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Individual Marketing Project

Kyle Flexsenhar

University of South Florida

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------2

Situation Analysis -----------------------------------------------------------------3

Marketing Strategy ----------------------------------------------------------------3

What Have We Learned ----------------------------------------------------------3,4

4 P’s of Marketing ----------------------------------------------------------------4,5

SWOT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------6,7

Financials --------------------------------------------------------------------------8,9

Implementation Controls --------------------------------------------------------9,10

Wrap Up ---------------------------------------------------------------------------11

References -------------------------------------------------------------------------12
Executive Summary:

This is a marketing plan in which Netflix will partner with the Boys and Girls Club of

America and will seek to raise money for the non-profit organization. We feel that this

partnership serves in the best interest of both Netflix, and the Boys and Girls Club of America,

and we look to use the large platform of Netflix in order to positively effect change in

communities across the country. We feel this is a very good market to target because of the

amount of kids that use Netflix, as well as the amount of kids who need support from their

communities and local Boys and Girls Club of America. Part of this initiative is to set up Netflix

“learning zones” in many of these institutions where kids can watch educational videos through

the Netflix platform, while being in a safe, friendly environment. The first thing that Netflix will

implement is they will put a one-episode documentary on Netflix about the good that the Boys

and Girls Club of America does for kids across the country and they will promote this heavily in

hopes of getting lots of people to view this and get interested. In the documentary they will insert

a place where people viewing it can donate money if they would like, this will increase user

interaction. The Boys and Girls Club will as I said have these “learning zones” where kids can

learn about various things, and something that could come of this is schools coming to Netflix to

ask for a similar platform for those kids in creating fun, educational videos to show their

students. We are going to assemble a team of ten people to manage and carry out this new

partnership, and their pay is included in the expenses in the financial part of the plan. As time

goes this number could very well increase but for the time being we feel that a ten-person team is

appropriate to get this project off and running and into the public eye. We are excited for this

new partnership with the Boys and Girls Club and we are optimistic of the benefits. With the
streaming industry continuing to grow we need to get creative in ways to improve our brand, this

is certainly a great way to do that.

Situation Analysis

In 2016 companies were responsible for donating $51 million to the Boys and Girls Club of

America which makes up 30.9% of their total income. That being said for Netflix to be a prime

player we need to be a large partner and contribute as much if not more than any other

organization. The competitors if you will in this case are companies such as Disney and Coca-

Cola, and UPS. What is going to make us stand out against these competitors is that we are going

to use actual Netflix technology in these areas to benefit the kids and the club and will be giving

something that kids can actually get their hands on and people will actually see the impact rather

than just the money aspect. The microenvironment or big picture here is that there is a great

opportunity for Netflix to do some real good here, and with doing real good we can make

ourselves known as a company who works really closely with the Boys and Girls Club.

Marketing Strategy

The mission here is to become known as a premier partner of the Boys and Girls Club, and

provide great resources for their organization, while gaining positive public approval of this

move, while enjoying massive free marketing benefits that come along with partnering with a

nonprofit who will ultimately reveal to the public the great resources that we have helped give to

their cause. A quick example of this is on Sunday Night Football on NBC during halftime they
always show something from the local Boys and Girls club, and if they reveal the new initiative

that we are going to put forth, that alone would expose our brand, and our new partnership to

millions around the country.

What have we learned about this potential marketing partnership opportunity?

There are many reasons why we feel this will be a win for us here at Netflix. We want to

promote positive brand image and have the Boys and Girls Club of America basically market for

us in this situation by promoting and advertising the new technology and influence that we will

be brining to them that will ultimately be a great benefit for them. There are 4,738 Boys and

Girls Clubs across the country and they serve nearly 4.6 million young people (BGCA). There

will be a great amount of “word of mouth” marketing if all goes right as all of these kids who are

benefiting from these programs, they will be positively influenced and have a good image on

Netflix in there head their whole life going forward which is a very powerful thing.

4 Ps of marketing

Price- Netflix will donate upwards of one million dollars to the Boys and Girls Club of America

and along with this they will make the documentary series on the Boys and Girls Club in which

people will donate money through that platform so the money going to the nonprofit could be

substantially more. Netflix will also donate these learning zones to various clubs across the

country in the hope of educating kids on everything from history, to healthy foods to eat.

Promotion- Netflix will be promoted as a premier sponsor for the Boys and Girls club of

America and will without a doubt benefit from that relationship, many parents will see the good
that Netflix is doing through this initiate and approve of and or encourage their child to watch

Netflix instead of regular T.V. Netflix will also promote the nonprofit with the Documentary

which will give people and inside look into the organization.

Product- The product that is essentially the main part of this is the new resources that Netflix will

provide for the kids and in return Netflix will grow their potential customer market to more kids

and more families across the country. Along with this they will as I have said put in the learning

zones across the country which will be a huge part of this initiative and will hopefully draw great

feedback and approval from the general public.

Place- This initiative will begin with the Boys and Girls Club of America beginning in cities

such as Chicago, New York, and Atlanta. Then after the programs have been tested and adjusted

they will begin to expand some of these learning zones as we see fit. With this initiative we are

trying to target inner cities where in those areas there are many kids who could benefit from

these programs and this is where the biggest difference can be made. Another “place” if you will

would be the advertising that comes along with this, in doing this we anticipate on the Boys and

Girls Club being very gracious for our contributions and we hope that this will not go unnoticed

by the public and that we will get a good bit of marketing for our brand off of this partnership.
SWOT Analysis:

Strengths: The strengths in this partnership between Netflix and the Boys and Girls Club of

America are in the capabilities that Netflix can offer to this organization and the kids. They have

the resources to implement exactly what these kids need, which is extra outlets of education and

they have many programs on their platform that enhance education, such has history

documentaries, planet Earth documentaries among many other things. Obviously, the goal here

isn’t to have kids just start watching cartoons in these learning zones, it is to watch educational

films and history films. Along with this I believe that Netflix will expand upon its customer base

and access the kids and families who didn’t previously have Netflix due to parents assuming it

could be a bad influence. The public perception of Netflix will increase its positivity and by our

estimation the public will take very well to this new partnership.

Weaknesses: The weaknesses here are that the goal here is for Netflix is to do a great thing for a

great organization while at the same time marketing their product and opening up new markets

for them to take advantage of. I think the most difficult part will be seeing the target market here

actually increasing the use of the product, thus making it a potential weakness. We will also need

to make sure that this relationship gets off to a good start because if we are to put a significant

amount of resources into this we will certainly need a good clean start to the process.

Opportunities: There is a huge opportunity for Netflix in this partnership to gain a stranglehold

on the youth and use their services they offer to begin expanding to the educational spectrum of

things and it starts right here with this partnership in brining opportunities and technology,

coupled with education to kids in the Boys and Girls Club of America. There is also the
opportunity here to gain a more positive image in the eyes of parents or guardians of kids who

think that Netflix can be seen as a distraction and has no educational value, only pleasure. We

feel that with the increasing competitiveness in the streaming industry customers are looking for

a differentiator to make the choice between Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. If we do this right

and get the proper recognition for this initiative people associate us with helping others and

being great in the community, that can make all the difference in the world in my mind.

Threats: In this scenario I don’t necessarily see and threats, as partnering with the Boys and

Girls club of America is a very safe and reliable partnership. In my opinion when a company

partners with a charity or nonprofit I don’t see many threats in that space. If anything, the threats

here would be to try to make sure that our contributions here are the talking point of the public in

regard to our contributions to the Boys and Girls Club and that we do not get over shadowed by

our competitors in some other fashion.

Financial Projections

Expenses Estimated cost

Annual Donation $350,000
Learning Zones $2,000,000
Added content for cause $3,000,000
Employees pay for allocating $3,000,000

time to this project (annual)

Total $8,350,000
Revenue “Value” $ amount or “Value”
Increase in subscriptions from partnership 10,000,000
Marketing “Value” “1,000,000”
Public perception and brand approval “5,000,000


Where I am getting these revenue, projections are as follows. Currently in the United States

roughly 54% of households have Netflix. We firmly believe that with this partnership and people

simply thinking better of Netflix after seeing the initiative that we are taking we can

conservatively increase that figure by 1% which is roughly an additional $10,000,000 in revenue.

We are confident in that increase in 1% because with as aggressive as we are going to be in this

partnership with the Boys and Girls Club, and all the unique things that we are going to bring to

the table, we feel that a significant amount of people will be exposed to our initiative and will

want to support us and use our great service because we make lives better. For the marketing

value that we estimate $1,000,000 worth, this is a conservative value in my mind but it’s hard to

be exactly accurate. As I stated earlier Sunday Night Football always does about a thirty second

to one-minute advertisement for the Boys and Girls Club in whatever city they are playing in. In

2019 for a 30 second advertising slot on Sunday Night Football that would cost

$665,000(Statista). Plus, you add in other residual effects of the Boys and Girls Club talking

about and thanking Netflix for the partnership, I would think it is perfectly reasonable to say this

partnership has a marketing effect of at least $ 1 million. In this case it is hard to quantify exactly
how much monetary value this partnership will bring in for Netflix, obviously I have done my

best to quantify it in this segment but how do you quantify a increase in positive public

perception, or these kids growing up knowing that our brand was a helping hand for them

growing up and them spreading that positive energy. Overall, we at Netflix can stand by these

income projections and they are all on the conservative side, we think the value could very well

end of being much greater.

Implementation Controls

With regards to this section I think that a timeline of sorts will be the best way to show our goals

and vision for implementing this plan. The overall goal here is to announce the partnership and

put in the learning zones, we will assemble a team of 10 employees to handle this entire project,

in our partnership with the Boys and Girls Club. This team will consist of two generals “Leaders

of operation”, also there will be two public relations specialists who are closely invested in this

project. Then we will have two financial experts who will cover the books and keep up with the

expenses as well as handling requests for additional funding. Then we will have four employees

who will do a bit of everything and be used as best seen fit by our team leaders. We would like

this team structure to remain the same for the first year of this partnership and then once we get

if off of the ground and implement all of our programs and get them into a steady place we can

reevaluate the team and the structure going forward.

January 5th, 2021 Assemble team responsible for carrying out

this partnership
January 15 2021 Have general plan hammered down, and

approved, announce partnership

February 1st, 2021 Begin going to select locations around
country to scout how to implement learning

March 1 , 2021 Have blueprints and plans in order to learning

March 31st, 2021 Put in the learning zones and announce

$ 350,000 annual donation.

August 1 , 2021 Learning zones should be implemented,

partnership should be well known and well

August 1st, 2021 - future Proceed in future as best judgement calls for,

continue to nurture this partnership.

Wrap Up:

Overall, we are very excited about this new partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of

America. We really like the work that they have done for years across the country for young

people and we would love to be a part of it. This is a great opportunity for Netflix to establish a

partner and use this not only as an opportunity to do good, but to help increase brand awareness

and reach more homes across the country to continue to grow our profits. We would like when

people think of Netflix not only think of a great entertainment brand, but a company that is

committed to making lives better. The streaming industry keeps on growing so to stay ahead we
need to differentiate and improve our brand. There is something to be said about associating a

brand with the causes they support, off the top of my head I know that the NFL heavily supports

the Salvation Army, and the MLB supports cancer research, when people see and know that a

company is supporting these causes you feel that you are supporting a good company as a

consumer. Right now, at Netflix I’m not sure the customers feel that, this will be the first step in

establishing that connection. This is a yearlong implementation plan and the hardest part is going

to be getting get this off the ground. Once we establish our initiatives and put them in action this

partnership will be well worth it for Netflix in the end.


Paljug, K. (2018, July 05). How Businesses Can Partner with a Charity. Retrieved July 23, 2020,
The Statistics Portal. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Reiff, N. (2020, April 03). How Netflix Makes Money: International streaming is growing
fastest. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Boys & Girls Clubs of America - Providing millions of kids and teens a safe place to develop
essential skills, make lasting connections and have fun. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2020,

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