Winter in Ireland 1st and 2nd Class Differentiated Reading

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Winter in Ireland

Here are some facts about winter:

• Winter is a season.
• Winter starts in November and ends in January.
• In winter the weather is cold.
• The days are short in winter.
• The trees lose their leaves.

Some animals go to sleep in In December people

the winter. They wake up celebrate Christmas. They
when it is spring. put up Christmas
trees and give

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Winter in Ireland

1. When does winter start?

2. When does winter end?

3. What is the weather like in winter?

4. What do some animals do in winter?

5. What happens to the trees in winter?

6. What do people do at Christmas time?

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Winter in Ireland

1. When does winter start?
Winter starts in November.

2. W
hen does winter end?
Winter ends in January.

3. W
hat is the weather like in winter?
The weather is cold in winter.

4. What do some animals do in winter?

Some animals go to sleep in winter.

5. What happens to the trees in winter?

Trees lose their leaves in the winter.

6. What do people do at Christmas time?

Various answers.

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Winter in Ireland
Winter is one of the four seasons.
Winter starts in November and ends
in January. In winter the weather is
much colder.

What happens to the trees?

Lots of trees have no leaves in the winter.
They are bare until the spring.

What happens to the animals?

Farmers put their animals into the barn
during the winter because it is too cold for
them outside.

Some animals like hedgehogs and

bats go to sleep in the winter. This is
called hibernating.

On 25th December, lots of people in
Ireland celebrate Christmas. They put up
Christmas trees and give presents to their
friends and family. Santa Claus brings
presents for the children.

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Winter in Ireland

1. When does winter start?

2. What happens to lots of trees in winter?

3. What do we call trees that lose their leaves?

4. Name two animals that hibernate.

5. What date do people celebrate Christmas?

6. How do people prepare for Christmas?

7. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?

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Winter in Ireland

1. When does winter start?
Winter starts in November.

2. W
hat happens to lots of trees in winter?
Trees lose their leaves in winter.

3. What do we call trees that lose their leaves?

We call trees that lose their leaves deciduous trees.

4. Name two animals that hibernate.

The hedgehog and the bat hibernate.

5. What date do people celebrate Christmas?

People celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.

6. How do people prepare for Christmas?

Various answers

7. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?

Various answers

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Winter in Ireland
Winter is one of the four seasons. It
comes after autumn. Winter starts in
November and ends in January. The
days are much shorter in winter. The
weather gets much colder.
Lots of trees have no leaves in the winter.
These trees are called deciduous trees. They
are bare until the spring.

What happens to the animals?

Farmers put their animals into the barn
during the winter because it is too cold for
them outside.

Some animals like hedgehogs and

bats go to sleep in the winter. This is
called hibernating.

On 25th December, lots of people in
Ireland celebrate Christmas. They put up
Christmas trees and give presents to their
friends and family. Santa Claus brings
presents for the children.
People have a special dinner on
Christmas day. They eat turkey,
Christmas pudding and mince pies.

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Winter in Ireland

1. When does winter start and finish?

2. What are deciduous trees?

3. What is hibernating?

4. Name two animals that hibernate.

5. Name two things people do at Christmas time.

6. What did you do on Christmas day last year?

7. What is your favourite thing to do at Christmas time? Why?

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Winter in Ireland

1. When does winter start and finish?
Winter starts in November and ends in January.

2. What are deciduous trees?

Deciduous trees are trees that lose their leaves during the winter.

3. What is hibernating?
Hibernating is when animals go to sleep during the winter.

4. Name two animals that hibernate.

The hedgehog and the bat hibernate during the winter.

5. Name two things people do at Christmas time.

Various answers

6. What did you do on Christmas day last year?

Various answers

7. What is your favourite thing to do at Christmas time? Why?

Various answers

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