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Name : Tia Fauziah

Class : Speaking 2D

Npm : 2201073082

Theme : Maulid Prophet Muhamad SAW

Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatu

Alhamdulillaahi Robbil ‘Aalamiin, Wabihi Nasta’inu ‘Alaa Umuriddunya Waddiin.

Wassholatu Wassalamu ‘Alaa Asyrofil Ambiyaaii Wal Mursaliin, Sayyidinaa Wamaulana
Muhammadin Wa’alaa Aalihii Wasohbihi ajma’in…

Amma ba’du

Hadrotul mukhtaromin

- Excellency alim ulama wabil khsusus to Al-mukaromah Ustadzah SISCA FARISCA

DHONA who we ta'dimi
- Excellency Al mukarom Romo Kiai Sopandrio Setiawan Muhamad and his family we
- Honorable Ngajum district muspika that we respect
- To you, the village head, we respect the village of Ngajum
- To all citizens of the Soerjo Foundation, 'alam from all over, who cannot mention
them one by one, which we respect
- And don't forget the invited guests, happy attendees

In being grateful for Allah's blessings

As well as the saying of the sentence hamdalah "ALHAMDUILAHIRABBALALAMINN",
we must pray pujas and praise the rabbi's divine because tonight we can gather in a healthy
state to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

As well as with taufik and guidance from Allah SWT, we can all do our faces tonight to
commemorate the MAULID PROPHET MUHAMAD SAW and mass Metri and
commemorate the Youth Pledge Day October 28 in a healthy state, amiinn ya rabbal

Hopefully .............
The outpouring of prayers and greetings continues to be poured out throughout the day and
night, to our respect for the great prophet MUHAMAD SAW, who has explained mankind
from the dark ages, namely the age of ignorance and disloyalty to the bright light of truth,
namely the religion of Islam and hopefully we will belong to the people on the last day.

Ladies and gentlemen of the blessed walhadiroh .....

Please allow me, as the presenter, to deliver the series for this evening:

1. Opening
2. Reading the holy verses of the Koran
3. Sing the Indonesian National Anthem Raya
4. Crisis response
5. Core event (tausiyah)
6. Prayer and closing

That was the series of events that will take place this evening.

How good, before we move on to the next program, let's open together the event at night with
the recitation of the ummul qur'an surahul fatihah ...
Hopefully with the recitation of Suratul Fatihah, we can go through the event at night without
any hindrance ...


FATIHAHHH .............................

Distinguished guests ...

Continuing the next program, let us listen together, namely the recitation of the holy verse al-
quran which will be read by ustad ALI FARHAN ADDAROINI
To him, time and place we invite ...

Distinguished guests ...

Continuing the next program, let us listen together, namely the recitation of the holy verse al-
quran which will be read by ustad ALI FARHAN ADDAROINI
To him, the time and place we present .....

Hopefully by reading the holy verses of the al-quran earlier, we all get the mercy of Allah
SWT, so that it brings peace to our hearts.
Happy audience ...
Continuing the fourth event, namely crises ...
The first remarks from representatives of the entire committee, which will be delivered by
Drs. Rusnadi ....
to him, the time and place we give
We would like to say thank you ,,,,,
The second speech will be delivered by the muspika / representative of
___________________________________________________________ to him, the time
and place we provide .........

Ladies and gentlemen of the walhadiroh blessed by Allah

Let us follow together, the highlight of the event tonight, namely the maulidhotul khasanah
which will be delivered by USTADZAH SISCA FARISA DHONA. With the hope of
strengthening faith and increasing religious deeds.
To him, the time and place we give ...

That was the tausiyah delivered by usradzah sisca farisa dhona, hopefully it can be useful for
all of us

Happy audience
Now comes the final ceremony, which is the closing, I as the host of the show would like to
thank the guests who have attended this evening and I also apologize if from beginning to end
there are words that do not wear the hearts of all of the audience, but before this event is
closed Next the prayer that will be read by ..........
We invite him
Previously, let us read surah al-'asr and sholawat together



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