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NAMA : Cornelyus Rendi Pratama

NIM : 180121600599


What would you do? Imagine that you’re on a television talk show dealing with the
topic of cultural differences and diversity. During the discussion one or another panellist
endorses each of the above practices, is arguing that each culture has a right to its own
customs and beliefs and that no one has the right to object to cultural traditions. Given
your own beliefs about these issues and about cultural diversity in general, what ethical
obligations do you have as a member of this panel?

Talking about culture, Indonesia is one of many countries with some culture. Culture in
Indonesia is indeed very diverse, Unity in Diversity is not just a motto of Indonesia. We
must respect each other despite different cultures like the Javanese tribe with its
Javanese language and the Sundanese tribe with Sundanese language, we live side by
I agree with cultural diversity, every culture has its own characteristics. Culture can’t be
united but we can live side by side.
NAMA : Cornelyus Rendi Pratama
NIM : 180121600599


1. In what ways does mass communication differ from interpersonal
2. What are some of the ways that media law has adapted to new technology?
3. What are flow theories, and what do they tell us about the process of mass
4. Why is television the most controversial of all media?

1. Differences in mass communication and interpersonal communication

Difference Mass communication Interpersonal Communication

Is communication between a speaker Is the exchange of information
and a large number of people between one person and another
(audiences) who cannot be recognized person between two people who can
one by one. be directly identified.
Level of ease Difficult to understand your potential Easy to find out your potential
Target Listeners can be active and passive Active Listener
Interaction between speaker and The interaction between the speaker
listener is limited and the listener is unlimited
Controlling We can not control the flow of We together can control the flow of
Information information as desired (controlled information as desired.
Flow communicator)
Communicatio Communication situations can support Communication situations will
n Situation effective persuasion encourage effective learning
Nature of The recipient of the message is The recipient of the message is
Message heterogeneous homogeneous
Message The message can be documented Message difficult to save
Direction of One-way communication Two-way communication
Message Delivery of messages through the Direct delivery of messages
Delivery media

2. With existing technology, the mass media that is more easily accessible is made
up of print media to several points that are far apart and arrive on time.
However, now after the internet, conventional technology like the one above has
begun to be not used again because the internet is the latest technology that
makes work effective. The Press Law as a regulation in the news media field is
naturally challenged for its relevance in adjusting itself to changing times. Real
information technology changes have become an influential thing in the life of
the news media today. The boundaries and definitions as stated in the legislation
or legal regulations are becoming increasingly irrelevant and no longer in line
with the realities in the field today. The current law still makes improvements to
the content of the news media, but uses an old perspective so that it is not
relevant to current technological advancements. Therefore a change in the law
becomes something that must be done. This change is important to reach various
things which are now in uncertainty. For that we need various ways to overcome
all changes that exist without legal regulation.

3. A. One-Step Communication Model (One Step Flow Communication)

The communication model is the only communication model that announces
media channels that have communicated directly with the communicant mass
without the communication of others, but the message has reached all
communicants and does not have the same effect for everyone who
The characteristics of the model
1. The media is not strong
2. Selected aspects of packaging, receiving, and holding in memory that are
selective in influencing messages.
3. Each communicant has a different effect.

B. Two-Stage Communication Model (Two-Step Communication)

This two-year communication model was popularized from the classical theories
of communication experts at Lazarsfeld, Berelson, and Gaudet in 1948 who
succeeded in giving approval to the greatest ideas that emerged from radio and
newspapers. The stages of the communication model are two successes in:
Stage 1: From the mass media such as opinion leaders as gatekeepers. These
messages will be sent to other members as 2.
Stage 2: These messages can be received by the general public.
Another example of this two-person communication, communication about the
environment as well as the larvae impact on the citizens is not only conveyed
directly through people in the community. But a group of people also
participated in conducting mass communication through media such as
interviews through Radio, Local Television, and also not forgetting that
information was conveyed through newspapers. This is done so that the
information can accommodate more people. So the more information displayed
in various media, the faster the information will be conveyed to many circles

C. Multi-Stages Communication Model (Multi-Step Communication)

This model of mass communication is actually a combination of one and two
other models. This mass communication model was popularized by Paul
Lazarsfeld who was a sociologist in 1944 and accepted by ElihuKatz and
Lazarsfled in 1955. The mass communication model functioned as a
communication tool to convey messages to the public about what is actually
complex. This communication model can be directly, can also be through
relaying as through previous opinion leaders, then proceed to the general public.
Now for this Multi-Stage Communication Model, for example, information is
conveyed to the wider community not only by one group. But by many groups
with the aim to help this information be highlighted and quickly rise to the
surface and can be easily accessed by the general public. Can be given, if a lot of
communication models enter into information that has reached the national

4. Because television is easily accessible from all walks of life and easy to use.
Television is widely used by all citizens of the world. TV (television) is in
presenting entertainment content, advertisement, politics. Many channels
broadcast content not appropriate to the situation on the ground. a lot of content
is actually blocked by KPI because it is considered not to educate, even though
the content presented on TV is not educating, even less entertaining

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