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A. VERSION INFORMATION: Before uploading any body part .ini files, be sure to check the
CXDI version. Panel serial numbers should also be noted for report purposes.

B. IMAGE COUNTER & STUDY COUNTER: can be enabled/disabled for auto reset at specific
time periods (every week, every month) on each receptor if desired.

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A. SCREEN TYPE: Category or Tray. Category screen gives access to all exam types in all
categories. Tray screen allows 16 exam types to be selected quickly without going through
category buttons. Tray screen may be more applicable on chest room or doctor’s office where
limited types of exams will be performed.

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B. TRAY/CATEGORY BUTTON: If set to ‘DISPLAY’ the tray button will be displayed on the
screen. If this button is selected by accident and no exams are listed, the user may become
confused. If the tray function will not be used, it may be more applicable to set this as ‘NO
C. PREVIEW IMAGE: If set to ‘DISPLAY’ the preview image will be displayed immediately
after every exposure. This may be set to ‘NO DISPLAY’ if many images will be taken
consecutively in a short time.
D. PREVIEW IMAGE DISPLAY TIME: The time (in seconds) can be set for how long to
display the preview image. If set to ‘0’, the image will remain until the user selects another
E. DISTANCE UNIT: The SID can be set to display (in the CXDI program only) as inches or cm.
F. DATE ORDER: The date can be set to display three different ways.
G. MULTIVIEW: Either 4 or 9 images can be displayed on the screen when ‘multiview’ function
is selected. If 9 images are selected, they are very small.
H. SEND AFTER EXPOSURE: If this is set to ‘SEND’ a ‘send’ button will appear on the screen
after the exposure is made and the image can be sent immediately (as in an ER environment). If
the ‘DON’T SEND’ is selected, the images can only be sent at the end of study. Enabling
‘SEND’ does NOT automatically send the images after exposure.
I. HELLO DIALOG: Turns on or off the welcome message. On a demo system, the welcome
message will NOT go off even if selected to ‘DON’T DISPLAY’
J. PATIENT DATA LAYOUT: Determines character ratio of patient info data displayed on the
exposure screen.
K. SELECT STUDY LIST: When selecting from the patient study list, can either select ‘single’
to select one study at a time, or ‘multi’ to select more than one study. If necessary to do batch
sending/printing, ‘multi’ setting may be applicable.

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Service should have this done already.
Hint: setup Image Destination last, after setting up printer and/or storage


1. Four storage locations can be entered, but only two can be selected at any time. (Select both on
top or both on bottom, or diagonal, but not two on top of each other)
2. Select ‘Storage 1’ then set IP address in host name field and enter port number and AE Title.
3. Select ‘SET’ and under ‘Storage Name’ enter name of storage device to be displayed in user
menu (PACS1, ER2)
4. Select ‘Parameter’ if more than one DR unit is sending to PACS so that each can be
differentiated by the server-also called AE Calling Title.
5. To change the AE Calling Title, enter –c(space) and then the name, which matches on the
PACS end. This should be assigned by the site IT department.
6. Repeat these steps for each storage location.

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1. Same as above, four locations can be entered, but only two can be selected at one time.
2. Select ‘Printer 1’ then set IP address in host name field and enter port number and AE Title
3. Select ‘SET’ and click in ‘Printer Name’ field to change the name, which is displayed to the
user (RAD1, CT2)

4. Select the arrow next to the ‘OVERRIDE’ button and select the appropriate printer out of the
list. If the specific printer is not in the list, pick the closest make/model. This selection will

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populate the other fields (parameter & pixel pitch) The parameter entries can be modified to
change density, magnification, trim and LUT if necessary. Select the appropriate size film
available at the site. Then repeat these steps for each printer available.

5. If ‘CHECK THE CHANGE’ is selected, a prompt will appear whenever the printer settings
have been changed from the default exposure mode. If it is turned off, the system will select
the other printer if necessary.
6. Under ‘PRINT SETTING’ generally the default of ‘Lifesize’ is used, do NOT enable ‘fixed
ratio printing’


1. These are default settings for printing and sending to PACS, but the user can change selections
on the fly during or after an exam. Use drop down arrows on left side to select which printers
and storage locations will be used. Exposure, study list and called image selections should be
on or off per site preferences.
2. Local temp storage for exposure is always on and cannot be turned off. Local temp storage for
study list and called image may be turned off so duplicate images will not be saved on the hard
drive, taking up extra space.
3. If two printers are enabled, as noted above, printing will be done at BOTH locations. So make
sure one printer is set to “Not Used”

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A. GENERATOR: Service should set this up.

B. MARK LIST: pre programmed annotations the user can set on the image. Labels can be added,
modified or re-sorted. 20-character limit.
C. DENSITY ADJUSTMENT: Service should set this.
D. EXPOSURE REX CHECK: can set warning messages at specific high and low rex number.
Minimum is usually set to 50-75 and enabled for warning.
‘PARAMETER CHANGE SCREEN’ is set to ‘valid’, after the exam is selected, the screen
changes to whichever tab has been selected here. If the ‘QA SCREEN DURING
EXPOSURE’ is set to ‘valid’ after the exposure is made the QA screen displays automatically.
If this is valid, it will take two steps to get back to make another exposure.
F. GRID TYPE: Service should set this.
G. PARAMETER TABLE: If a generator interface is being used, this should be enabled and
matching kv, ma and msec stations should be selected to coincide to the generator kv, ma and
msec selections. Can either delete the unused ones, and/or add additional. If no generator
interface exists, all these should be disabled. If interface exists and no matching stations are
available, the next closest one will be displayed (and dicom info will be incorrect)
H. SLEEP MODE: ALWAYS leave ‘ON’ to refresh panel completely between exposures. If set
to ‘OFF’ may have latent image until next patient is entered. Set ‘time out’ to ‘0’ so panel will
not stay in ‘ready’ state and put more wear and tear on panel. If sleep mode is ‘off’ there will
be a quicker ready time between exposures, but panel is not refreshed completely.
I. EXPOSURE CONDITION DISPLAY: Should set to enable if a generator interface is present.
If disabled, there is still a ‘change’ button to change parameters, but the parameters will not be
saved as dicom data. If enabled, will see technique info displayed on exam selection screen.

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J. AUTO PRESS: If this is enabled, the exam for the first exposure will be selected automatically
after the patient is entered. This would be applicable for a chest room, where the same type of
exam is done most often. This is NOT set per sensor, but one setting applies to all sensors.
Also, if using Tray type screen, this is not applicable.
K. ANNOTATION: 2 types of annotation :Link- which can be specific to an exam set up in the
‘edit exposure mode’, and General-which can be used as system defaults. There is one button
for Link and 5 buttons for general.
L. Touch the position button to choose where the annotation will be placed. Then touch the line
justification button to choose justification for the text according to which area of the image will
be used. Touch the annotation frame, then the name frame and change the name of the
annotation if desired (Tech, Markers). Touch the annotation tab and select from the annotation
buttons on different tabs below to choose what is displayed in each field. The % is used as a
separator. When complete, select when to display the annotation, every image/ every film. If
“Every Film” is selected, annotation is only attached to images sent to the printer.”Every
Image” must be selected for information to be displayed on PACS images. (Even if the black
box shows NO annotation, it will still show up on PACS! For no display on PACS, you must
set “Every Film”) Then select the font size tab and select a different font size if desired. If ‘QA
PARAMETER’ is chosen, the technique and rex info will be displayed on the image, which is
useful for troubleshooting. Repeat this for all desired annotation fields. Select the Optional
Setting button:
M. Select the Optional Setting button: AUTO FONT SIZE REDUCTION: Enable this to reduce
the font size when the image is small.
When viewing a called image from the study list, set ‘Use Saved Image Setting’ so all post-
processing changes previously made will be visible. If ‘Use Current System Setting’ is
selected, default settings will override any previous changes.
MODE: If ‘ANNOTATION’ is selected, the position of the annotation can be viewed/changed
from the Annotation Tab. If ‘MULTITEXT’ is selected, and enabled below, the additional
multitext annotation menus can be viewed on the Annotation Tab. If multitext is selected and
set up in the ‘annotation’ menu, the text choices can also be entered post-exposure. The
multitext list can also be modified and re-named if desired.

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A. DATE / TIME: This should be setup by service.

B. PATIENT INFO: Each item is set as essential or option per customer preference.
C. MODULE: This will be setup by service for the MWM and generator interface.
D. STUDY INFO: These fields can be entered, but some may be filled in through the MWM
interface. Under Operator, tech initials can be entered and then chosen as a field in annotation
to display on the image. Institution name should be entered here if chosen as a field in
annotation to display. Each tab can be enabled and set as an option or essential. If
‘AUTOMATICALLY SHOW STUDY DATA INPUT SCREEN’ is selected, these screens will
appear automatically during patient registration.
E. SERVICE TOOL: FD back-up. If start is selected, (and a floppy disk is in the drive) upon
bootup the system will perform a back up if any of the settings have been changed. It will
overwrite itself each time, (so the disk does not fill up). This will make the boot up time
noticeably longer.
F. MAGNIFY SETTING: If ‘AUTO DISPLAY’ is set to display, the mag image will appear
immediately after the exposure is made. If ‘SELECT IMAGE DISPLAY’ is set to ‘DISPLAY’
any time the image is display, it will be in mag. If this is set to ‘DISPLAY’ you can select
either ‘MAG’ to see the image quicker or ‘QA MAG’ to see all the image processing
performed. On ‘MAGNIFY MODE’ select if the whole image is magnified or only the center
of the image is magnified.
G. CHANGE PASSWORD: If a yellow key is shown, the user/service has set a new password.
99999 will still allow access to all protected items. If the key is not yellow, the password has
not been changed. Any menu items with a key may be locked/password protected. To change
the password, the password must be entered prior to changing. Once logged in, all items are
accessible. To exit administrator mode, select ‘CLEAR ADMIN LEVEL’ which will lock items

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A. MWM or MWL is an option that should be set up by service. Multiple files are needed to
enable the MWM function, all of which are on the option floppy. It is capable of performing
Multi-Accession or ‘Foldering’ so that multiple exams can be performed out of order but sent
to PACS as exams instead of separate images.
B. If ‘Multi-Accession’ is enabled, the patient name will be displayed only ONCE in the worklist.
When the appropriate exam is chosen, a new window will open with several accession numbers
and exam names(if tag is entered). The tech will pick the accession number to be used for each
image taken. In this manner, all AP’s of a complete spine series can be performed for patient
convenience, rather than performing all the C-Spine, then all the T-Spine, then all the L-Spine.
C. If ‘Multi-Accession’ is NOT enabled, the exam and accession number will/can be displayed in
the worklist. If a patient has multiple exams ordered, the patient name will appear in the list
multiple times.
D. The worklist will be displayed after the technologist selects the ‘PATIENT’ button on the
console. Information can still be entered manually if desired. If patient demographics are
entered via the MWM interface, the information CANNOT be changed prior to sending to
PACS. (The info can be changed on the local hard drive, but will NOT be sent to PACS with
the new information, even if displayed correctly on the local drive.) If the information is
entered manually, the information can be changed and sent to PACS.
E. The query can also be performed by using a bar code reader which is setup as a keyboard
simulator. The accession number/barcode is scanned and the correct patient is selected to
populate the fields. Without a barcode reader, the query can also be done by “Patient name” ,
“Patient ID” or “Accession Number”

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