Free Parking Space Prediction & Reliability Analysis

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Received March 28, 2020, accepted April 3, 2020, date of publication April 6, 2020, date of current version April 21, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2986056

Free Parking Space Prediction and Reliability

Analysis Based on Big Data Analysis
1 BeijingInstitute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
2 School of Electronic Information Engineering, Changchun University, Changchun 130022, China

Corresponding author: Zhongjing Ma (

This work was supported by the Key Scientic Research Project of Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology in 2020, Project
Name: Key Technologies and Applications of Road-Occupying Parking System Based on the NB-IoT Geomagnetic Detection.

ABSTRACT The number of free parking spaces (FPSs) is highly dynamic and stochastic, calling for
a parking guidance model that enables the driver to find the right parking lot. This paper explores the
distribution of FPSs number in parking lots, predicts the number of FPSs, and proposes a parking guidance
model with a solving algorithm. Firstly, the number of FPSs from several parking lots was subjected to big
data analysis, revealing that the hourly number of FPSs obey similar trends on different weekdays. On this
basis, the data on the FPSs number of the parking lots were classified by hourly, weekly and holiday features.
Whereas the FPSs number obeys the normal distribution, a parking guidance model was established with the
most reliable path to forecast the number of FPSs. Then, the solving algorithm was proposed based on the
reliability boundary. Finally, the effectiveness of the model and algorithm was verified through simulation.
Compared with the actual data, the prediction accuracy of the model is more than 95%. The research results
shed new light on the development of parking guidance systems.

INDEX TERMS Parking guidance, prediction model, free parking spaces (FPSs), big data analysis.

I. INTRODUCTION At present, there are two methods to predict the number

With the growing ownership of private cars, it is increas- of free parking spaces, one is the prediction of the number
ingly difficult for the driver to quickly find a parking space of free parking spaces considering the random arrival and
upon arriving at the destination. Empirical evidences indicate departure process. Generally, it is assumed that the arrival
that drivers on average spend 3-15min looking for parking process is Poisson distribution, and the departure process
spaces [1], [2]. The cruising for parking will increase the traf- assumes that the parking time follows a negative exponential
fic flow by 25-40%, pushing up the traffic load. To promote distribution. The other method is to use machine learning
parking efficiency and control the traffic flow, it is necessary method to directly predict the occupancy rate of parking
to develop a parking guidance model that assists the driver in lot through observation data, the popular machine learning
finding the right parking lot [3]. methods include regression, chaotic time series analysis and
For many reasons, the number of free parking spaces neural network. However, these existing methods do not take
(FPSs) in a parking lot is highly dynamic and stochastic. into account the randomness of the number of free parking
Hence, the parking guidance model should make recommen- spaces, and cannot describe the risk aversion behavior of
dations based on the latest parking information. If the driver travelers.
spends more time than the travel time of the recommended Considering the massive amount of data available on vehi-
path, it is possible that the currently recommended parking cle trajectories and parking spaces, this paper attempts to
space will be occupied by another vehicle. To solve the develop a parking guidance model that adapts well to the
problem, the parking guidance model should provide the dynamic and stochastic changes of FPSs. First, the laws of
driver with the most reliable path with a given travel time, travel time and FPSs number were discussed through big data
in addition to the path with the shortest travel time. analysis. Next, the data on the FPSs number were classified
by hourly, weekly and holiday features. Finally, a parking
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and guidance model with reliable path and its solving algorithm
approving it for publication was Dalin Zhang. were established and verified. The research provides an

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 8, 2020 66609
C. Zhang et al.: FPS Prediction and Reliability Analysis Based on Big Data Analysis

effective new solution to parking in the dynamic and stochas-

tic traffic network.


There are several key functions of an intelligent parking guid-
ance system: collecting, processing, integrating and releas-
ing real-time information like the location of parking lot,
the number of FPSs, and road conditions; recommending
the optimal parking lot to the driver based on multiple fac- FIGURE 1. The hourly number of FPSs on weekdays.
tors, such as road condition and travel time; the predicting
the number of FPSs in a short time. To establish such a
system, it is critical to predict the number of FPSs. Accord-
ing to the information of monthly and temporary users,
Mackowski et al. [4] calculated the real-time number of FPSs
in the parking lot. Thompson et al. [5] updated parking infor-
mation more frequently, and predicted the number of FPSs
accurately. To enhance guidance efficiency, Suhr et al. [6]
wirelessly transmitted the information of FPSs in the current
period to the navigation terminal, enabling the driver to find
FPSs quickly. FIGURE 2. The hourly number of FPSs on weekends.
In general, the number of FPSs can be predicted by two
types of models: the prediction models based on parame- Ji et al. [20] forecasted the number of FPSs by backpropa-
ter estimation and the prediction models based on machine gation neural network (BPNN) and an improved algorithm.
learning. The parameter estimation-based models fully con- Ma et al. [21] solved the problem that the FPSs are occu-
sider the random arrival and departure at the parking lot. For pied right before the driver arrives at the parking lot by
example, the arrival time and departure time are supposed to optimizing the wavelet neural network (WNN) through par-
obey Poisson distribution and negative exponential distribu- ticle swarm optimization (PSO), and training the optimized
tion, respectively [7], [8]. Based on the classical continuous model with the measured data. Ji et al. [22] combined the
time-queuing model, Caliskan et al. [9] assumed that the PSO and wavelet transform to predict the number of FPSs.
arrival time obeys Poisson distribution and the given depar- Considering the short-term changes in the number of FPSs,
ture time obeys the exponential distribution, estimated the Cui et al. [23] optimized the WNN by cuckoo optimization
arrival rate by the maximum likelihood method, and fore- algorithm (COA), and relied on the optimized model to
casted the occupancy rate of the parking lot with the Gaus- predict the number of FPSs.
sian process. Pozza et al. [10] considered that arrival time
and departure time are obtainable, and applied the classical III. BIG DATA ANALYSIS OF FPSS NUMBER
continuous time-queuing model to estimate the probability In order to better establish the free parking spaces prediction
that the parking lot is full. Based on the mean number of model, this paper proposed a parking guidance model consid-
vehicles in parking lots, Dinh and Kim. [11] estimated the ering the most reliable path. According to the analysis of the
number of FPSs in the target parking lot at a given time, using historical data of the parking lot, the distribution law of the
the stationary Poisson process between adjacent parking lots. number of free parking spaces is obtained.
Tu [12] derived the arrival rate of the parking lot by the influ- The number of FPSs was monitored in 21 parking lots
ence model of parking waiting time, which may affect the in Beijing from November 1, 2018 to February 28, 2019.
driver’s selection of parking lot. After analyzing the parking Figures 1-3 present the hourly number of FPSs on weekdays,
process, Kumar and Udaykumar [13] identified the factors weekends and holidays, respectively. The number is the mean
affecting the parking selection and the features of parking number of the 21 parking lots.
behavior, and proposed a prediction method of remaining From Figures 1-2, it can be seen that there were more
parking spaces based on Markov chain. Correa et al. [14] FPSs in 1:00-7:00 and 20:00-24:00 than those in 8:00-19:00.
introduced continuous time Markov chain to simulate the However, the number of FPSs in the daytime is not signifi-
number of FPSs: the probability of FPSs was calculated cantly different from that in the early hours and at night on
from the regularly transmitted information of the parking lot, weekends.
ranging from capacity, occupancy to arrival rate. As shown in Figures 1-3, there was a big difference in the
The machine learning-based models mainly include sim- number of FPSs between holidays and non-holidays. During
ple regression model [15], chaotic time series analysis [16], the New Year’s Day and Spring Festival holidays, the number
multiple time-space regression model [17], and neural net- of FPSs remained basically the same all day long.
work (NN) [18]. Daxwanger and Schmidt [19] predicted Overall, the hourly number of FPSs exhibited similar
the number of FPSs based on fuzzy neural network (FNN). trends on different weekdays, but the hourly number of

66610 VOLUME 8, 2020

C. Zhang et al.: FPS Prediction and Reliability Analysis Based on Big Data Analysis

and 1.32%, respectively. In other words, the coefficient of

variation is less than 1% for 75.62% of the samples grouped
by week and hour, for 0.00% of the samples grouped by week,
and for 1.32% of the samples grouped by hour.
When the coefficient of variation is less than 5%, the cumu-
lative probabilities of grouping by week and hour, grouping
by week only and grouping by hour only are 96.89%, 49.73%
and 60.05%, respectively. Thus, the coefficient of variation
of week group is much smaller than that of hour group and
week & hour group.
The above results prove the necessity of considering
FIGURE 3. The hourly number of FPSs on holidays. hourly, weekly and holiday features at the same time.
After that, the authors calculated the probability distribu-
TABLE 1. Coefficient of variations of different data groups.
tion of the number of FPSs in each parking lot in every time
period of each day. Let XC,θ,i be the number of FPSs in the
i-th parking lot in the θ -th period of day C. Then, probability
P that the number of FPSs falls in the interval (u, v] can be
computed by:
Z v
P u < XC,θ,i ≤ v = f (x) dx

where, f (x) is the probability density function of XC,θ,i .
Then, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test was introduced
to check if the number of FPSs obeys the normal distri-
bution. The test results show that, among the 2,768 valid
samples, 2,741 passed the test and 27 failed the test. The
pass rate and rejection rate were 99.02% and 0.98%, respec-
tively. Thus, the number of FPSs can be described by normal
FPSs differed greatly between weekdays and weekends and distribution.
between holidays and non-holidays.
Based on the analysis results, the data on the number of
FPSs were classified by hourly, weekly and holiday features.
Firstly, the data were divided into three sets: the dataset
The mean number of FPSs in the i-th parking lot in the θ -th
of weekdays, the dataset of weekends and the dataset of
period of day C can be defined as:
holidays. Then, each day was divided into multiple periods:
C = {tC,1 , tC,2 , . . . , tC,θ , . . . ,}, where tC,θ is the θ -th period 1
of day C. nC,θ,i = XC,θ,i,j
Next, the coefficient of variation between the established j=1
datasets was calculated based on the mean value and standard
deviation. The coefficient of variation is positively correlated where, sC,θ,i and σC,θ,i
2 are the FPSs number and its variance
with the difference between the datasets. in the i-th parking lot in the θ -th period of day C, respectively.
Let nC,θ,i , σC,θ,i and VC,θ,i be the mean number, standard The variance σC,θ,i
2 can be expressed as:
deviation and coefficient of variation of FPSs in the i-th sC,θ,i
parking lot in the θ -th period of day C, respectively. Then,
= (XC,θ,i,j − nC,θ,i )2
the VC,θ,i can be calculated by: sC,θ,i
VC,θ,i = × 100% Since the number of FPSs in the parking lot obeys the
nC,θ,i normal distribution, then the probability density function
Without considering the data on holidays, the non-holiday XC,θ,i ∼ N (nC,θ,i , σC,θ,i
2 ) of the number of FPSs in the
data were grouped by week, by hour and by week and parking lot can be expressed as:
hour. The coefficient of variations between the resulting data (x−nC,θ,i )2
groups, denoted as week group, hour group, week & hour 1 − 2
f (x) = √ e 2σC,θ,i
group, respectively, are listed in Table 1. 2π σC,θ,i
When the coefficient of variation is less than 1%, the cumu-
lative probabilities of grouping by week and hour, grouping Then, the probability that the number of FPSs in the i-th
by week only and grouping by hour only are 75.62%, 0.00% parking lot in the θ-th period of day C falls into the interval

VOLUME 8, 2020 66611

C. Zhang et al.: FPS Prediction and Reliability Analysis Based on Big Data Analysis

(u, v] can be computed by: C. CALCULATION OF TRAVEL TIME

Z v Let tj lj , tj , mj , σj , δj and lj be the travel time, the unit travel
P u < XC,θ,i ≤ v = f (x) dx time, the mean additional travel time, the standard deviation

u of additional travel time, the free travel time, and the length
(x−nC,θ,i )2
Z v 1 − 2
of path j, respectively.
= e√ Then, tj and tj lj can be respectively obtained by:
2π σC,θ,i
    tj = δj + exp (mj + σj zj )
v − nC,θ,i u − nC,θ,i
=8 −8 tj lj = [δj + exp mj + σj zj ]lj

σC,θ,i σC,θ,i
The travel time tOI of path OI between the vehicle location
where, 8(·) is cumulative probability distribution function of S and the i-th parking lot can be calculated by:
normal distribution. X
Let Ne be the expected threshold of a given number of tOI = tj lj
FPSs. The probability that the number of FPSs is greater than
the expected threshold can be expressed as: To provide efficient guidance, the parking lots being
searched should fall within a certain distance from the des-
N − nC,θ,i tination. The search area should be a circle centering on
P XC,θ,i > Ne = 1 − 8

σC,θ,i the destination, with a preset distance as the radius. All the
parking lots in the search area will be candidates. If there
For the given reliability ϑ, the prediction of FPSs number is no parking lot in the search area, the circle radius will be
of reliable path from i to j XC,θ,i,j can be defined as: increased gradually by a fixed step length, until one or several
parking lots are covered in the search area.
XC,θ,i,j = 8−1 (1 − ϑ) · σC,θ,i + nC,θ,i Then, the free travel time, the additional travel time, the
mathematical expectation of additional travel time, the vari-
B. THE MOST RELIABLE PATH MODEL ance of additional travel time, and the travel time of path OI
Directed graph G = (VG , EG ,TG ) represents road network, can be respectively obtained by:
where VG is the nodes set, EG is directed arc set, TG represents
δOI = δj l j
discrete time. Each node has a set of predecessor nodes and j∈OI
a set of successor nodes. For example, the successor node of eOI = exp (mj + lnlj + σj zj )
node f is g, Suc (f ) = {g}, the predecessor node of node f
1 2
is p, Pre (f ) = {p}. Each road section has a tail node and a MOI = E [eOI ] = exp (mOI + σOI )
head node, for example, the tail node of section sfg is f , and   2 
the head node is g, {f , g} ∈ VG , {sfg } ∈ EG . VOI = exp 2mOI + σOI 2
[exp σOI
− 1]
The objective of the most reliable path problem is: For 1 2
given original (O) and destination (D), O ∈ VG , D ∈ VG , TOI = E [tOI ] = δOI + exp (mOI + σOI )
the path with the highest reliability in the road network
is calculated under the condition of given scheduled travel D. PARKING GUIDANCE MODEL AND ITS SOLVING
The reliability RP of path P is defined as the probability that The parking guidance model with the most reliable path
path travel time tp is less than the expected travel time T0 . consists of two parts: finding the parking lot with the highest
overall reliability; finding the path with the highest reliability
RP = P[tp < T0 ] to the candidate parking lot under the expected travel time.
The overall reliability of the parking lot is the product
The reliability of path P is calculated by using cumulative between the reliability of FPSs number and the reliability of
distribution function which approximately obeys transformed the path to the parking lot. Under the given departure time and
lognormal distribution. expected travel time, the overall reliability of the parking lot
The mathematical programming model for maximizing the can be maximized by the following parking guidance model:
path reliability under the condition of given scheduled travel Objective function:
time T0 is as follows:
Max RNe ,C,θ,i · ROI
ln T0 − βp − εp

Max Rp (x) = ϕ( ) Constraints:
Ne − nC,θ,i
RNe ,C,θ,i = P XC,θ,i > Ne = 1 − 8

where ϕ(·) represents cumulative probability density function
0 ≤ RNe ,C,θ,i ≤ 1
of normal distribution, βp represents the free travel time of
path p, εp represents the mean value of extra travel time, 0 ≤ ROI ≤ 1
σp represents standard deviation of extra travel time. 1≤i≤I

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C. Zhang et al.: FPS Prediction and Reliability Analysis Based on Big Data Analysis

FIGURE 4. Prediction results vs. actual results on FPSs number under FIGURE 5. Prediction results vs. actual results on reliability under given
given reliability. number of FPSs.

where, RNe ,C,θ,i is the probability that the FPSs number in the
i-th parking lot in the θ -th time period of day C is greater than
the expected threshold Ne ; ROI is the reliability of the most
reliable path from the vehicle location O to the i-th parking
lot; i is the reliable path from the vehicle location O to the
i-th parking lot.
Under the given departure time and expected travel time,
the reliability of the path ROI between the vehicle location O
to the i-th parking lot can be defined as:
FIGURE 6. Reliability of the most reliable path between the vehicle
location and three parking lots with different travel time thresholds.
ln (TO − δOI ) − MOI
Max ROI (x) = 8

If the travel time obeys the normal distribution, the solving

algorithm of parking guidance model with the most reliable
path is based on the reliability boundary. Firstly, the expected
arrival time Ta was calculated under the given departure time
Td and expected travel time Te . Secondly, the most reliable
path to the i-th parking lot and its reliability were computed.
Thirdly, the probability of FPSs in the i-th parking lot at the
arrival time Ta was calculated, so was the overall reliability
FIGURE 7. Reliability of FPSs number in different parking lots.
of the parking lot. Finally, the parking lot with the highest
overall reliability was recommended to the driver. Step 7: If i < H (number of candidate parking lots), go to
The specific steps of the solving algorithm are as follows: Step 2; Otherwise, output the parking lot with the highest
Step 1: Under the given departure time Td and expected overall reliability.
travel time Te , calculate the expected arrival time Ta =
Td + Te , and transfer Ta to the h-th time period; number the V. SIMULATION VERIFICATION
candidate parking lots in turn with positive integers. The number of FPSs in 16 parking lots was collected from
Step 2: Set the destination of path search as the i-th parking November 1, 2018 to February 28, 2019. The data from
lot, set the upper and lower bounds of the initial path reliabil- each parking lot were divided into 168 groups by week and
ity to 0 and 1, respectively, and set two path sets SK1 and SK2 hour. Then, the proposed model was adopted to simulate the
to null. number of FPSs with given reliability. Take the parking lot
Step 3: Take the additional travel time of the section is of Times Building as an example. Figure 4 compares the
taken as the cost, calculate the path Pk with the minimum simulation results and the actual results on FPSs number
additional travel time of the k-th path, calculate the travel time under given reliability. The probability of three parking lots
distribution parameter of path Pk , and calculate the reliability is 0.846, 0.841 and 0.502 respectively.
of path under given threshold RPk . Similarly, the reliability was simulated by our model under
Step 4: Calculate MPk : if MPk > M0 , add the path to path given FPSs number, and compared with the actual reliability
set SK1 ; Otherwise, add the path to path set SK2 . (Figure 5).
Step 5: Calculate the path with the highest reliability in Figure 6 compares the reliabilities of the most reliable
path set SK1 ∪ SK2 , and update k = k + 1. path between the vehicle location and three parking lots with
Step 6: Calculating RNe ,C,θ,i , and update i = i + 1. different travel time thresholds.

VOLUME 8, 2020 66613

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