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To familiarize the students with the operation of the M.E. Boiler in the M.E. Steam
Laboratory and to carry out hydro-testing procedure.


10HP Boiler at the ME Steam Laboratory


The ME Steam Lab Trainer is the basic representation of a stationary steam power
and industrial processing plant that one can find in our industrial world. It features the
fundamental equipment or machineries and the actual principles of operation involved in the
steam power and processing plants close cycle system

Fuel, air and water are supplied while steam and waste products of fuel gases and
blow down water are discharged. Diesel fuel is supplied through the pressure type atomizer
and then mixes with air (through a forced draft fan) in the burning apparatus. Combustion
takes place in the furnace, completed in the combustion chamber and introduced in the three
longitudinal passes in the tube sides of the boiler. Feed water pump takes in water from the
water tank and introduces it to the shell side of the boiler. The boiler water is regulated or
maintained at a certain safety level by the automatic water regulator. Saturated steam is
regulated resulting from the heat exchange between the boiler and the combustion gases in
the boiler.


I. Hydro testing Procedure

1.) Check the water direction of the piping system

2.) Fill the vessel full with water. Simultaneously, remove the air inside the vessel to
prevent accumulation of air pressure by opening valves called air vents.
3.) Insert a hydro testing pump to service ports and pumps in water gradually into the
system to increase the pressure to the desired hydro testing pressure (as per ME Code,
hydro testing pressure must be 1.5 times the operating pressure) If decrease in
pressure was observed, there is leak in the system. However, if the pressure remains
the same within a reasonable holding time the vessel is ready for operation.
II. Understand fully the different operating stages of the boiler as stated below.

Boiler Cold Start-Up Checklist

_____ No foreign materials or object (on top of the boiler, near the boiler, etc.) that may
cause damage to property or that can cause injury to operator or human being.
_____ Air vents are open
_____ Blow down valve closed
_____ Mc Donnel valve must be closed
_____ Water level must be established
_____ Boiler Steam valve cracked open
_____ Direction of flow are in their proper position
_____ Water supply is available
_____ Electricity is available
_____ Fuel supply is available
_____ Ready for start up

Observation and Research Questions:

1) What are the dangers associated with boilers?

2) Make a schematic diagram of a typical steam power plant.



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