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Section A
 Title

Slope finding.

 Introduction

To do survey of roof to find its slope.

 Description

A task was given to us to check the slope of different portions of roof and to draw
its plan on graph and to show water drainage on it.

 Data
1. Total area of roof is 127.2083’x127.666’.
2. Two cement water tank of dimension 14.500’x9.833’.
3. Two plastic water tank of 500 gallon.
4. Dimension of grid is 6’x6’.
 Analysis
 The roof was not properly slopped.
 Roof was symmetric from both side.
 Roof has very uneven slope.
 Roof was flat between middle.
 Due to water tank it was difficult to take readings.
 As roof was not properly slopped that’s why water was standing in
many portions of roof.
 Due to water tank positions it was difficult to mark grid on the roof.
 Findings
 There were two water tank on the roof.
 Roof was steeper from sides and was flat between middle.
 Roof was not square or rectangle exactly but it was symmetric.
 Water tanks were not on the front side of roof.
 There was lot of unnecessary stuff on the roof due which there was very
difficult to mark grid and to take readings on the roof.
 Recommendations
 As water was standing over many portion of the roof so we recommend
that roof should be properly sloped.
 There was lot of unnecessary things on the roof due to which there was
difficult for us to take readings.
 Roof should be higher from the middle so that water should not stand.
 Conclusion
The activity was conducted with the intent of visually observing and
practically findings of general anomalies which accumulate due to poor
standards of surveying followed during construction projects, so that the same
are avoided when we ourselves land at the sites in future.
As the building is the newly constructed so it is in satisfactory condition. But
the building is not maintained properly. In spite of its good condition we
cannot ignore all those problems which should be concerned during the
construction of the building of roof. For ease of construction these problems
were not considered into account. For example slopping was not done
properly during construction of roof. There was a system for the drainage of
storm water but it was not properly slopped.
 Pics

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