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Name: Luke Lawson Grade: 2nd Subject: Math

Lesson Title: Bar Graphs: Interpreting Data Date:

Unit Level Goals:

Students will learn how to analyze data on simple single-unit bar chart with four categories. They will solve simple put-together, take-apart, and
compare problems using information presented in a bar graph.
State Mandated Standard(s): 2.MD.10

IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson- Reading Bar Graphs

Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned Feedback:

Students will be able to complete bar
graph and interpret real world data from The students will draw their own bar Review prior skills and knowledge
the bar graph. graph. Provide Example
Frequent Responses

Key Communication Skills Required: Vocabulary to be Taught: Use of Vocabulary and/or Communication
Skill in the Lesson
Answer Questions Data, analyze, graph
Read Bar Graph
Follow Directions Answer Questions about M&M graph
Instructional Resources & Materials: Use of Technology: Assistive Technologies:
Mug with 20-30 M&M’s
8- M&M’s for each child in bag Graph printouts Visual Aid
(1)-Sheet graph paper Manipulatives
Graph Printout
Planned Supports: Pre-teach vocabulary
Visual Aid- Bar Graph
Model Reading Bar Graph

Differentiated Instruction Strategies: Lesson targets different senses.


Planned Collaboration with Others: Work with Supervising Teacher to implement lesson plan.

Management Considerations Preteaching, Visual Cues, Frequent Feedback, M&M’s graph

Introduction to Lesson/Activate Thinking: Hook: Show students a mug full of M&M’s and ask them which color has the most by
reading the bar graph.

Connection to Background knowledge or Previous Learning: Why do we use bar graphs?

Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step Introduce and Model New Knowledge: Ask students what is a bar graph and why we use
Procedures/Teaching Strategies bar graphs to analyze data?

Guided Practice: Show students mug of M&M’s and example bar graph and ask what
color M&M has the most.
Independent Practice: Students are given 8 M&M’s. The students will complete bar
graph showing how many colors of M&M’s they have.

Lesson Closure: Review Standard/Summarize Learning: Student will learn how to analyze data on a bar

Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson: Tomorrow we complete a different bar graph with

more real world data.

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