Question Bank IC2351 (6UGEE-C) Advanced Control Systems

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Question Bank

IC2351 (6UGEE-C) Advanced Control Systems

# Question
  Unit 2  
1. . Mention the kinds of singular pionts? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
2. Compare linear and non-linear systems based on stability concept. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
3. Give examples for intentional and incidental non-linearities? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
4. Give the properties of phase plane portraites. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
5. How the stability of unforced non-linear system differ from the stability of 2
onforced linear system? Ms.NVJ/EEE
6. Name the methods available for consructing the phase trajectory. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
7. What are equilibrium states? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
8. What are isoclines? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
9. What are non-linear systems? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
10. What are phase portraits? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
11. What are piecewise linear systems? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
12. What is a separatrix? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
13. What is Jump Resonance? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
14. What is Limit Cycle? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
15. What is phase plane? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
16. What is phase trajectory? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
17. With a simple mechanical system, explain the phenomenon of Jump Resonance. 2
18. Give the properties of phase plane portraites. Ms.NVJ/EEE 5
19. Explain how the direction of phase trajectory is assigned in the phase plane. 8
20. Explain the procedure for constructing the phase trajectory by Delta method. 12
21. Explain the procedure for constructing the phase trajectory by Isocline method. 12
22. Explain the common physical nonlinearites. Ms.NVJ/EEE 16
  Unit 3  
1. Define: Describing function for Non-linear element in detail Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
2. Draw the output-input characteristic of backlash non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
3. Draw the output-input characteristic of dead zone non-linearity Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
4. Draw the output-input characteristic of ideal relay. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
5. Draw the output-input characteristic of relay with dead zone and hysteresis. 2
6. Draw the output-input characteristic of relay with dead zone. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
7. Draw the output-input characteristic of relay with pure hysteresis. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
8. Draw the output-input characteristic of saturation non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
9. Draw the output-input characteristic of saturation with dead zone non-linearity. 2
10. Give examples for intentional and incidental non-linearities? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
11. With a suitable example, explain the backlash non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE 8
12. Investigate the stability of the non-linear system through the describing function 10
method. Ms.NVJ/EEE
13. By drawing the input and output waveform obtain the dsescribing function of relay 16
with dead zone non-linearity Ms.NVJ/EEE
14. By drawing the input and output waveform obtain the dsescribing function of 16
saturation with dead zone non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE
15. Draw the output and input waveform obtain the dsescribing function of relay with 16
dead zone and hysteresis non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE
16. Draw the output and input waveform obtain the dsescribing function of relay with 16
pure hysteresis non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE
17. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for 16
backlash non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE
18. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for dead- 16
zone non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE
19. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for ideal 16
relay. Ms.NVJ/EEE
20. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for 16
saturation non-linearity. Ms.NVJ/EEE
  Unit 4  
1. 2
2. 2
Define: Asymptotic Stability in-the-large. Ms.NVJ/EEE
3. Define: Asymptotic Stability. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
4. Define: Stability of the system. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
5. When a linear system will be output stable of degree á? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
6. Define Aizerman’s conjecture. Ms.NVJ/EEE 4
7. Define control asymptotic and output asymptotic of degree ‘á’ in Popov’s sense 4
8. Explain Kalman’s conjecture. Ms.NVJ/EEE 4
9. State Lyapunov stability theorem for liner system. Ms.NVJ/EEE 4
10. For non linear system stability is analyzed relative to the equilibrium state. Why? 5
11. Give graphical interpretation of non linear system through frequency domain 6
criterion. Ms.NVJ/EEE
12. Compare in detail, the linear and non-linear systems based on various aspects. 8
13. Explain Lure's transformation. Ms.NVJ/EEE 8
14. State and Explain circle criterion for non linear system. Ms.NVJ/EEE 8
15. Explain Lyapunov’s Basic stability theorems. Ms.NVJ/EEE 10
16. State and explain Popov’s stability criterion for non linear system. Ms.NVJ/EEE 10
17. Explain the following methods of stability analysis.i) Direct method of Lyapunov 16
for linear system.ii) Krasovskii method for Non-linear system. Ms.NVJ/EEE
  Unit 5  
1. Define Hessian matrix. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
2. Define linear quadratic optimal control problems. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
3. Define optimal control. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
4. Define performance index. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
5. Define time optimal control? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
6. Draw the block diagram of a time optimal control system? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
7. State suboptimal control law. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
8. what are the design procedures to achive dynamic decoupling? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
9. what is full dynamic decoupling? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
10. what is static decoupling? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
11. what is decoupling? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
12. What is meant by parameter optimization? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
13. Write the properties of singular values. Ms.NVJ/EEE 6
14. Write the design procedure based on parameter optimization. Ms.NVJ/EEE 8
15. Derive basic expression for MIMO system. Ms.NVJ/EEE 10
16. Explain: Multivariable control. Ms.NVJ/EEE 10
17. Expalin about the optimal estimation for linear continuous time systams. Ms.NVJ/EEE 16
18. Expalin the design procedure of state regulator through the Lyapunov equation. 16
19. Explain about the design procedures to achive dynamic decoupling? Ms.NVJ/EEE 16
20. Explain in detail about the time optimal control of continious time system with 16
bounded control signals? Ms.NVJ/EEE
  Unit I  
1. 2
2. 2

3. 2

4. 2

5. 2
6. 2

7. 2

8. 2

9. 2

10. 2

11. 2
12. 2

13. 2

14. 2

15. 1.Normal form of representation of system model has unique decoupled nature. 2
Justify this statement. Dr.VJ/EEE
16. 10.Define: Diagonalizing matrix or Modal matrix. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
17. 11.What are the homogeneous and non-homogeneous state equations? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
18. 12.Define: Eigen values & Eigen vectors. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
19. 13.What is Vander Mande matrix? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
20. 14.What is generalized eigen vector? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
21. 15.Define: State transition matrix. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
22. 16.Give the properties of the state transition matrix. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
23. 18.List out the methods available for computing state transition matrix. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
24. 19.What is resolvant matrix? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
25. 2.What are the advantages & disadvantages of canonical form of representation? 2
26. 22.Why canonical form is most convenient for time domain analysis? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
27. 26.Mention the necessary and sufficient condition for controllability of a system. 2
28. 27.Mention the necessary and sufficient condition for observability of a system. 2
29. 3.What are the properties of Jordan Matrix J? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
30. 31.What are system modes? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
31. 32.What is mode suppression? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
32. 34.Show that D=0 in the output equation of a strictly proper linear system. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
33. 36.Give the state model of LTIV continuous system. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
34. 37.Mention the disadvantages of the state model over transfer function model of a 2
system. Dr.VJ/EEE
35. 38.What are the demerits of physical variable state model? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
36. 38.What are the merits of physical variable state model? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
37. 39.What are the merits of physical variable state model? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
38. 40.What are the demerits of phase variable state model? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
39. 40.What are the merits of phase variable state model? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
40. 8.What is meant by diagonalization? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
41. 9.What are the necessities for diagonalization? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
42. Define: State and state variable of a system. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
43. Explain mode suppression Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
44. Give the state model of LTIV continuous system. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
45. Mention the advantages of the state model over transfer function model of a 2
system. Ms.NVJ/EEE
46. Mention the disadvantages of the state model over transfer function model of a 2
system. Ms.NVJ/EEE
47. Prove that Eigen values are invariant under any linear transformation. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
48. Prove that state mode model of system is not unique. Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
49. Show that D=0 in the output equation of a strictly proper linear system Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
50. What are phase variables? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
51. What are system modes? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
52. What are the demerits of phase variable state model? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
53. What are the demerits of physical variable state model? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
54. What are the merits of phase variable state model? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
55. What are the merits of physical variable state model? Ms.NVJ/EEE 2
56. 25.Define: Contollability and Observability. Dr.VJ/EEE 4
57. 28.If a system transfer function is involved with pole-zero cancellation comment 4
on controllability and obervability of that system. Dr.VJ/EEE
58. 30.Prove that eigen values are invariant under any linear transformation. Dr.VJ/EEE 4
59. 33.Say TRUE or FALSE. i)Assuming initial time equal to zero (in LTIV system) 4
does not create any loss of generality. ii)To obtain the solution of state equation of
system knowledge of initial conditions of state variables are important. iii)State
variables of a system should be the physical variables of the system. iv)State
variables & state model of a system are unique. Dr.VJ/EEE
60. 35.Define: State and state variable of a system. Dr.VJ/EEE 4
61. 6.Say Yes (or) No: a)The state model of a system is nonunique, whereas it’s CLTF 5
unique. b)Jordan canonical matrix J is a diagonal matrix. c)Analysis of systems
through transfer function approach becomes tedious, when they are involved with
MIMO. d)For a system to be stable, its eigen values should be positive. e)State
variable approach is applicable for both linear & nonlinear systems. Dr.VJ/EEE
62. 4.Obtain the CLTF of a LTIV continuous system from its state model. Dr.VJ/EEE 6
63. 7.Differentiate between proper system, strictly proper system & improper system. 6
64. Prove that state mode model of system is not unique. Dr.VJ/EEE 6
65. 17. State and prove the properties of the state transition matrix? Dr.VJ/EEE 8
66. 20.Give the solution for an unforced system whose state equation is dX/dt = AX. 8
67. 21.Give the solution of state vector x(t), for a non-homogeneous system. Dr.VJ/EEE 8
68. 23.Give the procedure for the evaluation of State transition matrix by Cayley – 8
Hamilton theorem. Dr.VJ/EEE
69. 36.Mention the advantages of the state model over transfer function model of a 8
system. Dr.VJ/EEE
70. 5.Prove that the eigen values of a system are the closed loop poles of that system. 8

1. Compare linear and non-linear systems based on stability concept. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
2. Define: Asymptotic Stability in-the-large. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
3. Define: Asymptotic Stability. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
4. Define: Stability of linear unforced and forced systems. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
5. Draw the output-input characteristic of backlash non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
6. Draw the output-input characteristic of dead zone non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
7. Draw the output-input characteristic of ideal relay. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
8. Draw the output-input characteristic of relay with dead zone and hysteresis. 2
9. Draw the output-input characteristic of relay with dead zone. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
10. Draw the output-input characteristic of relay with pure hysteresis. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
11. Draw the output-input characteristic of saturation non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
12. Draw the output-input characteristic of saturation with dead zone non-linearity. 2
13. Give examples for intentional and incidental non-linearities? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
14. How the stability of unforced non-linear system differ from the stability of 2
onforced linear system? Dr.VJ/EEE
15. List out the Peculiar characteristics available in non-linear systems? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
16. Name the methods available for the analysis of non-linear systems? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
17. What are equilibrium states? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
18. What are intentional and incidental non-linearities? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
19. What are non-linear systems? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
20. What are piecewise linear systems? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
21. What is Jump Resonance? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
22. What is Limit Cycle? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
23. Whether Laplace transform and Z-transform techniques are applicable for non- 2
linear systems? Dr.VJ/EEE
24. 8

25. 8
26. Explain the variable gradient method for the stability analysis of non-linear system 8
27. With a simple mechanical system, explain the phenomenon of Jump Resonance. 8
28. With a suitable example, explain the backlash non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE 8
29. 12

30. 16
31. Compare in detail, the linear and non-linear systems based on various aspects. 16
32. Explain the following methods of stability analysis.i) Direct method of Lyapunov 16
for linear system.ii) Krasovskii method for Non-linear system. Dr.VJ/EEE
1. 2

2. Define: Describing function for Non-linear element in detail. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
3. Give the slope equation of the phase trajectory. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
4. Mention the kinds of singular pionts? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
5. Name the methods available for consructing the phase trajectory. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
6. What are isoclines? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
7. What are phase portraits? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
8. What are singular pionts? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
9. What is a separatrix? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
10. What is autonomous system? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
11. What is phase plane? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
12. What is phase trajectory? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
13. Give the properties of phase plane portraites. Dr.VJ/EEE 4
14. Explain how the direction of phase trajectory is assigned in the phase plane. 6
15. Discuss the assumptions and their validity in deriving the describing function of 8
non-linear elements. Dr.VJ/EEE
16. Under which conditions a non-linear system may exhibit stable and unstable limit 8
cycles. Dr.VJ/EEE
17. Investigate the stability of the non-linear system through the describing function 10
method. Dr.VJ/EEE
18. Explain the procedure for constructing the phase trajectory by Delta method. 12
19. Explain the procedure for constructing the phase trajectory by Isocline method. 12
20. 16
21. 16
22. 16

23. By drawing the input and output waveform obtain the dsescribing function of relay 16
with dead zone non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE
24. By drawing the input and output waveform obtain the dsescribing function of 16
saturation with dead zone non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE
25. Draw the output and input waveform obtain the dsescribing function of relay with 16
dead zone and hysteresis non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE
26. Draw the output and input waveform obtain the dsescribing function of relay with 16
pure hysteresis non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE
27. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for 16
backlash non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE
28. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for dead- 16
zone non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE
29. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for ideal 16
relay. Dr.VJ/EEE
30. With necessary input – output waveforms derive the describing function for 16
saturation non-linearity. Dr.VJ/EEE
1. How z-plane and w-plane transformations are performed? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
2. Define: State controllability and observability. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
3. Define: z - Transform and mention the properties of z -Transform Dr.VJ/EEE 2
4. Determine the z-Transform of ak coskð. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
5. Give the transfer function model of ZOH. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
6. Name the methods available for computing the state transition matrix. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
7. Name the methods available for taking inverse Z-Transform. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
8. Obtain the relationship between the actual frequency and fictitious frequency. 2
9. What is state transition matrix? Give its properties. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
10. What is the function of ZOH? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
11. What is Z-transfer function? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
12. Whether the following statements are True or False. i) State model of a system is 2
unique. ii) The Z-transfer function of system is not unique. iii) The eigen values
are invariant under linear transformation. iv) If pole – zero cancellation involves in
the z-transfer function of system, then the system is either uncontrollable or
unobservable. Dr.VJ/EEE
13. Write down the state model of a Linear Time Invariant Discrete-time system. 2
14. Prove that state model of a system is not unique. Dr.VJ/EEE 4
15. Derive the condition for state controllability of a discrete time system. Dr.VJ/EEE 8
16. Derive the condition for state obervability of a discrete time system. Dr.VJ/EEE 8
17. Determine the Z-Transfer function of two cascaded systems each described by the 8
difference equation C(k) = 0.5 C(k-1) + r(k). Dr.VJ/EEE
18. Obtain the condition for output controllability of a discrete time system. Dr.VJ/EEE 8
19. A Discrete time system is described by the difference equation y(k+2) + 5y(k+1) + 16
6y(k)=(k); y(0) = y(1) = 0; T= 1 sec; i) Determine the state model in diagonal
canonical form & draw the block diagram realization of this state model. ii) Find
the state transition matrix. iii) For input u(k) = 1; for k greater than 0, find the
output y(k). Dr.VJ/EEE
20. The input-output of a sampled-data system is described by the difference equation 16
C(n+2) + 3C(n+1) + 4C(n) = r(n+1) – r(n). Determine the Z-transfer function. Also
obtain the weighing sequence (unit discrete impulse response) of the system

1. Name any four methods available for determining the stability of discrete systems. 2
2. State Routh's stability criterion. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
3. What is the stability criterion for linear continuous and linear discrete systems? 2
4. Explain how the solution of state equation of a discrete time system can be 8
obtained. Dr.VJ/EEE
1. Mention the various model descriptions of MIMO systems. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
2. State the properties of transfer function matrices? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
3. What are input and output decoupling zeros? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
4. What are invariant zeros? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
5. What are minimal and non-minimal realizations of system model? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
6. What are multivariable systems? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
7. What are reduicible and irreduicible sytem models? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
8. What are singular values? Give its significance. Dr.VJ/EEE 2
9. What are transmission zeros? Dr.VJ/EEE 2
10. Discuss Nyquist plot for multivariable system. Dr.VJ/EEE 8
11. Explain how system matrix representation of a system can be obtained from its 8
ABCD model. Dr.VJ/EEE
12. Explain how transfer function matrix of a MIMO system can be obtained from its 8
ABCD model. Dr.VJ/EEE
13. Write a brief note on model predictive control. Dr.VJ/EEE 8

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