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MGT 1103 – CHAPTER 8

Part 2

Calculate confidence intervals for population means in the following problems

1. On the SAT Math test, a random sample of the scores of 100 students in a high
school had a mean of 650. The standard deviation for the population is 100. What is
the confidence interval if 95% is the confidence level?
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)

Interval estimate of myu is:

650 ± 19.6= [( 650 - 19.6 = 630.4) and ( 650+ 19.6= 669.6)]
We are 95 % confident that the mean SAT Math is between
630.4 and 669.6

2. An apple orchard harvested ten trees of apples. From a random sample of 50

apples, the mean weight of an apple was 7 ounces. The population standard
deviation is 1.5 ounces. What is the confidence interval if 95% is the confidence
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)

Interval estimate of myu is:

7 ± 0.4158= [(7 - 0.4158 = 6.5842) and (7+ 0.4158= 7.4158)]
We are 95 % confident that the mean weight is between
6.5842 ounces and 7.4158 ounces
3. A random sample of 200 students at a university found that they spent an average
of three hours a day on homework. The standard deviation for all the university’s
students is one hour. What is the confidence interval if 95% is the confidence level?
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)

Interval estimate of myu is:

3 ± 0.1386= [(3 - 0.1386 = 2.8614) and (3 + 0.1386= 3.1386)]
We are 95 % confident that the mean hours spnt on homework is between
2.8614 and 3.1386.

4. Analysis of a random sample of 200 people ages 18 to 22 showed that a person

spent an average of $32.50 on a typical outing with a friend. The population
standard deviation for this age group is $15.00. What is the confidence interval if
90% is the confidence level?
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)

Interval estimate of myu is:

32.50 ± 1.7448= [(32.50 -1.7448 = 30.7552) and (32.50+ 1.7448= 34.2448)]
We are 90 % confident that the average spent people ages 18 to 22 is between
$30.76 and $34.24.
5. A random sample of 150 people over age 17 showed that a person spent an
average of 30 minutes a day on vigorous exercise. The population standard deviation
for exercise for this age group is 15 minutes. What is the confidence interval if 99% is
the confidence level?
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)

Interval estimate of myu is:

30± 3.1598= [(30 -3.1598 = 26.8402) and (30+ 3.1598= 33.1598)]
We are 90 % confident that the average minutes spent on vigorous exercise is
between 26.8402 and 33.1598.

6. A random sample of 200 college graduates showed that a person made an average
of $36,000 income in the first year after graduation. The standard deviation for
income for all first-year college graduates is $8,000. What is the confidence interval
if 90% is the confidence level?
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)

7. A random sample of 300 trips by a city bus along a specific route showed that the
average time to complete the bus route was 45 minutes. The standard deviation for
all trips on this bus route is 3 minutes. What is the confidence interval if 99% is the
confidence level?
8. A random sample of 1,100 travel itinerary requests on an airline ticket website
showed that the average itinerary request took 4.5 seconds to be calculated and
displayed to the traveler. The standard deviation for all itinerary requests is 2
seconds. What is the confidence interval if 95% is the confidence level?
9. A random sample of 200 MP3 players on an assembly line showed that the
average amount of time to assemble an MP3 player was 12.25 minutes. The
population standard deviation for assembly is 2.15 minutes. What is the confidence
interval if 98% is the confidence level?
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)
E= 0.3542

Interval estimate of myu is:

12.25± 0.3542= [(12.25 -0.3542 = 11.8958) and (12.25+ 0.3542= 12.6042)]
We are 99 % confident that the average amnt. Of time to assemble an MP3
playe is between 26.8402 mins. and 33.1598. mins

10. A random sample of 300 university students found that the average distance to
the hometown of a student was 125 miles. The standard deviation for the distance
for all students at the university is 40 miles. What is the confidence interval if 95% is
the confidence level?
11. A random sample of 75 data entry specialists at a data center found that
specialists made an average of 2.7 errors out of 10,000 data items. The standard
deviation for theerrors made by all specialists at the bank is 0.75 per 10,000 items.
What is the confidence interval if 90% is the confidence level?
12. A random sample of 500 bats (of the type that has a standard length of 38
inches) made for major league baseball players found that the average bat had a
length of 38.01 inches. The standard deviation for all 38-inch bats is 0.01 inches.
What is the confidence interval if 95% is the confidence level?
13. A random sample of 2,000 special valve parts for an engine resulted in an
average length of 3.2550 centimeters. The standard deviation for the population of
special valve parts is 0.025 centimeters. What is the confidence interval if 95% is the
confidence level?
E= (za/2)(σ/(n)1/2)
E= 0.0011
14. A random sample of 40 purchases of medium-quality hardwood purchased over
a 12- month period by a furniture maker from different suppliers showed a mean
cost of $0.78 per board foot. The standard deviation for the year for all wood
purchased was $0.12 per board foot. What is the confidence interval if 98% is the
confidence level?
15. A random sample of ten people shopping at a grocery store found that they
visited the store an average of 2.8 times per month, with a sample standard
deviation of 2 visits. You know from previous research that the number of shopping
visits each month is approximately normally distributed. What is the confidence
interval if 80% is the confidence level?
A=O.2, 0.2/2= 0.1
DF= N-1= 10-1=9 = 1.383

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