for submitting the proposal can be either downloaded from the state's website or this can be collected from the O/o Mission Director, National Health
tients suffering from a mild or
Mission, Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha, Annex Building of SIH&FW,
moderate form of the disease Panaji: Goa Health Minister
Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, PIN : 751012 between 28 April 2021 and 07 May 2021
without the rapid antigen test Vishwajit Rane Monday said a (10.30 am to 05.00 pm on all working days).
(RAT). As per the new discharge lockdowninGoawascrucialafter Important Dates:
norms, which comes into effect the state reported 38 deaths. I. Last date for collection of RFP from Office of SHS: 07 May 2021 (10.30 am to 05.00 pm)
from Monday, a patient in the Rane tweeted, “In my interaction II. Date of Pre-bid conference: 10 May 2021 (3.30 PM)
mild or moderate category can withexperts,Ihavebeentoldthat III. Last date for submission of Proposal to SHS: 17 May 2021 (3.00PM)
bedischargedwithoutRATif the wemightlose200-300morelives IV. Date of opening of Technical bid: 17 May 2021 (4.00PM)
patient is asymptomatic for 72 perdayinthenext10days, thesit- Venue for all the above activities: Conference hall of the Mission Directorate, NHM, Odisha.
hours. However, they have to re- uationisreallygrim....Iamconfi- Sd/-
main in home isolation for 17 dentthatHon’bleCMwilltakeour Mission Director, NHM, Odisha,
days from the day of onset of requestintoconsiderationonpri- OIPR- 10084/11/0004/2022
symptoms. ority”. ENS



Music is God's gift to man, the only art of
Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth
we take to Heaven. — WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR

The vaccine responsibility


It is Centre’s duty to assist states to combat
infectious disease. It also makes economic sense


It took a tsunami of outrage to wake someone up in IN TRAUMATISED INDIA, saving lives has be- at the cost of sacrificing the already under- Whatisinterestingaboutthecurrentpolit-
come the highest priority to be achieved by funded welfare programmes. icaleconomydiscourseisthetendencytotreat
Washington. India's vaccine diplomacy hurt domestic needs vaccinating70percentoftheadultpopulation Recently, the SII and BB announced their centralgrantsasbelongingto“theGoI”assep-

or 654 million people. This article seeks to pricing policy — Rs 400 and Rs 600 per dose aratefrom“them”thestates,eventhoughthe
FTER A WEEK of empty statements on India’s urgent requirement of raw analyse the implications of the new vaccine for the state government and Rs 600 and Rs money spent is from the direct and indirect
materials to ramp up vaccine production as it battles a gigantic second policy announcements on April 20. 1200 for private parties respectively. The SII taxespaidbythepeople.Thisisstrangethink-
wave of COVID, the United States has said it will “rapidly deploy additional In the past three months, only 40 per vaccineisavailableinEuropeanmarketsforRs ing as the Central government is legally obli-
support” to this country. But it evidently took a tsunami of outrage from cent of the 30 crore high-risk population 161perdose,Rs210($3)perdoseforGAVIand gatedtocontrolthe“interstatespreadofinfec-
Indians on social media — this time without government provided hashtags — about the were vaccinated, partly due to the initial vac- will be provided at Rs 150 to the Central gov- tiousdiseases”(Entry29oftheConcurrentList
cine hesitancy and later vaccine shortage. ernment.ThethirdentrantisSputnikthatpro- under Schedule VII of the Constitution).
hollowness of a strategic partnership that allows the US to so readily abandon an ally,
As mortality data of Wave II shows 44 per posestostartproductioninJuneandisconsid- Assistancetostatestocombatsuchdiseasesis
plus the revelation in US media that the country was sitting on a stockpile of 40 million cent deaths among 20-50 years, the govern- ering charging Rs 750 per dose. its fundamental duty. It is under such an un-
AstraZeneca (Covishield in India) vaccines that were unlikely to be used, and represen- ment has expanded eligibility criteria to in- The CEO of SII also made three interesting derstandingandbecauseofthewideexternal-
tations by leading experts that the Biden Administration should share these with coun- clude all adults from May 1. This expansion admissionsininterviews—thatthoughtheRs ities that infectious diseases entail, that the
tries in need. It apparently took all this for US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to step in the context of another 60 per cent target 150 per dose gives normal profits, the inten- Centrehasalwaysprocuredvaccinesandother
in and clear the air. But a historic opportunity was already lost. In a horrific week in which population yet to be vaccinated with a sin- tion is making super profits; that his (not the consumables for states under all National
gle dose, and uneven supplies, will result in nation’s)firstprioritywillbetosupplyvaccines Infectious Disease Control Programmes.
Indians grappled with ever new peaks of COVID numbers — new infections and deaths
distortions and inequities, with the more vo- to Maharashtra; and third, most worryingly, Besides, such an arrangement also makes
— the US seemed to be washing its hands of India’s crisis. It has sparked more questions cal and assertive in urban areas getting ac- What is interesting about the private sector will emerge as the main economic sense. In centralising procurement
in India about the several “strategic partnership” agreements between the two countries cess rather than the powerless and vulner- the current political providerofvaccinationsinthecountry,notthe andbeingthesolebuyer,governmentgetsthe
under the Biden Administration. After all, Trump donated ventilators to India at a time able in rural areas and urban slums. state governments. market power to obtain highly competitive
economy discourse is the Pricing is dependent on actual cost of in- rates and ensure robust quality assurance
when the pandemic was raging in his country, and Delhi responded by sending hydrox-
turing capacity is about 60-65 million doses tendency to treat central puts, expenditure incurred on clinical trials, processes and coordinate supplies based on
ychloroquine on his request.
Just weeks after the upbeat “Quad” summit, at which the leaders of Australia, India,
— 60 million by Serum Institute of India (SII) grants as belonging to ‘the sales promotion and small profit. For SII, in- transparent objective criteria. Secondly, gov-
and1-5millionbyBharatBiotech(BB)against GoI’ as separate from ‘them’ vestment has been minimal since the devel- ernmentalsohasthepowertocappricesofall
Japan and the US pledged to “collaborate to strengthen equitable vaccine access for the our final requirement of 1.45 billion doses to opment costs have been borne by Oxford essential drugs, based on the costing carried
Indo-Pacific”, a US State Department spokesman said “it’s not only in our interest to see cover70percentadults.India’sfailuretofirm
the states, even though the UniversityandAstraZeneca.Governmenthas out by the NPPA.
Americans vaccinated; it’s in the interests of the rest of the world to see Americans vac- upadvancepurchaseagreementswithother money spent is from the also extended emergency authorisation, be- Withtheincentivesofferedtoforeignplay-
cinated”. It should be obvious to all that the virus knows no borders. And that India, with vaccineproducersormovewithalacritywith direct and indirect taxes paid sidesRs3,000croreasgrant/advancepurchase ers,thereisnowamorecompetitiveenviron-
its sharp spike in cases in this wave, poses a global health threat. It is in the interests of the theSputnikapplicationisattributedtoamis- by the people. This is strange amount,inadditiontotheUSD300millional- ment.Intheeventofattemptsatcartelisation,
taken notion that SII and BB would be ade- ready received from GAVI to expand vaccine governmentcaninvokecompulsorylicensing
world to ensure that Indians are vaccinated.
quateforIndia’sneeds.Clearly,adetailedde- thinking as the Central production.ThoughtheGAVIgrantwasgiven and expand production through the 18 man-
It was reckless of India to give away or sell 66 million vaccines to countries across government is legally
mand-supplyanalysiswouldhaveenableda six months ago, SII does not seem to have ex- ufacturingcompaniesinIndia,boostingavail-
the world without securing supplies for its own people first. Vaccine Maitri was not more calibrated expansion of the eligibility obligated to control the pandeditsproduction.Ithasnowpromisedto ability at an administered price.
misplaced as long as it was restricted to countries in the neighbourhood looking to criteria. Government has announced three manufacture 100 m doses per month by July Simultaneously, GoI should aggressively take
‘interstate spread of
India for help. But shipping out millions of doses to faraway countries whose depend- importantdecisions:One,earmarking50per end. How much of this will be available for up with the US to support its demand for
cent of the capacity for GoI, the rest for the infectious diseases’ (Entry India is unclear. waiveroftheIPRonvaccinesandhelpexpand
ence on India is not as urgent was ill conceived. It only adds to the conclusion that the
Indian leadership was so focussed on patting itself on the back for conquering the virus open market; two, waiving bridging studies 29 of the Concurrent List Bharat Biotech’s Krishna Ella is on record its availability at affordable prices. In other
that no one was able to break out of the group think that seemed to have seized the gov-
formarketentryof foreignplayers;andthree, under Schedule VII of the that he might have spent about Rs 350 crore words, an intelligent use of authority by the
astonishingly, permitting companies to set for development of the vaccine that includes GoI can halve the estimated expenditure of
ernment. Now the “pharmacy of the world” is desperate for vaccines, and medical oxy- Constitution). It is under
the price. The utilisation of the vaccines by Phase 3 trials. With the Rs 1,500 crore grant aboutRs60,000croreandensureamoreeffi-
gen. It is far from atmanirbhar. the GoI is unclear — are they for states and if such an understanding and support from the Centre, BB hopes to expand cient utilisation of the saved funds to
so how much and on what terms, or for vac- because of the wide productionto700milliondosesperyearfrom strengthen health systems.
cine diplomacy, and from which quota will externalities that infectious the current level of 60 million. The next two years will be difficult. This is
the foreign obligations be met. Over seven states have announced their not the time to create monopolies and allow
diseases entail, that the

With every state individually contacting willingnesstoprocureforensuringfreevacci- profiteering.Instead,thisistheCIPLAmoment
thesuppliersandbargainingpriceandsupply, Centre has always procured nation to their people. So, while UP and Bihar when it took on the MNCs and crashed the
thediscretionwillbewiththesupplier—who vaccines and other do not even have decent laboratories, instead marketofHIV/AIDSdrugsfromUSD12,000to
tosellto,when,where,howmuchandatwhat consumables for states of spending their resources on building their USD300 per person saving millions of lives
It’s misguided moral outrage to call for an end to the IPL rate.Thiswillundoubtedlycreateinterstatein-
under all National Infectious
shatteredhealthdeliverysystem,theywillbe round the world. Needed is a commitment to
equities, wherethe poorerstates will stand to spending an estimated 0.47 per cent and 0.6 peoples’ welfare.
amid the pandemic Disease Control

sufferduetopoorbargainingpower,whilethe per cent of the SDP respectively for providing
HEINDIANPREMIERLeagueison,beingplayedinabio-bubbletoemptycricket better off may end up paying higher rates but Programmes. free vaccines. The writer is former Union health secretary
tobecalledoff.Asthesecondsurgeof thepandemicripsthroughthecountry,
with a record number of deaths and spikes of distress, they argue it is insensi-


tive and uncaring for the game to go on. But this is misguided moral outrage. It offers a false
choice between respecting the dead or fighting the pandemic and being distracted or even
entertained by a cricket match. One does not cancel out the other. The only valid argument
against scrapping a sporting event in the middle of a pandemic is if it violates safety proto-
colsorthreatenstobecomeasourceof contagionorif itdivertspreciousresources,whether
oxygenorlifesavingdrugs,thatcanbebetterputtouseincontainingthecurve.Noneofthese In Ramzan, fasting reinforces the humility and gratefulness at the heart of Islam
apply to the IPL.
True, three Australian players have opted out of the League, worried that they might
not be able to return home if the surge worsens in India. Off-spinner Ravichandran
Sameena Dalwai
Ashwin, too, has taken a break to help his family fight COVID-19. Those are personal
ISTARTEDfastingthisRamzanforthefirsttime ingpatientlyandpeacefully.Thebiggeststrug- the previous prophets, Moses, Abraham and
choices that must be respected. Indeed, the bubble can shield players from the reality
inmylife.Itwasanexperimentinputtingmind gle, jihad, is with one’s own self, as one must Jesus, his brothers. He was aware that all
of the pandemic only to a certain extent. For some, it might even be true that the riv- over matter and as a mark of solidarity with fightangerandarrogancelurkingwithinone- Abrahamicreligionsaregenealogicallybound.
eting contests in a sporting arena offer little solace when fellow citizens fight a deadly fastinginAfrica,Arabiaandmanycountriesof self. The Prophet proclaimed after winning a Then who were the Kaffirs? The word kufr
disease. But it is equally true that for millions more, cricket or cinema or music offers Asia. For years I had wondered: Why would a skirmishwithaQuraishcaravanonce,“Weare means defiant ingratitude. It applied to the
a reprieve. To grudge a few hours of escape to people under stress is to be a killjoy bent religionmakeitspeoplestarveandsuffer?The returningfromthelesserjihad(battle)andgo- Prophet’s own people, the Quraish, who
on planting a flag on the moral high ground. Finally, the IPL is a big money making ma- answerwasclearbytheendof mydayof fast- ing to the greater jihad”, referring to the im- wanted to continue the life of jahiliyyah and
ing. It teaches humility and gratefulness that menselydifficultstruggletoreformtheirown whose hearts were locked or sealed against
chine, generating ads and jobs that a strained economy must not disregard.
is at the heart of Islam. Karen Armstrong, the societyandhearts.Thisideaof innertransfor- the new message of humility.
But don’t cricketers have a responsibility to a country in crisis? As Olympian Abhinav historian of comparative religions, offers the- mation seems to resonate with Mahatma Jahiliyyah and kafirun are very much pres-
Bindrapointedouttothispaper,cricketersmustbemindfuloftheirprivilegeanduseitwell. ological and practical insights about Islamic Gandhi’s concept of satyagraha that urges in- entinourtimes.FromthoserunningtheIslamic
They can follow the lead of Australian Pat Cummins, who has donated $50,000 to the PM practices.She reminds usthatthewordIslam dividualstowintheiropponentswithpatience, State,usingviolencetoterroriseandtorture,to
CaresFund.TheBCCI,theworld’srichestcricketingboard,canuseitsconsiderableresources inArabicmeans“totalsurrender”—tothatone compassion and self-suffering. those showing off their wealth by lavish iftaar
God, who is creator, provider and destroyer. In Ramzan, as the day passes Self-suffering is integral to surrender. In parties. Several people in all religions, nations
and reach to raise both money and awareness. Having said that, the responsibility of fight-
When Muhammad, a merchant from without food and water, we Ramzan, as the day passes without food and and political parties have their hearts sealed
everyone — players or celebrities or foreign governments — accountable for an unfolding
Mecca, first received the call from Al Lah (The enter a most vulnerable water,weenteramostvulnerablestate.Aglass againstappealsof equityandjustice.
God) in 612 AD, he was meditating on the of waterbecomesmorevaluablethanpilesof InMecca,thenewreligionofIslambecame
health tragedy risks, ultimately, making no one accountable for it. state. A glass of water
problems that plagued Arabia, where tribal gold. Men and women, rich and poor, master popular amongst women, youth, slaves and
warfareandbloodshedwasontheriseandre- becomes more valuable than andservantallexperiencehungerpangs,apar- weaker clans. Arabia had the same custom of
ligiosity had deteriorated to mere ritualism. piles of gold. Men and ity of experience that can shatter arrogance. killing infant daughters that India struggles
Hispeople,theQuraish,wereaproudtribethat women, rich and poor, When we are hungry and thirsty, we tend to witheventoday.Thefirstpledgethenewcon-

ruled the city of Mecca. In early 7th century thinkof thosewhoarepoorandhavenofood. verts took was of no lying, no stealing, no in-
master and servant all Wefeelobligedtoshareourgoodfortuneand fanticide. They freed their slaves. The call for
theKabaandthepoorlivedontheoutskirtsof experience hunger pangs, a pay jakaat/zakat. What does the obligation to prayer from the first mosque in Medina was
thecity.Theinfirm,orphansandwidowswere parity of experience that can pay jakaat mean for current times? In Arabia, givenbyaformerslave.Theytreatedtheweak
Pt Rajan Mishra created, sang and taught music that exploited,theweakviewedwithdisdain.Ideas shatter arrogance. When we whenfoodwasscarceandsurvivaltough,food and infirm with respect and care.
of honour were inflated. Any slight, real or couldsufficeasjakaat.ButasmodernIndians, TodaywhenIseeHinduandMuslimmoth-
illuminated the future, was a bridge to the past are hungry and thirsty, we

imagined, would invite blood feuds. We use we can pay for the education of children or fi- ers lighting candles to Mount Mary, and peo-
the word jahil in Hindi/ Urdu for an ignorant tend to think of those who nanceprojectsthathelpintergenerationalmo- ple of all faiths kneeling before Haji Ali, I re-
HALA RE PARDESIYA naina laga ke… This famed dadra in the voices of Pt
Rajan and Sajan Mishra — shining names in Banaras gharana gayaki — will
person. Muslims understand it as the pre- are poor and have no food. bility of lower classes of all religions, not just member that Karl Marx said religion is the
Islamic “time of ignorance” or jahiliyyah. We feel obliged to share our Muslims. “opiumofthemasses’butalsothe“sighofthe
be a reminder of the music that survives death — music that, going forward, The new religion of Muhammad urged its Many may be surprised to realise that oppressed”.
matters the most. Pt Rajan Mishra, who passed away on Sunday evening followerstofollowjilm,anancientArabvirtue, good fortune and pay ProphetMuhammaddidnotusethewordkaf-
due to Covid-related complications, has gone much before his time, just short of his 70th whichmeantlivinglifetemperately,respond- jakaat/zakat. firfornon-believersornon-Muslims.Hecalled The writer teaches at Jindal Global Law School
birthday. As tabla maestro Ut Zakir Husain said in his video tribute, “We won’t bask in
the light of his greatness now.”
Born and raised in the narrow alleys of Kabir Chauraha — home to a number of illus-
trious musicians such as Pt Samta Prasad, Pt Kishen Maharaj and Sitara Devi among oth- APRIL 27, 1981, FORTY YEARS AGO
ers — in Banaras, Pt Rajan began learning the ropes of Banaras gharana khayal gayaki
along with his brother, Sajan. Their first and only gurus were famed sarangi players Pt FAVOURING RESERVATION manner in which the reservation policy has ILLEGAL TRAFFIC
Hanuman Mishra and Pt Gopal Mishra, their father and uncle respectively, who taught THE NATIONAL COUNCIL of the Bharatiya been implemented at the Centre and in the HARYANAFARMERSINcollusionwithtraders
them not just the sacredness of their art form but turned them into musicians who could Janta Party today heard several members states. are reported to be taking pre-sold wheat to
demand for reservation to be made on the Delhi straight from the fields, thus depriving
remain relatively untouched by the mayhem of “progress” in the arts. Pt Rajan was older,
he always showed the way forward to younger artists.
basis of economic backwardness and de- AASU BLAMES GOVT the state government of taxes. The farmers
scheduling of the affluent among the THE ALL-ASSAM STUDENTS Union (AASU) are offered up to 50 per cent profit on wheat
It’s difficult to talk about Pt Rajan’s music when it is not in conjunction with his Scheduled Castes and Tribes to check a few has directed its units in the state to prepare which is being quoted at Rs 160 to Rs 170 per
brother’s. One of the few successful classical duos in the country, Pt Rajan and Pt Sajan’s among them monopolising the benefits of for the next phase of agitation if an amica- quintal in Delhi. The trader circumvents reg-
music was nothing to do with jugalbandi, but all about sahgaayan, where the two mu- the scheme. A sizeable number of the 22 ble solution was not found to the aliens’ is- ulated mandis where he has to pay market
sicians amalgamate their music so well that it sounds as one. Their oeuvre has been members who participated in the four- sue through discussions, reports PTI. AASU fee and other taxes. As there are no zonal re-
filled with a number of compositions — bandishes, thumris, and bhajans — that they and-a-half hour discussion on the issue had president Prafulla Kumar Mahanta and strictions on the movement of wheat, farm-
moved amendments to the resolution also General Secretary Bhrigu Kumar Phukan, in erscantakeitoutof Haryanawithoutpaying
created, sang and taught. The two founded Viraam, a gurukul in Uttarakhand, where
suggesting an end to reservation for pro- a joint statement, said that the AASU would taxes. But the unscrupulous among them
they taught khayal singing, with rigour and affection, not like the difficult and unrea- motions. The resolution also called upon reciprocate at the conference table if the helpintheunauthorisedmovementthrough
sonable gurus of an earlier time. It was not his time to go. The musician’s memories the central government to publish a white government did not adopt a “one-sided barriersbypretendingtobegenuineowners
will resonate in the music he leaves behind. paper giving full facts about the extent and view” on the issue. of the stock being carried by trucks.




“If whatever little semblance of order that remains in Afghanistan collapses,
the worst sufferers will be the people of that country who have watched a variety
of local and foreign actors play violent power games in their beleaguered land.”

An unquiet neighbourhood Dear Julio

Efforts to end conflicts in Afghanistan and Myanmar are ongoing, but in neither country
do prospects for positive change look bright
Our attempts to help the state amidst a crisis
have been politicised and facts of the case
twisted by vested interests
Commissioner of Police more than once.
Subsequently, I tried to contact the
Commissioner of Police, Mumbai on his
landline,mobile phoneand throughsmses,
RAJA MANDALA but there was no response. However, I did
manage to speakto variousofficers andfig-
By C Raja Mohan uredthatitwasaplannedactionconducted
as per the instructions of political bosses in
EFFORTSTOENDtwomajorconflictsinIndia's the government. It was at this point, as you
neighbourhood have become intense. To the Devendra Fadnavis rightly said, I found it my moral obligation
east,theAssociationofSoutheastAsianNations not to let a person be victimised for agree-
(ASEAN) has produced a diplomatic opening AT THE outset, I would like to thank you ing to legally supply the much-awaited
with Myanmar’s military leadership over the for the kind words you have expressed drug to Maharashtra.
weekend.TheTatmadaw,asMyanmar’sarmy about my tenure as Maharashtra chief I didn’t go there unannounced. I had
is known, took charge of the nation in a coup minister. These words will inspire me to texted the CP about the developments and
in early February and has cracked down hard do better in my life. I also want to express had informed him that I was personally vis-
on protestors since. my utmost respect for you. We may agree iting the DCP office since there was no re-
To the west, a peace summit on to disagree on certain fundamental issues, sponsefromhim.Ihadalsoinformedthejoint
Afghanistan,seekingtoenddecadesofconflict but I have always been impressed by your CP,additionalCP,andDCP.Wesubmittedthe
there, was also scheduled to take place in straight-forward approach and profes- FDA order to the DCP who conceded that he
Istanbul over the weekend. It had to be post- sional integrity. had no knowledge of the order. I asked him
poned given the Taliban's refusal to join any I’m not writing this letter to counter whether they have specific intelligence that
such peace conference until all foreign forces the views expressed in your article. I take thiscompanyishoardingtheexportstockto
leaveAfghanistan.AlthoughtheUSandNATO the constructive criticism in the right whichtheysaidtherewasnospecificintelli-
have agreed to leave Afghanistan before spirit. I’m writing this letter only to clarify gence input. I told him to take action if they
September11,theTalibanhasrefusedtobudge. certain facts, which have been twisted and haveevidenceorinputofwrongdoing.Video
TheTalibanwantstodenudeKabulandits spread as truth by the fake narrative fac- footage of the entire episode is available.
international supporters of the last bit of their tory of the constituents of Maharashtra The joint CP and additional CP also
decliningmilitaryleveragebeforethetalksbe- Vikas Aghadi (MVA). reached the venue in 10 minutes. The offi-
gin.ScepticismabouttheTaliban’swillingness First and foremost, we (I and leader of cers privately discussed the issue with the
for peace has been high ever since the Trump opposition in the Legislative Council) were CP on the phone and subsequently allowed
AdministrationintheUSbeganengagingwith not procuring even a single vial of the director of the company to leave with
it in the summer of 2018. C R Sasikumar Remdesivir injection for the BJP. In fact, we the instruction that if required he would be
PoliticalforcesinMyanmarworrythatthe Kyiandunleashedmassiverepression.Political dividedonthenatureofthesolutions.Thisun- statedinourlettertothefoodanddrugsad- called again for questioning.
ASEAN initiative will only legitimise the coup reconciliation was found at the turn of the fortunatelymakestheconstructionofaninter- ministration (FDA) minister that we were Itcanbedebatedwhetheraformerchief
and give the military leadership time to con- 2010s, but the uneasy coexistence of the last nal settlement that much harder. only trying to facilitate and the FDA should ministershouldvisitapolicestationoraDCP
solidate. Similar concerns were expressed decade has broken down. In Myanmar, the ASEAN has set the ball procure it. We also offered that if there was office. I took a conscious decision to go to
whentheUSandtheinternationalcommunity Whileallcivilwarsaredifferent,thereare rolling byagreeingthat a specialenvoy willbe anyproceduralproblem,wewouldbearthe stop the victimisation of a person just be-
began to negotiate with the Taliban over the atleastthreecommonthemesinanyeffortat travelingtotheregionandwillengagewithall cost. The LoP, Legislative Council, person- causehehadagreedtohelpthestateonour
heads of the elected government in Kabul. peace and reconciliation. The first is about partiestotheconflict.Itremainstobeseenthe ally met the FDA minister along with the call and not on government’s call which
It is arguably easier to produce peace set- ending violence. In Afghanistan it has been kind of terms that Myanmar might set for the manufacturer to finalise the modalities of never approached him.
tlements between states by finding compro- near impossible to get a resurgent Taliban to visit and the dialogue with the opposition. supply. An official letter was thereafter is- Ashomeminister,Inevercompromised
miseswherepossible,finessingdifficultissues agreetostopitsattacksongovernmentforces Peacediplomacy,however,isreinforcedby sued by the FDA to the same manufacturer, the dignity of the office. Let me assure you
wherenecessary,glossingovercomplexprob- or the civilian population. It has certainly carrots and sticks. The US is hoping that the permitting him to supply the said drug ex- that I would not hesitate to apologise to
lemswithdiplomaticlanguagethatcanbein- stopped violence against the US forces, but it Talibanwillmoderatesomeof itshardlinepo- clusively to the state of Maharashtra. So, no even a police constable if I have wronged
terpretedindifferentways,andkickingthecan appears determined to push for a complete sitions given its need for significant interna- way could they have supplied the drug to him. I appreciate and respect your views
down the road on the most complex issues. military victory. tionaleconomicassistanceforreconstruction, anyoneotherthanMaharashtra.Eventually, and will try to handle such incidents differ-
Thosegeneraltechniquesareindeedmuch TheASEANinitiativeinMyanmarcallsfor politicallegitimacyaswellastheawarenessof in an interview, the FDA minister has also entlyinfuture.Iwouldcertainlytrytomod-
hardertoapplywhenitcomestocivilwars.The an immediate cessation of violence and ut- thecostsofwinningpowerinKabulinopposi- conceded as much and said that the quota erate my impulses as suggested by you.
stakes for warring parties within a nation are most restraint from all sides. The opposition tion to the US and the West. In Myanmar, too, was meant for Maharashtra. We believe that as the Opposition, we
muchhigher.Oneelementistogaindominant demanding restoration of democracy might theinternationalcommunitywillhopethemil- Why did I visit the DCP office? One of should not merely point fingers but also try
control over the state. The fear of the winner findthisratherironic,sinceitisthearmythat itary would want to avoid the risks of political the directors of the manufacturing com- and help the state in a crisis, using our re-
taking all is real and power-sharing arrange- is employing violence and has shown scant isolation and economic punishment. pany had got a call that day from the OSD sourcesandcontacts.Itiswiththisintention
mentsaredifficulttonegotiateandimplement. restraint. As in Afghanistan, so in Myanmar, But how the Taliban and the Myanmar of a minister asking him how he was pro- that the LoP, Legislative Council, went to
More often than not, civil wars have their persuading the main perpetrator of violence armycalculatethesecostsandbenefitscould viding the drug on the request of the LoP. Daman to meet members of the industry. I
originineithersharplydivergentperceptions to stop is not easy. beverydifferent.Bothhavelongexperienceof The director replied that he was giving it to spoke to the concerned Union minister to
about organising and governing the society ThesecondthemeintheASEANinitiative Peace diplomacy, however, is surviving external pressure and enduring the government and the matter had been help the manufacturer obtain a loan licence
or in deep ethnic, religious, regional and lin- — “constructive dialogue among all parties” sanctions.Theycanalsobetontheunsustain- discussed with the FDA minister. The same with an agreement that the major share of
guisticcleavages.Unlikestatesthatcannego- to “seek a peaceful solution” — is also com-
reinforced by carrots and abilityof externalpressureoverthelong-term evening,anassistantpoliceinspectorincivil the drug will be delivered to Maharashtra.
tiate in a cold-blooded manner about inter- mon to all peace processes. But getting the sticks. The US is hoping that andhopetoexploitthedifferencesamongthe dress went to him to lay a trap by asking Wedidnotexpectthatourgenuineeffortto
ests,near-termandlong-term,andfindways parties to move towards productive engage- the Taliban will moderate major powers. him to supply Remdesivir, which he flatly help in a crisis will be politicised. Fake and
of reconciling them, partially or in full, politi- ment is easier said than done. The Taliban some of its hardline What matters in any civil war, in the ulti- refused. After this trap failed, a group of 8 forgedvideosandstorieswerecirculatedby
cal passions drive civil wars and it is hard to found all kinds of excuses to delay a dialogue mateanalysis,isthebalanceofforcesbetween to 10 policemen and an officer visited his supportersof theMVAgovernmentandpo-
step back and accept solutions that do not withtheKabulgovernmentthatitalwayssaw
positions given its need for rivalforcesorafundamentalrethinkingof po- home. They confiscated his phones and litical parties such as the AAP. I will be initi-
meet the original demands. as illegitimate. So far, it has avoided one. In significant international sitions by the warring parties. took him to the police station. The LoP, leg- ating legal proceedings against them.
Notwocivilwarsarethesame.Thecontext Myanmar,thearmymightbereadytoengage economic assistance for Few civil wars have seen the kind of islative council, met me and expressed the
and issues at hand in Afghanistan and the opposition in a prolonged dialogue and reconstruction, political massive external effort to change the inter- apprehension that some foul play was on. The writer is a former chief minister
Myanmarareindeeddifferent.Butbothhavea defuse international pressure; but it will be nal dynamics as in Afghanistan; but to no InarratedthedevelopmentstotheJoint of Maharashtra
longhistory.ThesourcesoftheAfghanconflict hardforthevictimsof thecouptoacceptadi- legitimacy as well as the avail. In Myanmar, it is not clear how far the
go back to the late 1970s; since then we have alogue on the army’s terms. awareness of the costs of international community might go. Nor is
seen different phases of the conflict — the rise That leaves the final theme of the peace winning power in Kabul in there evidence of fresh thinking among the
and fall of a left-wing government, Soviet oc-
process — the role of third party mediators.
opposition to the US and the
West. In Myanmar, too, the
stronger parties in the two nations. The
prospects for positive change in Afghanistan LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
followed the Russian retreat, the 9/11 attacks, has long been internationalised. All major and Myanmar, then, do not look too bright in
and the US military intervention that is now powers, including regional actors and neigh- international community the near term.
drawing to a close. bours, have acquired stakes in the way the will hope the military would BRIDGE TRUST DEFICIT
cent, the tension between civil-military rela-
Afghan conflict is resolved.
Most of them are involved one way or an-
want to avoid the risks of The writer is director, Institute of South Asian
Studies at the National University of THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘State of
tions is not new. Back in 1988, the army an-
other in the various formats of the peace
political isolation and
economic punishment.
Singapore and contributing editor on
international affairs for The Indian Express
distrust’ (IE,April 26). The J&K adminis-
tration’s latest order shows that every-
thing is not hunky-dory in the Valley. ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
Dismissal or other punitive action
against government employees al- ● THEDIP AND THE DIVIDE:

Everyone’s war
legedly found in “anti-national” activi- HARSHAVARDHAN
tieswithoutholdinganyinquiryisarbi- PURANDARE AND SANDEEP
trary and draconian. The need of the PANDEY
hour is to bridge the trust deficit vis-a-
vis theKashmirisduring thepandemic. ● MUSLIM WOMEN’S RIGHT
InCovidcrisis,India’srichmustopentheircoffers;allcitizensmuststepup SHAMSHAD AND
Raghu Raman THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Centre’s
second shot’ (IE, April 26). It is evident
THE MINDSPACE of every citizen is seized to address national security and law and or- again because they face starvation in addition paying for their dosages, thus relieving pres- that the government has construed de-
with the pandemic in their professional and der for 1.3 billion people. Also, our security to COVID. As James Baldwin pointed out, the sure on the state resources needed for mil- centralisation and greater autonomy to
personal remits. Bureaucrats, administra- forces,likeourhealth,hygieneandotherfront- mostdangerouscreationofanysocietyarepeo- lions more. Rich corporates, religious and thestateswithrespecttothevaccination yondquestion.Butoverthedecades,in-
tors and political leaders are occupied coor- lineworkersarenotaninexhaustibleoranun- ple who have nothing more to lose. No quasi-religious entities must open their re- driveinapalpablyabsurdmanner.Inthe fluential members of the elite services
dinating resources and few have the band- tiring resource. covenantof governancecanholdif themajor- servesandputcashinthehandsof thelowest faceof anunfetteredprivatevaccination begantoenjoymoreinfluenceintheaf-
width to focus on the socio-economic Considerthesecuritypersonnel,forexam- ityfeelcrushedbyinequitabletreatment,they stratausinginstrumentslikesalaryadvances, drive and deteriorating services of gov- fairs of the state than even some politi-
onslaught that is yet to come. But this fog of ple.Indiahasabout1.5millionpersonnelinits willhitback.Itmightfeelsafeandinsulatedin- interest-freeloansanddonations.Institutions ernmenthospitals,thecommonpeople cians. The checks and balances of the
chaos must not obscure the strategic dan- armed forces who are already under heavy sidethegatedcommunitiesbutopulencecan- like the NCC and volunteer students must be mightbeconfrontedwithunbridledvac- permanent executive remains in its
gers looming over the horizon. commitment in our western and eastern notwithstandtherageofthedeprivedforlong. trainedinfirst-responsetreatmentsonamis- cine prices in the coming future. ownhandsandmakesitimmunetoex-
There has always been a stark imbalance fronts. Additional troops have been pinned If we are waging a war against the pan- sion-modetimeline.Idlecapacity,likeprivate Shreya Singh, Mumbai ternal scrutiny.
between the law and order situation in India down in Kashmir since the abrogation of demicthenwemustrememberthatwaristoo buses,privateaircraftsandunoccupiedbuild- Sudip Kumar Dey, Kolkata
andgovernment’swherewithaltoaddressthe Article 370. The situation of Central Armed importantabusinesstobelefttogeneralsorfor ings, must be commandeered for the war ef-
same. This pandemic will wreck the already
fragile equilibrium between order and disor-
Police Forces (CAPFs) is probably worse. They
have been shunted around the country chas-
that matter politicians. The pandemic is ar-
guably the biggest crisis faced by our nation.
civil and allied services should be recalled to THIS REFERS TO the article ‘Where we
der. It is only a matter of time before despera- ing one assignment after another with no And the only silver lining in a national crisis is augment administrative bandwidth espe- went wrong’ (IE, April 26). It's not that This refers to the article, ‘Complicit in
tiondrivesthehave-notstoexpresstheiranger respite,leaveordowntime.Andbecauseofthe thatcommoncitizenstakeituponthemselves cially at headquarters. everyone went wrong. Individuals genocide’ (IE, April 26). I humbly
andfrustrationunlawfully.Already,pettytheft exposureintheirwork,statepolicepersonnel to assist each other and contribute to the war If the COVID onslaught were to be com- who were clued in about the second disagree with it. A similar petition was
and crimes are escalating. Reports of looting have been ravaged with a disproportionate effort — as witnessed in the first migration of pared to a type of war, it would be what the surge were taking precautions. People filed in 2018, and was dismissed by
lifesavingresourcesbycitizenssignalsignsofa percentage of COVID cases. The efficacy of workers when hundreds of volunteer groups armycallsFIBUA,orfightinginbuilt-upareas. who took it easy and thought they had the SC, so the present judgment is not
breakdown. The problem will be exacerbated these organisations will further diminish helpedtotalstrangers.Whilethegovernment Thesekindsofoperationsarenotwonbyover- got an opportunity to earn again have unconventional. As far as the non-
because of depletion of police forces and their when their (already understaffed and over- may formulate macro-level policies like im- whelming weaponry or resource superiority. suffered a lot. refoulement obligations are
distractionfromregularpolicingandadminis- worked)strategicandoperationalleadersstart ports of oxygen and medicines, it’s the sheer Instead, they are fought doggedly, street to Priyanshu Mahla, New Delhi concerned, it is important to note that
trative activities. Once this imbalance begins, succumbing. There is simply no capacity to selfless energy and ingenuity of ordinary citi- street, house to house and room to room, un- it can be enforced only between
The relationship between order and dis-
spare if the security or the law and order situ-
ation starts to deteriorate.
zens which provides last-mile connectivity
insteadof waitingforsomeoverarchingsilver
IMMUNE TO SCRUTINY “contracting states”.
refoulement obligation cannot be

order in a society is delicate. Governance is Bereaved, afraid and frustrated citizens the battle to take back control from the pan- strategy, we need to fight the pandemic with THIS REFERS TO the article ‘In defence paramount to Article 19(1)(e) of the
based on covenants promising solace to law- transform into angry mobs mercurially. demic must begin. thousandsof imaginativeideasandsmallop- of bureaucracy’ (IE, April 26). The role Constitution, which is meant only for
abiding citizens and retribution to law break- Millions of citizens have been pushed into India’shavesmustopentheircoffersindi- erationstodefeatitatthelocallevel.Thisisin- of the civil services in preserving the citizens.
ers. No government can govern without this poverty adding to abject inequity. Even as the rectactiontohelpthehave-nots.Thenewvac- deed every man’s war. unity and integrity of the country is be- Yash Sinha, Mumbai
pact because even the strongest has less than middleclassisstrugglingforairandmedicines, cinationpolicyoffersanopportunityforevery
10 million armed forces and police personnel millions of poor are compelled to migrate yet individual to assist those less privileged by The writer is founding CEO, NATGRID


OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
No doubt you are You don't need
busy with telling that it's not all
professional cares plain sailing at the
and concerns, and moment, yet it is
the signs suggest that you will only a matter of time before you
continue to be so for some time begin to see the reward for all
yet. What motivates you is a your wonderfully splendid
desire to be respected by your selfless hard work and effort.
peers. It's not good enough to And while you're at it, don't
make demands though, you worry about rumours. They're
actually have to come up with just that rumours.
the goods.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) The answer to social
As far as romance is irritations lies in
concerned, you can teamwork and
expect your mood to genuine
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson improve now that compromise, but don't let
Venus is moving into a others take you for a ride. If the
benevolent aspect to your sign. direction at work is unclear you
Your feelings may be drawn must consider all the options as
towards general romantic carefully as possible. You have
hopes as much as to a particular to narrow down the choices
person. But I have a feeling that until there are just two left.
when the bill comes, you
ACROSS DOWN may pay much more than is SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22)
1 Making a pass into a path 1 Variety of tulip bulb could be really necessary. You're in a gambling
(7) (3,2) mood and a small
4 Father has a hand in fruit 2 Main source of strength for a GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) flutter won't hurt.
production (5) nation (3,5) Youmaybedreaming However, if any
7 What a change in the weather! 3 Possibly get Ray to go round of wealthandriches, important deals are on the
(4) (6) butwhilethisisa stocks it's essential to seek a
8 Insect with a lot to learn? 4 Now it’s gift time positiveperiodfor second opinion. The issues are
(8) (7,3) conjuringupmoney-making too great for any one person to
10 Playthings? (10) 5 It may be powder or cream schemes,itmaynotbethebest handle - even you! And,
12 A meeting place in the (4) timetoputthemintopractice,at however enthusiastic you are,
suburban street? (6) 6 Road now ready to be leastnotwithoutexpertadvice. you must carry partners along
13 Tasted differently it’s said ambushed (7) Unless,thatis,you'recompleting with you.
15 He has a burning desire
9 Facial feature that attracts
visitors (6,4)
MARVIN by Tom Armstrong apropertydeal.
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Whatever you're
(10) 11 Flight path?
Foraverylongtime planning at work or
18 It’s fat and very wet (8)
manyof youhave at home, you must
(8) 12 A game to cut short
beendrawntowards start making
19 Clean the decks for surgical (7)
artisticactivities. preparations now, that is, if you
inspection perhaps 14 This drink can go a hundred
Someof youhaveyettofeelthis haven't done so already. As soon
(4) years back
pullbut,whenitcomes,you as you begin any new venture,
20 An important occasion for an (6)
mustgoalongwithitas unexpected complications will
Eastern airway (5) 16 The shed has a taxi in
otherwiseyouwillsquander inevitably surface. But you'll
21 Continue to make a fuss (5)
yourtalents.Itcouldbethebest turn the tables in about ten
(5,2) 17 Family row (4)
waytofocusyoursecretspiritual days.
AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Armagnac,14Picnic,16Rebate,18Resigned,19Lois,22Trial,23Siamese,24 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) The Moon's position
Stormsignal.Down:2Ofage,3Peak,4Stairs,5Teenager,6Organza,7Intemperate, Thebestadvicethat is benevolent, so
8Teacher’spet,13Singular,15Casuist,17Versus,20Opera,21Bang. canbeofferedatthe make use of your
momentistobeas abundant
down-to-earthasyou advantages. Start early if you
can,giventhatagreatmanyof want to get the best out of
yourcurrentplanetarypatterns inspired plans and proposals. Be
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s
areemanatingfrompractical aware, though, that people

regionsof yourchart.Thebetter around you could be in a

Instructions yougraspthedetailsatwork,the touchy mood, and that a
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, closeryou'llcometoachievinga chance remark might trigger
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 long-standingambition. an argument.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
Onlythepubliccanmakea__.It'sthestudioswhotrytomakea___outofit.-MarilynMonroe VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sept 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in Current planetary Work keeps your
eachoftheninehorizontal influences are mind off minor
RAGED EEIPTT rowsandineachofthe encouraging you to irritations and may
nineboxes. let go of reality and be the best way to
float off into a dream world. earn respect from partners. If
This is not the easiest thing to you sit around with nothing to
AYSSS AHLNMY DifficultyLevel
achieve but, if you've no do, you'll begin to notice other
pressing commitments, you people's trivial but annoying
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; could consider livening your life habits. But, if you are
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; up a little. You never know, you organising social events, you
it. - Marilyn Monroe 5s=VeryHard;6s= could discover a whole new should make yourself the star
Answer: Only the public can make a star. It's the studios who try to make a system out of Genius social scene. of the show.


E-tender Tender Notice No.16 of 2020-21
E-tender Tender Notice No.17 of 2020-21
Shri Charu Chandra Pathak, Asstt. Comdt. Tender I.D No. 458808 Tender I.D No. 458816
(12.10.1973 - 27.04.2004)
Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board, invite tender through E- Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board, invite tender through E-
Sashastra Seema Bal fondly remembers and cher-
tendering for the work of Under the M & R To Nagarama Reg. tendering for the work of Under the M & R To Vatrak Reg. W.S.S.
ishes the valiant act of Braveheart Shri Charu
W.S.S. Providing, Supplying and Fixing Safety Kit and Booster Providing, Supplying and Fixing Safety Kit, Chlorine Cylinder
Chandra Pathak, Assistant Commandant, who made
motor pump set with necessary accessories at Nagrama & Alindra Transporatation with necessary accessories at Malarpura & Bherai
supreme sacrifice of his life in the line of duty for
H/W for 02 Years. Estimated cost Rs.6.80 Eligibility of Contractor H/W for 02 Years. Estimated cost Rs.6.61 Eligibility of Contractor
As per Tender Specification Same Type of Work Experienced, As per Tender Specification Same Type of Work Experienced,
On 23rd April 2004, militants lobbed a grenade on SSB troops of GUJARAT WATER SUPPLY & SEWERAGE BOARD
Require qualification as per GWSSB Circulars For details regard- Require qualification as per GWSSB Circulars For details regard-
7th Battalion at Congress Bhawan, Srinagar (J&K). Shri Pathak
ing tenders will available online on the website ing tenders will available online on the website E-Tender Notice No. 01/2021-22 (Corrigendum)
led bravely from the front to counter the maneuvers of the mili- Corrigendum will available Corrigendum will available Tender are invited through Two bid e-tendering by the Executive
tants, suddenly a second grenade was lobbed by militants. In this
online only. For further information please contact Office Of The online only. For further information please contact Office Of The
attack Shri Pathak got severe splinter injuries on his head and
Executive Engineer Public Health Works Division, G.W.S.S.B
Engineer, Public Health Mechanical Division, Bhavnagar for Drilling of
unfortunately succumbed to injuries. Executive Engineer Public Health Works Division, G.W.S.S.B
Nadiad, Room No. 310, Sardar Bhavan. D - Block, Mill Road, Nadiad, Room No. 310, Sardar Bhavan. D - Block, Mill Road, 200 MM Dia. Bore by DTH Rig including supply of 250 mm dia Bore
In the recognition of his bravery and sacrifice for the nation he
Nadiad Phone No.: 0268 - 2560996. Last date for on line tenders Nadiad Phone No.: 0268 - 2560996. Last date for on line tenders plug made from MS etc. Complete at various Villages of Bhavnagar
was posthumously awarded the Police Medal for Gallantry on
submission is Dt.12/05/2021. Conditional bids will not be accept- submission is Dt.12/05/2021. Conditional bids will not be accept- District. (I.D. No. 456859) Tender document can be seen, downloaded
Republic Day, 2005. His courage and valor would continue to
ed. Competent authority of G.W.S.S.B reserve the right to reject ed. Competent authority of G.W.S.S.B reserve the right to reject and submitted on website The last date for
inspire us all. We salute the valor of brave soldier.
the tender without giving all the reasons why it will not be able to the tender without giving all the reasons why it will not be able to
SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL accept all or any of the bids. Griveances related to services of
submission for tender is 30/04/2021 upto 18.00 hrs. & Phy. Submission
accept all or any of the bids. Griveances related to services of
Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board for Rural drinking water Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board for Rural drinking water on date: 04/05/2021 by RPAD/Speed Post only. Any exemption certifi-
supply can be lodged on toll free helpline number 1916. supply can be lodged on toll free helpline number 1916. cate will not be accepted. And the office reserved the right to cancel the
INF/NADI/52/2021-22 INF/NADI/53/2021-22 tender on any stage without showing any reason. Contact GWSSB toll
SARDAR SAROVAR NARMADA free help line no. 1916 for any rural water related problem. All amend-
NIGAM LIMITED SARDAR SAROVAR NARMADA ments regarding this tender shall be publshed online only.
(A Wholly Owned Government of Gujarat Undertaking) SARDAR SAROVAR NARMADA DDI/BVN/C/55/21-22
The works under Executive Engineer, Narmada (A Wholly Owned Government of Gujarat Undertaking) TAMILNADU CIVIL SUPPLIES CORPORATION
Project Drainage and Canal Division No. 1, Bharuch, (A Wholly Owned Government of Gujarat Undertaking) Head Oice: 12, Thambusamy Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-600 010.
The works under Executive Engineer, Narmada The works under Executive Engineer, Narmada Ph. No. (044) 26426773 Email id :
Narmada Canal Colony, Behind Polytechnic college, Project Drainage and Canal Division No.1, Bharuch,
Project Canal Planning & Design Division, Narmada CIN:U15137TN1972SGC006157
Bholav, Bharuch-392002 are as under: Canal Colony, Behind Polytechnic college, Bholav, Narmada Canal Colony, Behind Polytechnic College, Short e-Tender noTice
Tender Notice No: 03 of 2021-22,Tender I.D. No. Bharuch–392002 are as under: Bholav, Bharuch-392002 are as under: no. : BS6/013913/2021 dated : 26.04.2021
458690, 458692, 458695, 458697. Tender Notice No. 02 of 2021-22 Tender Notice No. 02 of 2021-22, Tender I.D. No. 458688 Short e-Tender no. : TncSc/21-22/eT-01
(1) Name of Work: Providing Services of Continuous Tender I.D. No. 458699, 458704, 458705, 458706 Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporaion invites Online electronic tender
Name of Work : Providing Current repair and maintenance for “The purchase of 20,000 MTs of any one of dal namely Tur dal
patrolling on canal, operation, maintenance, servicing Name of Work: Providing Services of services and 'O' Miscellaneous service to Residential & Non (Split-Husked & Fatka) / canadian Yellow Lenil (Split-Husked & Laired
of gates and vigilant inspection of canal during Continuous patrolling on canal, operation, residential building for N.P. Colony Bharuch for the one year: no.2) as per Agmark speciicaion”
Irrigation and Non-irrigation season including cleaning maintenance, servicing of gates and vigilant Appox. Amount Rs.14.07 Lakh Complete e-Tender document can be viewed and downloaded through
inspection of canal during Irrigation and Non-
of canal bank of SR & IP side up to canal outer slope toe Last date of Online submission Dt. 05.05.2021 htps:// and also available
irrigation season including cleaning of canal in
at U/S & DIS of control structure in specified reach of : bank of SR & IP side up to canal outer slope toe The Details of above notice will be available on SSNNL Web The bidders have to paricipate online bidding only with Digital Signature
(i) Distributaries under Block No. 6D5 & 6F for One year. at U/S & D/S of control structure in specified Site and GOG website Ceriicate (DSC) of Class-II or Class-III. For Registraion and further
(ii) Amleshwar Branch Canal (Ch.50.0 Km to 69.59 Km) reach of: and Tender docu- details contact MSTC LIMITED, Phone: 25222842/ 25251910/ 25261005
& Distributaries under Block No. 6D4 for One year. ments are available on e-Mail:
(i) Distributories of Block No. 6D3 for the One year.
(iii) Luwara Branch Canal (Ch.36.600 Km to 50.40 Km), (ii) Luwara Branch Canal (Ch.16.737 Km to 36.600 Km) Last Date for Online Submission : 05.05.2021
(INF/BCH/56/21-22) DIPR/1462/Tender/2021 MAnAGinG direcTor.
Saykha Branch Canal (Ch.0.00 Km to 7.510 Km) & & Distributories of Block No. 6G2 for One year.
Distributaries of Block No. 6G3 for One year. (iii) Distributories under Block No 6G5 for the one year. GUJARAT WATER SUPPLY & GUJARAT WATER SUPPLY &
(iv) Denwa Branch Canal (Ch. 0.00 Km to 8.125 Km) & SEWERAGE BOARD SEWERAGE BOARD
(iv) Luwara Branch Canal (Ch. 50.400 Km to 67.02 Km) & E-tender Tender Notice No.02 of 2020-21
Distributories of Block No. 61 for One year. E-tender Tender Notice No.03 of 2020-21
Distributaries of Block No. 6G6 & 6G7 for One year. Tender I.D No. 458740 Tender I.D No. 458744
(2) Estimated Amount : (2) Estimated Amount : Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board, invite tender through E- Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board, invite tender through E-
(i) Rs. 30.42 Lakh (i) Rs. 20.70 Lakh tendering for the work of Under the M & R Programme Dana Reg. tendering for the work of Under the M & R Programme Rampura -
W.S.S. Ta. Kapadwanj/Kathlal, Comprehensive Maintenance for Laxmanpura Reg. W.S.S. Ta. Kathlal, Comprehensive Maintenance
(ii) Rs. 39.93 Lakh (ii) Rs. 36.49 Lakh Civil part for 2 years (24 months) of New and Old all civil structure, for Civil part for 2 years (24 months) of New and Old all civil struc-
(iii) Rs. 17.63 Lakh Rising and Distribution pipeline Network with all associate compo- ture, Rising and Distribution pipeline Network with all associate
(iii) Rs. 37.72 Lakh nents etc. Complete Estmated cost Rs. 13.82 Lakh, Eligibility of components etc. Complete Estmated cost Rs. 15.12 Lakh,
(iv) Rs. 34.65 Lakh (iv) Rs. 27.00 Lakh Contractor “E-2” class Registered Contractors under irrigation / R Eligibility of Contractor “E-1” class Registered Contractors under
Last date of Online submission Dt. 05.05.2021 & B Gujarat State, Work Experienced, Solvancy & G.S.T. No. for irrigation / R & B Gujarat State, Work Experienced, Solvancy &
Last date of Online submission dt: 05.05.2021. details regarding tenders will available online on the website G.S.T. No. for details regarding tenders will available online on the
Note: No bidder shall be assigned more than one work of Note: No bidder shall be assigned more than one work of Corrigendum will available website Corrigendum will avail-
online only. For further information please contact Office Of The able online only. For further information please contact Office Of
above Sr. No. 1 to 4 of Providing Services of Continuous above Sr. No. 1 to 4 of Providing Services of Continuous
Executive Engineer Public Health works Division, G.W.S.S.B The Executive Engineer Public Health works Division, G.W.S.S.B
patrolling on canal, operation, maintenance,....... U/S & patrolling on canal, operation, maintenance,....... U/S & Nadiad, Room No. 310, Sardar Bhavan. D - Block, Mill Road, Nadiad, Room No. 310, Sardar Bhavan. D - Block, Mill Road,
D/S of control structure in specified reach of: D/S of control structure in specified reach of: Nadiad Phone No.: 0268 - 2560996. Last date for on line tenders Nadiad Phone No.: 0268 - 2560996. Last date for on line tenders
The Details of above notice will be available on SSNNL submission is Dt.11/05/2021. Conditional bids will not be accept- submission is Dt.11/05/2021. Conditional bids will not be accept-
The Details of above notice will be available on SSNNL
ed. Competent authority of G.W.S.S.B reserve the right to reject ed. Competent authority of G.W.S.S.B reserve the right to reject
Web Site and GOG web- Web Site and GOG web- the tender without giving all the reasons why it will not be able to the tender without giving all the reasons why it will not be able to
site and Tender site and Tender accept all or any of the bids. Griveances related to services of accept all or any of the bids. Griveances related to services of
documents are available on documents are available on Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board for Rural drinking water Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board for Rural drinking water
supply can be lodged on toll free helpline number 1916. supply can be lodged on toll free helpline number 1916.
(INF/BCH/57/21-22) (INF/BCH/58/21-22) INF/NADI/54/2021-22 INF/NADI/55/2021-22



Govt asks Serum,
Maharashtra, Assam unlikely Bharat Biotech to
to give 18+ the jab from May 1 cut vaccine prices
manufacturers will supply 50
percentof theirmonthlyCentral
awaits a final approval for this NEW DELHI, APRIL 26 DrugsLaboratory(CDL)-released
TABASSUM from the state government. dosestothecentralgovernment,
BARNAGARWALA& The state will open registra- THE CENTRAL government on and will be free to supply the re-
ABHISHEKSAHA tionsforthe18to44agegroupon Monday asked Serum Institute maining50percenttostategov-
MUMBAI/GUWAHATI, theCoWINappfromApril28,but of India and Bharat Biotech to ernments and the open market.
APRIL26 slotsmaynotopenfromMay1.N lower the price of their Covid-19 The government has said
Ramaswamy, director, state vaccines amid criticism from that manufacturers would have
MAHARASHTRAISunlikelytoroll National Health Mission, said, several states who have accused to make an advance declaration
People wait to cast their vote in the the seventh phase of the out its anti-Covid vaccination “Vaccineavailabilityisaproblem. the companies of profiteering of the price for the 50 per cent
West Bengal Assembly elections in Kolkata. drive for the 18 to 44 year age Once we get supply, we will start from the crisis. supply that would be available
group from May 1 due to con- immunisation for all those above The issue of vaccine pricing to state governments and in the
straintsofvaccineavailability,sen- 18 years.” was discussed at a meeting open market.
iorstategovernmentofficialssaid Vacccinationwillcontinueun- chairedbyCabinetSecretaryRajiv Objecting to the differential

Kolkata votes on Monday.

Under the new guidelines
from the Centre, officials said,
People wait for the shots in Mumbai on Monday. Deepak Joshi interrupted for those above 45
years, officials said.
Gauba. The two companies are
now expected to come up with
pricing model, Delhi Chief
Minister Arvind Kejriwal had
said this was not the time for

under the shadow

Maharashtrahastoarrangeforits to Bharat Biotech and Serum sponse,itislearnt.“Informally,we came the first state to administer Hyderabad-based Bharat profiteering, and appealed to
own procurement and ensure Institute (of India, or SII). When are in touch with all three manu- over 5 lakh vaccinations in a day Biotech has fixed the price of manufacturers to bring down
enough stock for vaccinating theyprovideusthevaccines,only facturers (including Dr Redddy’s — a jump from its usual 3 lakh- Covaxin at Rs 600 per dose for the price to Rs 150 per dose.

of Covid-19
adults up to 44 years of age – the then can we begin the vaccina- Labs).Buttheexistingstockseems plus immunisations per day, and state governments, and Rs 1,200 The Congress termed the
largestdemographicgroupinthe tion,” Sarma told the media. tohavebeenbookedbytheUnion 1.05lakhvaccinationsonSunday. per dose for private hospitals. new policy as "discriminatory
state. “Today, the Centre has given a government.Manufacturershave The state has administered 1.43 Pune-based Serum Institute andinsensitive",andaccusedthe
Five other states — Rajasthan, guideline,basedonwhich...itwill an upper hand in deciding how crore doses till now. of India (SII), the world's largest government of allowing vaccine
machinery, compared to previ- Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Punjab be ascertained what amount of much stock to supply to which Sarma said that as of now vaccine maker in terms of vol- makers to profiteer to the tune
DIPANKAR GHOSE ous phases. At a booth at and Kerala — had on Sunday said vaccine each state will get.” state,” a state official said. Assam’soxygenrequirementdue ume, has announced a price of of Rs 1.11 lakh crore.
KOLKATA, APRIL 26 Beniapukur in Ballygunge, ta- that they would postpone this Pointing out that the Assam An official from the state to Covid-19 patients is 20 MT per Rs400perdoseforCovishieldfor SII has defended pricing
bles had been set up outside, next phase of the vaccination for election results are on May 2, DirectorateofHealthServicessaid, day, while the capacity at hand is state governments, and Rs 600 Covishield at 1.5 times the initial
“DANDAON EKHANE (wait and election officials, ID cards the same reason. Sarma said, “Moreover, by May 4 “Our communication channel 61MTperday.Hetweeted,“Over per dose for private hospitals. rate, saying the earlier price was
here),” Debayan Roy told his dangling around their necks, In Guwahati, Assam Health payments need to be made. withSIIisopen.Weareinconstant next 10 days we are comfortable Bothvaccinesareavailableto based on advance funding, and
68-year-old mother Maitreyi as sanitised each hand thoroughly Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma Becauseoftheseprocesses,Idon’t dialogue but we still don’t know with Oxygen supply. Over next the central government at a rate the company has to now invest
they neared Mitra Institution, before people entered. A also said on Monday that he think vaccination of the 18-45 how much stock, if at all, it can weekweshallalsooperationalise of Rs 150 per dose. in scaling up and expanding ca-
their polling centre. Walking polling officer said, “Forget doubtswhethervaccinationof18- bracketwillbegininthefirstweek supplywithinthenextfewdays.” 3 more Oxygen plants. We've a The Centre has relaxed its pacity to produce more shots.
the 100-odd metres to the in- everything else. We have to be 45-year-oldswillbegininthestate ofMay.Butregistrationwillbegin ThestatehasnotwrittentoDr stock of 25,000 Remdevisir...” vaccination strategy in the third Announcing the price of
stitute, Debayan scanned the careful for ourselves and the bythefirstweekof May,pointing on the portal.” Reddy’s Labs since it has not an- “Inthenexttwodays,thestate phase of the mass inoculation Covaxin, Bharat Biotech
scene before hurrying back, voters. We all have families to towardsthetwinissuesofvaccine Maharashtra has also written nounced its vaccine rates. The willtakeseveraldecisionsandan- programme,underwhichevery- Chairman and Managing
only to find that Maitreyi had go back to once this polling is availabilityandannouncementof totheSIIandBharatBiotech,ask- Maharashtra health department nounceplanforthenextphaseof one above the age of 18 will be Director Krishna M Ella had said
not listened to him, following done. So we are all being extra Assembly poll results on May 2. ing about their stock availability isalsoworkingonaglobaltender vaccination,”HealthSecretaryDr eligible for a shot from May 1. that recovering cost is essential
him to the centre. careful today.” “Vaccineorderhasbeengiven but has received no official re- to procure vaccines, while it Pradeep Vyas said. In the new vaccine regime, for innovation. PTI
“People are wearing masks, Much of the fear was driven
but there is still a queue. It’s by the knowledge that Covid-
dangerous, Ma,” Debayan said. 19 cases in Bengal are rising fast Goa court to
A defiant Maitreyi replied, “I and that hospital beds are run-
will vote. We’ll be careful. Stand ning out. Outside Beniapukur, pass verdict in
at a distance.” Soumya Roy stopped for a cup
On Monday – the seventh of tea just after voting, and told Tejpal case today
phase of the West Bengal three other regulars, “I am
Assembly elections – similar afraid of even taking off my Panaji: The District and Sessions
conversations played out mask for this tea. Have you read Court at Mapusa in North Goa is
across the 34 seats, including the newspapers? The positivity expected to pronounce its judg-
the four in Kolkata, which went rate in Kolkata is above 40 per ment in the trial of former
to polls under the shadow of cent.” Tehelka editor-in-chief Tarun
Covid-19. At the tea stall, there was Tejpal, accused of raping a
Mitra Institution, located in much discussion about who woman in 2013, on Tuesday.
south Kolkata’s Bhowanipore, was responsible for the in- Tejpal faced trial in a
is a heavyweight polling booth. crease in cases, and if it would November 2013 case in which
It saw Abhishek Banerjee vote affect the election results. the woman had accused him of
in the morning, and in the af- “There are so many factors. sexually assaulting her inside a
ternoon, Mamata Banerjee, in Who will vote? And who will liftinafive-starhotelinGoadur-
a wheelchair and sporting a choose not to in these times? ing an event. Tejpal, who was ar-
white mask, cast her ballot too. That can change many things,” rested on November 30, 2013,
Throughout the day, police Soumya said, sagely. was later released on bail and
personnel separated people Yet, there was consensus on had denied the allegations.
standing in queues. Most peo- who the “villains” are. Additional sessions judge
ple that The Indian Express saw “All these politicians are vil- ShamaJoshiisexpectedtodeliver
were wearing masks. Inside a lains. The EC is a villain for hold- the verdict, concluding a trial
dimly lit corridor was a govern- ing these elections nonstop. held the last seven years. In the
ment worker with a bright blue The parties all blame each eventthatTejpalisconvicted,the
bottle of sanitiser, a tempera- other, but nobody stopped their court may hear the prosecution
ture machine, and a box of plas- rallies,” Soumya said. and defence arguments over the
tic gloves. After someone pointed out quantumof sentence.Inthetrial
Across Kolkata, there was a that the Left had stopped their held in-camera, the prosecution
considerably higher sense of rallies, Soumya responded, The Indian embassy in Abu Dhabi tweeted images of buildings in UAE lit up in colours of the Tricolour in solidarity with India as the country battles a examined71witnessesandcross
caution at polling booths, both “Even they did it too late... And second wave of Covid-19. PTI examined five defence wit-
from people and from the state look at the country’s situation.” nesses. ENS

Delhi scrambles for beds, HC gets After Rewari, five SC panel red-flags Goa rail project;
Ashoka Hotel as its Covid facility die in Hisar due to for tweaks in power, road plans
oxygen shortage
ing. ITDC has been trying to find Western Ghats”, the CEC stated. said the “project will only
MALLICA JOSHI a private player to operate the MAYURA JANWALKAR On the four-laning of NH 4A be marginally enhancing the
& SOFI AHSAN property for a while now. PANAJI, APRIL 26 fromAnmodneartheKarnataka capacity of the most inefficient
NEW DELHI, APRIL 26 Previously, 22 hotels in the border to Mollem, the CEC rec- section of the Railway Network
city were linked to hospitals to pital authorities, Dr. Rajat Soni RAISING SERIOUS environmen- ommended that the height of passing through ecologically
FOLLOWING A request from the help increase the number of EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE fromtheinstituterefutedallsuch tal concerns, the Supreme the road be increased to min- sensitive and bio-diversity
Delhi High Court, the Delhi gov- beds for Covid patients. These CHANDIGARH, APRIL 26 allegations and said all the pa- Court's Central Empowerment imiseanimalroadkillsandman- rich Tiger Reserve, Two
ernment has ordered Ashoka arepaidfacilities,wherepatients tients were provided adequate Committee (CEC) has red- animal conflict, and suggested Wildlife Sanctuaries and a
Hotel, a five-star facility, to set with severe symptoms cannot A DAY after four Covid-19 pa- medical treatment. flaggedakeyrailexpansionpush modifications. National Park”.
aside 100 rooms for a Covid be admitted. Each room is sup- tients died gasping for oxygen at “Out of the 22 beds, 15 beds in Goa and recommended cru- On July 3, 2020, The Indian The CEC observed that “the
Health Centre for judges and ju- SDM order says hotel facility posed to have an oxygen facility. a private hospital in Rewari, five were reserved for Covid-19 pa- cial changes to two other pro- Express had reported on how estimate of projected increase
dicial officers of the court and for ‘Justices, other judicial According to Sunday’s order, more Covid patients died in an- tients in the hospital. We had posed projects -- a highway and the three projects were cleared in traffic from Karnataka to Goa
their families. The facility will be officers, and their families’ hotel staff will be provided pro- other private hospital in Hisar seven oxygen cylinders, but the a power transmission line -- in by the Standing Committee of furnished by the Railways is not
linked to Primus Hospital in tective gear and basic training. that ran out of oxygen in the plant that supplies us O2 could the state. the National Board for Wildlife based on facts and is without
Chanakyapuri. Alltheservices,includingrooms, earlyhoursonMonday.Agitated notreplenishtheseintime.There These projects had been (SC-NBWL), which said that the any sound reasoning and as sta-
An order to this effect was their families. Now, therefore, I, housekeeping, disinfection and family members accused the wasalongqueuewhenourteam clearedbytheCentrelastyearde- Goa State Wild Life Board tistics show mostly includes
passed by the Chanakyapuri Geeta Grover... in exercise of food,forthepatientsshallbepro- hospital authorities of not pro- went to the plant and we could spiteconcernsbeingraisedatvar- (GSWLB) had “recommended empty rakes returning to Goa
Sub-DivisionalMagistrate,Geeta powers...and in overall immi- vided by the hotel. Charges shall viding timely treatment to their get oxygen only by 0400 hours ious levels since they would cut the proposals in its meetings”. and that despite the change in
Grover, on Sunday. nent public interest, do hereby be collected by the hospital, kin, while the hospital blamed Monday.Wearrangedtwocylin- through the Bhagwan Mahaveer However,sixmembersof the policy on import of coal the
It comes when families of require the100roomsof Ashoka which will pay the hotel. thedistrictadministrationfornot ders from other sources, but by Wildlife Sanctuary (BMWS) and state board, all noted environ- same has not been reflected in
Covid patients across the na- Hotel, New Delhi for setting up Biomedicalwastedisposalwillbe giving adequate oxygen supply the time our team returned and theMollemNationalPark(MNP) mentalists, had told this news- the projected traffic from Goa
tional capital are scrambling to of Covid Health facility for the theresponsibilityof thehospital. to the hospital. oxygen was restored, five pa- in South Goa. paperthatnorecommendations to Karnataka”.
get beds and access to hospital use of Hon'ble Justices and other Primus Hospital can also ac- Following orders from chief tients had died,” Dr Soni said. In its report dated April 23, were made, and that the mitiga- DatafromtheSouthWestern
care. The High Court itself has judicial officers of Delhi High commodatetheirdoctors,nurses minister Manohar Lal Khattar, Meanwhile,CMManoharLal the CEC said that it does not find tion measures suggested were Railway, the CEC noted, show
made several observations criti- Court and their families and andotherparamedicalstaffatthe home minister Anil Vij has KhattarvisitedPanipatandHisar any justification in doubling the “unscientific”. that coal from Goa and
cal of the Centre and the Delhi place at the disposal of Primus hotelonitsownexpenseafterde- marked a magisterial probe into on Monday to review the supply railwaytrackfromCastle Rockin Goa Foundation director Krishnapatnam Ports (Andhra
government on this issue while Hospital, Chanakyapuri, New ciding the rates with the hotel. oxygenrelated deathsinRewari, of oxygen and progress of work Karnataka to Kulem in Goa as it Claude Alvares said the CEC had Pradesh)formsabout92percent
hearing pleas on the Covid crisis. Delhi with immediate effect...” Accordingtoapreviousorder Hisar and Gurgaon. on makeshift hospitals in both “will destroy the fragile eco-sys- taken into account all aspects of and 62 per cent, respectively, of
On April 22, when dealing with The Registrar General of the for other hotels to be linked to InthelatestincidentatHisar’s the districts. tem of the Western Ghats which theprojects.“TheWesternGhats the goods traffic movement to
theissueof hospital beds,Justice DelhiHighCourt,ManojJain,did hospitals, the hospital will be Soni hospital, all five patients TheCMsaid,“Ilearntaboutthe is an internationally recognised aretooprecioustobedamaged,” the hinterland in Karnataka.
Vipin Sanghi had observed: “It is not receive calls or respond to paid not more than Rs 5,000 per who lost their lives were on ven- mishap that took place in Hisar’s Biodiversity hotspot and also Alvares said. The Foundation's It also stated that during its
a four-fold increase (in cases). text messages from The Indian patient per day, inclusive of con- tilatorsupport.Theywereidenti- Soni hospital. The exact cause of one of the most important application had stated that the site visit to Mormugao Port
People are not getting beds. Express seeking comment. sumables, services of doctors, fied as Arvind (60), a resident of deathisbeingascertained... Ihave wildlife corridor of the country”. three linear projects involve di- Trust, and as confirmed by the
Forgetabouttheordinarymanon Grover confirmed to The nurses, paramedical staff and Mansa, Punjab; Rajeshwar (45), also given instructions for a mag- Based on an application filed version of about 170 ha forest Railways in their response to
the road. Even if I were to ask for IndianExpressthattheorderhad nursing staff. “Investigation Satender(26)andRajeRam(67), isterial probe. Deputy by Goa Foundation, the CEC also and sanctuary land. the CEC, “recently revised pol-
abed,Iwouldnotgetiteasily.”On been passed. “It will take at least charges,ifany,shallbechargedby residents of Hisar and Delhi res- Commissionerhasbeengivenin- recommended that the align- When contacted by The icy of Government of India does
Monday, Delhi recorded 20,201 tilltheendof theweekforthefa- thelinkedhospitalattheirsched- ident Anil Kumar. structionssothatsuchanincident ment of the Goa-Tanmar Indian Express, Goa govern- not support import of coal and
cases, with a positivity rate of 35 cility to become operational. It uledratesandforoxygensupport Thehospitalranoutofoxygen doesnottakeplaceagain.” Transmission Project for laying ment officials said they would the new policy encourages use
per cent, and 380 deaths. will be only for judges, HC staff the linked hospital is allowed to late Sunday night. After about State’s Home-cum-Health of electric lines for additional respond after going through of indigenously mined coal”.
SDMGrover'sorderstates:“A and their families, as is men- charge at the hotel Rs 2,000 per four hours, barely two cylinders minister Anil Vij too said, “Strict 400 KV feed to Goa be redrawn the CEC’s report. In its 110- “The increased number of
request has been received from tioned in the order,” she said. day basis. The medical services could be arranged, but by the action shall be taken against and modified along the existing page report, the CEC has asked trains and wider openings
Delhi High Court for setting up Ashoka Hotel is owned and providedbythelinkedhospitalat timethesupplycouldberestored, thosefoundnegligentduringthe 220 KV line. This will “help in the Supreme Court to consider through the ecologically sensi-
of CHC facility for the Hon'ble operated by India Tourism Dev- their facility shall be charged at these five patients had died. investigations.Thereisnodearth saving the precious forest cover revoking the permission tiveWesternGhatsforlayingthe
Justices and other judicial offi- elopmentCorporationLimited,a theirrespectivelyschedulerates,” Whileangryfamilymembers of health infrastructure in any of and wildlife in the ecologically granted by the SC-NBWL for track will further fragment the
cers of Delhi High Court and Government of India undertak- the earlier order stated. blamedthesedeathsonthe hos- our government hospitals...” fragile and biodiversity rich the double-tracking project. It habitat...,” the CEC said.



‘Fighting Covid is not You vs Us battle but

Us vs Corona battle...need to fight this together’
In the unprecedented Covid crisis, the Centre and Opposition-ruled states face off over critical supplies of oxygen and vaccines. Coming after a long, bitter
election campaign in four states and a Union Territory, the divide has hardened. Congress president SONIA GANDHI in an interview to MANOJ C G speaks on
the role of the Opposition, the management of the Covid crisis and what needs to be done. Excerpts:
Mrs Gandhi, how is Rahul What’s your view of the cine order as late as in January, wasteful and unnecessary proj-
Gandhi doing? Your son-in- Centre’s Covid crisis 2021andthattooforaminuscule ects like the Central Vista. This is
law has recently recovered management? 1.1 crore doses. Not only this, our not the time for vanity or unnec-
from Covid, how’s the family? The Modi government’s re- government exported 6 crore essary projects. The resources
Rahul is now improving. As sponse to the second wave of vaccines between January 2021 freed are more urgently needed
you know, Covid is an unpre- Corona has been a complete dis- toMarch2021,whilevaccinating to do all that I have enumerated
dictable disease and we have to aster, bordering on utter negli- less than 4 crore of its own citi- above.
wait and watch for some more gence and leaving the people to zensduringthisperiod.Itdelayed
days.Of course,Iamworriedalso fendforthemselves.Theentirefo- approvals and adopted an exces- Isn’t there a need for a
about Dr Manmohan Singh, and cus has been on the Assembly sively centralised approach. political consensus?
all our other fellow citizens who elections instead of rising to the Under the new vaccination Apoliticalconsensusisessen-
are facing an unprecedented cri- occasion to provide leadership policy, our own citizens will pay tial. We must bring together all
sis on account of this pandemic andmanagementofthehugeup- more than the price of export of stakeholders to fight a calamity
affecting so many loved ones. surge in disease. Even now, their vaccinefromIndiatoothercoun- like the one we are facing.
What is happening is horrifying decisionsarearbitraryandparti- tries. How can this be justified? Unfortunately, the Modi govern-
andIwisheveryonetheverybest san.Theirduplicityisinexcusable. How can differential pricing be ment has repeatedly demon-
and urge everyone to remember But that’s only one aspect of accepted? Government of India strated that it prefers coercion to
that precaution, prevention and it. The abdication of governance shouldhavebornethecostof the consensus. The Congress party
treatmentarethekeystofighting has been a complete let down. entire vaccination and provided has decades of experience. It has
Covid. There has been no strategy or it free to all citizens. This would managedmanynaturaldisasters.
preparation at all. have been the correct way for- Its knowledge and expertise can
This is one of the worst public Their own sero-surveys gave ward instead of creating two be of immense value to the gov-
health crises in recent times. amplewarningof asecondwave, groupsofpeopleanddiscriminat- ernment.Itrulybelievethatchal-
In the Emergency Room, it is theParliamentaryCommitteeon ing with the young in the age lenging times warrant the politi-
said, a detailed investigation Covid produced a 120-page doc- group of 18 to 45 years for pur- cal leadership to rise above our
can wait, all hands need to be ument enumerating the actions pose of vaccination and disown- political differences. We have
on deck for critical care. Given they ought to have taken and the Sonia Gandhi at the Indira Gandhi Memorial, New Delhi, in November last year. ANI file ing complete responsibility for done so in the past many times.
this situation, how do you see Opposition, including the vaccinating them. Asacountryandasademocracy,
your role and the role of the Congress, warned them repeat- India has always come together
Congress? edly. Theyignoredallthree,even around Covid be framed supply. In fact, they have already Do you have specific in crisis.
I feel our role is two-fold. The accusing us of spreading panic. beyond party lines? been assisting other states with suggestions that can be
firstistoinsistupontransparency Nonewfacilitieswerecreated. Firstly,thevirusiseverywhere. We have to put as it. Punjab and Rajasthan have worked on immediately? The Covid curve in India
and accountability and join with The capacity for beds was not in- Forthelastoneyear,theCongress much pressure as doneafairlygoodjobasfarasvac- First, the government should started rising again in mid-
the people to put creased. The med- Party has extended its full coop- possible on the cinations are concerned. Those crack down on February. The
pressure on the ical sector was not erationtothegovernment.Webe- government to act states that planned in advance black marketeer- Congress, too,
government (to)
recognise that The Modi
supported finan-
cially in any way.
lieve that fighting Covid is not a
“YouversusUs”battlebutisa“Us THE EXPRESS even now. It is still andlaidoutaclearmanagement
strategy have done better.
ing of vital drugs,
oxygen and other Thegovernment
like other
parties, held
nothingismorevi- government’s
tal now than to
response to the
The adequate pro-
versus Corona” battle. This battle
is, therefore, beyond political INTERVIEW not too late. Timely
action, leadership
and management of
Even Maharashtra, despite
the onslaught of pandemic, has
necessitiescreated shouldcrackdownon rallies, street
by the pandemic
blackmarketeering corner meetings
save lives. The ab- was not done. The alignments. We have to fight this WITH leftnostoneunturnedandthere- and ensure supply and road shows
dication of leader- second wave of necessary eco- battle together as a nation. The SONIA GANDHI Covid can still save sultshavejuststartedshowingin of life saving med- ofvitaldrugs.Ensure throughout
ship that we are Corona has been a nomic support to Modi government must realise CONGRESS PRESIDENT lakhs of lives. flattening of the curve of surging icinesatfixedrates. oxygensupplyto March in Kerala,
witnessing today complete disaster, themigrantlabour that the battle is against Covid, it infections.Overall,theattitudeof Second, ensure everyhospital Tamil Nadu,
is shocking and bordering on utter and the disadvan- is not against the Congress or governancehastobetransparent, oxygen supply to throughseamless Assam and West
culpable. It is as if negligence and taged by way of Rs other political opponents. making provision for oxygen; accountable, facilitative, cooper- every hospital logistics.Createnew Bengal. Didn’t
our people have 6,000-incomesup- Iwasdeeplysaddenedbythe stopping black marketeering of provision for oxygen in view of ative and supportive in crisis through seamless this send out the
been abandoned
leaving the people port was not pro- contemptuous response of the medicine; availability of beds; the onslaught of Covid? Why did rather than opaque, aggressive logistics.Involvethe
hospital wrong signal?
by the all-round to fend for vided. They have Modigovernmenttothecompre- homecareprotocols;vaccination; thegovernmentnotactuponthis and heartless. industry as a part- infrastructureona You are right,
collapse of gover- themselves. The now proceeded to hensiveandcarefullyconsidered quick testing and tracing; eco- report? ner andmakeopti- warfootingthrougha and to be honest, I
nance and relin- entire focus has turn India into an suggestions I have sent as well as nomic support to the disadvan- …Secondly,bringtogetherthe The Opposition-ruled states mum use of partnershipbetween myselfquestioned
quishment of re- been on the importer of vac- those made by Dr Manmohan taged and genetic sequencing of resources of government and in- have questioned the new Disaster governmentandthe the correctness of
sponsibility. Assembly elections. cines and oxygen, SinghandRahulatvarioustimes. thevirusapartfromgeneralCovid dustrytoimmediatelysupplement vaccination policy? Management privatesector. anelaboratepolit-
Therefore,ourrole when we were in Is it correct for the Modi govern- management. Since you ask the number of beds by creating Noothercountryintheworld Authorityfordeliv- ical campaign in
as an Opposition effect producing ment’s ministers to attack about priorities, I will say this. temporaryfacilitiesonawarfoot- has such an insensitive and dis- erables. the middle of the
to listen to people and to convey more than enough to cover our Opposition leaders or find faults Firstly, immediately divert all ing…Due to a lackadaisical and criminatory vaccine policy. Third, create new and suffi- pandemic. I had noticed that
their anguish becomes all the needs. They exported 1.1 million with Opposition States in the resourcestowardssupplyingoxy- thoughtless approach in the vain Tragically, we have a situation cient hospital infrastructure on a while those on the stage were
moreimperative.Wehavetoput vialsofRemdesivirwithoutensur- middle of the pandemic, instead gen to hospitals across the coun- beliefthatthepandemichadbeen where we have one nation and war footing through a partner- fairly protected with masks and
as much pressure as possible on ingadequateprovisionsforfellow ofreachingouttoworktogether? try. News report of deaths of pa- controlled, the number of Covid five vaccine prices from two vac- ship between government and some semblance of distance be-
thegovernmenttoactevennow. Indians. tients owing to lack of oxygen in beds in the country actually de- cinemanufacturers.Howcanthe the private sector. Ramp up test- tween each other, the crowds
Itisstillnottoolate.Timelyaction, Theyhavefailedoneverysin- If the government reaches out so many places are devastating clinedsinceJanuary2021andnow Modigovernmentremainamute ing and tracing massively. were largely not wearing masks
leadership and management of glefrontandyet,evenastheirpo- to the Congress for help and and reflect criminal callousness wehaveanabsoluteshortage. spectatortothisbrazenprofiteer- Fourth,financiallyincentivize and very closely packed.
Covid can still save lakhs of lives. litical opponent, I don’t feel a ideas...are you open to sitting on the part of the authorities. …Thirdly,rampuptestingex- ing and discriminatory pricing of our doctors, nurses,paramedical In fact, I spoke to some of my
The second is to use our net- sense of retribution. I feel deeply, down (with them)? Where was the advance plan- ponentially…Transparency and vaccine?Itgivesstrengthtothear- staff, frontline medical workers colleagues regarding holding big
work of workers and leaders to deeply saddened and very angry Of course. My answer is an ning? Should no one be held ac- publicly available data go a long gument that the government is and other frontline Corona war- rallies once the numbers started
provide as much help, assistance atwhattheyhavedone–ormore unequivocal yes. This is why we countable? Let us not forget that wayinensuringthatpeopleabide complicit in vaccine profiteering riors tackling the disease. risingsignificantly.Unfortunately,
andhealingtothosewhoaresuf- accurately not done. It is truly wrote to the Prime Minister giv- India is amongst the largest pro- by safety rules and take precau- atthecostofpeopleinthemiddle Fifth,providesafetransporta- thoughnotasingleonedisagreed,
fering. Our party has set up con- tragic that we have come to this. ingpositiveandconcretesugges- ducersofoxygenintheworld.We tionary measures. If you try and of the pandemic. tionof migrantlabourfromcities there was pressure to continue
trol rooms in every state. Our Livesarebeinglostbecausethose tions and repeatedly offering produce 7,500 metric tonnes of hideorsugar-coatthefacts,if you Let us not forget that India is byspecialtrainsandothermeans. simplybecausewecouldnotstop
frontal organisations, including in charge didn’t get their priori- help. The Congress Party has oxygenperday.Wehaveenough don’t face up to the reality, you the largest producer of vaccines RampupMGNREGAworkacross unilaterally. The institutional
Youth Congress, are reaching ties right. years of experience in govern- oxygentomeetourneeds.Sowill cannot deal realistically with the in the world. This capacity has the country so that those return- mechanism like the Election
out…we are pooling our re- ment and disaster management. thegovernmenttellusthereason pandemic. been built over last 70 years be- ing home and those without Commission was oblivious to is-
sourcestohelpasmanypeopleas The virus doesn’t follow forthecurrentscarcityofoxygen? ginning from the BCG vaccine to livelihoods have access to basic suinganydirectionsorguidelines,
possible (with) access to oxygen, political faultlines. In the first What are the key things that Isn’t it correct that a The Congress is in power in becoming an exporter of vaccine income. whichwasitsessentialresponsi-
beds and medicines…I am regu- phase, the states worst hit need to be addressed right Parliamentary Standing three states, what are the in the 1980s. Even for Covid vac- Sixth, allocate Rs 6,000 per bility. They just looked the other
larly in touch with our state gov- were non-BJP-ruled states but now? Committee in its report dated lessons being learnt? cine,WHOorderedvaccineswith family income support without way. At least our party withdrew
ernmentsandsoareanumberof UP and Karnataka curves are Therearesomanyissuesthat November 21, 2020 asked the Both Chhattisgarh and Indiancompaniesmonthsbefore any delay. atsomepointalthoughitmaynot
our colleagues. rising. Shouldn’t the discourse require immediate attention: government to make adequate Jharkhand have surplus oxygen we did. India placed its first vac- Finally, divert funds from have been enough.

PM talks Covid
cooperation Rawat briefs PM Modi on armed Pune: Dip in cases, but no end
with Japanese
forces push in pandemic fight to scramble for critical needs
base,by5.30pm.TheAirForcehad AJAYJADHAV
brought four cryogenic oxygen
tankers from Singapore to MASCARENHAS DROP, THIRD
CHIEF OF Defence Staff Gen The transport fleet of the Air
PRIME MINISTER Narendra Bipin Rawat on Monday briefed Force has been flying sorties to THE SITUATION is not as encour- Mumbai: For the third day
Modi on Monday discussed the Prime Minister Narendra Modi transport essential medical agingasinMumbai,butcontinu- in a row, Mumbai has
Covid-19 situation with his on the efforts and operations by equipment all over the country. ous decline in active cases for the shownadipinfreshCovid-
Japanese counterpart Yoshihide the Armed Forces to assist states “PM also discussed with the last one week has raised hopes 19cases,withitspositivity
Suga as the two leaders under- and civil administration in fight- CDS that Kendriya and Rajya thattheworstinthesecondwave rate on a slow but steady
scored the importance of close ing the surging second wave of Sainik Welfare Boards and might be over in Pune as well. At the Central Railway decline from over 17.5 per
cooperation between their Covid-19. Officers posted in various head- Unlike Mumbai, Pune is still re- Hospital near Pune railway centuntilafortnightagoto
countries to overcome the chal- The IAF has been transport- quartersinveterans cells may be portingmorethan10,000casesa station. Arul Horizon 13.6 per cent now. On
lenges posed by the pandemic. ing medical equipment, includ- CDS Gen Bipin Rawat with PM Narendra Modi, in Delhi. ANI instructed to coordinate the day,thoughonMonday,thisnum- Monday the city recorded
They spoke of working to- ing oxygen tankers, both within servicesof veteranstoextendthe ber dropped below 6,200, the 3,876 cases, down from
gethertocreateresilientanddiver- the country and overseas, while reach to maximum extent pos- lowest this month. started to reduce. We are some- 5,542onSundayand5,888
sified supply chains, ensuring re- the Navy has joined the Oxygen to make their services available of thecountry,“oxygencylinders sible including in remote areas,” Butduringthepastoneweek, how managing the supply of on Saturday.
liable supply of critical materials Express mission to transport for consultation through med- available with armed forces in the government said. active cases in Pune have come medical oxygen to meet the de- Whilecivicofficialssaid
andtechnologies,anddeveloping medical essentials to Laksha- ical emergency helplines”, he various establishments will be Defence Minister Rajnath down by more than 25,000. It mands of civic and government they suspect Mumbai has
newpartnershipsinmanufactur- dweep. Armed Forces Medical said. released for hospitals”, Rawat Singh had earlier held two re- peaked on April 19 when the city hospitals,” said Yuvraj crosseditssecondpeakand
ing and skill development to deal Servicesstaff havebeendeputed Also, all medical officers on told Modi. The forces were “cre- view meetings with the armed reported1.25lakhCovid-positive Deshmukh, executive engineer willseeaconsistentdecline
with the crisis, the MEA said. to exclusive Covid-19 facilities staff appointments at the ating medical facilities in large forces and other wings of the people. On Monday, this figure at the PMC, who is coordinating inCovid-19cases,thedrop
During the telephonic talks, the that DRDO has set up in Delhi, Command, Corps, and Division numbers, where possible mili- Ministry, and asked them to was just about one lakh, though supplies of oxygen to hospitals. cannotbesolelyattributed
two leaders exchanged views on Varanasi, Lucknow, and some headquarters, and at the head- tary medical infrastructure will work on a war footing to extend still the second highest in the Many large private hospitals to that. Between Saturday
regional and global challenges other cities. quarters of the Navy and Air be made available to civilians”, all possible assistance to the civil country after Bengaluru. saidtherewasnochangeintheflow and Sunday, Mumbai’s
posedbythepandemic,itadded. Gen Rawat informed the PM Force, will be deployed to hospi- he said. administration. The decline has brought some of critical Covid-19 patients. Many daily tests fell steeply —
“Spoke to PM @sugawitter of that “all medical personnel from tals, Gen Rawat told Modi. ModireviewedAirForceoper- DRDO reopened its Covid-19 relief to those managing the rush of these patients were still strug- from 40,298 to 28,328.
Japan on (the) phone. We re- armed forces who have retired The PM was told about nurs- ations to transport oxygen and facility in Delhi last week with ofCovid-19patients,thoughithas glingtofindbeds. Until a week ago the city
viewed the progress in various or taken premature retirement ing personnel being employed other essential medical supplies. 500 beds. A 500-bed Covid hos- madelittledifference,asyet,tothe “We are getting fewer wastesting55,000-60,000
ongoing bilateral initiatives. We inthelasttwoyearsarebeingre- in “large numbers to comple- A C17 transport aircraft of the IAF pital in Patna, a 450-bed hospi- scrambleforhospitalbeds,oxygen, Remdesivirinjectionsascompared people a day. Civic officials
alsodiscussedourcooperationin called to work in Covid facilities ment the doctors at the hospi- landedinDubaionMondaytopick talinLucknow,a750-bedfacility orevenRemdesivir. to the demand,” said Ganesh saidthedailytestingnum-
diverseareasincludinghightech- within proximity of their pres- tals”, the Defence Ministry said upsevenemptycryogenicoxygen in Varanasi, and a 900-bed facil- “The demand for medical Bidkar, leader of the House in the berstendtoreduceoverthe
nology, skill development and in ent place of residence”. Other in a statement. containers,whichwerescheduled ity in Ahmedabad are either al- oxygen has not gone down, PMC. weekendandpickupagain
fightingtheCOVID-19pandemic medical officers “who retired In view of the shortage of toreachPanagarhinWestBengal, ready working, or will become since the number of hospi- FULL REPORT ON throughtheweek. ENS
together,” Modi tweeted. earlier have also been requested medical oxygen in several parts where the armed forces have a functional soon. talised patients has not yet


If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to



Complexities of herd immunity
In several metros where serosurveys showed high immunity levels, Covid cases are still surging. What
1,679,740 2,813,658 does that say about the concept of ‘herd immunity’? Accounting for transmission involves several factors.
2000,000 ThepopulationtouchedbyCovidcanalso

EXPERT be estimated by the Infection Fatality Rate

(IFR). This is the total number of deaths di-

EXPLAINS vided by the total people infected. In India,

the estimate is 0.08%. So this number can be
used to back-calculate the number of infec-
1000,000 Dr Tushar Gore tions based on the number of deaths in the
LAST 10 DAYS different cities.
Apr 16 Apr 25 From The Indian Express panel Thetablealongside showsthenumber of
of specialists, exclusive insight people exposed to Covidin some metros un-
Note: The April 25 figure in this graph is based on the government update on April 26
til January 31 using the method above.
WE HAVE all heard of immunity that results (BasedontotaldeathsuntilJanuary31;there
INDIA TOTAL CASES WORLD TOTAL CASES inadramaticreductionof dailycases.Despite is a lag between infection and death and this
17,313,163 147,325,436 serosurveys indicating many metros such as isignoredforpresentdiscussion.)Usingpop-
Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune having reached ulation estimates for 2020, the estimate for
Source: Ministry of Health & Family Source: Johns Hopkins University,
Welfare, updated at 11 pm on April 26 updated at 11 pm on April 26 high levels of immunity, the same cities are percentage of the population with prior ex-
seeing an explosive surge. posure to Covid and susceptible population
Does “herd immunity” really protect is calculated.
from subsequent waves? The answer is not The reasons behind the recent surge are

Drug for common bowel a simple yes or no. It depends on how wide-
spread the virus is in a community and its
transmission rate.
A sample being collected for a serological survey in Delhi last year. Most seosurveys
have suggested high immunity levels in the metros. Praveen Khanna/Express Archive
not fully understood. The one factor that is
not in doubt,however,isthat interactionand
contact with the population has increased

disorder found to blunt The number of daily cases depends on

three factors: The number of infectious peo- ESTIMATING EXPOSURE FROM DEATHS
since February. Such increased contact in-
creased the virus in circulation and led to in-

Covid-19 vaccine response

ple in the population, the number of suscep- creased cases in the susceptible population.
tible individuals, and the rate of transmis- Deaths till No. of people Population % Population Susceptible As the table shows, there is still a large
sion of the virus. Jan 31 infected till estimate infected population enough susceptible population in the met-
The rate of transmission is dependent on Jan 31 (crore) (crore) (crore) ros and can lead to many new cases – as is
PEOPLE WHO take a commonly-pre- After a single dose of vaccine, only the nature of the virus and the extent of con- Bengaluru 4,391 0.55 1.1 49.90% 0.55 being seen now.
scribed drug for inflammatory bowel about one-third of participants (103 tactbetweenindividuals.Theherdimmunity
Delhi 10,853 1.36 2.2 61.70% 0.84 Where it’s headed
disease (IBD) should not assume they of 328) treated exclusively with inflix- concept is based on lowering the number of
are protected after a first dose of imabgenerated adequate levelsof an- susceptibleindividuals.If sufficientindividu- Mumbai 11,356 1.42 2 71.00% 0.58 The future trajectory depends on the na-
Covid-19 vaccine, say the authors of a tibodies to the virus for the vaccine to als in the population are immune (either tureof theviruscausingthisrecentsurge–in
large-scalestudythatfoundmanyhad beconsideredeffective.Inparticipants throughvaccinationorapriorexposure),then addition to behaviour patterns. If the virus,
poor antibody responses. simultaneously taking infliximab and thenumberof susceptibleindividualsdrops. In a room with a high scenario is higher, then even inthe formof a new strain, isnot infect-
The research measured antibody immunomodulator drugs, the levels For example, if the immune population is number of susceptible in- these will find more sus- ing the prior infected population, then the
responses after vaccination with the of antibodies were even lower after a 70%, then the susceptible population is 30%. dividuals, and a certain ceptible individuals and good newsis thatwehavedealtwiththis sit-
Pfizer-BioNTech or the Oxford- single vaccine dose; only 125 of 537 The prediction for future cases, unfortu- number of viruses (balls THE EXPERT number of cases will in- uation last year and managed to control it
AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine in 865 met the threshold of a positive anti- nately, is not that simple. If the rate of trans- bouncing around), the DR TUSHAR GORE’s crease. This point is often (even though the scientific reasons behind
people treated with infliximab, an body test. missionincreases(duetochangeinsocialbe- balls will land on many focus area is missedinherdimmunity the control are not completely understood).
anti-tumournecrosisfactor(anti-TNF) However, in a sub-group of people haviourandincreasedcontact)thenevenwith susceptible individuals pharmaceuticals. He discussions. The implicationis that current casesare only
biologic drug, prescribed to around who had previously been infected alargepercentageoftheimmunepopulation, and “infect” them. In con- studied at IIT-Bombay The “herd immunity” amongst the susceptible population, and,
two million people worldwide. (One with Covid-19, and also in the few pa- asignificantnumberof dailycasescanresult. trast, in a room largely of and the University of number is not a static therefore, lowering activity (to levels similar
of the brand names under which in- tients studied who had already had a immune individuals and Minnesota, and has number but it changes tolastyear)willleadtocontrol.Thereissome
fliximab is marketed is second dose of vaccine, Not a static number with same number of worked at McKinsey and depending on the rate of reason to believe that this is the case, based
Remicade, which has got the vaccine-triggered an- A visualrepresentation presents the con- balls, many balls will land Novo Nordisk. He is the transmission of the virus on anecdotal evidence that this wave is dis-
regulatory clearance in tibody responses rose sig- cept in a more palatable, if mostly approxi- on only immune individ- former MD/CEO of and the extent of virus proportionately affecting the higher socio-
India.)Anti-TNF drugsare nificantly,indicatinganef- mate, manner. Imagine a room with suscep- uals and “die” after a cou- Resonance Laboratories, a present. economic segments. A new virus strain in-
effective treatments for fective response after two tible and immune individuals. The virus is a ple of bounces. Thus the niche pharmaceuticals differenttothepastexposureof anindividual
immune-mediated in- exposures.Basedonthese ball bouncing from one person to other. If it numberofcasesinthesec- manufacturer.
In the metros would have resulted in all sections getting
flammatory diseases, but observations, the re- hits a susceptible person, it sticks to the per- ond room will be fewer. Serosurveysindicated affected equally.
by suppressing the im- PAPER searchers conclude that son and a new case is generated. If it hits an The crucial point in that Covid had touched In the other scenario, however, the fight

mune system, they can people taking anti-TNF immuneindividual,itbouncesontothenext this example is that the number of balls 56% of population in Delhi by January; 75% is much tougher and questions loom about
reduce vaccine effective- drugs should be consid- individual. It can bounce only a couple of (virus particles) in the two scenarios are in some slums Mumbai in November, and currentvaccinesaseffectivetoolstofightthis
ness and increase risk of eredapriorityforasecond bounces after which it “dies”. equal. If the number of balls in the second about 30% in Bengaluru in November. strain. Then we are back to square one.
serious infection, the re- NEW RESEARCH vaccination.

Why govt wants you to mask up at home too

searchershavesuggested. The CLARITYstudyre-
Led by the University cruited 6,935 patients
of Exeter and the Royal Devon and withCrohn’sdiseaseandulcerativeco-
Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, and litis from 92 UK hospitals between
published in the journal GUT, the pa- SeptemberandDecember2020,toin-
per is an output from the CLARITY vestigate the impact of these drugs on
Study is funded by the UK National COVID-19susceptibilityandprotective families, in this wave, turning positive, even to say that there is a negligible risk of trans- reduce the risk of getting infected.
Institute of Health Research (NIHR) immunitythatfollowsinfectionorvac- KAUNAIN SHERIFF M when most of them have stayed indoors. mission when there is a distance of 6 feet be-
and Crohn’s and Colitis UK. The re- cination. Previously, the study found NEW DELHI, APRIL 26 tween two persons and when both of them Apart from what the government has
search found that people treated with thatinfliximabbluntstheimmunesys- But why during the second wave? are wearing masks. cited, has any other study shown the
infliximabhadsignificantlylowercon- temtoCOVID-19infection,potentially THE HEAD of India’s Covid-19 task force, Dr Asignificantproportionof thevulnerable According to the data cited, the risk is benefits of indoor masking ?
centrations of antibodies, when com- increasing the risk of reinfection. V K Paul, has said the time has come to wear population in India have been showing se- 1.5% (low) when both people are wearing Yes.Astudyof ChinesefamiliesinBeijing,
pared to 428 people on an alternative The two main forms of IBD are ul- masks at home settings to break the chain of veresymptomsincludingshortnessof breath, masks, 5% (medium) when only the infected acceptedforpublicationintheBritishMedical
treatment, vedolizumab. cerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. transmission. His recommendation comes andmanyhaverequiredhospitalisation.The person is wearing a mask and uninfected Journal, has found that indoor masking it is
For a vaccine to be effective, it Symptoms include urgent and fre- asIndiareportedarecord352,991newcases surge in the requirement of oxygen beds has persons are unmasked, 30% (high) if the in- 79% effective in curbing transmission — but
needs to trigger a sufficient number of quent bloody diarrhoea, weight loss, on Monday and 2,812 deaths in the last 24 overwhelmed the health infrastructure. fected person is not wearing a mask but the only before symptoms emerge.
virus-targeting antibodies to prevent pain, and extreme fatigue. hours; the country’s activecaseloadhasnow Masks are mainly intended to protect uninfected person is wearing one, and 90% The study of 335 people in 124 families
any subsequent infection. Source: University of Exeter reached 2,813,658. others from Covid-19 rather than (highest) when neither the infected found that the risk of household transmis-
just the wearer. Therefore, the rec- nor the uninfected person is wear- sion was 18 times higher with frequent daily
What is the reason for this ommendation is aimed not just at ing a mask. close contact with the primary case; face
recommendation? breaking the chain of transmission, mask use by the primary case and family
Covid-19 spreads primarily from person but also at protecting those at high- Have any other countries made a contacts before the primary case developed
to person through respiratory droplets, est risk. similar recommendation yet? symptoms was 79% effective in reducing
which travel in the air when someone There are two targeted out- The US Centers for Disease transmission;however,wearingamaskafter
coughs, sneezes, talks, shout or sings. These comes. First, the elderly and those with co- Control and Protection (CDC) makes an al- illness onset of the primary case was not sig-
droplets can then land in the mouths or morbidities can be protected significantly, mostsimilarrecommendation.TheCDCsays nificantly protective.
noses of people in the vicinity, or may be even if one member of the family has an masks should still be worn in addition to “The findings inform universal face mask
breathed in. asymptomatic infection. Second, it can re- staying at least 6 feet apart, especially when use and social distancing, not just in public
Again, a large population does not show duce the local house outbreaks that have indoorsaroundpeoplewhodon’tliveinyour spaces, but inside the household with mem-
symptoms. The asymptomatic people can marked the second wave. household. bers at risk of getting infected. This further
continue to spread the infection at home, at TheCDCstressesthatolderpeople,specif- supports universal face mask use, and also
afasterpace.DrPaulstressedthatevenwhen Did the government cite any evidence ically,shouldwearamaskwhenaroundpeo- provides guidance on risk reductionfor fam-
asymptomatic people are talking, they can while making these arguments? ple who don’t live in their household. Which ilies living with someone in quarantine or
spread the infection. Yes, it cited data from the North Carolina effectivelymeansthatif anewpersoncomes isolation,andfamiliesof healthworkers,who
That is why we have been seeing entire Department of Health and Human Service home,thevulnerableneedtowearamaskto may face ongoing risk,” the authors write.

the Center for the Study of Women in and 30s (29%). The majority of male char-
University, told The Indian Express, by email.
■ Males 40 and over accounted for 52%
■ Female and ■ Male “Since they receive a great deal of atten- of all male characters. Females 40 and over
FRANCES McDORMAND was 63 years and tionafterbeingnominated,weassumethat comprised 32% of all female characters.
306 days old on Sunday (Monday morning Under 20 12 moreactressesover40areworkingandthat ■ There were almost twice as many
in India) when she won the Academy ageism has diminished in film. However, male characters as female characters aged
20s 24 30
Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, for 10
we have to remember that the success of 60 and over: 6% of female and 10% of male
her performance in Nomadland. Of the four 30s 29 justafewactressesdoesnotreflectthestate characters were in this age group.
othernominees,ViolaDaviswas55,andthe 31 of employment for the majority of these
other three below 40. 20 women,” she said. The age of Oscar winners
40s 16
Itwasthe 94thBestActress awardatthe 28 The average age of the 94 Best Actress
Oscars, counting joint winners and repeat 50s 10 The big picture winners (at the time of winning) is 37.3
winners as all separate. Only on 10 of these Frances McDormand in Nomadland 14 10 The 2021 Oscars recognised films re- years. The oldest winner so far is the late
60s+ 6
94occasionshasthewinnerbeenabovethe (2020). She has won her three acting leased in 2020. And films released last year Jessica Tandy at age 80 in 1990, for Driving
age of 60 — including McDormand twice awards at ages 39, 60 and 63. broadlycontinuedthetrendofolderwomen Miss Daisy (1989). Katharine Hepburn won
— and only on 18 occasions has the winner Source:MarthaLauzen,‘It’saMan’s(Celluloid) 0 getting fewer roles than younger women — thelastof herfourBestActressOscarsatage
been aged between 40 and 59. World: Portrayals of Female Characters in the 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s andoldermen.Thisisoneof severalaspects 74 (she also won twice in her 60s).
That last bracket of 40-59 just excludes Ageism in Hollywood Top Grossing US Films of 2020’ covered in a report, authored by Dr Lauzen Six of the ten 60-pluswinners feature in
McDormand, who was three months short In a way, the predominance of younger andpublishedbyherCenter,ontheportray- the last 10 years alone, including
of her 40th birthday in 1997 when she won Oscar winners for Best Actress underlines als of female characters in the top-grossing McDormand at ages 60 and 63, and Meryl
the first of her three Oscars. Her award for theageismthatexistsinHollywood.Putan- “The more mature actresses, including However, the visibility of these women can US films of 2020. Among the findings: Streep at age 62.
Fargo (1996) is just one of 66 — 70% of 94 — other way, the visibility of seasoned ac- Frances McDormand and Viola Davis, tend skew our perceptions of how female char- ■ Female characters remained younger In contrast to two-thirds of Best Actress
that have gone to women in their 20s and tresses such as McDormand tends to ob- togetmoresubstantialrolesandsobecome acters over 40 are faringoverall,”DrMartha than their male counterparts. The majority winners, just over one-third —33 of 94 —
30s at the time they received these awards. scure the same trend. more prominent during awards season. Lauzen, founder and executive director of of femalecharacterswereintheir20s(24%) BestActorwinnershavebeenunderage40.



WORLD EU sues AstraZeneca over delays
in delivery of Covid-19 vaccine
27-nation bloc says firm did not respect contract, didn’t have ‘reliable’ plan
Pandemic rages in

Alexei Navalny &GISELDA VAGNONI Sending a
Latin America amid
● message
vaccine shortage
said on Monday it had launched EUOFFICIALShavereportedly
legal action against AstraZeneca saidthatthemovetosue
activistnetwork for notrespecting its contract for AstraZenecawasbecausethe

orderedtostop the supply of Covid-19 vaccines

and for not having a “reliable”
operations PeopletakeselfiesoutsidetheColosseumonthedayof itsreopening,inRomeonMonday. Reuters plan to ensure timely deliveries.
AstraZeneca said in response
RUSSIA ON Monday or- that the legal action by the EU dered.However,someEU BOGOTA, APRIL 26
dered jailed Kremlin critic
Alexei Navalny’s network
of regional activist groups
Hit hard by Covid-19 initially, was without merit and pledged
to defend itself strongly in court.
Under the contract, the
LATIN AMERICANS, hard-hit by
the coronavirus pandemic, are
to stop their activities as a
court reviews a request to
outlaw them and his Anti-
Italy tiptoes towards normality Anglo-Swedish company had
committed to making its “best
struggling to get vaccinated, a
threat to the region’s fragile eco-
nomic recovery as lockdowns People queue up outside a
Corruption Foundation, one, Sardinia, red. the next few weeks, with strict million vaccine doses to the EU backsaroundtheworldthat tightenamidadangeroussurgeof vaccination centre in La Paz,
representatives of the REUTERS In the yellow zones, coffee social distancing rules in force. inthesecondquarterof thisyear, havedelayedboththemanu- infections and rising death tolls. Bolivia. Reuters
groups said. Moscow’s ROME, APRIL 26 bars and restaurants are now al- Theatres,cinemas,museums for a total of 300 million in the factureanddistributionof its The region of some 660 mil-
state prosecutors have lowed to serve customers out- and cultural heritage sites re- period from December to June. vaccine,anditremainstobe lion people has recorded almost
askedthecourttolabelthe ITALY INCHED forward towards doors after a near-total shut- opened, albeit with limited ca- But AstraZeneca said in a seenif theEUlegalactionwill 30% of the world’s 3.2 million and suppliers like Russia have
groups “extremist”, a step normality on Monday as coffee down of about six weeks. pacity of no more than 50 per- statement on March 12 it would haveaanyeffectonitsability Covid-19 deaths to date, despite facedtheirownhold-ups.
thatwouldeffectivelyforce bars, restaurants, cinemas and However, having a quick centforthoseindoors.Manyalso aim to deliver only one-third of tomeetitscommitments. being home to just 8% of the Meanwhile,theglobalCOVAX
theactivistnetworksetup theatresreopenedinmostregions espressoandcornetto,theequiv- required online reservations in that by the end of June, of which world’s population. Whilecoun- programmetosupplyvaccinesto
by President Vladimir aspartofaphasedspringtimere- alent of the French croissant, order to control the flow. The about 70 million would be in the tries in Africa and Asia also lag poorer countries has been
Putin’s most high-profile laxation of Covid lockdowns. standing at the bar — a morning Colosseum re-opened for indi- second quarter. A week after this year. After repeated cuts in behind Europe and North bogged down by production
opponent to stop cam- “Finally!” said Lorenzo ritual for millions — will still be viduals but not for tour groups. that, the Commission sent a le- supplies, the bloc changed its America on inoculations, health glitches, a lack of support from
paigning and push them Campania, an elderly man from prohibitedforanothersixweeks. Italy was the first Western gal letter to the company in the plans and now relies mostly on expertssay LatinAmerica'sneed wealthy nations, and a recent
underground. REUTERS a small village near Rome, as he “People really want to come country to be hit-hard by Covid first step of a formal procedure the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. for vaccines is the most urgent. movebyIndia,thebiggestvaccine
had breakfast seated at an out- and have their breakfast stand- inearly2020,andhealthofficials to resolve disputes. read more Under the contract, the case The scarcity comes down to a manufacturer, to curb exports.
door table near the capital’s cen- ing up at the bar,” said Loredana havestressedthatpeopleshould AstraZeneca’s delays have will need to be resolved by fewfactors:highincomecountries With vaccine roll-outs lag-
tral Piazza Venezia. Pompeii, the owner of a bar in still be careful, wear masks and contributed towards hampering Belgian courts. snapped up most of the available ging behind once ambitious
AFGHANISTAN Fourteen of the country’s 20 central Rome. keep social distancing. the 27-nation bloc’s vaccination “The Commission has started doses,andLatinAmericanofficials plans, coronavirus cases have
Rockethitsgovt regions have been designated
yellow zones, meaning there is a
Outdoor amateur team con-
tact sports were also allowed
Some restaurants with out-
door space said they would wait
Oxford University was initially
last Friday a legal action against
AstraZeneca,” an EU spokesman
for their own people. A plan to
soared, with intensive care units
from Argentina to Colombia fill-
compound,16 relatively low risk from Covid. again. The re-opening of pools to reopen until June 1, when in- supposed to be the main one in said,notingall27EUstatesbacked manufacturetheAstraZenecavac- ing up and death tolls hitting
childreninjured Five are classified orange and and gyms will be phased in over door dining will be allowed. an EU rollout in the first half of themove. cinelocallyhasbeenhitbydelays, record highs.

governor’s compound in
Afghanistan’seasternKunar UK-Iranian aid worker UK’s Johnson denies reports that Rare UAE rebuke for Israel
sentenced to another he said ‘let the bodies pile high’ over violence in Jerusalem
a religious ceremony,
wounding at least 16 chil-

year in jail by Iran court GUY FAULCONBRIDGE,

dren, local officials said, of Israeli tourists and signed a
blamingTalibaninsurgents. ASSOCIATED PRESS saying that, in October, shortly slewof dealsto strengthenbilat-
Iqbal Sayeed, the governor after agreeing to a second lock- DUBAI, APRIL 26 eraltiessincetheadministration
of Kunar, said a Taliban ANDY BRUCE UK PM down, Johnson told a meeting in of former US President Donald
rocket hit the compound’s & WILLIAM JAMES Boris Downing Street: “No more THE UNITED Arab Emirates on Trump brokered a historic and
hall as a holy Quran recita- REUTERS LONDON, APRIL 26 Johnson f***ing lockdowns — let the bod- Monday warned that any moves surprise deal to normalise rela-
tion competition was tak- APRIL 26 ies pile high in their thousands.” to change the historic identity of tionsbetween thetwo countries
ing place. Religious affairs BRITISH PRIME Minister Boris Asked whether he had made Jerusalem threaten peace, and some seven months ago.
officials were also injured. AN IRANIAN court sentenced Johnson on Monday denied a them denied — about everything the remark, Johnson told broad- called on Israel to put an end to The UAE Foreign Ministry
REUTERS British-Iranian aid worker newspaper report that he had fromhismuddledinitialhandling casters: “No, but again, I think violence following the latest said in a statement, carried on
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to an- saidhewouldratherbodiespiled oftheCovid-19crisistoquestions the important thing, I think, that clashes between Israelis and the Emirates’ state news agency,
TURKEY other year in jail, just weeks af- “high in their thousands” than over who financed the redecora- people want us to get on and do Palestinians in the city. that it was concerned over “acts

532arrests ter she finished a prior five-year

sentence, a decision Britain Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
Johnson is facing a stream of
tion of his official apartment.
The Daily Mail newspaper
as a government is to make sure
that the lockdowns work, and
The statement was a rare re-
buke of Israel by the UAE, which
of violence committed by right-
wing extremist groupsin theoc-
orderedinprobe called “inhumane”.
When Zaghari-Ratcliffe was
allegationsinnewspapers—allof cited unidentified sources as they have.” REUTERS haswelcomedtensof thousands cupied East Jerusalem”.

overGulenlinks freed from house arrest last The Iranian judiciary could
ordered the arrest of 532
month at the end of a sentence
for seeking to overthrow Iran’s
not be reached for comment.
In a statement calling for Student’s Snapchat profanity leads to US top court free speech case
suspects including 459 government, her family had Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s release,
serving military personnel hoped she could go home to British Foreign Secretary campus. The topic is especially at the schoolhouse gate.” mate raised their middle fingers.
in an operation targeting London. Dominic Raab said: “This is a to- MARK SHERMAN meaningful in a time of remote Levy’s case has none of the The post was brought to the
people linked to a Muslim But she was immediately or- tally inhumane and wholly un- WASHINGTON, APRIL 26 learning because of the coron- loftymotivesof Tinkerandmore attention of the team’s coaches,
clericwhoAnkarasayswas deredbackintocourttofacenew justified decision.” avirus pandemic and a rising than its share of teenage angst. who suspended Levy from the
behind a 2016 attempted charges of propaganda against Earlier, Prime Minister Boris FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD BRANDI awareness of the pernicious ef- Levy and a friend were at a cheerleading team for a year.
coup, state-owned Iran’s ruling system. Johnson told reporters: “I don’t Levy was havingthat kindof day fects of online bullying. convenience store in her home- Levy, now 18, is finishing her
Anadolu news agency said “So, the lawyer was sum- think it’s right at all that Nazanin where she just wanted to ArgumentsareonWednesday, town of Mahonoy City, freshman year in college. “I was a
on Monday. The investiga- moned to (the judge’s) office to- shouldbesentencedtoanymore scream. So she did, in a profan- viatelephonebecauseofthepan- Pennsylvania, when she took to 14-year-oldkid.Iwasupset,Iwas
tion was being conducted day and was shown the verdict, time in jail.” ity-laced posting on Snapchat demic, before a court on which Brandi Levy. Reuters social media to express her frus- angry. Everyone, every 14-year-
in 62 provinces as part of a but was not given a copy. One Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a project that has, improbably, ended up several justices have school-age tration at being kept on her high old kid speaks like that at one
sustained crackdown year’s sentence, plus one year’s manager with the Thomson before the Supreme Court in the childrenorrecentlydid. school’sjuniorvarsitycheerlead- point,” she said. Her parents filed
against the network of US- travel ban (which I presume run Reuters Foundation charity, was most significant case on student The case has its roots in the landmark ruling, the Supreme ing squad for another year. afederallawsuit,claimingthesus-
based preacher Fethullah consecutively),” her husband arrested at a Tehran airport in speech in more than 50 years. Vietnam-era case of a high Court sided with the students, “F*** school f*** softball f*** pensionviolatedtheirdaughter’s
Gulen. REUTERS Richard told Reuters in an email, April 2016 and later convicted of At issue is whether public school in Des Moines, Iowa, that declaring students don’t “shed cheerf***everything,”Levywrote, constitutional speech rights, that
adding that an appeal would be plotting to overthrow the cleri- schools can discipline students suspended students who wore their constitutional rights to in a post that also contained a hasnowreachedallthewaytothe
filed within 20 days. cal establishment. over something they say off- armbandstoprotestthewar.Ina freedomof speechorexpression photo in which she and a class- US Supreme Court. AP


‘Nomadland’ wins best picture, Zhao makes history India link: Win
for ‘My Octopus
China censors reaction
Teacher’, Irrfan to Zhao’s Oscars as
And the winners are...
and Athaiya South Korea lauds Youn
CHLOÉ ZHAO’S Nomadland, a
wistful portrait of itinerant lives remembered it appeared Monday morning. A
on open roads across the Los Angeles: My Octopus Teacher, HUIZHONG WU hashtag called “Chloe Zhao wins
AmericanWest,wonbestpicture which credits Indian filmmaker TAIPEI, APRIL 26 Best Director” was also censored
Sunday at the 93rd Academy AnthonyHopkinsinascene Swati Thiyagarajan as associate on the platform with users com-
Awards, where the China-born fromTheFather.Hopkins producer and production man- CHLOÉ ZHAO’S history-making ing across an error message say-
Zhao became the first woman of wonthebestactoraward,but ager, won the best documentary Oscars sweep, winning best di- ing, “according to relevant laws
colour to win best director and a didnotattendtheceremony featureattheOscars,whereactor rector and best picture, is being and regulations and policies, the
historicallydiversegroupof win- Best supporting IrrfanKhanandcostumedesigner met with a muted response in page is not found.”
ners took home awards. actress: Yuh-Jung BhanuAthaiyawerehonouredin her country of birth, and even Instarkcontrast,SouthKorea’s
In thebiggestsurprise of a so- winningfilmisjustherthird,and Youn, Minari the ‘In Memoriam’ segment. censorship. Youn Yuh-jung, who played the
cially distanced Oscar ceremony which — with a budget less than “We won!!! Best documen- Zhao’s Nomadland is the sec- grandmotherinMinari,couldstill
Adapted screenplay:
held during the pandemic, best $5 million — ranks as one of the tary feature Oscar!!!,” ond film directed by a woman to besearchedontheChineseinter-
Florian Zeller and
actor went to Anthony Hopkins most modest-sized movies to Thiyagarajan tweeted after My win a best picture Oscar. She is net. Youn got the best supporting
Christopher Hampton,
forhisperformanceinthedemen- win Hollywood’s top honour. OctopusTeacherbaggedtheOscar. the first woman of colour and actress award, becoming the first
The Father
tia drama The Father. The award “I have always found good- (Above) Chloe Zhao; (Right) Frances McDormand and The Netflix documentary, di- second woman ever to win the KoreanperformertowinanOscar.
hadbeenwidelyexpectedtogoto ness in the people I’ve met Yuh-Jung Youn; (Below) Daniel Kaluuya. AP International film: rected by Pippa Ehrlich and Oscars for best director. And in Youn’s home of South
Chadwick Boseman for his final everywhereIwentintheworld,” Another Round, James Reed, documents film- Yet,inChina,whereZhaowas Korea, “Actor Youn Yuh-jung”
performanceinMaRainey’sBlack said Zhao when accepting best Denmark maker Craig Foster’s unusual re- born,herhistory-makingsuccess topped Twitter’s trending list
Bottom. The night’s last award, it director, whichKathryn Bigelow Best picture: Nomadland Best director: Chloé lationshipwithafemaleoctopus has not been trumpeted or cele- whileotherSouthKoreancelebri-
ended the ceremony on a down (The Hurt Locker) was the only Best actress: Frances Zhao, Nomadland in a South African kelp forest. brated. State media in China re- ties quickly offered their congrat-
note, particularly since Hopkins previous woman to win. McDormand, Nomadland Animated feature: Like every year, the Academy mainedsilentasofMondayafter- ulations. Lee Byung-hun, a South
wasn’t in attendance. The most ambitious award Best actor: Anthony Soul Awards also paid tribute to in- noon,withnomentionofherwin Koreanactorknownabroadforhis
Hours later, Hopkins made a show held during the pandemic, Hopkins, The Father dustrylegendswhopassedaway by either CCTV and Xinhua, the role in the G.I. Joe series, posted a
belated victory speech from his the Oscars rolled out a red carpet Documentary in the previous year in its three- two main state-run outlets. photo of Youn clutching an Oscar
Welsh homeland and paid trib- and tried to restored some glam- Original screenplay: feature: My Octopus minute‘InMemoriam’montage. Instead, there was even cen- trophy.“Impossibleisjustanopin-
utetoBoseman,whohesaidwas ourtoagrimyear.Forthefirsttime Promising Young Woman, Teacher Khan and Athaiya were re- sorship. A post announcing ion,” he wrote on the post. Bae
“taken from us far too early”. ever, the nominees were over- Emerald Fennell Original score: Soul, membered along with Chadwick Zhao’s directing win by film DoonafromtheacclaimedNetflix
TheNomadlandvictory,while whelminglyseeninthehomedur- Best supporting actor: Trent Reznor, Atticus Boseman, Sean Connery, magazine Watch Movies, which seriesKingdomandawell-known
widely expected, nevertheless ing a pandemic year that forced Daniel Kaluuya, Judas and Ross and Jon Batiste Christopher Plummer, Olivia de has over 14 million followers on actorKimHye-sooalsocongratu-
capped the extraordinary rise of theatres to close and prompted the Black Messiah Havilland, Kirk Douglas, Max von theubiquitousWeibomicroblog, lated Youn on their social media
Zhao, a lyrical filmmaker whose radicalchangeinHollywood. AP Sydowandothers. PTI was censored a few hours after accounts. AP



`46,976 `74.73 $63.62 `67,987
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market; gold per 10 g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as on April 23, 2021

SENSEX: 48,386.51 ▲ 508.06 (1.06%) NIFTY: 14,485.00 ▲ 143.65 (1%) NIKKEI: 29,126.23 ▲ 105.60 HANG SENG: 28,952.83 ▼ 125.92 FTSE: 6,946.91 ▲ 8.35 DAX: 15,261.13 ▼ 18.49
International market data till 1900 IST


Data of almost
Turning vacant
‘Stimulusbuiltin’,govttofocus 20 mn BigBasket
offices into Covid onrollingoutBudgetproposals users leaked from
care facilities: Govt
E Nov 2020 hack
posals is at an advanced stage,” a 2020-21 to 2.5 per cent in BE

SUNNYVERMA Infra senior official told The Indian 2021-22,”accordingtotheBudget
NEWDELHI,APRIL26 Express when asked about the documents.
among Moved to secure mechanism quite
seeks cos’ support EVEN AS sections of the industry
are demanding an economic
● focus areas
need for another round of stimu-
lus package.
“The budgetedcapitalexpen-
Last Friday, the government
some time back, says company
package to support the economy AMONGTHEfocusareas diture in 2021-22 is higher by al- (PM-GKAY)toprovideadditional
batteredbysporadicstatespecific of theBudgetistheinfra- most35percentcomparedtothe 5 kg of foodgrains per month (for ENSECONOMICBUREAU
lockdowns, the government is
currently focussed on effective
willseeamajorityof the
be spent on infrastructure sector
MayandJune)freeof costtoben-
eficiariescoveredbytheNational FILEDLASTYEAR
implementation of the Budget budgetedcapitalexpendi- to create a multiplier effect in the FoodSecurityAct,2013—atanes- HACKERS HAVE uploaded per-
proposals as they have a lot stim- tureforFY22.Asthesector economy. This is in line with the timated cost of Rs 26,000 crore. sonallyidentifiabledataofaround ■Lastyear,whenthe
ulus already built into them, two couldcreateamultiplier vision outline in the National To provide relief to stressed 20 million users belonging to on- hackwasreported,
senior government officials said. effectintheeconomy, Infrastructure Pipeline, and pro- companies, the Finance Ministry line grocery platform BigBasket BigBasketsaidithad
Sources said the idea is to get progresshasbeenmade videacushionagainstanytempo- has also expanded the scope of a ontheinternet.Thehackwasfirst filedapolicecomplaint
thecapitalexpendituregoingand ontheproposalforcre- rary slowdown in momentum of government-guaranteed credit reported by cybersecurity firm inwithCyberCrimeCell
GujaratUniversityconventionandexhibitioncentrein explorethepossibilityofanyfresh ationof thedevelopment recovery,” the official added. facilitytohealthcareandstressed Cyble in November last year, inBengaluruandwas
AhmedabadhasbeenturnedintoaCovidfacility.TheMCA economic package later on, de- financeinstitutiontofund Progress has been made on sector companies that have loan which said that the hackers had verifyingclaimsmade
hasurgedcompaniestoexploreturningvacantoffice pendinguponhowtheeconomic keyinfrastructureprojects. some of the crucial Budget pro- dues for up to 60 days (or SMA-1 put up the data for sale for Rs 30 bycyberexperts
spacesintotemporaryCovidcarefacilities. NirmalHarindran situationevolves.RisingCovid-19 posalslikesettingupofadevelop- accounts), as against 30 days ear- lakh. About 50 different data
infectionshaveresultedinseveral mentfinanceinstitution(DFI),and lier (SMA-0). points such as phone numbers, ■Theincidentcomesat
states imposing lockdowns, national lockdown, while stress- raising the foreign direct invest- Responding to a query on emailIDs,passwords,deliveryad- atimewhenBigBasketis
crossed the 17 million mark, which is affecting supply chains ing that having “micro contain- ment (FDI) limit in the insurance whether another loan morato- dresses, order details such as last intheprocessof being
ENSECONOMICBUREAU while active cases went past and making recovery difficult ment zones” as a strategy to deal sector to 74 per cent. rium or other measures for the order date, order value, number acquiredbysalt-to-
NEWDELHI,APRIL26 the 2.5 million mark. Most acrosssectorslikeaviation,hospi- with surging Covid-19 infections In the 2021-22 Budget bankingsectorwouldberequired of times ordered, etc. has been softwareconglomerate
major states and cities across tality, tourism, among others. across states is the way forward. Estimates (BE), capital expendi- given the mounting pressure on leaked by hackers. TataGroup,andis
AS THE number of Covid-19 India,includingNewDelhi,are WhiletheCentralgovernment “We have our deliberations ture has been pegged at Rs 5.54 companies, Finance Minister The incident has come at a awaitinganodfromthe
patientscontinuerisingacross facing acute shortages of in- has announced steps to ease im- everydayintheFinanceMinistry. lakh crore, a rise of 34.5 per cent Nirmala Sitharaman — speaking time when BigBasket is in the Competition
the country, the Ministry of tensivecareunitbeds,medical ports of oxygen as well as related Thefocusisonsavinglives.There over the 2020-21 BE of Rs 4.12 atanonlinediscussionorganised processof beingacquiredbysalt- Commissionof India
Corporate Affairs (MCA) has oxygen, vital medicines medical equipment, and ex- is no discussion of an economic lakh crore and 26.2 per cent in- byTheIndianExpressandFinancial to-software conglomerate Tata
urged companies to look into needed for treatment of tendedtheemergencycreditline package. We believe the Budget crease over FY21 Revised Timeslastweek—said:“Although group,andisawaitinganodfrom
the possibility of converting Covid-19, ventilators, and facilitytostressedcompanies,an- already has a lot of stimulus built Estimates (RE) of Rs 4.39 lakh I am monitoring the economy in the Competition Commission of Earlier this month, retail broking
their vacant office spaces into othernecessaryinfrastructure. otherroundofeconomicpackage in and we are focussed on deliv- crore. “With this increase capital a very detailed fashion on an India (CCI). companyUpstoxhadalertedcus-
temporaryCovidcarefacilities The MCA had, through an is yet to be discussed. The Centre ering on that. The work with re- expenditureaspercentageofGDP everyday basis, at the moment I Last year, when the hack was tomers of a security breach that
witheitherisolationbedsora earliernotificationonApril22, hasadvocatedagainstimposinga gardtoalotofdisinvestmentpro- increased from 1.8 per cent in BE don’t have a plan.” reported,thecompanysaidthatit includedcontactdataandKYCde-
combination of isolation and saidthatthefundscompanies had filed a police complaint in tails of customers.
oxygen beds. In a notice on its and startups use to set up with Cyber Crime Cell in Priortothat,lastmonth,hack-
website, the MCA said that in Covid care facilities such as Bengaluru and was verifying ers had claimed breaching the
view of the work from home makeshifthospitalswouldbe COVID-19 IMPACT by many countries on claims made by cyber experts. customer database of e-wallet
mode adopted by most of eligible for consideration as flights from India OnMonday,thecompanysaid firm MobiKwik.
‘Lockdowns, travel curbs by ■ New Covid mutant,
responsible for a virulent
media post refers to an alleged
India does not have a robust
mechanism for user data protec-
porary facilities to cater to the
rapidly rising Covid-19 case-
tion to notifications issued by
the MCA last year in March
states dampen fuel, ATF sale’ second wave, spreading to at
least 10 other countries
data breach in Nov-2020 and not
tion and penal actions, if any, in
cases of data breaches. The
load in the country. and August, where it had said Lockdowns and travel restrictions imposed by some states cently. The reason we know it’s Personal Data Protection Bill,
“I would like to appeal to that spending of funds to have dampened sale of auto fuels and aviation turbine fuel EFFECTOFLOWDEMAND: notrecentisthatthearticle/social whichissaidtocontainprovisions
your company to come for- tackle the Covid pandemic (ATF), leading to refining and marketing companies Althoughnotassevereasin media post mentions the release dealing with the same, has been
wardandsupplementgovern- and in development of vac- reducing throughputs, an Icra report said April2020,slowdownin of hashed passwords. We had pending in Lok Sabha since 2019.
ment efforts in fulfilling the cine,drugsormedicaldevices demandisleadingto: eliminated all hashed passwords A Joint Parliamentary
risinghospitalisationneedsin forCovid-19wouldbeconsid- BENCHMARKMARGINS materiallyimproveinthe ■ Refining and marketing from our system and moved to a Committee, which was initially
view of the second Covid eredasaneligibleCSRactivity. SUBDUED: near-term companies cutting down on secureOTP-basedauthentication supposed to submit its report on
surge. Your prompt and tar- Companies with a mini- ThebenchmarkSingaporegross capacity utilisation mechanismquitesometimeback. the Bill by March, has sought ex-
getedeffortswillcertainlyhelp mum net worth of Rs 500 refiningmargins(GRMs)remain FACTORSTHATCOULD ■ Low revenues and operating Also, our site does not collect or tension till the first week of
inprovidingthemuchneeded crore, turnover of Rs 1,000 subduedduetotheglobalsupply DAMPENOILDEMAND profitability for such store any sensitive personal data Parliament’s Monsoon session.
relieftothecitizensduringthis crore,ornetprofitofRs5crore overhangamidademand ANDGRMs: companies of customers like credit card de- In the absence of the Bill, the
difficulttime,”MCASecretary are required to spend at least slowdown&areunlikelyto ■ Travel restrictions imposed Source: Icra/PTI tails. So customer data continues Information Technology Act of
Rajesh Verma said in a post. 2 per cent of their average to be safe and no further action 2000 and the rules made in 2011
AsofApril25,thetotaltally profitforpreviousthreeyears Why is it important: Though it is expected that retail prices of auto fuels would be hiked from May, needs to be taken by customers”. form a regime of data protection,
of Covid-19 cases in India on CSR activities every year. the said rise is likely to be calibrated over a period of time, given the resurging pandemic Indianfirmshaverecentlywit- which several experts have said
nessed several data breaches. are inadequate.

BRIEFLY RBI caps pvt bank MD, CEO age at 70 Markets shrug off concerns
responsibilities and demands on meetings should be one-third of
over surging Covid cases, rise 1%
New Delhi: The Commerce ENSECONOMICBUREAU MAXIMUM TENURE time, which are considered suffi- the total strength of the board or
MinistrysaidMondayithas MUMBAI,APRIL26
OF 15 YEARS cient to attract qualified compe- three directors, whichever is hig- ENSECONOMICBUREAU SENSEXENDSAT48,386.51,NIFTYAT14,485
startedaCovid-19helpdesk tent individuals. However, such her,” it said. At least half of the di- NEWDELHI,APRIL26
to help resolve issues of ex- THE RBI on Monday fixed the fixed remuneration for an NED, rectorsattendingboardmeetings ■The30-shareBSESensex
■ The MD & CEO or
porters and importers re- tenure of the managing director other thanthe Chair of theboard, shall be independent directors. MARKET BENCHMARKS made a closedat48,386.51,up
WTD, who is also a
lated to international trade. (MD),chiefexecutiveofficer(CEO) should not exceed Rs 20 lakh per The Audit Committee of the healthy start to the week on 1.06%,whilethe50-share
promoter or major
and whole-time director (WTD) annum, the RBI said. board (ACB) shall be constituted Monday as investors rushed to NSENiftyjumped1%to
shareholder, cannot
‘Indiatogrowat inaprivatesectorbankat15years
hold these posts for
over 12 years. However,
The MD & CEO or WTD, who
with only NEDs. The Chair of the
board shall not be a member of
banking, consumption and en-

10.2%in2021’ at70yearsforsuchfunctionaries.
Unveiling the norms regard-
in extraordinary
a quorum of three members. At
uation on the Covid-19 front.
The 30-share BSE Sensex
circumstances, at the
NewDelhi:OxfordEconom- ing the chair and meetings of the dinary circumstances, at the sole least two-thirds of the members openedstronglyandremainedin dollartocloseat74.73
sole discretion of the
icsonMondayreviseddow- board, composition of certain discretion of the Reserve Bank, attendingthemeetingof theACB the positive territory all through
RBI, such MD & CEO or
nwardsIndia’s2021GDPgr- committees of the board, age, such MD & CEO or WTD may be shouldbeindependentdirectors. theday,closingat48,386.51—up
WTD may be allowed to
owth forecast from 11.8 per tenureandremunerationofdirec- allowedtocontinueupto15years. Theboardshouldconstitutea 508.06 points or 1.06 per cent. “Domestic equities shrugged Meanwhile, the rupee gained
continue up to 15 years
cent earlier to 10.2 per cent. torsandappointmentofWTDson While examining the matter risk management committee Similarly, the 50-share NSE off rising Covid-19 cases and re- 28paiseovertheUSdollartoclose
Monday,theReserveBankofIndia of re-appointment of such MD & (RMCB) with a majority of NEDs. Nifty jumped 143.65 points, or 1 bounded mainly led by sharp re- at 74.73 on Monday, ending its
Domesticflights: (RBI) said the upper age limit for
non-executive directors (NEDs), ment only after a minimum gap
CEO or WTD within the 12-15
yearsperiod,thelevelof progress
is contented to separate owner-
per cent, to finish at 14,485.
In the Sensex pack, Axis Bank
covery in financials,” said
Binod Modi, head—strategy at
four-session losing run amid
weakness in the greenback and
CapstillMay31 including the Chair of the board,
should be 75 years and after at-
of three years, the RBI added.
In addition to sitting fees and
and adherence to the milestones
for dilution of promoters’ share-
have a pernicious impact upon
was the top performer, rallying
4.40 per cent. ICICI Bank spurted
Reliance Securities.
positive domestic equities.
A fall in crude oil prices and
New Delhi: The limits im- taining the age of 75, no person expenses related to attending holdinginthebankshouldalsobe shareholder interest of private 3.63 per cent after the company Geojit Financial Services said the improvedriskappetitesupported
posed on airfares and on can continue in these positions. meetings of the board and its factored in by the RBI. banks. As such a limitation on reported a nearly four-fold jump marketmayremainvolatileinthe thelocalunitevenasworriesover
number of domestic flights The total tenure of an NED, committees as per extant statu- “TheChairoftheboardshould tenure would boost short-term in March quarter consolidated coming days as Covid cases con- surging Covid-19 cases restricted
that can be operated in the continuouslyorotherwise,onthe tory norms/practices, the bank beanindependentdirector.Inthe decisions by the CEO thereon, it profit over the weekend. tinue to be high, with April F&O the gains. In the four sessions to
Indianmarketwillextendtill boardofabank,shouldnotexceed mayprovideforpaymentofcom- absenceof theChairof theboard, would be in contradiction to the Meanwhile, HCL Tech, HDFC expiryandtheupcomingFederal Friday, the rupee had declined by
May 31, the Civil Aviation eightyears.Aftercompletingeight pensationtoNEDsintheformofa themeetingsof theboardshould stakeholderinterest,”saidSonam Bank, Maruti, Sun Pharma, TCS, OpenMarketCommittee(FOMC) 66 paise or 0.89 per cent on wor-
Ministry said Monday. PTI years on the board, the person fixed remuneration commensu- bechairedbyanindependentdi- Chandwani,managingpartner,KS NTPC and ITC were the laggards, meeting in the US being crucial ries over a record surge in cases
maybeconsideredforre-appoint- rate with an individual director’s rector. The quorum for the board Legal & Associates. droppingasmuchas2.87percent. events this week. and lockdowns in various states.
$120million Apple announces first Global crude WTO head: Targeting China Seen off the first
wave, we have
falls on India’s
in funding from Singapore-
US East Coast campus Covid surge, with trade reforms won’t work largely adapted:
based Temasek. FE

in North Carolina supply rise PHILIPBLENKINSOP
RBI article
19 infections, the only way for-
with global trade reforms if it is
ward is speedier vaccination,
ramping up of health infrastruc-
Mumbai:Formermanaging not made to feel a target of other tureandobservingpandemicpro-
director of Maruti Suzuki APPLE ANNOUNCED plans on OIL FELL on Monday on fears internationalpowers,theheadof tocols, an RBI article said.
India Jagdish Khattar (79) Monday to invest more than $1 that surging Covids-19 cases in the World Trade Organization Noting that healthcare infra-
passed away Monday mor- billion in North Carolina to build India will dent fuel demand in (WTO) said on Monday. structureandvaccinesuppliesare
ning after a cardiac arrest, the company’s first East Coast the world’s third-biggest oil im- AnxiousaboutChina’spower- strained, financial markets are
sourcesclosetohimsaid. PTI campus,amoveexpectedtobring porter, while the end of a force ful state-owned enterprises, the reelingandearningsforecastsface
atleast3,000newjobstothestate. majeure on exports from a United States, European Union downgrades,thearticleauthored
PaytmWealth The development comes as
AppleCEOTimCook Reuters file Libyanterminalandanexpected
supply increase from OPEC+
and Japan are pushing for curbs
on industrial subsidies they say
WTODirector-GeneralNgoziOkonjo-Iweala has saiddealings
shehadwithChinahavebeenveryconstructive. Reuters file
by RBI Deputy Governor M D
Patra and other officials said, “Yet
Community vestment as the US begins re-
building from the Covid pan- aboutourdiversity,inclusionand
added to pressure.
Brent crude was $1.08, or 1.6
distort the global economy.
However, their proposals re-
this too shall pass. We have seen
off the first wave, and we have
NewDelhi:Paytmhaslaunc- demic,asperanApplestatement. anti-discrimination landscape.” per cent, lower at $65.03 a bar- quire unanimous approval from tries given it is on course to be- it’s onlyabout China, you geta lot largely adapted”. The Reserve
hedPaytmWealthCommu- North Carolina Governor Roy The campus and engineering rel by 1329 GMT. US West Texas the WTO’s 164 members includ- come the world’s largest econ- of resistance,” WTO Director- BankofIndiasaidviewsexpressed
nity,avideo-basedplatform Cooper said he privately spoke hub is set to be located in the Intermediate (WTI) crude was ing China. They also argue China omy.“WealsohavetoshowChina GeneralNgoziOkonjo-Iwealatold in the article are those of the au-
tolearnmarkettrading. ENS with Apple CEO Tim Cook, who Raleigh-Durham area’s Research down 97 cents, or 1.6 per cent, at should no longer benefit from is not being targeted... When a conference hosted by the thors and do not necessarily rep-
explained that “he feels good Triangle Park. $61.17 a barrel. concessionsfordevelopingcoun- Chinafeelsitisbeingtargeted,and EuropeanCommission. REUTERS resent its views. ENSWITHPTI


Indian Premier League
DC vs RCB, 7.30pm, Live on Star Sports Network

Ashwin leads the pull-outs
playerstestpositive Off-spinner leaves IPL to support family fighting Covid; Aussies Zampa, Richardson also going home
New Delhi: Seven members of the
Indian women’s hockey team, includ- SHAMIKCHAKRABARTY PAT CUMMINS DONATES ‘How are franchises
port staff members on Monday tested
TO FUND OXYGEN SUPPLIES spending so much
positive forCOVID-19ahead of atrain-
ing camp at the Sports Authority of
RAVICHANDRAN ASHWIN has decided to cut
shorthisIndianPremierLeague(IPL)seasonto Kolkata: Pat Cummins has donated when people are
playersandsupportstaff areasympto-
support his “family and extended family”.
Australian medium pacer Andrew Tye, and
$50,000 to the PM Cares Fund to pur-
chaseoxygensuppliesforIndia’shospi- not being accepted
matic andhavebeenplacedunderob- compatriots, leg-spinner Adam Zampa and tals. In a Twitter post on Monday, the
servation at the SAI centre.“They were seam-bowling all-rounder Kane Richardson, AustraliaandKolkataKnightRidersfast into hospitals?’
testedonApril24,postquarantineafter are returning home as well. Earlier, England bowlerwrote:“Asplayers,weareprivi-
theirreturnfromtheirrespectivehome batsmanLiamLivingstonehadpulledoutciting legedtohaveaplatformthatallowsusto New Delhi: Rajasthan Royals pacer Andrew
towns to their training base at SAI bubble fatigue. A grim Covid scenario outside reachmillionsofpeoplethatwecanuse Tye, who left for Australia midway the IPL in
Bengaluru,asper thelaid downproto- hasstartedtopenetratetheIPLbubble. forgood.Withthatinmind,Ihavemade the wake of COVID-19 surge in India, was
col,”theSAIsaidinastatement.Besides Sofar,21matcheshavebeenplayedinthis a contribution to the ‘PM Cares Fund,’ critical of the franchises spending insane
Rampal, the others who have been in- year’stournamentwith39gamesleft.Afterthe specificallytopurchaseoxygensupplies money on cricket at a time when their coun-
fected are Savita Punia, Sharmila Devi, Mumbai and Chennai legs, the tournament is forIndia’shospitals.” try is facing an unprecedented health crisis.
Rajani, Navjot Kaur, Navneet Kaur and moving to Delhi and Ahmedabad for the next Cummins also urged fellow players Tye, however, said the league should go
Sushila.Thetwosupportstaffmembers phase.Thefinalphaseofgroupleaguefixtures to come forward, as India is fighting a ahead if it was a means to relieving stress or
who have tested positive are video an- would be played in Bangalore and Kolkata. toughbattleagainstthepandemic.“Ien- giving a glimmer of hope to those who are
alystAmrutaprakashandscientificad- Amidaragingdebate,whetherornotthe2021 couragemyfellowIPLplayers–andany- suffering due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
visor Wayne Lombard. PTI IPL should continue, Australia and Kolkata oneelsearoundtheworldwhohasbeen “Looking at it from an Indian point of
Knight Riders (KKR) fast bowler Pat Cummins touchedbyIndia’spassionandgeneros- view, how are these companies and fran-
Moretests,no hasdonated$50,000tothePMCaresFund.The
ity – to contribute. I will kick it off with
chises spending so much money, and the
government, on the IPL when there’s people
quarantineinupdated ChennaiSuperKingsandSunrisersHyderabad.
cities are facing oxygen shortage,
Cummins, Australia’s Test vice-captain,
not being able to get accepted into hospital?
“If sportcancontinue and beoneof those
Olympicrules age.Inthelast24hours,Delhirecorded20,201
fresh Covid cases and 380 fatalities. And India
has come forward hoping that his con-
tribution “will make a difference to
avenues to relieve stress or give a glimmer of
hopethatthe worldisOKand thereis light at
Tokyo:TokyoOlympicorganizersandthe andDelhiCapitalsoff-spinnerAshwindecided someone”. He also spoke about being the end of the tunnel, I think it should go
IOCaretounveilnewplansthisweekto toexitthetournament. “advisedthattheIndianGovernmentis ahead,” Tye was quoted as saying by
explain how 15,400 Olympic and “I would be taking a break from this years oftheviewthatplayingtheIPLwhilethe “But I know that’s not every-
ParalympicathletescancompeteinJapan IPL from tomorrow. My family and extended populationisinlockdownprovidesafew one’sfeelingsandIcompletelyrespectevery-
when the games open in three months familyareputtingupafightagainst#COVID19 hours of joy and respite each day at an one’s views from all angles.”
inthemidstofapandemic.Therolloutof andIwanttosupportthemduringthesetough otherwisedifficulttimeforthecountry”. Ravichandran Ashwin withdrew from the IPL on Sunday to support his family He said players (in the IPL) are safe now
thesecondeditionof the“Playbooks”— times. I expect to return to play if things go in ENS during the COVID-19 pandemic. BCCI but at the same time asked “if it’s going to
an IOC guidebook explaining how the therightdirection.Thankyou@DelhiCapitals”, stay safe”. The 34-year-old Tye left the IPL on
games can be pulled off — comes as Ashwin tweeted after the match against Sunday as he feared getting “locked out” of
Tokyo,Osakaandseveralotherareashave SunrisersonSunday. pacer Tye flew from Mumbai to Doha on his coaches and commentators taking part in the (Zampa)andRicho(Richardson),butwhenyou his own country in the wake of a COVID-19
beenplacedunderathirdstateofemer- Afewdaysago,Ashwin’swifePrithihadre- waytoSydney.AccordingtoCricketAustralia’s Indian Premier League, which is being con- speak to them, you definitely understand surge in India. He had not got a game with
gency as coronavirus cases surge. marked that the virus had reached their officialwebsite,thisfollowstheAustralianfed- ductedunderstrictbiosecurityprotocols.“We wherethey’recomingfrom,”Coulter-Niletold the Royals so far and his contract with the
Organizers are expected to announce doorstep.OnSunday,KKRassistantcoachDavid eral government’s decision to “stop almost a willcontinuetolistentofeedbackfromthoseon,adding:“IspoketoZampsalit- franchise was worth Rs one crore.
dailytestingforathletes.Theyarealsoex- Hussey told The Age that some of the players third of flights from India due to the surge of the ground in India and the advice of the tle while ago and he made a very compelling “There was a number of reasons, but the
pected to drop a 14-day quarantine re- weregetting“twitchy”.Andafranchiseofficial coronavirus cases”. India recorded over 3.52 AustralianGovernment. argumentforgoinghome.Butforme,Ifeellike main one was with the situation that has
quirement, allowing athletes to train toldthispaperthata“bigchunk”oftheoff-the- lakh new Covid-19 cases in the 24 hours end- “Ourthoughtsarewiththepeopleof India it’s safer for me to stay in the bubble than try started to happen back home in Perth with a
when they arrive. Athletes will be re- field conversations in the team have been re- ing 8 am on Monday. atthisdifficulttime.” andgethomeatthemoment.”Thegeneralsen- lot of cases in hotel quarantine coming out
quiredtostaywithina“bubble”consist- volvingaroundthesituationoutside.“Thereare Manycountries,includingAustraliaandUK, timent is that although bubble life is tough, of India,” Tye told ‘SEN radio’ from Doha on
ingof theOlympicVillageonTokyoBay, playersand/orsupportstaffintheteamwhose have either banned or reduced the number of Angst pierces bubble whichsawthelikesofLivingstone(Royals)and Monday. “Now there’s been a community
and venues and training areas. Japan’s close relatives have been affected by the virus. flightsfromIndia. Thispaperunderstandsthatplayersandsup- JoshHazlewood(ChennaiSuperKings)optout case in Perth governments are trying to re-
Kyodo news agency, citing unnamed It’snoteasy,”hesaid. It has made a lot of players anxious about portstaffarenotworriedaboutbubblesafety,as of the IPL, staying inside it is much safer in the strict numbers coming back in, especially
sources,saidathletesandstaff will have returning home after the IPL. The T20 league theyfeelthattheyaresafeinside.Butthesitua- currentsituation. Western Australia.”
tobetestedtwicewithin96hoursbefore Three Australians leave now has 14 Australian players including big tionoutsidehasstartedtoimpacttheIPL. TheBCCIisbackingitsbio-securityarrange- The bubble fatigue was also a factor, said
leaving home. They will also be tested CloseontheheelsofAshwin’stweet,came names like Steve Smith, David Warner, Glenn On Saturday, while speaking to in-house ments and safety measures, including three Tye. After Tye’s pulling out, the Australian
upon arrival in Japan. The Playbook for anRCBTwitterpost,confirmingthedeparture Maxwell and Cummins, as well as Delhi media, Ponting had said: “We right now are testsadayandbio-bubbleenforcers. duo of Kane Richardson and Adam Zampa
athletesistobeupdatedonWednesday, of Zampa and Richardson. “Adam Zampa & CapitalsheadcoachRickyPonting. probably the safest people in the country be- Also, separate IPL check-in counters have (both Royal Challengers Bangalore) with-
withPlaybooksformediaandothersun- Kane Richardson are returning to Australia for CricketAustraliaismaintainingregularcon- ing in the bubbles that we are in. Continually been set up at airports. And there’s a school of drew citing “personal reasons”.
veiled on Friday. The first edition pub- personalreasonsandwillbeunavailableforthe tact with the players and on Monday, CA and I’maskingtheboysatbreakfasteverydayhow’s thoughtthattheIPLhasbeenadistress-buster However,notallAustraliansareverycon-
lishedinFebruarywasvague,andthere remainder of #IPL2021. Royal Challengers the Australian Cricketers’ Association issued a everything going on the outside, how’s fam- forthedurationofthematches.“Evenwiththe cerned. Pacer Nathan Coulter-Nile, who has
are doubts the latest editions will offer Bangaloremanagementrespectstheirdecision joint statement saying: “Cricket Australia and ily...” Australia and Mumbai Indians pacer country being in a situation that it is, I think aRs5croredealwithMumbaiIndianswould
much specificity. A final edition of all andoffersthemcompletesupport,”itsaid. the Australian Cricketers’ Association remain Nathan Coulter-Nile dittoed. “I was surprised cricket can still bring a lot of joy to people,” rather be in the bio-bubble than risk a trip
PlaybookswillbepublishedinJune.AP On Sunday, Rajasthan Royals medium in regular contact with Australian players, to see AJ (Tye) go home, and then Zamps Pontinghadsaid. back home at this point. PTI

Barcelona Open ideal

preparationforclaycourt Knights slay hapless Kings with twin tweakers
season,saysNadal isnorealmysteryaboutthem,butSunilNarine pad gap of Moises Henriques to crash into the win this,” Tripathi would say later, which is
Barcelona: World number two Rafa and Chakravarthy did the job in the middle stumps. Chakravarthy joined in the fun with a whattheydid.
Nadal said his gruelling 6-4 6-7(6) 7-5 ■ Finger-flicking spinners Narine and overstostranglePunjab.Therewasalotofdew 96.3 kmph screaming carrom ball that beat Morgan did what he always does, unfurl-
win over Stefanos Tsitsipas in the Chakravarthy applied the squeeze, ontheoutfield,anditwouldnothavebeeneasy Nicholas Pooran’s heave to bowl him. With ing his calculated charges down the track to
Barcelona Open final on Sunday could Captain Morgan aced the chase. as the two kept wiping the ball dry after every PrasidhKrishnacreatingtroublewithhisshort- seamers interspersed with punchy drives. He
preparehimforlongbattlesaheadinthe delivery, but they held their poise to strangle of-lengthkickers,Punjablookedliketheywon’t didn’t let the required run rate climb at all, as
European claycourt season. The 34- therunflow.Resultantly,thewicketscame,and cross100butChrisJordan’sbreezy30gotthem hekeptplayingtheboundaryshotseverynow
year-old,whoclaimedarecord-extend- SRIRAMVEERA Punjabdawdledtowardsabelow-partotal. to123. andthen.Mostattackstrytheshortballathim
ing12thBarcelonatitle,sufferedaback APRIL26 It must be said that wicketkeeper Dinesh andsodidMohammedShami,butontheslow
injuryinMelbourneearlierthisyearbe- Karthikgotthemoodearlyinthismiddle-overs Captain Morgan aces the chase and low Motera track, the left-hander dis-
fore he was beaten by Tsitsipas in the ON A slow-and-low pitch, Kolkata strangled spell. “Varudu varadu!” (It’s coming, coming) The chase must have prompted a familiar missed that threat with a six early on in the
Australian Open quarter-finals. Punjabwiththeirspinnersinthemiddleovers. hewouldencourageChakravarthy,alongwith sinkingfeelingforKolkata,whowerewobbling piece.HecrashedShamiforacoupleoffoursin
Following a spell out on the sidelines, It seemed they wouldn’t get to 100 but Chris little tips on the line and angle of attack, and at 17 for 3, that included a stunning catch. the powerplay and once the required rate be-
the20-timesGrandSlamchampionre- Jordan swung his bat around to push the total theywereoftenspoton. Narine had miscued the heave towards cow came less than run-a-ball, settled in to rotate
turned to action at Monte Carlo this to123.ThechasegotofftothefamiliarKolkata Chakravarthy kept tweaking and ripping cornerbutthewiryRaviBishnoicoveredsome the strike. Tripathi is a free-flowing batsman
month,goingoutinthequarters.Butthe wobble, but captain Eoin Morgan and Rahul themasdidNarine,whocarefullyexpungesjoy 30metresfromdeepsquarelegbeforethrow- and though he fell, Karthik hastened the end
Spaniard,whowillbelookingfora14th Tripathisettledtheissue. from his visage after a wicket; in fact, so does inginadivetotakeasensationalcatch. withacoupleof bighits.
FrenchOpencrownwhentheclaycourt Chakravarthy. Both got their chances to play But captain Morgan and Tripathi steadied BRIEFSCORES: PunjabKings123/9(Mayank
GrandSlambeginsonMay30,showed The finger-flicking spin pair ‘cool’afewtimesonthenight. thenerveswithpositiveintent.Theydidn’tex- Agarwal 31 off 34b, 1x4, 2x6, Chris Jordan 30
hewasreturningtohisbattlingbeston In the essence of their art, they seem to be Narine struck in the 12th over with the big actlycounterattackbutdidn’tretreatintoashell off 18b, 1x4, 3x6, Sunil Narine 2/22, 10 dots,
Sunday,savingamatchpointbeforego- soulmates:carromballhere,anoff-breakthere, wicketofMayankAgarwal.Itwasn’tagreatball, either. They played their shots, ran well, and PrasidhKrishna3/30,12dots)losttoKKR126/5
ingontowinninghisfirsttitleof 2021. somecomeonabitslow,othersskidonquick. butAgarwalshovelledhispulltothedeepmid- Eoin Morgan’s unbeaten 47 was the withthefourscomingataregularclip,therun (EoinMorgan47notoutoff40b,4x4,2x6,Rahul
REUTERS Adecadeback,theirtribewouldhavebeenre- wicketfielder.Inhisnextover,Narineslippedin cornerstone of KKR’s chase. BCCI rate didn’t pose any problems. “We knew that Tripathi 41 off 32 b, 7x4, Mohammed Shami
gardedas‘mysteryspinners’;thesedaysthere an89.1kmphoff-breakthatthreadedthebat- if we bat with proper cricketing shots, we can 1/25,17dots)by5wickets.

In the right mind space, Deepika mints gold at Archery World Cup
Shooting the recurve individual final, The Koreans — Kang Chae Young, Jang like a senior should. Calmly.
SHIVANI NAIK Deepika thrice found herself in a crunch Monger and the top-ranked An San — hold- "Maybe it's meditation, maybe work
MUMBAI, APRIL 26 over the last three days of the event. But ers of the 1400 FITA record and compulsive with a mental trainer. But I also think she's
she’d compose herself into stillness to let champions are not easy to break through. happy being in the Indian camp with her
RAINY-UNSETTLING winds and big-stage the technique and muscle memory take Deepika’s edge though is that she’s been in group and they travel and compete to-
bumbles; clucking tongues of critics and re- over. Then she would turn around to the every wretched scenario conceivable. gether. The camaraderie is helping her. She
turn journeys without medals. Deepika coach who would validate with a 'badhiyaa.' Overcoming those performance demons, just needs to stay motivated." Deepika was
Kumari has gone through them all in the And she'd beam away a relieved grin and she is now embracing the pressure. definitely buoyed by the achievement.
last decade. Every time the expectations guffaw to the team standing behind her. Up against American Mackenzie Brown “It's been a long time since I shot in the
soared – based on results leading up to an She was taking her time alright. But she in the gold medal final, she led 3-1 before finals. It feels great and, at the same time,
Olympics - Deepika was catapulted into was pulling out the solid arrows that got the Brown levelled proceedings. But unde- I’m happy and nervous. It gives me confi-
that cauldron of bubbling hope. A prodi- job done - be it in team or individual. terred, Deepika would ring in a 29 before dence and pushes me to give better per-
gious recurve, Deepika would take on more An unlikely sight of the once teenager, the decisive arrow fetched up. formances,” she told World Archery.
tension than the 40-42 poundage of the who grew up in front of an expectant coun- She'd later say her heart was beating
bowstring on her shoulders. A wilting on try, trying to squeeze a medal out of her quite audibly, scaring her into nervousness. Perfect score for Atanu
the biggest stages would follow in the big prodigious talent, now beginning to enjoy But there was no twitchy wreckage this While Deepika has found her peace,
pressure matches, and she never quite the pressure. time, as she'd send the arrow top right, just men's recurve Atanu Das found his roar
strung together slick words to parry away Speaking to The Indian Express during millimetres out of the 10 circle. Brown got against Spain's Daniel Castro.
the media scrutiny. lockdown last year, Deepika said "I know a 9 too, but further away - giving the Indian The Spaniard was shooting a good con-
Moreover, in a sport colour coding your my high level at competitions. I'm not wor- her third World Cup title. It came just a few sistent range. But there was not much he
precision over concentric circles and assign- ried about social media videos of my rivals hours after she helped India to a gold in the could do when Das pushed up a level in the
ing points in a jiffy, nobody quite under- training in their backyards through lock- team event – striking a spectacular 10 for fifth set to hit a Perfect 30 to win his first
stood the forlorn figure at the shooting sta- downs while we are indoors. When com- the win. World Cup. "It feels amazing,” the 29-year-
tion. Heading into her third Olympics petitions come, I'll show my high level to "She's confident because of the experi- old says. “I have worked for so many years
though, Deepika has brought a fair amount the world." ence now," says former Olympian Dola and now this is paying off.
of emotion to the show: happier emotions. Keeping the fletches from falling into Banerjee. "She was always very determined “I just gave my best. I didn’t think about
And you could see it when she won the disrepair was her only concern. Marriage to to correct her mistakes, whether technique the future or the past, just present. It’s beau- Husband-wifeduoofAtanuDasandDeepikaKumariclinchedthemen’sandwomen’s
individual gold at the Guatemala World Cup fellow archer Atanu Das and sessions with or mentally. Very dedicated and obsessive. tiful. It’s a big boost for me ahead of the individualrecurvegoldmedalsattheArcheryWorldCupStage1. AtanuDasTwitter
on Sunday. psychologists also helped yield confidence. But now she's shooting like a team captain, Olympics. I’m working in the right way."

Vol. LIV No. 72 RNI No. 15048/1968. Printed and Published by Hareshkumar K Bhagdev on behalf of The Indian Express Private Limited. Published at : 3rd Floor, Sambhav House, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380 015.
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