Definition of Terms Sex Education

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Abortion – ending of pregnancy with the mother’s consent of removing

the embryo or on her womb.
Abuse – treating a person with cruelty or violence, especially regularly
or repeatedly.
Age of maturity – age/time where the individual is capable of making
rational choices/decisions.
Aggressive behavior – behavior that can cause physical or emotional
harm to others.
Aggressive sexual attitude – any sexual activity that is performed
through the use of force, argument, alcohol, drugs, or authority.
Agree – having the same opinion about something.
Application – application of the teens on what they learn in CSE.
Appreciation – defined here as the students’ appreciation to CSE.
Attitudes – positive / negative attitudes involving human sexual
Awareness – knowledge of a situation or fact.

Beneficial – advantageous/resulting in good.
Benefits of learning – defined here as the benefits that teenagers can get
in CSE.
Better choices – good choices of teens on their sexual practices.
Better understanding – teens’ understanding on sexually sensitive

Campaigns – are planned set of activities that people carry to achieve
Catholic country – the dominant or most of the people’s religion in the
country is Catholic.
Close mindedness – unwilling to accept new thoughts, ideas, and
Collaboration – action of working with someone to achieve a goal.
Conservatism – commitment to traditional values.
Contradicting ideologies – different opinions or beliefs that don’t go
Curiosity – quality related to inquisitive thinking.

Depends – answers rely on what they deemed is true.
Different grade levels – Junior Highschool, Senior Highschool, and
Disciplined – showing a controlled form of behavior.

Early age – starting from 7 years and up.
Elementary level – grades 1 to 6.
End of stigma – defined here as the end of stigma when it comes to
sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/Aids.
Enlightenment - the state of having knowledge or understanding.
Environmental factors – factors that can be found on the surrounding.
Experimentation – being curious to what sex is really is.

Family planning – practice of controlling the number of children in a
family and the intervals between their births.
Formation of idea – new ideas could be formed through CSE.
Government intervention – the government action on their
implementation of CSE.

Higher grade level – from Senior Highschool and up.

Immaturity – lacking development or knowledge.
Integrated lessons – lessons in CSE are integrated into different
Involvement – the state of being involved into something.

Knowing the consequences – defined here that students will know the
consequences of their actions if they apply their learnings in CSE.
Knowledgeable – having or showing knowledge about CSE.

Lack of education – defined here as the absence of education among the
youth affects their sexual attitude.
Lessen problems – is defined here as the problems that can be lessen
through CSE.
Misinterpretation – an understanding of something that is different
from the speaker’s real intention or meaning.

Natural process – normal activities or interactions that happen often in
our daily lives.
Need of prerequisite knowledge – teens should have prerequisite
knowledge about CSE.
New idea – formation of new ideas.
Not sure – showing uncertainty about something.

Open minded – willing to consider new ideas.
Open topic – a topic that is open to everyone.
Optimism – hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success
of something.
Over population – undesirable condition where the number of existing
human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth.
Own choices – choices of someone about something.
Own definition of morality – defining morality based on their own
Own experiences – experiences of someone about something.
Own perspective – own opinions.

Parental guidance – parental guidance parent’s guidance towards their
children about sexuality.
Parents' approval – acceptance of parents.
Peer pressure – the influence from members of one’s peer group.
Premarital sex -sexual intercourse before marriage.
Problem – problems involving human sexual behaviors.
Proper implementation – through government’s proper implementation
CSE could be a positive policy.
Proper understanding – proper understanding of CSE is beneficial.
Puberty stage – the stage where teens change into adults.

Relationship involvement – having a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Relevant – having or showing importance.
Religion bias – bias in the religious context.
Religious beliefs – belief of someone based on their religion.
Religious extremism – ideology that is considered by the speaker to be
far outside the mainstream attitudes.
Religious groups – set of individuals who share the same religious
creed, beliefs, doctrines, and practices.
Religious perspectives – perspective of someone based on his/her
Respecting others – showing good attitudes to others.

Sexual discrimination -different treatment that involves (but is not
limited to) gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation that
negatively affects an individual.
Sexually transmitted diseases – diseases that can be transmitted
through sexual intercourse
Social media – websites and application that allow users to create and
share content or to participate in social networking like facebook,
Instagram, and twitter.
Start with the family – sex education should start in the family.
Sure – agreeing about something.

Taboo – social or religious custom prohibiting/forbidding discussion of a
particular practice.
Taking advantage – some will take advantage to what they’ve learned
in CSE.
Teachers' effectivity – effectivity of teachers’ when they are teaching
sex education.
Teenage pregnancy – pregnancy of females under the age of 20.
Time management – managing time carefully.
Timing – the choice, judgement, or control of when something should be
Trainings – being trained about something.

Unaware of the consequences – the teenager’s ignorance to the
consequences of their actions.
Unawareness – having lack of knowledge about something.
Uncertain – having second thoughts.
Unrespectful students – students showing bad attitude.

Worsen situation – situation could be worse when teens do not know
the lessons in CSE.

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