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Paige Childers

TPACK Template

Subject Science

Grade Level 5th Grade

Learning Objective Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change

5.7 The student will investigate and understand how Earth’s
surface is constantly changing. Key concepts include:
a) identification of rock types
b) the rock cycle and how transformations between rocks occur
c) Earth history and fossil evidence
d) the basic structure of Earth’s interior
e) changes in Earth’s crust due to plate tectonics
f) weathering, erosion, and deposition; and
g) human impact.

*I will be focusing on the bolded concept.


Online Activity
In this activity, students will be learning about weathering,
erosion, and deposition. Students will learn about what each of
these concepts mean, and how they occur in real life.

In this activity, students will go to the website where they will

see the activity they will complete. The first thing the students
will look at is the “Background” tab. This will give them a
reminder of what weathering, erosion, and deposition are and
will give them examples of the effects of these three things.

Then the students will click on the “Methods” tab this shows
them a video and a more visual way for the students to
understand how weathering, erosion, and deposition works.

The students will then click on the “Simulation” tab which brings
them to the online activity they will complete relating to
erosion, weathering, and deposition.

Once the student finishes the simulation activity, they will click
on the “assessment” tab which will give the students an eight
question quiz that will help the teacher understand which
students did well with the activity and simulation and to make
sure the students understand what weathering, erosion, and
deposition means and their differences.

Technology - STEM Sims “Erosion Control” Simulation.

- Students will need a computer and internet access.

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