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Republic of the Philippines

Northern Samar Colleges

Catarman, Northern Samar Score:______
Basic Education Department

Science 8
Living Things & their Environment
Third Periodical Examination


1. Examinees are not allowed to leave the examination room during examination proper.
2. ALL Digital Gadgets should be kept in the bag before the start of the examination.
3. Only calculators will be used for computations.
4. Do not detach any of the pages of your test paper.
5. ALTERATION/ERASURES in any form will automatically be marked as an invalid answer.
6. Complete all information needed.

Test I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. What structures in the small intestine absorb the nutrients that result from the digestive process?
a. Duodenum c. Intestinal muscle
b. Intestinal glands d. Villi
_____ 2. The human body needs a constant supply of protein to survive. The first organ of the digestive system that
begin digesting protein chemically is the____________________.
a. Duodenum c. Mouth
b. Esophagus d. Stomach
_____ 3. A person who has had the gallbladder removed maybe expected to have some difficulty in ____________
a. Absorbing minerals c. Excreting urea
b. Digesting fats d. Storing glycogen
_____ 4. All are functions of saliva EXCEPT__________.
a. Digestion of starch c. Lubrication of food
b. Digestion of protein d. Protein from bacteria
_____ 5. Select the incorrect association
a. Stomach-grinds & liquefies food
b. Large intestine-absorb foods
c. Pancreas-secretes digestive enzymes
d. Small intestine-absorbs fluid and food
_____ 6. The correct sequence of structures in the gut is_____________
a. esophagus, small intestine, stomach, large intestine
b. esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine.
c. esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
d. stomach, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine
_____ 7. Which of the following is not a function of the liver?
a. Synthesis of bile
b. Synthesis of insulin
c. Detoxication of drugs
d. Synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
_____ 8. Digestion of carbohydrates is performed mostly by enzymes from____________
a. Liver c. Salivary glands
b. Pancreas d. Stomach
_____ 9. All of the following carbohydrates can be digested by humans EXCEPT___________.
a. Cellulose c. Starch
b. Maltose d. Sucrose
_____10. What does the liver do when substances are absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion?
a. Adds water to the mixture
b. Adds oxygen to the bloodstream
c. Removes toxins from the bloodstream
d. Secretes digestive enzyme into the duodenum
_____11. All of these are major food groups EXCEPT____________
a. Cereal Grain c. Soft drinks & liquors
b. Fruits and Vegetables d. Meat & alternative
_____12. All of these are processes in human nutrition EXCEPT_________
a. Ingestion c. Absorption
b. Digestion d. Elimination
_____13. This refers to the mechanical breakdown of food into smaller particles.
a. Physical Digestion c. Egestion
b. Enzyme Digestion d. Chemical Digestion
_____14. The food nutrient that is converted to amino acids is ___________________
a. Carbohydrates c. Fats
b. Proteins d. Vegetables
_____15. The food nutrient that is converted to fatty acids and glycerol is________________
a. Carbohydrates c. Fats
b. Proteins d. Fruits
_____16. The food nutrient that is broken down into simple sugar is _________________
a. Carbohydrates c. Fats
b. Proteins d. Fruits & Vegetables
_____17. All of these are types of teeth EXCEPT____________
a. Incisors c. Premolars
b. Scissors d. Canines
_____18. The part of the gut that leads from the mouth to the esophagus is______________
a. Larynx c. Pharynx
b. Bolus d. Glottis
_____19. The other name of esophagus is______________
a. Gullet c. Glottis
b. Bullet d. Bolus
_____20. The J-shaped organ of the digestive system is _______________
a. Small intestine c. rectum
b. Large intestine d. Stomach

Test II. Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

___________________1. The ability to obtain energy from _________ and the ability of the cells to divide are the two
characteristics of living things.
___________________2. The stored energy found in food is called_____.
___________________3. ____is used by nutritionists to refer to the amount of energy found in food.
___________________4. ____ refers to all the chemical reactions that take place inside an organism’s body.
___________________5. The amount of energy needed to carry on vital activities of the body when it is in complete rest
is called___.
___________________6. ____ are molecules in food that nourish the body by providing energy and materials essential
for growth and development.
___________________7. ____ are the main source of energy
___________________8. ____ are the building blocks of proteins.
___________________9. Too much fat can have severe consequences since it can accumulate on the walls of blood
vessels, resulting in a disease called___.
___________________10. ___ are complex organic molecules needed in small amounts and can be manufactured by
the human body.
___________________11. ___are inorganic substances that do not provide energy but these are important in other
body functions
___________________12. ___ refers to the indigestible fibrous material found in vegetables and fruits.
___________________13. A___ diet contains the right amount of nutrients to supply the body with energy and
materials for its activities.
___________________14. ____ is a condition acquired when people do not take the right amount of food
___________________15. The mode of feeding found in animals and humans is known as ________ nutrition.

Test III. TRUE or FALSE. Write the word TRUE if the statement is TRUE and write the word FALSE if the statement is not
true on the space given before each number.
___________1. It is important that we consume food that provides the necessary nutrients for a healthy body.
___________2. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it can be converted from one form to another.
___________3. It is estimated that a middle-aged person with average weight needs approximately 1,500 cal. per day.
___________4. The energy required of different persons does not vary with age, gender, body, size and activities.
___________5. The eight essential amino acids are not synthesized by man, so these should be present in the daily diet.
___________6. In human beings, the recommended daily amount of protein is 0.63g per pound of body weight.
___________7. Fats are also energy-providing foods.
___________8. Only vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin under direct sunlight.
___________9. Fat- soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the fats of the body.
___________10. Water-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body and must not be supplied in the daily diet.
___________11. Fruits, vegetables, grains and meat are not good sources of vitamins.
___________12. Dr. Salcedo initiated the fortification of polished rice with vitamin B 1.
___________13. Humans can survive longer without food than without water.
___________14. The required amount of food varies from one person to another.
___________15. Eating too much can lead to over nutrition.

Test IV. Matching Type.

Match column A with column B by writing the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

Column A Column B
__________1. Biotin a. Vitamin A
__________2. Thiamine b. Vitamin D
__________3. Pyridoxine c. Vitamin E
__________4. Ascorbic Acid d. Vitamin B2
__________5. Tocopherol e. Vitamin C
__________6. Retinol f. Vitamin B12
__________7. Menadione g. Vitamin B6
__________8. Calciferol h. Niacin
__________9. Riboflavin i. Vitamin B1
__________10. Cyanocobalamine j. Vitamin K
k. Vitamin H
Test V. Enumeration (30pts)
A. 7 Nutrients derived from food B. 7 Organs of the digestive system c. 3 Digestive System Disorders
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
D. 4 Vital Activities that must be E. 6 Micro minerals needed by the F. 3 Trace elements needed in the
maintained at all times body body
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4.
Test VI. Essay (10pts)
In not less than 20 words, discuss some preventive measures you can practice to avoid digestive

Thank you for not CHEATING!

Happy Holidays =)

Prepared by:


Science Instructor



Asst. Principal BED Principal



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