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The Life and Works of Rizal Date: 04/30//2020

Name: Zenarosa, Angelica

Section: HRM-3B

Time: 2:30PM-4:00PM

CP Number: 4

Activity 01: True of False

1. T

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. T

8. F


10. T
Assessment 01

Write an essay how Rizal’s ideas and works were influenced by his education in Manila and in Europe.

Rizal’s primary goal in leaving for Europe in 1882 was to complete his education. He had completed a
course in ophthalmology at the University of Santo Tomas so he could perform eye surgery on his
cataract-stricken mother. Little did his countrymen know that he had another mission, one that would
lead to him to inspire fellow revolutionaries through his writing. But before any secret plan could take
place, he had to go to Spain unnoticed–even by his mother. From there, he had to learn the ropes in the
countries he intended to visit, as well as expand his knowledge base.

Rizal’s written works were in any way influenced by his tour of Europe prior to returning to Manila.
Rizal picked up a lot of things. As it turned out, Rizal’s secret mission was to observe the lives, cultures,
laws, and governments of the countries in Europe, in preparation for liberating the Philippines from
Spain’s tyrannical rule

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