TATT 2 U1-5: Unit 1

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TATT 2 U1-5

Unit 1:
1. It’s a new class.
2. He has too much work to do
3. False
4. She offers to help him
5. Sympathetic
1. A therapist
2. Months
3. She wants to feel better
4. Exhausted
5. True
1. Therefore
2. So
3. Because
4. Since
5. Now that
6. Seeing that
1. His difficult childhood
2. In spite of
3. Although
4. Being a good student
5. Although
6. Although
1. Anxiety
2. Copes
3. Counseling
4. Have a difference of opinion
5. Doesn’t matter to me
6. Down in the dumps
7. Driving her crazy
8. Feel sorry to myself
9. Meant for each other <3
10. One way or the other
11. Run-down
12. Symptoms
13. Tension
14. Under stress
15. Work things out

Unit 2:
1. Boss
2. She decided to take it out of the letter
3. The newest catalog
4. Denise
5. Ms. Marx is out of town on business
1. A lot
2. Do an outstanding job
3. Older professionals
4. Most university graduates want a career in business
5. True
1. ‘d better not
2. ‘d better
3. Hadn’t I better
4. ‘d better
5. ‘d better
6. ‘d better not
1. Account executive
2. Aggressive
3. Ambitious
4. Eager to please
5. Excel
6. Identify my goal
7. Job security
8. A memo
9. Reduced
10. Sales force
11. Response
12. Are traded on the stock market
13. Don’t let anything stand in your way
14. Is in it for the money
15. Challenging

Unit 3:
1. Ridiculous
2. False
3. True
4. Caller 4 wants people to be free to make choices
5. Caller 2
1. “Competition Can Be Fun”
2. She had never been very athletic
3. She had trained for 14 days
4. Range
5. Competitors

1. It looks
2. Is there/There was
3. There have been
4. There was
5. Are there
6. Are there/there are
1. Bring out the worst in me
2. Can’t pretend that
3. I’d hate to have
4. Inevitably
5. In order to
6. In suspense
7. Just this one
8. Let me be frank
9. Majority
10. Motivation
11. Freedom of expression
12. Seeing that
13. Surrounded by
14. Take into consideration
15. Makes up for in

Unit 4
1. An employment agency
2. Doctors
3. Eager
4. Excel
5. A lawyer
1. Commuting
2. Run
3. Becoming Self-Employed
4. You have to dress up
5. Setting her own schedule
1. First – then – finally
2. At first – but then
3. First – then
4. First – second – third
5. First – then – finally
6. First – then
1. Make
2. Make
3. Made
4. Made – make
5. Made – do – make
6. Make – making
1. At the expense of
2. Deserve the best
3. In other words
4. In isolation
5. Lifestyle change
6. Lost sight of
7. Mail-order
8. Paperwork
9. Position
10. Reference
11. Routine
12. Steady job
13. Struggle alone
14. Technical advances
15. Bright and early

Unit 5
1. She wanted to work things out
2. Shame
3. When people see her crying
4. False
5. Trace leaves Bill
6. She was having problems with her health
1. Run down
2. Amy’s friends
3. True
4. He was out of gas
5. Câu dài nhất á :D
1. Will – ‘ll wash
2. Will – would – ‘ll
3. Would – Will (câu này chữ Will viết hoa) -will
4. ‘d – would be
5. ‘d reread – ‘ll
6. Wouldn’t – would – would
7. Would – wouldn’t
8. You’ll
9. Will – won’t
10. Wouldn’t – won’t
1. So that
2. Unless
3. Unless
4. On the condition that
5. Provided that
6. Unless
1. Against your wishes
2. So ashamed of myself
3. Determined to be
4. You do me a favor
5. Dropped by
6. Having difficulty balancing
7. It’s not as if
8. Nothing she wanted to do less than
9. Reacted by throwing
10. Seriously doubt whether I’ll
11. So as to be sure that
12. What’s been going on
13. Work something out
14. It’s worse than sitting
15. Can always find Rachel fighting

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