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Bald Eagle – Social Studies

1st Grade

 5.1.1.F – Identify national symbols.

Essential Question

 What does the bald eagle symbolize?


 Students will be able to successfully answer questions regarding the bald eagle
 Students will be able to successfully read the short passage regarding bald eagles and answer the
corresponding questions
 Students will be able to successfully identify what the bald eagle symbolizes and share it with a

 Worksheet

 Intro
o “Today we are going to be learning about another symbol in America. This symbol is our
national bird. Does anybody know what our national bird is? Today we are going to find
out what the bald eagle symbolizes. How do you think they chose our national bird?”
o The students will watch the video
 Sequence
o “What were some of the names of the people in the video? Do you remember learning
about them?”
o “The people who helped created America chose the bald eagle to be our national bird
because it was strong and so were the people who created our country”
o “What kinds of things have you seen the bald eagle on before?”
 Money, flags, etc.
o The students will return to their seats and will be given a worksheet with a short passage
about the bald eagle. We will read the passage together and answer the questions. The
students will highlight where they find their answers.
 Closing
o “Turn to the person next to you and tell them what the bald eagle symbolizes”


 Visual Impairment – The student will be able to get as close to the board as necessary and will
receive an enlarged copy of the text.

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