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Caleb Blomquist

Intro to Music Education

Music Teacher Reflection

My future as a music teacher will be very fulfilling and rewarding and give me an

opportunity to help others in the way that I have been impacted in my youth. When I was

growing up, I would say that I had a normal life and that I did normal things. During high school

though, I discovered that I had a special connection to music and performing music. Music was

able to give me a form of self-expression, and for this reason I hope to be able to teach general

music classes, and lead a symphonic band or orchestra at a high school. I want to be able to

impact people in the way that my life has been changed. I know that high school can be such a

difficult time for adolescents, and high school is a huge growing period that can bring about a lot

of pain in people’s lives. I want to be able to help turn music into a way that any student who

wants to can express themselves without having to use words. I believe this can be a very

fulfilling way for a student to express themselves, as they can explain how they feel, without

using a single word that gives away their feelings. I believe that teaching music and self-

expression would be a very personal form of satisfaction. There is no feeling in the world like

knowing that you have helped to change someone’s life for the better. In other people’s eyes, I

might not be the most successful professionally, but I know that the personal satisfaction will far

outweigh any professional success that I could achieve in any other career. I know that teaching

is not always an easy job, but I am excited to be in classes that will help me overcome the

troublesome times that might detract from the personal satisfaction that I will receive. I simply

want to share how I have been influenced in my own life, and to help others have new

experiences with music that they would never have had otherwise.

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