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THINKING ABOUT WHAT WE TEACH... TEACHING FOR TRANSFER: STRATEGES ————— nee STRATEGIES (@Are we teaching spelling strategies? (@Are we teaching students abou! what a sucessful speller does? @Are we teaching the knowledge, ils and understanding needed tobe a successful speller? ®Are we teaching for transfer? Oris the primary focus on speling lists and tests? @® Are we TEACHING spelling? + Good spate have goo memati AND goo probim song. + Suceris need fo doveiop orange o logis fr peting Cond con ext hemeotves, What can 1400 Ma me spel his wor + Having araperote of sroteses and knowing when to apy thom iskey fo succesful sping + Sologies ve students sas one actions or HOM to spat Lett or unsaen woe + Tonferable fo at words student ot ited by the wards ‘nay now, hove seen or ued, SPELLING LISTS j ‘Kase na student i of woe aa we neo ik 1 Are studonsleaming werd orleaming about wor? + Yat have students beon fought about he wort other ioe + What nave stusents been tough about how fo spel he words on hot et? + Aco students looming wees onthe own. sping ‘ccties ant bomeworte ‘+ Ar students dong set aces with he word it rae Me fost spect fo baling locun or snare Another word on lists... § —_ + Wor its rust o guido usin tne type of words tobe {aught end that ere important to ocry + thoes’ mecn stunts have tobe given word sf een Independenty os he imary way of cring these mene + Any wor shoud athe be dered tem feaching or o> _ctompanie by leaching othe wards ons how 0 spel ond ‘member ram, How ere we wing tame 0 ide word su, xa feocrng and iesigationst on Us fo be lear by he shudentandtasted each week Words ar OX, bt. ‘ |e what WE DO wih he thot makes the dterence. |__seuttmenenen——-_-—=smemsiuel | {Givon tha he average esc can spell 48,000 orcs then to memos these s/he would have to learn 10 werd per day for 13 years approximately Ifo leaming was done atthe weekends it would take 18 years assuming that ‘none are forgotten and there na need to ‘releam. Even if words are grouped in “Families” the task considerable. ane CChioren aris students do nat become proficient speters by ‘he single shategy of memoring te selina esd words ond teachers cana! each ude Row fo spt every Word they wil need fo spot Howover Ghison ana ston Gon be crmed with ‘he inowiedge ond silos fo ho ‘hemo Geveop as ooler nats= Peerage — Child: ///! never learn to spell. Mother: Why not? Child: The teacher keeps changing the words. TEACHING STRATEGIES =}, — Saree Phonological | Ponelogical| How words SOUND Visual sieges | HOW words LOOK Morphemic | The MEANING of words GENERALISATIONS trorogon, | endhow words con be Etymology bosed | The ORIGINS of words strategies We need to teach these explicitly. PHONOLOGICAL ' STRATEGICS ~ 2 PHONOLOGICAL STRATEGIES xhine wt + words ere made up ot ete and thee leon epeosont soundsin speech +o can identi ne sounds n wore and use ou alpnabe to snow there sou, + some sounds can be shown with single eto (herd) oF {roups of ees (where) + somo sounds can be represonted by aiferen! fetes (me, tee, eat, chi, recelve.). + some letters or roups of eters can represent mare than ‘one sound at wa pron) +e con identify sounds as single nts or we can blend or ‘chunk hem fi. blends sylables and iantiving vowel found}. PHONOLOGICAL STRATEGIES % —~ cone IPA We can use the international Phonetic Alphabet to help identify sounds and syllables in words if we aren't sure, paper Tmrroroounie tse face! VISUAL | STRATEGIES eee More Tho \ \Ssk8 5 words = Oi at hin 1 LET’S THINK ABOUT... Oe SPELLING SKILLS OEVELOP | wamecsnce | sruncsace | came | "MEAN =a ae fname | suru) J Iparwg ao eee ices. fecre leesmecere | ear fungal | sem neg sauncsace] came | REMIT Inert epoxy Imaton fren eee land sounds - ow eens | a amd 2 He eet bef jomer non Mla rnd 2 een Kamion |. [iiplae ‘fr 1 dem fers | bce is md a Eerste) uel gE v'3 landers | Bo ven fa ecoringmor | ie wre 20 abl SBME. Kesondow | ved mid teeing bas “p wemesace |seuncsace| cane ] -nncxur seen wamosace [smmuncsace] — sxane — ae. —— “sae Ee "ting Ea eens === poeosens gees BES Soot aes ——— soe What does 0 leamer need in order fo successtuly ‘move through this continuum? What does a successful speller do? What does a leamer of the end of this continuum think and do? Why might someone become "stuck" ina sage of fhe continuum? What can WE 00 to progress leamers through this ‘continuum? my Monnaie eae | ei amon So uhat does thi mean for teaahing and learning? Whe ean we do? ye = shah gle = Serceees orem | [— gt aigeece ceeaemmcemmmrmrcets |] ats 5 Per eats fa Seeman deste ¢ te Shet, slop IS mn Vda, bbl annerte . HO rains tin 7(t Gl) ‘Souhat does this mean for teaching andlearning? | ">. ee What can we do? Why? — [Eek ated measeeeeeepeme | | Ava wg hn we [ey jos cange Ss rg oaantey eek a =. pe Sunk plies 5 Bodh = wed tale = Sedh bale my gent Ve orsy mony RA ASPELLING FOCUS... 4 ‘Sreregalgoatene | crvon meiraronsvatow orpirg awn] cee (sores Teorangonsarg |pnfoacns ta imguoe eon sh ‘iat [olga tan oem organs cron ‘omohones inestg one mere eco ve eater tajapoy ehon woe eie srentetos [Einar cae ‘put maioon | 96509 Rob ernichgnga mig oe :Setnecnnanc ogre ta ne om etedeta orcas pa patra, VISUAL STRATEGIE: 5 KEY LEARNING. lntving incoree!spatiog Recognling passbie and Irposibe leer sequences. idntvng vival patterns in words. + Developing avian memory fer wor ’ + Spalina by encogy We can use whal wo remember rm wore wav seen. fo halp us spl Worcs." naw how espa Ivor how wii Palo me wel + How fo ef moniter: * Does ook gh? * Which para ne word does 'ookrightt 1 wnat ese cou be? | Whot offer ete scan rproset th sound * Doetanrpat he mero e rote werve MORPHEMIC © STRATEGIES — | } i i é po MORPHEMIC STRATEGIES Exec — + tne mportant ik between sping and mening + seme words canbe pele the same buthave atfreré. rrecrings(homanyins,homograpts| + ores can sound the some but have itforent etn end rearing fomophones) + were can be changed by edeing ottemoving porto his ‘con change meonng (2g. eins, sues, po wort ‘ulna and terse) + vores cof be combined fo mate new word with now ‘meaning (compound wore There ore approximately 9000 homonyms (bear, bear] homophones (to, too, two), and homographs (dove, dove) in the Englsh language. Can we teach them all with lists? MEANING is intrinsically linked to spelling, Do we give it the same attention as phonics? ETYMOLOGICAL ' STRATEGI'S ETYMOLOGICAL STRATEGIES + a a KEY LEARNING + Englsh has borrowed words or parts of words orn cother languages and this can explain how words are spelled, + sometimes iong words are shortened or obbeeviated, + the English language is aways changing as new words are created, ~ brunch, google, scuba, frenemy GENERALBATONS ——— ———ae! GENERALISATIONS 4 _——— mmm KEY LEARNING + There ore “rues or generalisations that con be ‘applied when spelling words + Gerieratsations are transferable and can be ‘applied to many words + There might be exceptions te © generaisaton. + Spoting isn't random, there oe predictable pattems and rues that con Felp us spell ningun wore REFLECT. ‘Are we explcily teaching speling strategies? What strategies are being taught? Are any "weighted" more heaviy than others? ‘re students assessed and given feedback ‘about their use of speling strategies? Do we look at writing aiagnestically fo determine the strategies students are applying ‘ornot applying? Oris spelling simply marked? Do students have a metatanguage for discussing speling strategies? Have we faught SOME KEY MESSAGES FOR TEACHING, MIDDLE AND SECONDARY SCHOOL ¢ Seeman | ‘me ——— We can't ake studenis' knowledge ofthe alphabetic pinciple for grantes + Seng proficiency doesn't happen simply through immersion i spoken languoge. «+ Phonological ond morphological weaknesses can ton explain older students ificties wi speling, ‘+ Older students requie a focus on word derivationsond speling conventions. “# generatsations % bot by onctogy toa tember ‘ What about spell-checkers? eee eed Research has found that spell check was only able to identify the target word for 53% of misspellings. rsa, Student Surveys “What strategies do you use when you write and want to use a word that you don’t know how to spell?” Make a list and we'll share TEACHING AND LEARNING ee etna [teach for ranster. Diteach about words and hew te spell words. (Dhteach students to think about words and think ‘2b out how to spell words Cite interested and curlous ourseves about words ‘and cur language ond model this to students. REFERENCES.

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