Purpose Driven Life (Reflection)

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I started reading this book, I decided to have a very open mind.

To understand
and reflect on my own I need to focus not only on my life but on the others life or feeling that
maybe the same way with me.

I’ve learned that in Purpose Driven Life is that life has many obstacles. There are
times that I think that I need to give up because of the problems that I encounter in my life. I
realized that Munsci is not an ordinary school and I need to adjust first in order to keep up with
the school system. I learned a lot not just about the lessons but life lessons that I can apply to my
life. When I read the Purpose Driven Life it gave me hope. Yes, I failed some of my exams but
does not mean that I fail in my journey in Munsci. Because I know that numbers don’t define
who I am as a student who strive hard to pursue my dreams in life. This is just a test to my
motivation that I will not allow to distract me from pursuing what I really want. A lot of things
can happen and no such things we can know it advance. Problems can come by the time we
didn’t expect it that will come. From that I learned that I need to have an ally and God can help
me with that obstacles. Nothing is impossible with God. You just need to have faith and trust on
him. He will never leave you whatever will happen.

Purpose Driven Life give me hope and never give up in life. It inspires me. Now
Im never stopping reading because the book is so compelling. Thanks to Sir Ortega, because he
introduced to us the book that can help me in my everyday life. That book changes my
perspective and heart to think about my role and purpose in my life. The different chapters that I
read is different life lessons that I can apply to mine and learn from it. I believe in myself. This
confidence has made the difference for me again and again. I didn't need intelligence or
opportunity or resources. Just a simple belief in myself. And because of this belief we are willing
to test, experiment, and try new things even when we feel uncertain. If you don't believe that it's
possible to make new things work, then it's hard to make any progress. I don't care how good the
ideas are, nothing will work for you if you don't believe in it. And more importantly, nothing will
work if you don't believe in yourself.

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