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------In the progress of learning about my city


I am part of this society. It makes and moulds me and I contribute my bit in turn.

As I walk around, I heard about lot of suicides, deaths, mental disorders, tensions, disputes which
are caused due to lack of peace. Lack of emotional and mental health in the people.

As I move around the place (village, town or city) that I live in, I do notice incongruities
(inconsistencies) that bother me. I ask myself why no one is making any attempt to address these

Is it because no one has noticed the problem?

Is it because the problem has been noticed but there is no intent to address?

Is it because there is an intent but no one knows how to go about addressing it?

Is it because they know how to go about addressing the issue but don’t know how to communicate
or express it?

Be the change you want to see in the society

1. State the problem:

a. Lack of peace and happiness and increase in negative thoughts in the society. There
are many people in our society facing mental illness, tensions, family disputes, the
youth facing depression They are many such mental issues but no one knows how to
get cured if they face these in their real life. A happy living society is very much

b. More than 300 million people, 4.4% of the world’s population, suffer from
depression. According to Gallup's Negative Experience Index. The index, a measure
of people's experiences of stress, anger, sadness, physical pain, and worry, has crept
upward since 2007.
2. What is the loss in increase in negativity?

A good example is the relation between stress and the immune system. If you constantly

experience negative emotions you will be subjected to stress and more sensitive to

stressful situations. Being positive is the best defense against stress, after all. If one

experience stress, they release cortisol, the main stress hormone. Cortisol has a variety of

effects, including on the immune system. It imbalances the system. Negativity and the

stress that accompanies it have also been seen affecting certain stem cells that cause

changes in the brain. It increases the risk for mental illnesses like anxiety and depression,

will shorten your life, and will just make you weaker in general. So, can negativity cause

brain damage? Not directly, but the consequences can cause a domino effect, shifting the

balances in your brain and entire body. Too much or too long, on the other hand, often

leads to the effect.

3. What is the cause?

Some of the most common reasons behind the development of sadness and negativity.
Abuse - People who have been physically, sexually, or emotionally abused in their past, or
are currently being abused, are at a higher risk of suffering from negativity, and even
depression. More so, any personal trauma can trigger depression.

Medications - There are certain medications, whose long and short-term side-effects may
include certain changes in the mood. If you are taking any medication or have done so for a
continued period of the last six months, make sure you increase your awareness about that
drug and its possible side-effects.

Conflict - Sadness and negativity can occur as a result of conflict and disagreements with
people who we consider important. Often conflict can trigger unpleasant emotions, even if
the other party is not someone close to you. In those cases, it may be helpful to consider
what are the underlying thoughts that may be causing your reaction.

Loss - Divorce, alienation from a friend or a family member, losing job, significant lifestyle
changes, etc., can all influence how to see life. Loss is the ultimate stressor, and so it is no
surprise that can easily lead to a negative, pessimistic outlook on life.

Big Changes in Life - Even positive events, such as finishing school, getting a job, or getting
married, can lead to confusing emotions and negativity. The reason is that those highly
positive events in life may also be highly stressful.

Physical Illness- Physical illness may often lead to emotional suffering.

Addiction - It can be both fueled by and lead to emotional suffering. About 30 % of people
who are addicted to alcohol, or other substances, have a history of clinical depression.

Self-Respect - If one has a tendency to disrespect themselves, there is a greater chance

reaction to a stressor will be negative. Poor self-esteem may result in pessimistic reactions to
events and opportunities, which are very positive. The best way to deal with that is to look
into improving your self-image.

Feelings of stress are normally triggered by things happening in your life which involve:

 being under lots of pressure

 facing big changes
 worrying about something
 not having much or any control over the outcome of a situation
 having responsibilities that you're finding overwhelming
 not having enough work, activities or change in your life
 times of uncertainty.
How to manage stress

 talking treatments
 medication
 ecotherapy
 complementary and alternative therapies

Architecture is about creating a physical space. What a person experiences in the physical space
makes all the difference.


The physical environment influences social relations. Chairs in a room arranged in a circle will
generate a different discussion than if they were arranged in rows. More street light makes people
feel more secure. People hardly get to know each other in large apartment blocks and remain
anonymous. Public space is needed for people to intermingle, just as offices need coffee corners and
copy machines for people to meet and interact. So the question is not whether architecture and city
planning influence social behaviour, but how and to what extent. How much influence can
architecture and city planning exert towards shaping a society torn apart by conflicts or just
emerging from large-scale violence? Architecture is about the organization of space. Architects can
assist by designing spatial arrangements that are more conducive to stability and peace.

1. In this project the main aim of the architects was to create urban intermediate spaces in the
vacant areas in the city to induce social interaction of the public and also for peace-making.

1. This project is a healing space for women. It looks similar to my project expectation.

2. Below links are spiritual community projects- They include a spiritual community where one can
reside for a week or more. They provide food, shelter, recreational spaces, meditation area,
therapy centres, etc.
What did I learn?
The main problem in the society now is the increase of negativity in world, which is caused
due to people’s reaction, stress, conflicts, etc. People always forget their originality as time
passes… Our ancestors never had this huge amount of stress and negativity. Our virtues,
good qualities are getting degraded by generations. The slow increase in negativity causes
mere danger one day, so it is our responsibility to create our surroundings which keep us
stay positive and also our mindsets.

So, I came up with 2 solutions. They are: -


Urban spaces are open spaces designed for people to spend their free time near to their
home. Public spaces are where people meet and interact; socialize and discover common
passions; and where they affirm their shared rights to the city. In a people-centred city
public space is central to the notion of a liveable and human environment. Vacant spaces in
a town can be multi used according to the different time shifts.

By social interaction people would share their problems and also expose to nature. Spaces
should be created in such a way that everyone would love to visit daily. This will definitely
provide a solution for the problem but according to my view this may not have much scope
to work on.

A spiritual community is a place where people visit to find peace. To improve their mental,
physical and emotional health. It improves every individual mindset. From young to old
irrespective of age. It tries to decreases suicides, disputes, tensions, accidents, etc through
seminars, meditation, therapies, etc.
We architects create a society but indirectly emotional health of the people living in it
makes all the difference.


Urban spaces need to survey the locality, identify vacant spaces or spaces which can be
used for multiple purposes. These pockets do not require large amount of space but they
need multiple spaces intermediately in the city.

If there is ample green space already within the vicinity of the site, no additional provision
may be needed. However, where green space is provided it must be of a very high quality
and should be:

 part of a wider network, connected internally and to its surroundings;

 overlooked by building frontages;
 well-maintained and appropriately managed, designed to support
management aver a long-period of use;
 accessible to all;
 of high biodiversity value;
 of varied character and functionality to meet identified needs;
 able to offer opportunities for multifunctional activity for all; 
 secure and safe;
 sufficiently well-designed and well-equipped as to become a destination –
larger public spaces may be appropriate to support with facilities such as
toilets a café to encourage people to spend more time in the open spaces;
 well-connected to walking and cycle routes; 
 connected to smart infrastructure to encourage flexible use of the space for all
ages and for a variety of activities;
 provisioned with seating and resting spots;
 legible to all users, with clear wayfinding; and
 provisioned with shelter and shade.

The quality of public space relies on a number of factors including:

 Scale  Street trees

 Enclosure  Microclimate
 Materials  Adoption
 Detailing  Construction standards
 Continuity  Public art
 Security and safety  Workmanship

The 4 main factors to be considered for urban spaces are :-

1.Form of the place.
2. Internal development of the space.
3. Land and building uses adjoining the urban space
4. Relation of the square to the surrounding urban area and the general functionality of
the community.
When we refer to the streets and other public spaces of a city, we are actually talking
about the city’s own identity. It is in these spaces that human exchanges and
relationships, the diversity of use and the vocation of each place and the conflicts and
contradictions of society are manifested. Public areas shape community ties in
neighborhoods. They are places of encounter and can facilitate political mobilization,
stimulate actions and help prevent crime. They are environments for interaction and
exchange of ideas that impact the quality of the urban environment. While not
considered “public spaces,” cafes, bookstores and bars have similar impacts. Public
spaces also present health benefits, both physical and mental: people feel better and
tend to be more active in attractive, public spaces.

A good public space is one that reflects diversity and encourages people to live together
effortlessly, creating the necessary conditions for permanence, which invites people to
be on the street. It is the vitality of spaces that attracts people. What guarantees this
vitality is the possibility of enjoying urban spaces in various ways. “The existence of
quality and usable public spaces, with greater urban vitality, will increase the perception
of security and democratization of these spaces,”


 Administration zone  Library

 Meditation centre  Dining Area
 Yoga Garden  OAT
 Dancing zone  Temple
 Healing zone  Accommodation
 Therapy centres  Parking
 Museum  Landscape


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