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culture, speak a common language, and live in a specific ➢ challenged the power of royalty and religion
Nation-state is composed of two non-interchangeable ➢ Anglo and Prussian armies defeated Napoleon
terms: not all states are nations, and not all nations are The nation allows one to feel a connection to a in the Battle of Waterloo.
states. community of people.

➢ Scotland is a nation, UK is a state Nation and state are closely related because it
is nationalism that facilitates state formation. It has been To prevent another war, a new system was designed,
➢ Bangsamoro is a nation, Philippines is a state the nationalist movements that have allowed for the in effect restoring the Westphalian System.
creation of nation states. States become independent
There are also single nations with multiple states: The Concert of Europe was an alliance of "great
and sovereign because of nationalist sentiment that
powers" -- UK, Austria, Russia, and Prussia -- that
➢ Korea is a nation with two states: North and South clamors for this independence.
sought to restore the monarchial and hereditary
Korea THE INTERSTATE SYSTEM privileges before the French Revolution and Napoleonic
War. It was an alliance that sought the sovereignty
➢ "Chinese nation" may refer to mainland China and ➢ Sovereignty is a fundamental principle of modern of states.
Taiwan state politics.
Named after Klemens von Metternich who was
➢ Origins of this can be traced back 400 years the main architect of the system, this Metternich
It refers to a country and its government in layman's ago. system ran from 1815 to 1914, the dawn of the First
term. It must have: World War.
1. Citizens over whom to exercise authority. WARS Present-day international system still has traces of
this history. Until now, states are considered sovereign,
2. A territory to govern over Treaty of Westphalia and Napoleonic attempts to violently impose systems of
3. A government to construct laws ➢ a series of agreements signed in 1648 to end the governments in other countries are frowned upon.
Thirty Year's War between the monarchial major
4. Sovereignty (internal and external) over the powers of Europe.
➢ The brutal war was between Catholics and ➢ Internationalism is the desire for better
- Internal authority: laws must be followed by people
Protestants cooperation between states and the people.
within the territory

- External authority: independence from outside ➢ The Holy Roman Empire, Spain, France, ➢ Internationalism comes in different forms, but the
intervention. Sweden, and the Dutch Republic agreed to principles maybe divided into two broad
exercise complete control over their domestic categories: liberal internationalism and social
affairs and never to meddle in each other’s internationalism
NAPOLEONIC WARS (1803 - 1815)
According to Benedict Anderson, it is an "imagined ➢ Immanuel Kant argued that without a form of
community" that is limited because it does not go ➢ It was led by Napoleon Bonaparte, it world government, international systems would
beyond a given "official boundary." Nations often limit challenged the Westphalian System by be chaotic.
themselves to people who have imbibed a particular spreading the principles of the French
Revolution -- liberty, equality, and fraternity.
➢ Jeremy Bentham, who coined the term ➢ Marx and co-author Fredrich Engels opposed Liberal internationalism is dominant. The best
international in 1870, advocated the nationalism because they believed it prevented the evidence would be the existence of the United
"international law" that would govern the workers from unification. Instead, it could make Nations as the center of global governance.
interstate relations. workers in individual countries identify with
capitalists in their countries.
➢ Guiseppe Mazinni was an Italian patriot who Internationalism is but one window into the broader
proposed a system of free nations that ➢ The Socialist International (SI) was a union of phenomenon of globalization. Nevertheless, it is a
cooperated with each other to create an socialist and labor parties established in Paris in crucial aspect of globalization, since global
international system. A nationalist 1889 after Marx's death in 1883. interactions are heightened with increased
internationalist, he believed that free, unified interdependence of states. Increasingly, international
nation-states should be the basis of global ➢ Achievements: Labor Day (May 1), International
relations are also facilitated by global organizations
cooperation. Women's Day, 8-hour work day.
that promote norms and policies. The most
➢ Woodrow Wilson, former US President (1913- ➢ SI collapsed during World War I. prominent example of this organization, is of course,
the United Nations.
1921), forwarded the principle of self-
➢ The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
determination -- the belief that the world's
was established when Vladimir Lenin overthrew
nations had a right to a free and sovereign
Czar Nicholas II during the Russian Revolution in
1917. His party didn't believe in obtaining power for
➢ Notable advocate for the creation of the League the working class through elections. Instead, they
of Nations, precursor to UN. advocated for revolutions.

➢ The League was practically powerless to stop ➢ The Communist International (Comintern) was
World War II. established by Lenin in 1919 to direct Communist
parties across the world.
➢ The Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan)
was averse to internationalism and violently ➢ less democratic
imposed dominance over other countries.
➢ secretly worked to stir up revolutions in other
➢ Allied Powers was composed of US, UK, countries
Holland, France, and Belgium, who were
➢ Abolished in 1943 during World War II to appease
Russia's allies, the US and UK.
The Communist Information Bureau (Cominform)
➢ Karl Marx was opposed to Mazzini's nationalistic was established post war by Joseph Stalin, helping
sense of internationalism; he believed that it rooted direct communist parties across Eastern Europe
people in domestic concerns rather than global which the USSR took over to influence.
➢ With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1993, ideas
➢ He divided the world not into countries but into of communist internationalism also practically
classes: capitalists (bosses of productions) and disappeared.
proletariat (workers) classes. Present Day

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