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To be Was/were Been A fi
To become Became Become A devein
To begin Began Begun A incepe
To bite Bit Bitten A musca
To blow Blew Blown A sulfa
To break Broke Broken A sparge
To bring Brought Brought A aduce
To build Built Built A construi
To buy Bought Bought A cumpara
To catch Caught Caught A prinde
To choose Chose Chosen A alege
To come Came Come A veni
To cost Cost Cost A costa
To cut Cut Cut A taia
To do Did Done A face
To draw Drew Drawn A desena
To drink Drank Drunk A bea
To drive Drove Driven Aconduce{masina}
To eat Ate Eaten A manca
To feel Felt Felt A simti
To fight Fought Fought A {se} lupta
To find Found Found A gasi
To fly Flew Flown A zbura
To forget Forgot Forgotten A uita
To get Got{engl.brit} Got{engl.brit} A primi {obtine}
Gotten{engl.amer} Gotten{engl.amer} A ajunge{devein}
To give Gave Given A da
To go Went Gone A merge
To grow Grew Grown A creste
To have Had Had A avea
To hear Heard Heard A auzi
To Hold Held Held A tine{in mana}
To keep Kept Kept A tine
To know Knew Known A sti{cunoaste}
To lay Laid Laid A pune{aseza}
To learn Learnt Learnt A invata
To leave Left Left A pleca{lasa}
To lend Lent Lent A da{cu imprumut
To let Let Let A lasa {permite}
To lie Lay Lain A sta intins
To lose Lost Lost A pierde
To make Made Made A face
To mean Meant Meant A insemna
To meet met met A intalni
To pay paid paid A plati
To put Put put A pune
To read Read read A citi
To ring Rang Rung A suna
To run Ran Run A fugi
To say said said A spune
To see Saw seen A vedea
To sell sold sold A vinde
To send Sent sent A trimite
To shake Shook shaken A scutura
To shine Shone shone A sraluci
To show Showed Shown A arata
To shut Shut Shut A inchide
To sing Sang Sung A canta
To sit Sat Sat A sta{sedea}
To sleep Slept Slept A dormi
To sow Sowed Sown A semana
To speak Spoke Spoken A vorbi
To spend Spent Spent A cheltui/a petrece
To stand Spood Stood A sta{in picioare}
To stick Stuck Stuck A lipi
To swim Swam Swum A inota
To take Took Taken A lua
To teach Taught Taught A preda{a invata pe altul}
To tell Told Told A spune
To think Thought Thought A se gandi
To throw Threw Thrown A arunca
To understand Understood Understood A intelege
To wake up Woke up Woken up A se trezi
To wear Wore Worn A purta
To weave Wove Woven A tese
To win Won Won A castiga
To write Wrote Written A scrie

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