Template Analyzing INTRINSIC ELEMENTS The Legend of Pari Temple

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Intrinsic Elements Evidence of the sentence

Settings Place in Borneo Island Once upon a time, in a small village in
Borneo Island, there lived a mother and
her daughter.
Time Once upon a time Once upon a time, in a small village
Situation - -
Characters Mother there lived a mother and her daughter
Daughter The daughter was popular among

Characterization Daughter: Bad Behaviour The daughter answer that she was not her
mother but her servant
Mother: Kind, and love Because the mother loved her daughter so
daughter much, she finally bought her a new gown

Point of View Third point of view She never helped her mother
Plot Exposition Introducing character Once upon a time, in a small village in
Borneo Island, there lived a mother and
her daughter.
Rising Action The first problem The daughter asked her mother to walk
behind because she was embarrassed if
people saw them together.
Climax The peak of problem her daughter’s legs turned into stone.
Falling Action The problem decreases She begged to her mother to forgive but it
was too late.
Resolution The end of story the daughter had become a stone, but the
tears were still seen, which was why the
stone was called Batu Menangis.
Moral Value The positive message We have to respect our parents.

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