Scoring Rubric: Article Reviews: Format - 5 Points

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Scoring Rubric: Article Reviews

Maximum Actual
score score
Format – 5 points
Bibliographic details (2), first line of each paragraph indented (1),
margins left on both sides (1), text double-spaced (1)

Punctuation and Mechanics – 5 points
Periods, commas, apostrophes, and quotation marks (3), capital letters
(1), spelling (1)
Total 5

Content – 20 points
The article review fulfils the requirements of the assignment. 5 _____
The article is in accordance with the topic. 5 _____
The article review shows that the writer used care and thought. 10 _____

Total 20

Organization – 45 points
The article review follows the requirements, and it has a bibliographic 5 _____
detail, a summary, and a critique.
The Bibliographic Detail: Provides enough information about the 5 _____
article to enable readers to find it. Including the author, title, and when
and where the article was published.
The Summary
This paragraph states what the author was trying to achieve in the 5 _____
article. Was the purpose to inform, persuade, compare two views, argue
a point, publicise a piece of research or something else?
This paragraph provides an objective overview of the topic and the main 5 _____
points the article covers, in the order that the author made them.
The Critique: This paragraph reviews:
The appropriateness of the article writing style _____
The organization of the article _____
The supporting evidence of the claims 5 _____
The logical reasoning 5 _____
The importance of the article to the writer’s topic. 5 _____

Grammar and Sentence Structure – 25 points
Estimate a grammar and sentence structure score
Total 25


The useful expressions that you can use to write the article reviews
The Summary

This article captures/presents/describes ...

The author of the article explores/explains/justifies ...

This research was based on ...

Based on the author, ...

The Critique

This article provides a useful background to ...

In this article, the author adds a new perspective to the debate on ...

This information explained in this article is particularly

important/beneficial/useful/significant for my essay since ...

The author’s ideas will likely support/help/assist me to ...

I believe that this article ...

By reading this article, I got new understanding that ...

However, this article does not give explanation/details/examples on ...

Although the article gives ..., unfortunately the author does not ...

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