Text Repot Lagi

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 Functional
Functional is a term that refers to the social aspects that are reviewed based on its
function. Segingga functional studies guided by the process of socio-cultural change
in people's lives. There are many factors behind the change. One of them is public
dissatisfaction with a policy or decision that burdens them.

 Understanding Functional
Functionality is a form of depiction of life in accordance with the rules and
regulations that have been mutually agreed upon without any problems occurring and
assuming that what exists is part of the color in living life.

 Definition of text report

Report text is a type of text in English grammar that describes the details of an
object, such as a physical or non-physical description of the various scientific facts of
the object. Report text is a descriptive text which aims to provide information about
an object from the report text itself. Even though it is included in the descriptive text,
report text tends to be factual scientifically and more general than the description text.
For example, if the writer wants to describe oranges. In the descriptive text, the
writer must refer to a particular type of citrus accompanied by specific characteristics
of each type. Meanwhile, in the report text, the author must provide information about
oranges in general, such as their functions and uses.

 Purpose of Report text

 Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They generally
describe an entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets,
rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on.
 To presents information about something, as it is

The aim of this report is to show the spread of covid-19 in Surabaya, East Java, which
is considered not as rapid as the other big cities in Indonesia. The data for the people under
medical supervision (ODP) and patients under supervision (PDP) along with death toll and
the positively infected patients is taken from the health department as well as the interviews
to the authorised parties.
It is confirmed that today on the 29th March 2020, the number of positively infected
patients in Surabaya only is still slightly rising from 20 people to 25 people. Meanwhile, the
patients under supervision (PDP) and people under medical supervision (ODP) are overall 45
and 78. However, there has been positive updates about the covid-19 patients as there 11
people are regarded as negatively infected and have been discharged from the hospital. It is
quite in contrast to the number of death toll today, which is only one patients.
Such phenomena in Surabaya, if compared to the one in Jakarta or Bandung, is merely
drastic. To find out more about such, the interviews to the medical experts in Surabaya, as
well as the laymen was conducted on 16th to 21st of March in all areas in Surabaya. It is said
that the slow increase of infection in this city is considerably due to the fact that the people in
the city tends not to take mass-public transport as in Jakarta, the swift public awareness on
the danger of corona so that social distancing can be easily applied here. Moreover,
consuming turmeric, ginger and other spices which contains curcumin and does help the
people raise their physical immunity, has been done by most residents of Surabaya on a daily
or at least regular basis.
In conclusion, based on the survey and the study result of the slow spread of corona
virus in Surabaya, East Java, the main reason of such phenomenon is the different life style of
the residents in this city compared to the ones in the capital plus the habits of consuming
thyme for their physical immunity so that they are not easily infected by covid-19 outbreak. It
shall be recommended for the Department of Health to suggest such habit to the whole people
in Indonesia plus to ask the government to suggest the people consuming such thyme
regularly to have better immunity to the virus.


Cats or as we usually called it as the domestic cat are four-legged carnivorous

mammal. Their latin name is Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus. The domestication
of cats is believed to have started since ancient Egypt 9,500 years ago. Since that, cats
have become humans companion. Nowadays it is the most popular pet in the world
and also the second most popular pet in the US and they are often called as the house
cats. It is believed that there are more than 70 cat breeds now in the world.
Most cats are furry, only some of them such as Sphynx cat born with less fur on their
body. Some cats have a long tail and some others have a short tail. It also has a very
flexible body and sharp claws which can be retracted. Usually cats can grow up to 4
to 5 kg in weight and 23 to 25 cm in length, but sometimes it can be smaller or grow
even bigger. Their eyes allow them to see in the dark and their ears allow them to hear
sound with a high frequency that human could not hear. They are a good solitary
hunters who have a really good sense of smell. There are various colors of cats in the
world such as white, brown, grey, black, stripes and even multi color. They are a
social species and they can make various sound such
as mewing, purring, hissing and growling.

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