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Practical Research 1

Practical Research 1
Lesson 1
Meaning of Inquiry

Learning is your way of obtaining knowledge about your surroundings. This takes place
in many ways, and one of these is inquiry. Inquiry is a learning process that motivates
you to obtain knowledge and information about people, things, place, or events. And we
do inquiry through investigating which requires you to collect data, meaning, facts, and opinion. Inquiry is a
problem-solving technique, which also elevates your thinking power.

Lower-Order-Thinking-Skills (LOTS) Thinking skill which gives us shallow thinking; this answers the
questions What, who, when, or where

Higher-Order-Thinking-Skills (HOTS) is a kind of thinking skill which triggers us to think deeper;

Questions that trigger deeper thinking; This answer the questions by means of expounding such as why and

Activity 1 HOTS or LOTS

Instructions: Put a check if you think the questions below are engaging HOTS and X if LOTS. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.

____1. Which memo are you taking about ?

____2. Why are some graduating students not willing to wear gown?
____3. Do you agree that Mr. Cruz was the one who wrote the memo? Why? Why not?
____4. Which article seems intriguing to the graduates?
____5. What is inside the pocket of the green gown?
____6. Who owns the gown?
____7. How can the gown make you more attractive?
____8. Should you wear a gown during graduation ball?
____9. What is the color of your gown?
____10. Who bought your gown?

Lesson 2
Meaning of Research

Research is a process of executing various mental acts for discovering and

examining facts and information to prove the accuracy of our conclusions; it is
analogous to inquiry but is more complicated.

Characteristics of Research

Timeliness- it must work on a topic that is fresh, new and interesting

Ms. Zarah Joyce A. Segovia

Practical Research 1
Objectiveness-It must deal with facts and not with opinions
Clarity-Uses simple, direct, concise, and correct language
Accuracy- It must give correct or accurate data.
Systematic- must take place in an orderly manner
Relevance- the topic must be instrumental in improving society or in solving problems.


1. Application of Research method.
Pure Research- These are researches which aims to add some knowledge to an existing to an
existing one.
Applied- These are researches which aims to find out solutions to problems.

2. Based on types of data needed.

o Quantitative - It involves numerical data and its measurement
o Qualitative- It requires non-numerical data.
o Primary Data- These are data obtained through direct observation or contact from person,
objects, artifacts, etc.

o Secondary Data- These are data which are second hand, this means that there have already
been data written about or reported

Activity 2
A. Pure or Applied

Instructions: Determine if the topics below are PURE or APPLIED. Write PURE if it is a pure research and
APLLIED if it is an applied research. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______________1. Newton’s Law of Motion.

______________2. Effects of Improper waste disposal
______________3. Marketing strategies of Beach Resorts in Atimonan.
______________4. What is a Pythagorean Theorem
______________5. Reasons behind the insufficient classrooms in San Ismael High school
______________6. Theory of Relativity
______________7. Errors in college assessment practices
______________8. Archimedes’ Principle of Buoyancy

B. Primary or Secondary
Instructions: Determine if the resources below are. Primary or Secondary Write PRIMARYif it is a
Primary resource and SECONDARY id it is a secondary resource Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.

______________1. Interviews
______________2. Surveys
______________3. News articles
______________4. Journals
______________5. Books from the library
______________6. Field trips
______________7. Experiments

Ms. Zarah Joyce A. Segovia

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