Candidate Hall Ticket

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Government of NCT of Delhi



उ मीदवार का नाम /
पता/ पाउस का नाम /

उ मीदवार का अनु मांक / अ यथ का फोटो

12330400711 Please paste
Candidate’s Roll. No (do not staple) (Photograph of the Candidate)
recent colour
ज म त थ / D.O.B. 04-02-1993 photograph as uploaded
in online application and
आवे दत पद / Post Applied Assistant Engineer (Electrical) sign across

पद कोड / Post Code 1/19

वग / Category UR
अ यथ का ह ता र
उप-वग / Sub-Category N.A
(Signature of the Candidate)

ं / Gender Male

आवेदन सं0 / Application No. 76385841

पर ा के का नाम एवं पता / iON Digital Zone iDZ 1 Sector 62

NAME AND ADDRESS OF C30/7A, SECTOR 62, , Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India - 201309

पर ा क त थ व समय / उपि थत होने का समय / गेट बंद होने का समय /

Date & Time of Exam Reporting Time Gate Closing Time

4th Nov 2019 & 12:30 PM to 02:30 PM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM

माणप : मने उ मीदवार के चेहरे के साथ

ऊपर मु त फोटो स या पत कया है
Certicate : I have veried the photo printed
above with the face of the candidate

(उ मीदवार के ह ता र) (उ मीदवार के अगं ठे

ू का भाव) (अ धकत ृ ह ता रकता)
( नर क के ह ता र)
(Signature of candidate) (Thumb Impression of Candidate) (Authorized signatory)
(Invigilator’s Signature)
[To be done in presence of Invigilator) [To be done in presence of Invigilator) Controller of Examination
Ÿ Candidates are advised to bring pages 1, 2 and 3 of this Admit Card in the examination hall alongwith one original photo
ID proof like Voter ID, Aadhar Card, Driving License, etc.
Ÿ Candidates are advised to follow the dress code strictly as given in the General Instructions to the candidates.


1. यह ई- वेश प डीएसएसएसबी वारा सभी पद और पद कोड के लए जार कया गया है जो क इस 1. This e-admit card has been issued by the DSSSB for all the posts and
वेश प पर अं कत है । post codes mentioned on the admit card.
2. The entry of the candidates to the examination centre will be closed at
2. पर ा क म अ य थय का वेश ऊपर ल खत गेट बंद होने के समय के समा त होने के साथ ह बंद
the end of the Gate closing time as mentioned above. No entry shall be
कर दया जाएगा एवं उसके प चात वेश क अनम
ु त कसी भी प रि थ त मे नह ं द जाएगी। permitted after that.
3. अ य थय को पर ा समा त होने से पहले पर ा क छोड़ने क अनम
ु त नह ं है एवं पर ा क 3. Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall before
छोड़ने से पव
ू अ य थ ई- वेश प (प ृ ठ 2 और 3) संबं धत पयवे क को स पेगा। completion of the examination and without handing over 2nd & 3rd page
of e-Admit Card to the invigilator.
4. पु तक, नो स, कैलकले
ु टर, मोबाइल फोन, इले ॉ न स घ ड़य और अ य कसी भी इले ॉ नक
4. Books, notes, calculators, mobile phone, electronics watches and other
उपकरण, बगै , आ द को पर ा क म रखने क अनम ु त नह ं है ।
any electronic device, begs, brief cases and other such articles shall not
5. अ यथ ई- वेश प (प ृ ठ -1) भ व य मे संदभ हे तु अपने पास सरु त रखे। be allowed in the examination centre/premises.
6. अ यथ अपना मोबाइल नंबर एवं ई-मेल OARS म अपडट
े करना सु न शत करे यू क सभी सचनाए
ू 5. The candidate should retain this 1st page of e-Admit Card for all future
ै साइट, ई-मेल, व एसएमएस के वारा द जाएगी एवं यि तगत तौर पर कोई प ाचार नह ं कया
6. Updating of mobile No. and e-mail in OARS to be ensured at all
intimation will be given through website, e-mail & SMS only and no
7. अ य थय से नवेदन है क वे मह वपण
ू संद भ हे तु डीएसएसएसबी क वेबसाइट का समय- समय पर intimation through individual letters will be given.
अवलोकन करते रहे , कोई भी सचना
ू यि तगत प से नह ं द जाएगी। 7. Candidates are advised to keep visiting DSSSB’s website regularly for
8. सभी अ यथ द ल अधीन थ सेवा बोड क वेबसाइट पर उपल ध important information; no separate intimation will be given.
सामा य नदश को डाउनलोड करे और सावधानी पवक
ू पढ़े ।
8. The candidates should download and read general instruction carefully
available at Board website i.e.
Page 1 of 3

Please paste a recent coloured Postcard Size 4”x6” photograph of

upper half of body only clearly showing face, both ears and both

shoulders. You will not be allowed to appear in the examination if

you fail to follow these instructions.

(The Candidate and the invigilator to sign across the photograph

as indicated in the instructions below)

Candidate to put his/her Left hand Thumb

Impression here in presence of Invigilator

Roll No. : 12330400711

Name : AMAN SRIVASTAVA Signature of Candidate

Post Code : 1/19 Name :

Date of Exam : 4th Nov 2019 & 12:30 PM to 02:30 PM Roll No. :
(In candidate’s handwriting in presence of Invigilator)

I have veried signature and photo printed above with the face & signature of the appearing candidate.

Signature of the Invigilator

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नीचे अँ ेजी और ह द भाषाओं म दो कथन दये गये ह। ै े ह वस

ये दोन कथन जस ै े ह काल /नील याह के बाल पाइंट पन
ै से अ याथ को पर ा क /लेब
म नर क के सामने उतारने ह।
Two statements are given below in English & Hindi language. Both the statements are to be reproduced as it is by the candidate with
Black/Blue Ball Point Pen in front of Invigilator in the examination lab/room.

ह द म :“म यह स या पत करता हँू क म ह वह यि त हँू िजस का नाम, रोल नंबर और फोटो इस ई-एड मट काड म दया गया है ।“

In English: “I certify that I am the person whose Name, Roll No. and Photograph appear above on this E-Admit Card.”

Instruction for Candidates:

a)It is mandatory for the candidate to bring this e-Admit Card (page 1 to 3) with pasted photograph as mentioned below. If he/she doesn’t
bring this, then he/she will not be allowed to enter the examination Centre.

b)The candidate to paste a recent coloured postcard size (4” x 6”) photograph of upper half of body only clearly showing face, both ears
and both shoulders in the designated space on page-2 of this e-admit card.

c)Invigilator shall ensure that photograph and signature on page-2 matches with photograph and signature of candidate on page 1 of
e-Admit card.

d)The candidate to sign across the photograph on left side.

e)The invigilator should sign across the photograph of the candidate on the right side on page-2.

f)It is mandatory to handover the page 2&3 of this e-admit card to the invigilators after the examination.

g)Candidates are advised to follow the dress code strictly as given in the general instructions to the candidates.

Signature of Candidate Signature of the Invigilator

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