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Event Mayapur Yatra

Event Date 1993
Event Location India, Mayapur, Yogapith
Event Type
Transcriber Haladhar Lila Das

Source Audio

Source Video
Tags – Places Yogapith
Tags – Pastimes Appreance of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Tags – Persons Adviata Acarya, Bhakti Vinod Thakur, Jagannath Das Babaji
Tags – Themes Compassion
Lecture Transcription
Appearance of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Advaita Acarya praying for Lord’s appearance.

Discussing the beautiful past time of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s appearance in this world, and many
of the wonderful lilas that took place in this holy spot, But we are very late so we have only few minutes.
But on our last day we will return here and spend more time.

It is described by Karabhajana Muni, one of the nine Yogendras, that the Supreme Personality of
Godhead appears in different ages to establish the recommended process of self realization for all
humanity at that time. He explains there in,

yajanti hi su-medhasaḥ

[SB 11.5.32]

[In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of
Godhead who constantly sings the names of Kṛṣṇa. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is
Kṛṣṇa Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.]

that in this age of Kali Yuga, what to speak of the rest of the world; who are so much deeply plunged in
the endeavor for material enjoyment and even in the name the Chaitanya-caritamrta what fallen
condition it was at that time ? And Sri Advaita Acarya, who was an Avatar of Sri Mahavishnu, who was
sent along with other eternal associates of the Lord to prepare for his divine advent. Sri Advaita Acarya,
he was so much plunged in the ocean of sorrow to see how human beings were wasting their lives
indulging in fruitive activities, sinful activities, all sorts of atheism and even in the name of religion so
much impersonalism, so much ritualism, so much worship of various Demigods with tantric motivation,
but hardly anyone had any desire to hear the glories of the Lord or to chant his holy names. So he was
thinking that, it is only the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna who can save the fallen
condition of humanity of this age. So he made a wow and just close to here had a place called Advaita
Bhavan, he sat near the bank of the Ganges and with his Shaligram Shila he offered Tulsi leaves and
Ganges water and with very loud voice he was crying out to the Lord to appear. In answer to his divine
prayers, the Lord resolved to come to this world.

Lord appears for three internal and external reasons

Actually it is said that, the supreme Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared for three internal and
three eternal reasons. The three external reasons were, one, to respond to the prayers of his devotee Sri
Advaita Acarya, two, to fulfill his promise in Bhagavad-Gita,


[BG 4.8]

[To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of
religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.]

To deliver the pious,to annihilate the miscreants, and to re-establish the principles of religion. And the
third reason was to establish the Yuga dharma, the congregational chanting of the holy names of
Krishna, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma
Rāma, Hare Hare. As Sri Sukdev Goswami explains in Bhagavatam,


[SB 12.3.51]

My dear King, although Kali-yuga is an ocean of faults, there is still one good quality about this age:
Simply by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, one can become free from material bondage and be
promoted to the transcendental kingdom.

That this age of Kali Yuga is an ocean of faults, bad qualities, mandāḥsumanda-matayo
manda-bhāgyāhyupadrutāḥ [SB 1.1.10]. So there is one benediction, and if you take all the faults of Kali
Yuga and put it on one side of the scale and put that one benediction on the other, that one boon will
outweigh all of the defects of Kali Yuga and that is, simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna,
everyone anyone without consideration, of qualification or disqualification can attain the supreme
perfection of liberation. Kaviraja Goswami explains, these are the three internal and external reasons for
the appearance of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

The auspicious appearance of Nimai, the son of Sachidevi.

Here in this place, eternally resides Sri Jagannath Mishra and Sri Sachidevi; two most pious and pure
hearted souls.In fact they were none other than the incarnations of Sri Nanda Maharaja and Yasodamayi
of Vrindavana Dhaam and for eight consecutive times Sachidevi gave birth to a baby daughter but, in
this stage of infancy each time the babies died. So it is explained, Sachidevi and Jagannath Mishra
performed great worship and devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not simply for the sake
of having a child, but within their hearts the Lord was impelling them to have the child using them as
instruments by which he could appear in this world. So at last a beautiful male child was born, he was a
plenary portion Lord Nityananda Balaram, he was so beautiful, an ocean of divine qualities and he was
given the name, Vishvarupa. And Sachimata and Jagannath Mishra they were so joyful and so grateful to
the Lord; unlike the ordinary materialistic person following religion, who after they get the fulfillment of
their desire they see no need to worship the Lord; they increased their worship of Sri Shaligram Shila in
ordered to show their indebtedness. And it is described by Sri Kaviraja Goswami, soon after, the
Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna in his original transcendental nature appeared within the
mind of Jagannath Mishra, from there he was transferred through divine arrangement into the mind of
Srimati Sachidevi and from there he was transferred into her very womb. When she was pregnant with
the Lord, her body had an emanation of beautiful luster and all auspicious signs began to appear around
the house of Jagannath Mishra and Sachidevi. She bore the child long overdue, over ten months. At that
time Nilambar Chakravarty Thakur, the great father of Sachidevi explained that, this child is a very divine
personality who was waiting for the most auspicious of all moments. It was on the full moon night of the
month of Falgun that by the Lord’s arrangement there was a lunar eclipse and all aroundeveryone was
going to the holy river Ganges to chant the holy name as it is the tradition. Even the atheist, even the
Muslims, even the most materialistic religionist and the most mundane scholars of Navadwip, they all
followed the tradition by chanting the holy names, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa
Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare.,  Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa
Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare.,loudly.. Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa,
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare.It was at that auspicious
moment when the whole world was chanting the holy name of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead in his most munificent and most merciful of all incarnations appeared under this Neem tree
here in Sri Mayapur Dhaam. Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu ki [Devotees:] “Jai”, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Ki
[Devotees:] “Jai”, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ki [Devotees:] “Jai”. He was born under this Neem tree,
when it came to the time of naming the child, Sachimata’s request was that he be named Nimai because
he was born under the sacred tree. Jagannath Mishra seeing that each limb was so delicate and
beautiful called him by the name Gauranga, the neighborhood ladies of Navadwip seeing this child had
beauty and luster of Lord Sri Krishna with the golden complexion, so they called him Gaurhari and
Nilambar Chakravarty Thakur after researching the child’s horoscope and analyzing the various signs of
his bodily features explained that, there was a great drought in Navadwip but as soon as this child was
born, immediately rains were coming and all the plants and the fruits and the flowers and vegetables
began to grow profusely. In fact this child is the nourisher of the entire universe so he gave him the
name Vishvambhar.

Thakur Bhaktivinod rediscovers Lord Chaitanya’s birthplace

When we come back here in few days we will spend some hours here discussing the wonderful past
times of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu that took place here in the house of Sri Jagannath Mishra and
Sachidevi. And also the wonderful way in this temple in which this way this temple is built, very briefly
now just after Mahaprabhu left this world, river Ganges changed her course and there was a great flood
and this place was lost for long time and there were various speculationsof where the birth site of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu actually was. But it was that great empowered Acarya Sri Thakur Bhaktivinod
who investigated many ancient maps in scriptures and from his house to Godrumadvipa, he saw a
beautiful golden effulgence coming from this area. This was the place that he considered must be the
true spot of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s birth. At that time this track of land was owned by Muslims, they
were using it for no cultivation. But since time immemorial Bhaktivinod found, there was beautiful
beautiful Tulsi garden right in this place. And after discussing with many great saints, confirmation of
scriptures and by his own divine vision; he considered this must be the place. So he brought Jagannath
Das Babaji Maharaja who is then as he called the commander in chief of all Vaishnavas of Navadwip. At
that time he was way over one hundred years old, he was carried in a basket by his servant Biharilal on
his shoulders, he hadn’t even walked for many many years. And when Bhaktivinod Thakur took him to
this very spot, Jagannath Das Babaji leaped out of the basket so high, that his feet were above
Bhaktivinod’s head and as he was leaping and dancing with ecstasy transcendental, he was crying out,
Jai Sachinandana! Jai Sachinandan [Devotees:]“Jai Sachinandan!”. So BhaktivinodThakur established this
place and his son Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur excavated the current temple that we find now
and during the excavation in the ground they uncovered the original murti of Adhokñaja Vishnu that
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu worshiped when he was a child. This was the deity worshiped by Jagannath
Mishra, Sachidevi and the entire family. And that Murti is still on the altar. On the way out we can ask
the pujari to kindly show us the darshan of Adhoksaja Vishnu and on the rear side of the temple of the
(not clear..17:18), there is a temple of Gopesvara Mahadev, Shetrapal Shiva who is considered the
guardian of the Holy Dhaam. It is considered very important and auspicious that when we began our
Navadvipa-parikrama that we first receive the blessings of Lord Shankar,
vaiṣṇavānāṁ  yathā  śambhuḥ  he is the protector of the Holy Dhaam, the foremost of all Vaishnavas. So
as we are walking by we should bow down and humbly offer our prayers to Lord Shankar begging him
for his kind mercy, that we can perform this wonderful Navadip parikrama and that we may enrich our
hearts with bhakti. I would like to say that none of us should come here with the mood of enjoying, this
is not a vacation, we are here for only one purpose; for our purification and that purification takes place
by serving the Vaishnavas, by taking shelter of the Holy Dhaam, by taking shelter of the narration of the
Lord’s past times, by taking shelter of the kirtan of the holy names, by taking shelter of the association
of the devotees. This is our purpose. Inconvenience, enjoyment mean nothing to us, we are here simply
to please Lord Nityananda Prabhu and Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu by congregational chanting of their
Holy names.  Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma
Rāma, Hare Hare.

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