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NIM : 1902377

Class : 2A

Nurse : Assalammuallaikum good afternoon my name is Maysa, before that was it

true with Ms. Nurul?

Patient : Yes, that's me

Nurse : all right , after performing an appendectomy or removal of an infected or

inflamed appendix . How does he feel now?

Patient : I felt a little nauseous and had a stomach ache

Nurse : During the first 24 hours after surgery the patient may feel nauseous and
pain in the abdomen, this often occurs as a result of anesthesia.

Patient : when i take medicine i am afraid that i will feel nauseous and will have
pain, what should i do?

Nurse : I advice is that taking medication should be done together with a little
solid food, such as crackers or toast to prevent nausea.

Patient : Okay, I will try later

Nurse : alright, I will say a few things about treatment

You. You can do it independently to speed up recovery after surgery and
you can do it with the help of other people.
1. You should get enough rest and sleep on your back
2. You must drink plenty of water to prevent postoperative
3. Avoid strenuous activity for 10-14 days after surgery
4. We recommend that you avoid clothes that are too tight and have
a rough surface to prevent infection in the wound.
5. Wash hands before and after treating wounds
6. Always keep the wound area clean and keep the wound dry.

Maybe this is what I can say. Is there anything you want to ask?

Patient : Regarding food, is there anything I shouldn't eat?

Nurse : I suggest you is to start eating with clear liquids and soup. Because it's easy
to digest. And if you want to walk, you can but it's better not to stand too
long because it will cause pain.

Patient : it might be a good idea to try later

Nurse : You can remove the stitches and check them again between day 5 and 7.
Before day 5, you should be more alert and watch for signs of possible
infection. You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience any
signs of infection that may occur in your surgical wound.
Is there anything you want to ask?

Patient : no , okay i will remember later.

Nurse : Well Maybe that's enough until here, more or less will be conveyed by the
doctor. Excuse me, I'm going back to the nurse's office. Get well soon .
good afternoon

Patient : Yes, thank you . good afternoon

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