Uses of Green Supply Chain Management Lls Ss Asxxssqqsdddds Qwdqdsxas Table of Content de

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Table of Content de

1. Identification of Variables (Page-2)

2. Questionnaire (1-16) (Page- to 6)

3. Data analysis and interpretation (Page -7 to 11)

a. Preference in between online and offline

b. Count frequency between online and offline shopping
c. Price factor important for consumers
d. Factors affecting shopping
e. Descriptive statistics amount spent on online and offline shopping
f. Time spent on online and offline shopping
g. Preferred online app Vs offline store

4. Conclusion (Page – 11 to 12)

5. Recommendations (Page – 12 to 13)

1. Identification of Variables

S. No. Identified Variables Source

1. Name Hausman (2016), Siekpe (2016)

2. Age Hansen (2016), Jensen (2016)

3. Gender Pratiksinh (2015)

4. Helps Hahn (2015), Kim (2015)

5. Increase Sales Iyer (2017), Eastmen (2017)

6. Penetration Gangadeep (2017), Gopal (2017)

7. Corporate Image Hassan (2016), AbuBaker (2016)

8. Benefits Riley (2014)

9. Profits Jiang (2014)

10. Influences Harn (2014), Adeline (2014)

11. Increases Market Share H & Hsu (2013)

12. Acquisition of New Suki (2013)


2. Questionnaire

1 Name?

2. Age
a. Below 17 - 17
b. 18-21
c. 22-25
d. 26-28
e. 29 and above
a. Female
b. Male
c. Prefer not to say
d. other

4.Does green logistics help you in improvement in product and process quality?
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

5.Does green logistics help you in increase in sales of products ?

f. Strongly Agree
g. Agree
h. Neutral
i. Disagree
j. Strongly Disagree

6.Does green logistics help you in penetration of new markets?

k. Strongly Agree
l. Agree
m. Neutral
n. Disagree

o. Strongly Disagree

7.Do you think green supply chain management helps you in enhancement of corporate
p. Strongly Agree
q. Agree
r. Neutral
s. Disagree
t. Strongly Disagree

8.How much you will rate for its long-term benefits

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

9.Does green supply chain management increase in organizational profits

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

10.Does it help in influencing policy makers and regulators

a. Yes
b. No
c. May Be

11.Does it help to increase in market share

a. Yes

b. No
c. May Be

12.Does green logistics help you in acquisition of new customers

a. Yes
b. No
c. May Be

3.Data Analysis and Interpretation

a. Age Bar Chart

No of person

29 and above




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Based on the survey that have been conducted on to find the uses of green supply chain management,
from the feedback that we have received from the sample population it was found that the majority of
people who are respondents falls under the age group between 18-21 and those of the age group
greater than 29 were the least in numbers.

b. Gender based Bar Chart

No of Person



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Based on the survey that have been conducted on to find the uses of green supply chain management,
from the feedback that we have received from the sample population it was found that the majority of
people who are respondents falls under the category of male. Which means that the Supply Chain and
Logistic Management sector is majorly dominated my male when compared to that of female and that is
the sole reason from a general survey majority of respondent came as male.

c. Increase in Market Share

increase mkt shares

yes no may be

d. Acquisition of New Customers

acquisition of nc

yes no may be

Descriptive Statistics
N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance
HELPS 95 4 1 5 3.58 1.243 1.544
INCREASE SALES 95 4 1 5 3.69 1.297 1.682
PENETRATION 95 4 1 5 3.16 1.331 1.773
CORPORATE IMAGE 95 4 1 5 3.85 1.139 1.297
BENEFITS 95 4 1 5 3.05 1.363 1.859
PROFIT 95 4 1 5 3.42 1.357 1.842
INFLUENCES 95 2 1 3 1.99 .792 .628
Valid N (listwise) 95

The sample size here is N=95. According to the descriptive statistics in Helps standard deviation is
1.243 and when it comes to increase on sales the standard deviation is 1.294, when it comes to
penetration the standard deviation is 1.331 , when it comes to corporate image the standard
deviation is 1.139, when it comes to benefits the standard deviation is 1.363, when it comes to
profits the standard deviation is 1.357 , when it comes to influence the standard deviation is 0.792

Conclusion :

The study aimed to test the impact of green supply chain practices on the corporate image of
industry, by taking the survey from different people who are onto it and found that there is an
impact of green supply chain practices on the corporate image, and based on these results we can
recommend managers and decision makers to implement green supply chain practices that enable
the company to obtain many benefits, such as obtaining a company license easily and obtaining
funds for investment, and benefit from government tax exemptions. And promoting green supply
chain practices, which helps the company to build a strong reputation as a desirable place, and
enhances the company's image and product to customers. And pay attention to collaborating with
customers as a green supply chain management practice helps the organization to create a sense
of being part of the organization, thereby enhancing their buying intent and supporting the
company and the product in the future. Focus on green purchase as a green supply chain
management practice, which enables the company to optimize the utilization of raw materials, by
carefully defining the characteristics and qualities of materials required for production, and the
need to pay attention to green design which helping the company to support the positive image of
the product by providing a product with a design that reflects the organization's interest and
adoption of environmental issues.

So it is important for organizations to consider moving towards Green Supply Chain

Management (GrSCM). It is not a fad: it is becoming a necessity. Implementing GrSCM best
practices has the potential to provide financial benefits (such as increased revenue, reduced costs,
improved asset utilization, and enhanced customer service); environmental benefits (such as
reduced waste, increased energy efficiencies, reduced air and water emissions, and reduced fuel
consumption); and social benefits (such as reduced community impacts, minimized traffic
congestion through improved transportation management, and better health and safety). It can
also enhance a company’s brand and reputation.

5. Recommendations

Peer Rating

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