Vocabulary Worksheet 1.: I. Fill in The Gaps With The Suitable Word From The Box

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I. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from the box.

went slim knows mad showed made right heavy do leads


1. Frank is a policeman, so I think he ... an interesting life.

2. What does Frank ... for a living?

3. Frank ... from bitter experience that horses can be really nasty.

4. I would say there's still a ... chance that he will win the elections.

5. The factory ... bankrupt so Frank was ... redundant.

6. Frank is simply ... about Sarah

7. Is it all ... if I smoke here?

8. My father is a ... smoker.

9. When Frank asked her to marry him, she simply ... him the door.

10. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just ... your leg.

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

a) Bocs, Fred, csak vicceltem.

b) Saját keserû tapasztalatom, hogy nem szabad számítani rá.

c) Tényleg csõdbe ment a cége?

d) Mibõl él?

e) Van valamicske esély, hogy sikerül a vizsgája.

f) Érdekes életet él, ugye?

g) Sajnos elbocsátották.

h) Bele van zúgva a motorjába, és kedveli a férjét.

i) Rendben van, ha elviszem az autódat?

j) Joe nagy dohányos.

k) Nem csoda, hogy Judy kirúgta azután, amit csinált.

III. Match the sentences in the boxes, please.

a) Did you really mean it when you 1. I really don't know. There's still a slim
told her to clear off? chance that he won't be fired.
2. What do you mean what happened? He
b) Is it all right if I take an hour off?
was made redundant, of course.
c) What's going to happen to him
3. Of course not, I was just pulling her leg.
after all this?
4. No, but I'm sure he leads an interesting
d) Is he really on the bottle?
e) I've heard he is madly in love with 5. No, he never drinks, but he is a heavy
her. smoker.
f) Do you know what he does for a 6. Oh, yeah. Poor man; she showed him the
living? door.
g) What happened to him after the
7. Sure, go ahead.
company went bankrupt?


I. Fill in the gaps using one of the words in the box.


1. They broke up, so the wedding was ... off.

2. I think we should do ... with school uniform.

3. George and Judy are a perfect ... . They were made for each other.

4. He was ... 100 mph when the police stopped him.

5. He is an excellent writer. I'm sure he has a bright future ... of him.

6. You'll find out to your ... that things are not always what they seem to be.

7. I simply can't ... all that any more.

8. We were doing 50, when from out of ..., this huge truck appeared.

9. ... what you like, she is the best singer in the world.

10. It is ... surprising that he failed, is it?

I. Please provide the English equivalent of the expressions below.

szakítottak -- ..........................

aligha meglepõ --..........................

a semmibõl -- .........................

saját kárán tanulta meg --..........................

ötvennel ment --..........................

mondhatsz amit akarsz --..........................

nem bírom elviselni --..........................

egymásnak vannak teremtve --..........................

nagy jövõje van --..........................

lemondták (pl. megbeszélést)-- ..........................

eltörölni vmit --......................................

II. Follow up the following first lines with anything you like using the expressions in the brackets.

a) Do you like working there? (CAN'T STAND)

b) He is the best singer in the world, isn't he? (HARDLY SURPRISING)

c) He learnt 5 languages in 4 months. (BRIGHT FUTURE)

d) How did the accident happen? (DOING)

e) I don't really like his style as a writer. (SAY)

f) Do you think Jenny and Bob will hit it off with each other? (MATCH)


I. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from the box.


1. Don't tell Frank anything. He'll have to learn the ... way.

2. Frank can't find a job, so he's been ... the dole for 6 months.

3. He turned ... to be much younger than we thought.

4. He tried to make the ... of his 2-month course in London.

5. Alcohol is not harmful if you drink ... moderation.

6. Buying that expensive Hi Fi just makes ... sense.

7. This building was ... to last. It is at least 300 years old.

8. It takes ages ... her to get dressed.

9. He's been living here for ... a while.

10. They took ... each other the moment they met. They have so ... in common.

II. Finish the sentences using one of the expressions above.

a) When people are made redundant, they are ... .

b) He said he was 20 but later ... .

c) What a stupid idea, going to the beach in December simply ...

d) It's a very bulky table. It ...

e) That's all we got, try to ...

f) They are like brothers. They have ...

g) We always have to wait at least an hour. She ...

h) He started working for us in 1992 so ...

i) I'm afraid I can't help you, you'll have to ...

III. Match the sentences in the two columns.

1. I wouldn't force it down anyone's throat,

a) What's wrong with him? He seems
but alcohol in moderation is everyone's
to be pretty sad.
b) Why don't you tell him what's 2. I'm sorry, but what you say doesn't make
wrong with that equation? much sense.
c) She took to her the moment they 3. Just for two days but I tried to make the
met. most of it.
d) It takes ages for her to learn the 4. I don't know but he's been studying for
simplest thing. quite a while.
e) Do you share the opinion that 5. It is hardly surprising, is it? They have so
wine is harmful to our health? much in common.
f) When is he going to take the final 6. His company went bankrupt, so he's on
exam? the dole now.
g) I want to marry an African
7. He'll have to learn the hard way, just like
because I'd like to live in an igloo in
8. Yeah, I guess she is not the brightest girl
h) How long did you stay in Sidney?
in the world.


I. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box.


1. I hate our boss, he's always breathing down our ... .

2. This movie will help you to take your ... off your problems.

3. What's his name? Oh, it's on the tip of my ... .

4. He forgets everything. He has a memory like a ... .

5. Once I could run 200 km but now I'm out of ..., I'm afraid.

6. He did ... for murder when he was younger.

7. Hes lost his job. Well, he's down on his ... again.

8. He has a smattering of Spanish and he knows a ... words of Italian, too.

9. The chairs were well spaced-out so we all had some ... room.

10. It's no use trying to convince him. It's like talking to a ... wall.

II. Finish the sentences below using the expressions above.

1. If somebody forgets everything all the time ...

2. If somebody won't listen to your advice then ...

3. If you don't speak a language very well, then ...

4. If someone spent some time in jail, s/he ...

5. If you try not to think of something, ...

6. If somebody is watching what you do all the time, ...

7. If someone's not lucky, ...

8. If you can't recall a word or a name, it's ...

III. Translate the expressions below.

falra hányt borsó --................................

szita az agya --................................

szerencsétlen --................................

szellõsen voltak elrendezve --................................

nem vagyok formában --................................

börtönben ült --................................

itt van a nyelvem hegyén --................................

ott liheg a nyakunkon --................................

próbáld meg elfelejteni a problémáidat --................................

tud egy picit angolul --................................


I. Match the beginning and the end of the sentences below.

a) If someone has a lot of problems in a short

1. you break for e.g. coffee
period of time,
2. you can talk to him till you are
b) If someone accepts bad things as well,
blue in the face
c) If sb/sth is trying to persuade you to do
3. he passed them with flying colours
d) If you do sth just up to a degree, 4. the man in the street
e) If sb doesn't do anything, you might tell
5. he learns to take life as it comes
him to
6. you are upto your neck in sth
f) If sb had no problems with his exams,
(e.g. work)
7. get his act together or pull himself
g) The average citizen is also called
h) If you stop (e.g. working) for a short time, 8. he's going through a bad patch
i) If you have a lot of sth (that you don't
9. you do it to a certain extent
j) If there's no chance of convincing sb of 10. he's trying to tempt you into
anything, doing it

II. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word.

a) You can talk to him till you are ... in the face, he won't listen to you.

b) I guess he's learned to ... life as it comes.

c) He was tempted ... buying that car, but now he's sorry.

d) He's going through a bad ... these days.

e) We were working all morning and ... for coffee at 12.

f) He passed his exams with ... colours. No wonder he's so happy.

g) I agree with you to a certain ..., but I have some reservations.

h) He is upto his ... in debts.

i) Come on! Get your ... together and try to find work.

j) Nobody cares what the ... in the street has to say about this.

III. Translate the following expressions into English.

nyakig ül az adósságban --................................

gond nélkül átment a vizsgán --................................

szedd össze magad --................................

rávesz vkit vmire/ elcsábít vkit vmire --................................

elfogadja az életet --................................

szerencsétlen idõszakot él --................................

bizonyos mértékig --................................

kávészünetet tartottunk --................................

átlagember --................................

beszélhetsz neki, amíg csak bírod szusszal --................................



I. Choose the correct alternative in the following sentences.

1. Workers went out on/for strike yesterday.

2. I'm afraid this building is not fit/enough good to live in.

3. Actually, he has no work experience to speak/talk of.

4. He is the spitting/same image of his grandfather.

5. He has a passion/love for books. He buys at least 3 a day.

6. They'd been living together for years before they finally set/match the day.

7. He won a lot of money and has a beautiful wife. Well, some people have/get all the luck.

8. He is buying food in large/big quantities.

9. He had to pay a high price/money for his success. His family left him.

10. When I arrived 10 minutes late, the teacher gave me a black/bad look.

II. Fill in the blank using the suitable word or expression.

a) Since he became famous, he has practically no private life. He really had to ......... for stardom.

b) I've heard you've finally .......... . Am I invited to the wedding?

c) He bought drinks in .......... and now he can't sell them. He might easily go bankrupt.

d) He won 3 million pounds and he's travelling to the Bahamas. You know, ................ .

e) I gave him such a .............. that the smile froze on his face.

f) Miss Moffat has a .................... learning and a .................... life.

g) At least 200 workers were made redundant so the union decided ..................... .

h) The similarity is simply unbelievable. He is the ......................... of King Kong.

i) You mustn't stay in that hotel; it simply isn't ....................... .

j) He is not well known as a scientist. He has no results .................... .

III. Translate the following expressions into English, please.

a) ..........................-- kiköpött mása

b) ..........................-- sztrájkolni kezdtek

c) ..........................-- imád olvasni

d) ..........................-- nincs említésre méltó eredménye

e) ..........................-- nem alkalmas emberi fogyasztásra

f) ..........................-- gyilkos pillantást lövellt

g) ..........................-- vannak még szerencsés emberek

h) ..........................-- nagy tételben

i) ..........................-- nagy árat fizetett

j) ..........................-- elhatározták, hogy összeházasodnak



I. Find the meaning of the following expressions in English from the examples below.
1. .......................-- elõre tervez

2. .......................-- nagy tisztelettel beszél vkirõl

3. .......................-- rosszul indított vkinél

4. .......................-- kívülrõl megtanul vmit

5. .......................-- szöges ellentétben áll

6. .......................-- pihentetni kell a terveket egy picit

7. .......................-- hosszú napokon keresztül

8. .......................-- egy alkalommal

9. .......................-- átengedte (vizsgán)

10. .......................-- a közelben

a) He wasn't really good, but the teacher gave him a pass.

b) You must learn to plan ahead.

c) Unfortunately, we had to put our plan on ice for a while.

d) He got off on the wrong foot with her, I'm afraid.

e) What I hated was that we had to read boring books for hours on end.

f) He spoke highly of his boss, which surprised everyone.

g) Frank had to learn 30 poems by heart last week.

h) There's a great shop just around the corner.

i) What he said just now is diametrically opposed to what he said before.

j) On one occasion he met President Clinton.

II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable word.

1. I'm afrad we'll have to start studying, the exam is j______ a_______ the co__________ .

2. I don't see the point in learning so many poems b_______ h______________ .

3. No wonder he won't talk to her, she definitely g____________ off on the w____________ f_________ with

4. His idea of an ideal marriage is d_____________________ o___________ to hers, unfortunately.

5. He played basketball for 5 years and on o_______ o________________ he played against Dávid Kornél.

III. Translate the following 'ballad' into English.

" Egy alkalommal az egyik barátom meglátogatott. Nagy tisztelettel beszélt az egyik tanáráról, aki átengedte
fizikából. Rengetek adatot kellett bemagolnia, ami nem nagyon könnyû neki. Rosszul indított a tanárnál.
Megkérdezte, hogy rendben van-e a vérnyomása, mert ha nem, akkor tud egy remek klinikát a közelben. A
tanár megköszönte, hogy ilyen kedves, majd hosszú órákon át kérdezgette a barátomat. Kedves mosolya
szöges ellentétben állt a gonosz (cruel) kérdésekkel. Sajnos, úgy látszik, hogy ezután a vizsga után félre kell
tenni a barátom terveit a jövõre. Nos, meg kell tanulnod elõre tervezni!"


I. Fill in the gaps using the suitable word.


1. His rude remarks ... offence to everybody in the room.

2. They stole the painting right under the ... of the police.

3. He is really ...-skinned. He gets hurt so easily.

4. You don't have to learn all this ... by word.

5. Saying that all animals are dangerous would be a ... generalization, to say the least.

6. I'm really ... of your complaints about your work.

7. There was nobody else, so I had to ... the news to her.

8. I'm afraid it can't be ... now.

9. It ... no difference to me whether you come with us or not.

10. What? Did he really say that? Nothing could be ... from the truth.

II. Translate the following expressions into English.

.............................-- nekem tök mindegy

.............................-- köze sincs az igazsághoz

.............................-- nincs mit tenni

.............................-- megbántott a viselkedése

.............................-- a tanár orra elõtt

.............................-- elegem van

.............................-- elmondtam neki a híreket

.............................-- szóról szóra

.............................-- nagy általánosítás

.............................-- érzékeny


I. Find the meaning of the following Hungarian expressions in the sentences below.

a) mindent összevetve -- _____________________

b) nincs értelme -- _____________________

c) döbtött -- _____________________

d) kimerült/fáradt -- _____________________

e) nyílt titok -- _____________________

f) jobban meggondolva/mégis inkább -- _____________________

g) segített nekem -- _____________________

h) mindent összevetve -- _____________________

i) összeszedte a bátorságát -- _____________________

j) magától értetõdik -- _____________________

1. I'll have a glass of wine. No, on second thoughts I'll have a beer.

2. All things considered, he is a really pleasant fellow.

3. We couldn't get there on time because the train drivers went out on strike. Well, I guess this is just one of
those things.

4. Will he pay for that? It goes without saying!

5. It's an open secret that they've been going out for some time now.

6. There's no point in trying to convince him.

7. After two weeks, he plucked up the courage to propose to her.

8. This cupboard is just too heavy. Could you give me a hand, please?

9. I was worn out after the match.

10. Both offers are really good. I just can't make up my mind.

II. Exchange the expressions in bold in the following text for one of the expressions above.

a) What I hate about him is that he just cannot decide.

b) Everybody knows that he is the director's brother.

c) Someone stole the christmas tree from the garden. Well, that's the way it goes, I suppose.

d) He always helps me when I need him.

e) It's no use going there now; it's all over.

f) It's only too natural that he should not leave before he's done his homework.

g) On the whole, he did a good job, I would say.

h) It took me years before I dared talk to him.

i) I was dead tired last weekend.

j) Ok, I'll meet you at 6, or no, I'd rather meet you at 8.




I. Find the English expressions for the Hungarian ones below.

a) ............................-- sokoldalú

b) ............................-- az a szép benne, hogy

c) ............................-- tehetséges

d) ............................-- nagyon jó

e) ............................-- érti a dolgát

f) ............................-- elõnye volt a többiekkel szemben

g) ............................-- várakozáson aluli volt

h) ............................-- profi angolból

i) ............................-- megvalósult álom

1. The beauty of his plan is that we won't have to do anything.

2. Our holiday was a dream come true.

3. The good thing about this school is that it is near.

4. Well, the play didn't live up to our expectations/hopes.

5. He wrote poems, novels and short stories, too. He is really a versatile writer.

6. Joe is definitely a gifted/talented musician.

7. He is proficient in English, but he only speaks a few words of Spanish.

8. He is an amazing/excellent/outstanding/great/marvellous/terrific/incredible man.

9. He spent some years in England, so he had quite an advantage over the others.

10. He helped me save some money last year. He certainly knows what he is doing.

II. Rewrite the following short story using the expressions above.

Joe is a good actor. He speaks Italian well, and he can play the piano well too. His last play, however, was not
really good. He plays many different characters, so he is a good actor. He spent some time with the Royal
Shakespeare Company, which is good for him. He is not only a good actor, but also a good lawyer. You can't
take him for a ride, because he is good. All in all, he is a good man. Good.




I. Look at the following expressions and then try to translate the sentences that follow from Hungarian.

1. He came down with measles but he's better now, I think he's over it now, and he has fully recovered.

2. He is back on his feet , he's as fit as a fiddle, he is bursting with energy, he's full of beans.

3. Drinking wine in moderation might actually do you good.

4. He is his worst enemy. He drinks a lot and smokes two packets of cigarettes every day.

5. He is a really healthy-looking young man, he is a picture of health.

a) Egy kis pihenés jót tenne nekem.

b) Majd kicsattan az egészségtõl.

c) Tele van energiával.

d) Influenzás lett a múlt héten.

e) Most már túl van rajta, teljesen felépült.

II. Fill in the missing words in the short conversation below.

- Hi Frank? How have you been doing?

- Actually, I feel pretty worn out.

- Oh, really. Now that you tell me, I've heard you've ......... down ............. the flu.

- Yeah, it was pretty awful. Anyway, I'm much .......... now.

- Are you back in the office?

- No, not until I've fully .................... .

- Well, I guess a bit more sleep would ........... you ................. .

- You're right, I guess. And what about you? You are as healthy- ..................... as ever.

- It's interesting you say that. I'm going through a bad patch, actually.

- Well, you seem to be ....................... with energy, you're a ................ of health; what else do you need?

- Actually, I have a bit of a drinking problem. I'd like to get over it, but it seems I just can't. I know that I'm my
worst ............., but, then again, there's not much I could, is there?

- Of course, there is. Just pull yourself together and you'll manage. Oh, I have to rush now. See you later.

- Bye.




I. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from the box below.


1. I hate my boss. He's trying to find ... with everything I do.

2. The first two years at school were ... with problems.

3. He took it into his ... to work in Africa.

4. I'm in two ... whether to go or not/about going.

5. He said he didn't mean it and everything happened by chance, but I think he did it on ....
6. He's been running up huge debts in the last couple of years.

7. When the police appeared, the ... began melting away.

8. When the film finished, there were ... in my eyes.

9. What I hate about him is that he is always talking about people ... their back.

10. I couldn't make up my ... whether to go or not.

II. Translate the following letter into English using the expresions above.

Kedves John!

Képzeld, találtam munkát ezen a héten. Amint tudod, szeptemberben 'leépítettek', és azóta munkanélküli
segélyen voltam. Iszonyú adósságaim lettek, nem tudtam mit csináljak. Akár hiszed akár nem, esténként a TV
elõtt ültem, és gyakran könny szökött a szemembe. Aztán egy nap véletlenül megláttam egy hirdetést, ahol
férfi táncosokat keresnek. Még bizonytalan vagyok abban, hogy elfogadom-e, egyszerûen nem tudok dönteni. A
feleségem azt mondja, hogy ne menjek, mert nem tudok elég jól táncolni. Tudod milyen, mindenbe beleköt (de
legalább nem beszél ki a hátam mögött, mint az elõzõ). Na, ennyit mostanra. Csá, Frank



I.Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from the box.


1. It was such a moving film. We all ... our eyes out.

2. I can1t give you any advice. It's for you to ....

3. Some ...-watering smells came from the kitchen.

4. He is spending his ...-earned holiday in Spain.

5. He ... the ins and outs of teaching languages.

6. He told me everything in ... detail.

7. Once he ... his mind on doing something, it's no use trying to tell him not to do it.

8. The film was ... from being good, to put it mildly. It didn't live up to out hopes.

9. We had a ... time trying to learn all these poems by heart.

10. Learning English in 2 months and working full time? It's easier ... than done.

II. Find the English expressions for the ones in Hungarian below.

a) könnyû azt mondani -- _______________________

b) részletesen -- _______________________

c) nehéz volt megcsinálni -- _______________________

d) mindent tud a szakmájából -- _______________________

e) kisírtuk a szemünket -- _______________________

f) jól megérdemelt sör -- _______________________

g) ínycsiklandó -- _______________________

h) neked kell eldöntened -- _______________________

i) közel sem volt érdekes -- _______________________

j) a fejébe vesz valamit -- _______________________




I. Complete the sentences using one of the idioms below.

a) If someone is really very annoying, s/he ...

b) If you don't enjoy doing something, you can say it's ............... or ........................... .

c) If you don't think someone is clever, intelligent, or morally good, you ...

d) If you don't pay attention to what someone is telling you because you are thinking of something else, ...

e) If you don't agree with someone about something, ...

f) If two things/people have nothing in common, ...

g) If you are surprised at something, you might ask: ...

h) If someone would never disappoint you, s/he ...

i) If you think something is going to happen, you can say: ...

1. There's a world of difference between them.

2. We don't see eye to eye with my father about this.

3. Don't worry, he'll never let you down.

4. He has a low opinion of everybody from the capital.

5. Teaching languages is not my cup of tea. I would rather translate texts.

6. 'Is he coming tonight?' 'I would've thought so.'

7. 'How come he's not here?' 'He came down with the flu.

8. Swimming is just not my thing.

9. He didn't pay attention to what I was saying. He was daydreaming, I guess.

10. Her constant complaining drives me crazy.

II. Fill in the gaps with one suitable word.

- Hi Fred. How ... you're here? I thought you werer in the swimming pool.

- No, swimming is just not my .... I would rather read a good book.

- Oh, I see ... and what about Frankie? - Frankie? He is running, playing squash or something like that. You
know, he is a real fitness freak. Sometimes he really ... me crazy.

- Yeah, there's a ... of difference between you, still you seem to get on quite well with each other.

- He is my best friend, actually. I know I can count on him, he would never ... me down; and that is quite a
reassuring feeling, I can tell you!

- I understand. Anyway, is he coming to the meeting this evening?

- I would have ... so. I'll see you then.

- Ok. Cheers.



I. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences using one of the words in the box.


1. He's been living ... door to the post office as long as I can remember.

2. I'm of the ... opinion.

3. Many people share the ... that school uniforms should be done away with.
4. All he does is watch TV and eat. He is a real ... potato.

5. He was singing the ... time. It drove me crazy.

6. He is well on the ... to becoming the next president.

7. What you suggested is ... impossible.

8. She was just ... to leave when the fax arrived.

9. He said he preferred his ... company.

10. He ... be intelligent but he is surely not polite.

II. Translate the following sentences into English using one of the expressions above.

a) Egyedül szeretett volna lenni.

b) Jó úton halad ahhoz, hogy tanár legyen.

c) Éppen az autójába készült beülni, amikor megszólalt a telefonja.

d) Egyetértek.

e) Attól tartok, itt nem mindenki osztja a véleményedet.

f) Állandóan csak eszik, meg tévézik. Micsoda TV-buzi.

g) Már amennyire én emlékszen, tulajdonképen semmit sem mondott nekünk.

h) Lehet, hogy a szomszédban lakik, de attól még nem a menyasszonyom!



I. Fill in the gaps using one of the words in the box.


1. She is ... about the ugliest girl I've ever known.

2. He wants to know everything all the time. He is such a ... parker.

3. Just because he is young doesn't ... he is happy.

4. We decided to go abroad for ... .

5. There are so many ...-hungry people nowadays.

6. We don't have a car and what's ..., we don't want one.

7. When I told him he didn't pass he hit the ... .

8. It's no use telling him not to make a ... .

9. We went to a pub around the corner, just to let off ... .

10. Don't tell him anything about his ex-wife. It's like a red rag to a ... .

I. Translate the following expressions into English using the idioms below.

a) csak az, hogy gazdag nem jelenti azt, hogy okos is --______________________

b) nagyon kíváncsi --______________________

c) ez vörös posztó neki --______________________

d) s mi több --______________________

e) õ kb. a legfiatalabb tanár, akit osmerek --______________________

f) örökre --______________________

g) hatalomvágyó --______________________

h) begurult --______________________

i) picit lazítani --______________________

j) ne rendezz jelenetet --______________________




I. Fill in the gaps using one of the words in the box below.


1. He is an early... . He is always up with the ....

2. Little Johnny is such a pain in the ....

3. Whenever I ask him anything, he jumps down my ..., he bites my ... off.

4. Remember, you mustn't talk ... to your teachers.

5. She is really young in ..., although she's just ... 60.

6. Unfortunately, his suggestions didn't meet with the boss's ....

7. I ... or less agree with what you've said.

8. I decided to ... it up with her, so I bought her some flowers.

9. I simply can't look them in the ... after that party.

10. Can I pick your ... for a minute about animals?

II. Complete the following sentences using one of the expressions above.

a) If you'd like to ask someone questions about something he knows well, ...

b) If someone's just had his 40th birthday, ...

c) If you are ashamed to meet someone, ...

d) If you don't agree completely, you ...

e) If someone dosn't look old, s/he ...

f) If someone is very angry with you for something you've done, ................ or .....................

g) Naughty, bad children often ...

h) If someone doesn't like your idea, the idea ...

i) If you get up early, ...

j) If someone is really annoying, ...

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