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Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

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Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology

Microalgae – A green multi-product biorefinery for future industrial

Munna Bhattacharya, Saswata Goswami *
Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, Knowledge City, Sector-81, Mohali, Punjab, 140306, India


Keywords: Microalgae offer fascinating highlights to be enable them as elective raw material for different applications
Microalgae through bio-refining process. They have special capacities to use them for biotechnology-oriented applications.
In this way, this review examines to grow the extent of incorporating microalgae along with different other
Value-added products
biorefinery applications to upgrade their maintainability. The utilization of microalgae as animal and fish
Techno-economic analysis
Opportunities and constraints
feed, manures, pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, environmental and other biotechnological applications are alto-
gether assessed. It additionally features the boundaries, openings, improvements, what's more, probabilities of
expanding the extent of microalgae through techno-economic analysis. This review infers that subsidizing sup-
ported research and a move of microalgal research objective from biofuels generation to bio-refinery co-items
can ensure them as valuable resource. In addition, innovation joining is inescapable to bypass the expense of
biomass handling of microalgae. It is anticipated that this review would be useful to decide the future job of
microalgae in bio-refinery applications.

1. Introduction and are particularly interesting for pharmaceutical industries to de-

velop products for wellbeing sustenance and to treat several illnesses
Microalgae contain high measure of proteins, lipids and complex (Yen et al., 2013). The essential job of microalgae that proves its sig-
sugars that can be utilized as feedstock for generation of various bio- nificance to be taken into account as an alternate option in contrast to
products. They are developed in open lakes or culture ponds in closed numerous regular segments and sources from plant origin are the dual
systems using just water and environmental CO2, which might be ac- advantage of production of biofuels and several value-added bio-
cessible at least expense. In any case, a culture medium enriched with based products. What's more, microalgae can biosequester CO2 from
supplements and salts that is essential for microalgae culture develop- environmentally hazardous gases produced from power generation in-
ment (Baicha et al., 2016), yet the processes are less energy consum- dustries and this will add to significant decrease of ozone harming
ing, hence the main focus is maximum utilization of microalgae with substances discharges thus preventing global warming (Cheah et al.,
least energy consumption (Vanthoor-Koopmans et al., 2013). Other 2015).
than that, biomass of microalgae likewise has high rates of photosyn- Microalgal biomass has as of late turned out to be progressively
thetic activities, which when combined with bioproduct generation huge as an elective hotspot for sustainable energy generation. The
frameworks, has the capacity to be an economical pathway to get sus- scan for sustainable energizes has picked up consideration because of
tainable energy generation hotspots for the future as reported by the increasing demand of energy and expanding total world populace
Khoo et al. (2013). Separated lipids from microalgae can be utilized over decades. Some methodologies such as hydrothermal liquefaction
as a vital resource for generating biodiesel whereas the carbohydrate have been recommended for extraction of oils utilizing microalgal
portions can be transformed to bioethanol in brewing industries, so biomass which could enlarge the market possibilities of microalgae
that the plant based customary carbohydrate sources like treated lig- based bioproducts and also attracts further potential outcomes from
nocellulosic biomass or simple sugars can be replaced. Besides, long dual benefit of coupled production of algal biofuels along with value
chain unsaturated fats, microalgae derived proteins and pigments added products. Therefore, increased consideration inclined to the us-
have remarkable abilities as health promoting nutritional supplements age of microalgae in different areas comprising food, energy, chemical

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Goswami).
Received 3 December 2019; Received in revised form 18 March 2020; Accepted 19 March 2020
Available online 23 March 2020
1878-8181/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

feed and pharmaceuticals are currently in progress. Phototrophic mi- for biorefinery of microalgae regarding monetary assessment and
croalgae are at present utilized at industrial scale for the generation of maintainability as well as opportunities and constraints.
a few value-added or specialty products. Instances of these products
are lipids or oils as fuel; pigments, for example, astaxanthin and beta- 2. Microalgae as a multi-product biorefinery
carotene; and dissolvable proteins, for example, phycobilliproteins
(Guo et al., 2013), which are presently developed commercially using Microalgae are delegated potential candidates in biorefinery forms
a few number of microalgal species including Haematococcus pluvialis, since they are able of delivering a handful of valuable products
Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, and the cyanobacterium Spirulina (Sharma et al., 2017). They are considered as sustainable resource of
platensis (Yen et al., 2013). Nonetheless, right now just a single ex- biomass, which is useful as far as fast development, diminished spe-
plicit compound (e.g., astaxanthin, b-carotene) is separated, while cific challenge regarding with food supply chain. The fractions of oil,
other conceivably significant parts (e.g., proteins, carbohydrates) are minerals, starch and proteins could be utilized in generation of high
disposed off, otherwise underestimated. value products such as biochemicals, biofuels, feed, biogas and other
The idea of biorefinery is like conventional oil refinery, with the important bioproducts. In process digestates, for example, glycerine
end goal that biomass is changed over into profitable fuels, chemicals can likewise be changed into value added products also. Proteins and
or compounds as reported by Pérez et al. (2017). The fundamental carbohydrates part that are relatively low value segments may have
contrast among oil refinery and biorefinery is as far as the crude feed- the ability to be changed into energy through consolidated heat and
stocks such as unrefined petroleum or biomass are concerned along power generation in the biorefinery. The overall biorefinery process
with the utilized technology (Moncada et al., 2015). By generating can be summarized as shown in Fig. 1.
both bulk and high value compounds from the developed algae, the The transformation innovations used in for microalgae biomass
complete monetary gain can be increased from algae (Moncada et al., can be separated into four classifications, to be specific conversion
2015). Closely resembling an oil/petrochemical refinery, the microal- through thermochemical reactions, conversion through biochemical
gal biomass ought to be actualized for complete fractionation and val- reactions, conversion through transesterification and photosynthetic
orization and the idea is conceptualized as microalgae associated conversion in microbial fuel cell (Baicha et al., 2016; Mathimani and
multi-product biorefinery (Jacob-Lopes et al., 2015). Such a facility Pugazhendi, 2019). Thermochemical conversion employs the standard
commonly comprises several steps such as culturing, harvesting and of heat deterioration of natural compounds present in biomass to ex-
disruption of cells, and product isolation steps. Additionally, separa- tricate fuel items. Instances of thermochemical transformation forms
tion or extraction steps must be completed to fractionate or purify the incorporate gasification (production of syngas), thermal liquefaction
product portions such as, segregation of the carbohydrates from the (production of bio-oil), pyrolysis (production of bio-oil, syngas, char-
aqueous stage to separate out water soluble proteins. coal etc.) and direct burning or combustion (generation of heat and
This review expects to outline the latest data about the standards electricity). The biochemical transformation represents the natural
and learning on biorefinery of microalgae for the high value product bioprocessing of biomass for transforming energy into biofuels. In-
generation. The essential standards and basics about biorefinery of stances of biochemical transformation forms incorporate anaerobic di-
microalgae are checked on and both the upsides and downsides of gestion (production of biogas), alcoholic fermentation (production of
these procedures are assessed. The product profile investigated in cur- bioethanol) and photobiological hydrogen generation (production of
rent survey incorporate proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, pigments, an- biohydrogen). Biodiesel can be obtained through transesterification
tioxidants, polyunsaturated unsaturated fats, vitamins, nanocellulose reaction in which the triglycerides of algal lipid constituents react
and bioplastics. This survey additionally considered the probability with alcohol within the sight of a catalyst. This procedure can deliver
fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and glycerol by utilizing methanol

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of a microalgae biorefinery in summarized form.

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

and ethanol and the responses of triglycerides to FAME and glycerol 3. High value products from microalgae and their industrial
are typically catalysed by the reaction of an acid or base. For total applications
lipid conversion to biodiesel, generally a homogeneous or heteroge-
neous synergist process or even super critical carbon-dioxide extrac- Microalgae are commonly unicellular autotrophic organisms nor-
tion process have been utilized as per literature. Another important mally can be traced in fresh water and sea water both. Complex com-
aspect are the microbial fuel cells which are basically bio- pounds are being produced for example, lipids, carbohydrates, and
electrochemical gadgets that are capable for producing power or bio- proteins, utilizing any carbon rich substances found in environment.
electricity from the biodeterioration of natural compounds under They utilize normally the carbon-di-oxide from air for their growth
anoxic conditions. The microalgae incorporation in microbial fuel cell and energy production. There are some microalgae which can utilize
have found immense potential in oxygen production too, due to the organic carbon source to produce biomass also (Hochman and
expulsion of CO2 by photosynthesis process through green algal Zilberman, 2014). According to the taxonomic data, there are more
growth (Pradhan et al., 2017; Soares et al., 2013).The initial parame- than 300,000 species of microalgae out of which around 30,000 are
ters influencing the decision of process of transformation are the archived (Richmond and Hu, 2013). They prefer to inhabit in complex
amount and kind of feedstock raw biomass, monetary contemplations, natural habitat and can adjust quickly in outrageous conditions such
detail of tasks and the desired product prototype. as change in salinity, temperature, nutrients, light intensity etc. Sub-
Biorefineries from microalgae have built up the advancement of sequently, they can produce an extraordinary assortment of intriguing
change of biomass into fuels, beauty care products, synthetic chemi- secondary metabolites as bioactive molecules having complex confor-
cals, food, feed what's more, high value products (Wang et al., 2015a, mations with biological efficacy that are for the most part not found
b; Vanthoor-Koopmans et al., 2013). The microalgae-based carbohy- in different organisms (Herrero et al., 2013; Anbuchezhian et al.,
drates comprise for the most part of cellulose and starch with very 2015). The commercial development of microalgae has started five
less lignin or without lignin, which acts as promptly accessible carbon decades prior and Japan was the first country to present business ap-
source for the brewing industry just as biobutanol and bioethanol plications of microalgal species Chlorella in 1960s. The worldwide
preparations. A few microalgae, for example, Nannochloropsis sp, market estimation of small scale algal growth is assessed to be around
Tetraselmis sp, Isochrysis sp, Thalassiosira sp. what's more, Chaetoceros US$6.5 billion, out of which about US$2.5 billion is generated by the
sp, can likewise deliver long chain unsaturated fatty acids, for exam- health food segment, US$1.5 billion by the generation of DHA and
ple, DHA and EPA, which are profitable as nutritional supplements. US$700 million by aquaculture. The yearly productioin of microalge
What's more, microalgae derived proteins and pigments have signifi- is around 7.5 million tons (Sathasivam et al., 2019). Some valuable
cant imminent for different medicinal applications. bio-products that have been produced by microalgae are carotenoids
Microalgae show incredible potential for energy generation from (particularly β-carotene), astaxanthin, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
sustainable resources by means of biochemical forms without compro- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), bioactive and natural pigments, natural
mising the food security and agricultural issues. However, this makes dyes, polysaccharides, cancer prevention agents and algal concen-
the requirement for revenue generation for each region of land con- trates. In the course of the most recent 20 years, the applications of
trasted with different yields, less water utilization, maximum oil con- microalgae are pointed towards the use of four noteworthy microal-
tent and the capacity to be developed in arid lands also. Significant gae: a) Spirulina (Arthrospira), b) Chlorella vulgaris, c) Dunaliella salina,
intrigue has been raised for microalgae based biofuel generation just and d) Haematococcus pluvialis. Table 1 features on a few promising
as synthetic chemicals, food and pharma industries (Jacob-Lopes et microalgal species, their high-esteem items and application.
al., 2015). Additionally, ongoing investigations have shown that the
present advancements in economic situations what's more, innovation 3.1. Lipids
in biochemical technology have made the generation of microalgae
biofuels financially practical. Microalgae amass various lipids, that typically contributes up to 3–
20% of their dried biomass under ideal development conditions. As
indicated by the carbon chain length, lipids are grouped into two
sorts: (i) fatty acids having chain length of 14–19 carbon atoms, that
would changed over into biodiesel; and (ii) PUFAs with in excess

Table 1
Some major microalgae species, their compositional analysis, products and applications (Adapted from Koyande et al., 2019).

Species/group Composition (% dry matter) Product Areas of application

Protein Lipid Carbohydrate

Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis 46–63 4–9 8–14 Phycocyanin, biomass Health food, cosmetics
Arthrospira (Spirulina maima) 60–71 6–7 13–16 Protein, Vitamin B12 Antioxidant capsule, immune system
Aphanizomenon flos- aquae 62 3 23 Protein, essential fatty acids, β- carotene Health food, food supplement,
Chlorella spp. 57 2 26 Biomass, Carbohydrate extract Animal nutrition, health drinks, food supplement
Chlorella vulgaris 51–58 14–22 12–17 Biomass, Carbohydrate extract Health food, food supplement, feeds
Dunaliella salina 57 6 32 Carotenoids, β- carotene Health food, food supplement, feeds
Haematococcus pluvialis 48 15 27 Carotenoids, astaxanthin Health food, pharmaceuticals, feeds
Odontella aurita 39–61 22–38 14–18 Fatty acids, EPA Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, anti- inflammatory
Porphyridium cruentum 28–39 9–14 40–57 Polysaccharides Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics
Isochrysis galbana 50–56 12–14 10–17 Fatty acids Animal nutrition
Phaedactylum tricomutum 38–42 18–20 20–25 Lipids, fatty acids Nutrition, fuel production
Lyngbya majuscule 25–33 11–13 28–37 Immune modulators Pharmaceuticals, nutrition
Scennedesmas spp. 47 1–9 21–52 Protein Aquaculture, human nutrition
Schizochytrium sp. 40–46 22–24 10–14 DHA and EPA Food, beverage and food supplement
Crypthecodinium cohnii 28–45 22–38 25–33 DHA Brain development, Infant health and nutrition
Nannochloropsis oculata 63 11 15 Biomass Food for larval and juvenile marine Fish
Nannochloropsis sp 42–50 12–16 28–30 EPA Food supplement and pharmaceuticals

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

chain length of 19 carbon atoms, which are most widely recognized as croalgal pigments, carotenoid pigments are lipid-soluble pigments that
microalgal PUFAs for eg. eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosa- offer coloring to different plant parts and also known as accessory pig-
hexaenoic acid (DHA). These ω– 3 lipids are of specific enthusiasm for ments. Generally, extraction strategies for microalgae derived
application as wellbeing sustenance supplements because they are carotenoids utilizes Soxhlet extractions with organic solvents (Chen et
viewed as fundamental in human nutrition (Lai (2015). EPA/DHA al., 2016), but super critical fluid extraction is now the most popular
capsules which contains lipids extracted from fish oil and can be pur- where the determination of solvent is huge to decide the level of affin-
chased in drugstores and pharmacies for a couple of US dollar. How- ity and speed up the carotenoid extraction. Astaxanthins are one of
ever, while fish oil prices are continually expanding and are antici- the pigments, which have potential antioxidant activities such as anti-
pated to increment further ( aging, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing effects that can be
faoagriculturaloutlook/highlights-2013-EN.pdf), worldwide interest is utilized for food and nutraceutical industries (Cheng et al., 2016). The
likewise developing. In this manner, PUFAs derived from microalgae other pigment, chlorophylls are also soluble to lipids having low ex-
bestows a practical and vegetarian elective to substitute fish oil and tremity, that are generally present in vegetables and natural products
may fill a market-specialty in the medium-value product segments. as essential pigments for photosynthesis. Like carotenoids, the con-
Besides, it can't be rejected that algal oils by and large can enhance ventional technique for removing chlorophyll requires a few extrac-
the vegetable oil market to a high degree. Notwithstanding PUFAs, tion steps with organic solvents. A number of variables in solvent ex-
other lipids from microalgae can be utilized for industrial purpose as traction may influence the pigment yield, to be specific the sort of sol-
chemical compounds for example, waxes for the cosmetics industry vent utilized, procedure for cell wall disruption, extraction time and
(Michalak et al., 2015), ointments or on the other hand fabricating lu- utilization of various empirical correlations (Assemany et al., 2015).
bricating components for polymers. In microalgae, phycobiliproteins are the abundant accessory pigments
that helps in photosynthesis process. The significant uses of phyco-
3.2. Proteins biliproteins incorporate characteristic colors in food commodities and
pharmaceuticals items. It displays cancer prevention agent, antiviral,
The development of the worldwide populace alongside expanding antioxidants, anti-allergic, hostile to hypersensitivity, anti-
interest for poultry and dairy items will increase the pressure on ani- inflammatory and neuro-defensive properties which shows its poten-
mal feed for protein supply. The Food and Agriculture Association of tial in healthcare related applications (Chen et al., 2013; Chang et al.,
the United Nations predicts an ascent of worldwide meat utilization to 2015). Centrifugation, drying, homogenization, repeated freeze thaw
300 million tons in 2020 (from 233 million tons in 2000). So to reach process are continuously used to extract phycobiliproteins from
out the needs in future, researchers take up the challenge to sort out miroalgae (Tiwari et al., 2019).
alternate options to the available sources of protein. In such manner,
microalgal proteins provide fantastic wholesome quality by conveying 3.5. Vitamins
every single amino acid, comprising all basic amino acids (Lum et al.,
2013). In the long haul, microalgae could be utilized for human nutri- In contrast with the commodity food items, elevated amounts of
tion just as animal feed. fundamental vitamins and trace elements are found in microalgae,
which also shows substantial bioavailability. The bioavailability stud-
3.3. Carbohydrates ies on these compounds are frequently needed contrasted with the
quality of the feed, so that the impact of these segments when brought
Carbohydrates are the primary component that can contribute into the body might be assessed. Microalgae needs nitrogen (N) acces-
over half of complete dry weight of biomass and for the most part fill sibility for the production of essential vitamins. They found that the
in as storage and structure molecules (Arad and Levy-Ontman 2013). cyanobacteria delivered less quantity of vitamin B12 per cell in low-N
The microalgal carbohydrates are for the most part starch and cellu- conditions contrasted with N-loaded conditions. The percentage of vit-
lose, which can provide the source of feedstock for bioethanol produc- amin yield was likewise influenced by the nitrogen source and also its
tion. Starch derived from microalgae could likewise be used as renew- concentration in the culture medium. Riboflavin is another vitamin,
able raw material for fermentation instead molasses derived from sug- that are also can be derived from microalgae, that serves as a nutrient
arcane, for that reason and subsequently contribute to sparing agricul- fundamental for maricultured life forms.
tural land and protection of environment. In comparison to plants, mi-
croalgae does not have complex structures, for example, their cell 3.6. Polyunsaturated fatty acids
wall does not comprise of hemicellulose or cellulose fibrils bound
with lignin, however microalgae contains a wide range of and increas- Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are broadly perceived as fun-
ingly complex intracellular structure and exhibit fascinating extracel- damental health promoting supplements that aid the counteractive ac-
lular polysaccharides, particularly sulphated polysaccharides, which tion of different heart ailments. These compounds can be recuperated
are in charge of quite certain biological efficacies. Sulphated polysac- from sea fish, but now has been discouraged by the quick consump-
charides are highly bioactive, which enables them for the generation tion of marine resources, where expanding demands for PUFAs have
of bioactive materials, beauty care products, nutritional and pharma- spurred the revelation of alternative resources of EPA and DHA. In
ceutical applications (Arad and Levy-Ontman 2013). Besides, water- this regard, microalgae are naturally equipped for PUFA production
soluble lubricants and thickening agents like agar can also be synthe- which are critical for human nutrition (Wang et al., 2015a,b). Ad-
sized utilizing microalgal polysaccharides (Sathasivam et al., 2019). vances in microalgae innovation can be implemented for the genera-
tion of PUFAs. This is because microalgae is a sustainable source and
3.4. Pigments can be cultured throughout the entire year with high oil substance
and vast biomass generation. A few techniques incorporated Bligh and
Three fundamental types of common microalgal pigments ought to Dryer extraction, solvent extraction and sonication, direct saponifica-
be accentuated are carotenoids, chlorophylls and phycobiliproteins. tion furthermore, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) for fatty acid
Most of such pigments have been recognized as vitamin precursors in analysis in marine microalga with comprehensive results (Li et al.,
food and nutrition but also extends their application to animal feed, 2014).
food additives, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food coloring agents and
biomaterials (Sharma et al., 2017; Nobre et al., 2013). Among the mi-

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

4. Valuable by-products from microalgae biorefinery ideal conditions for biodiesel production. However, the biodiesel pro-
duced from microalgae is generally carried from unsaturated fats
In the contemporary world, the weather change as a result of mas- (Sharma and Sharma., 2017). The algal biomass derived from waste-
sive consumption of petroleum derived products has praised the con- water contains a mixture of different alga and subsequently unique
sumers to employ algae as source for generating bioenergy. The aim fatty acid profiles can be acquired (de Souza et al., 2019) reported the
of the work is to enhance the energy production and increase the ac- production of biodiesel from Chlorella sp., Euglena sp., Spirogyra sp.,
cess of energy resources to every mankind. The term biofuel signify to Scenedesmus sp., Desmodesmus sp., Pseudokirchneriella sp., Phormidium
any solid, liquid, or gaseous material that can be used for energy pro- sp., Nitzschia sp..
duction, derived from living or dead biomass. However, the total
amount of energy generated relies on nature of biomass, its quantity 4.3. Biohydrogen
used as substrate and procedure applied for the production of the en-
ergy (Vigani et al., 2015); Jacob-Lopes et al., 2015). The agricultural The need for renewable energy sources raised attention towards
crops are regarded as the first generation biofuels being the source of bio-hydrogen production. Despite of many efforts, the production of
their utilization for food or feed. Nevertheless, the type of food mater- bio-hydrogen on large scale did not get success because of high pro-
ial stuff determines the quantity of fuel produced over time. In con- duction cost, involvement of sophisticated machineries, and low bio-
trast with biofuels derived from agriculture residue feedstock, the al- mass fixation. Many researchers have reported the production of
gal biomass production does not involve farming. The algal biomass biodiesel by exposing certain green algal species to different stress
production efficiency can be improved via selection of suitable algae, conditions such as deprivation of light that could trigger apparent
use of cheaper source like wastewater treated products and, altering yield of hydrogen gas. To study the process and parameters utilized
the chemical structure and oil content of algal biomass. for hydrogen gas production from algal biomass, numerous reports
were studied (Saifuddin and Priatharsini, 2016; Show et al., 2018).
4.1. Bio-oil There are three main pathways for generation of hydrogen- (1) Direct
photolysis, (2) Indirect photolysis, and (3) ATP driven pathway. Algae
Bio-oils also termed as biocrude oil, pyrolysis oil, obtained by ther- use photosynthetic capability or direct photolysis to convert water
mal treatment of dried biomass in the absence of oxygen at a temper- into oxygen and hydrogen, resulting in the. However, the simultane-
ature about 500 °C and then subsequently subjecting it for cooling. ous production of hydrogen and oxygen may results in more security
They are similar to petroleum derived oils in terms of generating en- dangers expanding the total cost of production process involves. Fur-
ergy and thus can be employed as its substitutes (Zhang et al., 2015). thermore, the reaction is catalysed by hydrogenase enzymes which is
The production of bio-oil can be classified into two stages: pyrolysis prone to get damaged in the presence of oxygen as it is oxygen sensi-
and thermo-chemical liquefaction (Tommaso et al., 2015). Pyrolysis is tive. Because of these disadvantages, indirect photolysis is more rec-
generally performed at high temperature (350–530 °C) to convert ommended over direct photolysis method for hydrogen production.
dried biomass into liquid, solid and gas. The liquid part consist of bio- Many reports are present to reveal the generation of hydrogen under
oil or tar and biomass. Further it contains different natural com- anaerobic and sulphur restricted condition, where the carbohydrates
pounds including lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. However, the present in the algal cell wall changes into hydrogen. In the majority of
amount of biomass production is proportional to lipid content in the the studies, cyanobacteria are the principle producers of biohydrogen
present in the algae. Many microalgae have been explored for the pro- through biologically driven ATP pathway, utilizing hydrogenase and
duction of bio-oil by the process of pyrolysis or thermal liquefaction nitrogenase enzymes as catalysts (Saifuddin and Priatharsini. 2016).
method (Pan et al., 2018). Some of them includes Spirulina (up to
41%), Scenedesmus (24%–45%), Dunaliella (about 37%), Desmodesmus 4.4. Biomethane production
(up to 49%) (Godwin et al., 2017).
Now-a-days, the production of biogas from biomass is getting im-
4.2. Biodiesel portance due to need of consumers and with awareness among the
users for the use of eco-friendly sources of energy. The biogas produc-
In past few years, oil seed crops like soybean oil, palm oil and tion can be carried out in an anaerobic digester containing synergistic
rapeseed oil have been reported to be used as source for the biodiesel microbial population that convert algal biomass compounds (lipid,
production (Godwin et al., 2017). The production cost of biodiesel protein, sugar) to methane and carbon dioxide. Then methane can be
mainly depends on the sort of crude material utilized representing 50– efficiently utilized for fuel as well as for chemical feedstock (Leu and
85% of total fuel cost. However, for the cost-effective biodiesel pro- Boussiba, 2014). In a report of Uggetti et al., (2016), where they had
duction, utilization of feedstock is crucial parameter that could be em- examined the capability of various feedstocks, for instance algae,
ployed (Selvaratnam et al., 2015). Usually, the biodiesel id produced wood, grass and solid waste, for biomethane production. They ob-
by transesterification reaction that involves the conversion of tria- served that green algal biomass served as a potential contender for
cyleglycerols or free unsaturated fats into non-toxic products consist- generation of biomethane. The biomass productivity of algae is gener-
ing. The refinement of algal oil is of prime importance due to conver- ally higher than the terrestrial plants however, the development is
sion of high molecular weight oil into low molecular weight com- limited due to many factors. Recently, Wang et al. (2016) studied a
pounds such as fatty acid alkyl esters. The two algal species Chlorella method to enhance biomethane productivity from microalgae -
vulgaris and Chlorella protothecoides have been reported by many re- Chlorella sp, by pre-treating with heat. The biomethane production in-
searcher for the presence of high oil content in their cell. Gülyurt et creased from 37% to 48% as the temperature is increased form 70 °C–
al. (2016) assessed the capability of Chlorella protothecoides for 90 °C for 0.5 h as compared with control algal biomass.
biodiesel production by microwave-assisted transesterification
process. The reaction was carried by using oil produced from Chlorella 4.5. Bioethanol production
protothecoides and methanol. Potassium hydroxide was used as a cata-
lyst. The proportion of methanol and oil, and catalyst and oil, the re- The utilization of algal biomass for the production of bioethanol is
action time were used as the procedure parameters that influenced the acquiring attention because of many factors including high biomass
yield of methyl ester. From the carried experiments, 9:1 methanol:oil efficiency, better variety of algae, presence of extensive composition
molar proportion, 1.5% KOH catalyst:oil proportion and 10 min were of starch and carbohydrate, thin cell wall structures, and have high

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

photosynthetic rates of the organisms. Normally, production of sults showed the capability of Ulva lactuca as a feedstock for ABE fer-
bioethanol from algae involves two methods-fermentation and gasifi- mentation. However, in between the process, there was generation of
cation (Uggetti et al., 2016). In different countries, the production is 1, 2 propanediol (propylene glycol) as a by-product limiting the total
done by large scale fermentation of sugary and starchy agricultural volume of the butanol. Macrolagae Ulva extricated from Jamaica Bay,
crops. The agricultural biomass is usually crushed or grinded, and New York City, was utilized for productioin of butanol on a pilot scale
then the starch present in the crops get converted into sugars with the from saccharification of sugars (Cho et al., 2017).
help of different enzymes, yeast (mostly Saccharomyces cerevisiae),
acid and alkalis. Audu et al. (2018) had investigated the capability of 4.7. Algal bioplastics
marine green alga Chlorococcum littorale to produce ethanol under
dark fermentation. They found that about 27% of starch present in al- Algal biomass can be used for the production of different forms of
gal cells was utilized within 24 h at 250 °C for the bioethanol produc- plastics such as-hybrid plastics, cellulose-based plastics, polylactic
tion. Sharma at al. (2017) evaluated the feedstock capability of algal acid (PLA), and bio-polyethylene. Hybrid plastics are synthesized by
biomass to deliver bioethanol and to encourage its use as sustainable mixing algal biomass as filler material with petroleum derived plas-
biofuel for giving legitimate choice. Many microalgae are used for tics. These materials have biodegradability properties and further
bioethanol production such as Dunaliella, Chlorella, Chlamydomonas, more decrease the quantity of petroleum derivative for plastic produc-
Arthrospira, Sargassum, Spirulina, Gracilaria, Prymnesium parvum, Eu- tion. The cellulose based plastics are mainly derived from cellulose re-
glena gracilis and Scenedesmus. Among the different types of algae such mains in algal biomass residue after extraction of algal oil. The
as brown, green, red algae, brown algae is considered to be potential process is cost-effective, and algal biomass residue serves as ideal
stuff for the bioethanol production due to the presence of high carbo- feedstock for cellulose-based plastic production (Haniewicz et al.,
hydrate content in the algal cell and ease of culture development 2018). Another form of bioplastics are PLA, which are produced from
(Jung et al., 2013). The fermentation of laminarin (produced from polymerization of naturally produced lactic acid from fermentation of
Laminaria hyperborean) by the yeast-Pichia angophorae produced ade- natural feedstock. Algal biomass could serve as a better substrate for
quate mount of bioethanol (Meinita et al., 2013). The red algae have lactic acid production via bacterial fermentation (Rhim, 2013). Ethyl-
also been reported for the bioethanol production using acid hydroly- ene monomer polymerizes to produce bio-polyethylene. The major
sis, but the yield was very low (approximately 45%). The seaweeds production of ethylene is carried out by cracking and dehydration of
are also reported to produce bioethanol in the range of 0.08 and ethanol, hence algal biomass could be used to produce ethanol as an
0.12 kg per kg of dry seaweed, depending upon the depending upon alternative substrate for bio-polyethylene production (Noreen et al.,
the genera of algae and different methods for pre-treatment and hy- 2016).
drolysis (Shimakawa et al., 2016). Another group of workers pro-
duced a potential yield of ethanol roughly about 90 L per tonne of 4.8. Nanocellulose
dried macroalgae, however the yield was low as compared with land
based harvests for biofuel generationtechnology is microfiltration, Compared to terrestrial plants, algae has gain popularity as a valu-
which is a low energy . Puschner (2018) from their investigation have able source for nanocellulose production near future. Few reports are
gone to a point that creation of ethanol from dark colored ocean available till date on successful extraction of nanocellulose fibers from
growth needs higher ethanol yields for modern procedure and utiliza- green filamentous algae such as Cladophora, Chaetomorpha, Microdyc-
tion of all elements of kelp for non fuel based items moreover. In tion, Rhizoclonium and members of Siphonocladales. (Liao et al., 2015).
Brazil, bioethanol is commercially utilized as pure ethanol or blend of Previously overlooked, however, the cellulose present in algal biomass
ethanol with oil used in about 86% of sold vehicles. However, at the residue after oil extraction can be converted to produce nanocellulose,
same time, there are many demerits in the production process as they an industrially important biopolymer having unique features such as,
have low vapour pressure, low energy density and low fire retardancy renewability, environmentally benign nature along with its mechani-
(Puschner, 2018). cal properties. The main advantages of using algae for the biopolymer
production is very less content of lignin compared to the cell wall of
4.6. Biobutanol production woody biomass, thus it involves mild chemical treatment for delignifi-
cation and reduced timing for high energy consuming mechanical
In many countries of Asia, Europe and South America, algal cul- treatment procedures for yielding high degree of crystallinity in the
ture development is being carried out for bioethanol and biogas gen- produced nanocellulosic material (Lee et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2017).
eration, though in USA, they are used for biobutanol production. For The market demand for nanocellulose has increased exponentially ow-
past 100 years, butanol has been utilized as a fuel in transportation ing to its wide range of possible applications in various industries
and has been suggested as a potential source of biofuel, not exclu- such as food, pharmaceutical, agriculture, water treatment etc.
sively to extemporize, however to substitute of ethanol as petroleum (Menon et al., 2017).
additive substance because of its low vapour pressure and high energy
density (Cho et al., 2017). The microbes used for butanol production 4.9. Algae derived biocomposites
uses starch, sugars, cellulose present in algal biomass as substarte;
consequently butanol production could be as monetary profitable as Since past few years, there have been focused research interests on
ethanol (Gao et al., 2016). By anaerobic fermentation, numerous production of microbial biodiesel which is significantly flourishing
Clostridium sp. are capable for the production of acetic acid, butanol due to capability of some microalgae to deliver high amounts of lipid
and ethanol (ABE) by using the two hexoses and pentoses sugars by a under controlled culture conditions (Chandra et al., 2019). Although
procedure called as ABE fermentation (Wal Hetty et al., 2013). How- there is lack of studies regarding effective utilization of the microalgal
ever, the butanol inhibits fermentation process prompting less yield residues, which is left after lipid extraction but still enriched with sig-
and productivity. Clostridium used Ulva lactuca as substrate material nificant amount of proteins, carbohydrates or cellulose. Hence, it can
for the butanol production by fermentation. The substrate was ini- be used as an economic and environmental friendly filler alternative
tially utilized pre-treated with hot water, then subjected for enzymatic for production of bioplastics. Recently, some researchers like Toro et
hydrolysis by commercial cellulases to produce acetic acid, butanol al. (2013) have reported production of bioplastics having optimized
and ethanol (ABE). The final yield of 0.35 g ABE per gm of carbohy- composition of poly (butylene succinate) (PBS) and microalgal
drate content was obtained (Wal Hetty et al., 2013). Hence these re- residues after oil extraction in the range of 20–30%. Similar reports

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

were demonstrated by Torres et al. (2015), who have used poly (buty- enticing. For algal culture to be feasible, the biomass production
lene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) and microalgal residuesin 4:1 should reach above 30 g/m2 a day (
ratio for preparation of biocomposites. Nonetheless, Tran et al. (2018) prod/files/2014/07/f17/mypp_july_2014.pdf.).
have most recently reported about the improvement of mechanical In various condition, different strategies can be used for cultiva-
and thermal properties of prepared bioplastics fabricated with 20% of tion of microalgae. With the help of light as associate energy supply
Nannochloropsis salina residues along with PVA (Tran et al., 2018). they convert water and environmental CO2 into biomass via biochemi-
cal process i. e. photosynthesis (Matsui et al., 2019). Synthesized
5. Bioprocessing of microalgae products are stored in numerous forms, like cell elements or storage
food materials, and vary from 20 to 50% of total biomass. Algae con-
Numerous studies have effectively used microalgae for bioproduct jointly prefers nitrogen and phosphorus as major nutrients, that com-
generation. For a successful biorefinery primary phase include up- prises of10–20% of alga biomass (Nagao et al., 2019). Alternative ne-
stream and downstream processing among which, the productivity of cessities for growth of microalgae includes the macronutrients in the
upstream processing includes four critical elements, to be specific: form of salts of Mg, Ca, and K; micronutrients, such as Mo, Mn, B, Co,
strain of microalgae, carbon dioxide (CO2) supply, nutritional supple- Fe, and Zn; and alternative trace elements. The preference of growth
ments, for example, sources of phosphorus and nitrogen, and intensity media components varies according to different species. However, the
of light (Vanthoor-Koopmans et al., 2013). For microalgae culture de- key necessities remain similar for nearly all species and embody es-
velopment, the sources of supplements are crucial as they give the vi- sential nutrients (N, P, K etc.), associate organic or inorganic carbon
tal parameters for culturing microalgae. Moreover, it was accounted supply, temperature (20–30 °C) pH (6–8) and salinity, oxygen, light
for that light intensity and the light source was more noteworthy as it source (16 h light/8 h dark) and CO2 (Nagao et al., 2019). Waste wa-
significantly affect the photosynthesis rate of microalgae hence the ter from food and agricultural industries could also be a sensible sup-
development rate (Aravantinou and Manariotis, 2016). ply of the specified nutrients for microalgae culturing technologies.
Regular downstream processing unit forms that happen inside the Another foremost vital factor for culturing algae is the usage of
photobioreactor are the extraction and filtration strategies to get im- different types of bioreactor. Bioreactor designing could be done fol-
portant mixes from microalgae. Ordinary techniques such as homoge- lowing the species and also according to the product profile. On an
nizers, bead beating, high pressure heating and synthetic compounds, outsized scale, algae are cultivated in open ponds. This is well suited
can acquire staggering expense of generation and the absence of a for the species of algae that raise in heterotrophic culture (Morales-
conservative procedure has instigated the requirement for the combi- Sánchez et al., 2017). Open culture systems are relatively cheap, how-
nation of numerous means (Jacob-Lopes et al., 2015). The collecting ever contaminate easily. Otherwise the options are to use continuous
of biomass pursued by biorefinery systems has helped much in the or batch bioreactor facilities (Tardu et al., 2016). For industrial culti-
combination of biomass change forms. The utilization of mild tech- vation it's possible to cultivate waste water treatment plant with mi-
niques of separation, which don't include solvents and high pressure, croalgae to urge twin benefits of remediation of waste water and pro-
are huge for the generation of the ideal compounds without harming duction of biomass. Marine water is additionally a decent variety for
different parts (Vanthoor-Koopmans et al., 2013). Choice of proper industrial scale culturing of microalgae and ocean cultivation system
advancements for microalgae biorefineries relies upon the required vi- is gaining popularity among researchers and industrialists due to
tality input and the accessibility of recent innovation. The combina- some advantages such as natural mixing of culture by ocean waves,
tioiin of upgrade technologies into downstream processing ought to exposure to dissolved nutrients on a large surface area etc. Exploita-
likewise enhance the procedures regarding financial, straightforward- tion of sea water rather than pure water for culturing of microalgae
ness and simplicity of resulting preparing steps. can cut back the value of production. Sea water could be a sensible
Be that as it may, when the products are focused for restorative choice of media for microalgae cultivation to decrease the production
biotechnology reason, the development of microalgae ought to be media costs and increasing product yield including lipids and alterna-
conducted under all around standardized conditions to maintain a tive high value products in microalgae biomass (Park et al., 2018).
strategic distance from microbial tainting or the nearness of polluting
influences to meet the administrative necessity. From this viewpoint, 5.2. Harvesting
open development frameworks, for example, open lake or raceway
lake, may not be reasonable for developing microalgae that would be For open culture systems, harvesting microalgae from open culture
utilized for restorative or pharmaceutical applications, regardless of systems is associated with energy intensive and costly method of cen-
that they are all the more financially practical for substantial scale de- trifugation (Vandamme et al., 2013), which includes 20–25% of the
velopment (Milano et al., 2016). Conversely, closed culture frame- overall culture prices (Tsunemitsu et al., 2018), and thus different and
works (e.g., photobioreactors) with extensive control on the develop- cheap harvest technologies are most well-liked research interests in
ment conditions (e.g., temperature, pH and CO2 focus etc) would be this field. For open culture systems (e.g., open ponds), flocculation is
increasingly plausible for this reason, though the capital and working taken into account to be a cheap harvesting technology for pre-
cost will increase (Matsui et al., 2019). concentration of the culture (Vandamme et al., 2013). Inorganic floc-
culants, cationic polymers, bioflocculants, and additional recently, the
5.1. Algae culturing employment of nanoparticles as flocculants are some of the examples
used by several researchers (König et al., 2014; Roselet et al., 2015;
Large-scale cultivation of microalgae can resolutely aid in the Alam et al., 2016; (Tsunemitsu et al., 2018), ‘t Lam et al., 2014). But,
emergence of renewable resource based industries for producing cost the downside of flocculation technique is that the presence of floccu-
efficient valuable products alongside biomass generation. Large scale lant residues within the harvested algal cells also as within the
cultivation potential can be found from several species of microalgae processed cell free medium, which can lower the worth of the har-
however there's scarcity of data for commercial trial runs. As such for vested biomass and that of the extracted product significantly. Addi-
the case of bioethanol production, a large quantity of algal biomass is tionally, to resolve the issue, development of food grade or recyclable
needed to contend with alternative feedstocks like agricultural bio- flocculant is needed which will add extra cost to the culture price
mass, thus for microalgae culturing technologies, it have to be com- (Eyley et al., 2015).
pelled to produce high yield of biomass, so that the application of The second most important harvesting technology is microfiltra-
agricultural biomass for bioethanol production becomes relatively less tion, which is a low energy consuming procedure and consumes en-

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

ergy below 1 kWh/m3 as reported in recent literatures (Gerardo et al., the biomass (Goettel et al., 2013; Luengo et al., 2014). For a whole
2015; Ruiz et al., 2016). Bilad et al. (2012) have worked with micro- biorefinery that conjointly aims at getting practical and soluble pro-
filtration technology for pre-concentrating algal biomass from open teins, a dual stage approach was projected during which plasma mem-
culture systems employing submerged membranes at an energy input brane is removed first then the inclined cell membranes are PEF-
of solely 0.27–0.41 kWh/m3. While the step of pre-concentration is treated (‘t Lam et al., 2017). However, due to the sturdy outer plasma
necessary for the microalgae cultured in open ponds before to scale membrane, several microalgae don't seem to be at risk of PEF treat-
back the prices of harvest microalgae, but it is not essential for har- ment, consisting of the discharge of enormous intracellular com-
vesting microalgae if they were cultured in an additional targeted cell pounds (‘t Lam et al., 2017; Postma et al., 2016). Therefore, no yields
suspension system bioreactor like PBR. In this case, for large scale cul- just like those deduced when mechanical cell disruption have been re-
tivation, centrifugation is the method of choice for harvesting mi- ported, and also the overall method becomes additional advanced.
croalgae, as the pre-concentration step is not required and will ac- The selective removal of the plasma membrane barrier needs a more
count for less than 5–7% of the overall cultivation prices as reported robust comprehension of the chemical composition and also the com-
within the techno-economic analysis reports by various researchers ponent of the plasma membrane of the microalgae (Gerken et al.,
(Ruiz et al., 2016; Chauton et al., 2015). This makes harvesting of mi- 2013; Scholz et al., 2014). Once the plasma membrane physiology is
croalgae much more preferrable from closed cultivation systems. known, one might easily design acceptable techniques of delicate cell
Microalgae harvest technology could be a newly developing field disruption.
with newer innovations incorporating filtration strategies projected
for harvest microalgae from open culture systems. At this point of 5.4. Extraction
view, At recent techno-economic evaluations studies predict that har-
vesting algal biomass from closed PBRs is turning more economically Extraction of different valuable components from microalgae are
profittable. But, further analysis is required as a result of existing in- typically done by organic solvent extraction, by which the hydropho-
formation on separate harvesting techniques are scanty. It's vital to bic lipids/pigments can be extracted, but the hydrophilic components
comprehend, however, that a selected harvest technology could be ap- remains as residual solid fraction (Mubarak et al., 2015). Hence, it is
plied otherwise for various microalgal species irrespective of the ex- generally combined with a preliminary drying step to increase the ex-
pected specifications (type of PBR, species of microalge, etc.) however traction yields of lipids (Du et al., 2015). However, this drying step
conjointly biological aspects specific to strain (Vandamme et al., can be bypassed if amines or amidines (primary, secondary or ter-
2016). tiary) were used as solvents which have inducible polarity i. e. these
solvents can switch reversibly to a polar or associate apolar solvent
5.3. Cell disruption when sparged with either CO2 or N2 (Du et al., 2015). This property
enables the solvents recovery (‘backextraction’), creating it a compre-
Microalgal cell disruption could be a necessity for the entire biore- hensive technology for wet lipid extraction. In case of a complete
finery as a result of the plasma membrane and membrane represent a biorefinery, to valorize all the fractions of biomass, it is needed to ob-
barrier to the discharge of intra-cellular compounds. There are three tain alternatives for replacement of organic solvents because proteins
techniques for cell disruption process of microalgae likewise biochem- have tendency to denature throughout extraction with polar or am-
ical cell disruption (e.g., protein or alkali or heat treatment), mechani- phiphilic organic solvents (Desai et al., 2016). It's convenient to use a
cal technique for cell disruption (e.g., bead beating and high pressure two stage extraction method during which removal of soluble proteins
homogenization), and physical process for cell disruption [i.e., Pulsed occurs prior to the extraction of lipids from the biomass. Recently, a
electric field (PEF) or ultrasound treatment]. Cell disruption ought to new technique for the extraction process of soluble proteins was de-
rather be performed beneath delicate conditions. These conditions are veloping utilizing systems that are aqueous and biphasic. Future
imortant to take care of the original conformation of components of analysis ought to concentrate on more characterization of those sys-
individual cell (Günerken et al., 2015). Particularly, soluble proteins tems, permitting a additional rational style of delicate high value mol-
are sensitive to high temperature and pH and ought to stay intact as a ecule extraction processes (Desai et al. 2014, 2016).
result of they will have high price due to their techno-functional prop- In recent times, another promising approach is now gaining inter-
erties (e.g., emulsifying and foaming properties). ests for downstream processing eg microalgal biomass is to utilize sys-
Mechanical processes don't need elevated temperatures or high tems supported with ionic liquids (ILs) (Orr et al., 2016). ILs are kind
pH, and therefore they are a decent selection for delicate cell disrup- of organic salts that are non-volatile and in liquid state at room tem-
tion (Günerken et al., 2015). Recent studies reported, that native algal perature. Their non-volatile nature will offer them benefits over vari-
proteins were free when bead beating was done, however the energy ous organic solvents, but the problem arises if the extractable product
consumption of those processes would be high (Coons et al., 2014). In also have low vapour pressure at room temperature, as a result of this
contrary, some literature reports also reported that there is decrease may hamper back extraction (Desai et al., 2016; Orr et al., 2016).
in consumption of energy by mechanical disruption processes signifi- Mostly ILs are imidazolium-based and employed with success for ex-
cantly by the systematic improvement of operational conditions. For traction of lipids from wet algal biomass (Orr et al., 2016). Appar-
example, in studies held recently by Postma et al. (2017), reported re- ently, IL based systems (Iolylite PG/sodium potassium phosphate)
duced energy consumption during bead beating from 0.8 to 10 kWh/ may also be used for the hydrophilic native proteins extraction from
kgDW to 0.5 kWh/kgDW by optimizing bead size and time of treat- harvested biomass, as reported by Desai associated colleagues (Desai
ment (i. e., energy input) for yielding the targeted proteins from algal et al., 2014). Although there are many convincing techniques for the
biomass. However, the major drawback of bead beating process is extraction of each fraction from biomass of microalgae, this approach
that, the cells are completely disintegrated into very minute frag- of single-component can be in demand for an exceedingly multi-
ments, which forms a stable emulsion having heterogeneous mixture product biorefinery.
of cell components, from which separation and extraction of targeted
compound is a troublesome process (Günerken et al., 2016; 6. Product portfolio from current method
Montalescot et al., 2015).
Among physical cell disruption technologies, the PEF procedure There are plenty of literature reports written on present under-
could be a low-shear and low-temperature technology and will en- standing of microalgae derived products (Bharathiraja et al., 2015;
hance the extraction performance of hydrophobic components from Koller et al., 2014; Lu et al., 2014; Bastiaens et al., 2017, Voort et al.,

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

2015). Herein this section, we have tried to provide up-to date data For pilot scale production, automatic cell disruption was done with
about the microalgae biorefinery practices for high value products bead edge or expeller pressing.
with respect to their future industrial applications. Information about Hydrophobic components extraction (carotenoids or lipids) are
commercial production of microalgae are though scanty, but estima- done through exploitation of organic and sub- or supercritical sol-
tion of approximate data of worldwide production volumes and their vents. For industrial scale production, there's a niche for supercritical
prices for bulk cultivated biomass are roughly 10,000 tons/year and carbon dioxide gas extraction technology, which offers the very best
$10,000/ton for Spirulina, 4000 tons/year and $20,000/ton for yield for antioxidant recovery, however, it has the disadvantage of re-
Chlorella, 1000 tons/year and $20,000/ton for Dunaliella, and 200 quirement of that it's operating high pressures and energy that the
tons/year and $100,000/ton for Haematococcus (Voort et al., 2015; method needs. But, for high value applications like nutraceutical
Benneman, 2013). Alternative species like Tetraselmis and Nan- product development, this technology appears as the foremost eco-
nochloropsis also are cultivated commercially, however the large scale nomical answer. However, the measurability apart from the nutraceu-
production in tons have not achieved yet. tical market appears rather restricted. Shrimp feeding trials are done
Most of the algal biomass products are sold as whole dried powder with the help of defatted Haematoccocus pluvialis genus to interchange
which contains a wide selection of claimed activities related to human part fish meals in cultivation, that failed to have severe effects on
health such as enhanced immunity, preventing cardiac problems, obe- growth performance and nutritionary composition, and gave vital pig-
sity and hypertension, and anticarcinogenic effects also (Spolaore et mentation of the shrimp. Many approaches are done to purify C-
al. 2016). However, human consumption of microalgal/cyanobacterial phycocyanin, betting on the required purity (Minkova, 2013). It al-
biomass remains restricted to a really few taxa, as an example, Spir- ways involves a mixture of ammonium ion salt precipitation, organic
ulina, Chlorella, Dunaliella, Tetraselmis, Nostoc, and Aphanizomenon solvent extraction process, and gel filtration natural process (based on
(Spolaore et al. 2016; Voort et al., 2015; Kovac et al., 2013). The the specified purity). No literature may be obtained on the pertinence
combination of commercial food products with whole dried microal- of the remaining biomass, though it's still made in lipids (e.g., γ-
gal biomass still have not possible except only minor amounts (<1%), linolenic acid), proteins (membrane proteins), and carbohydrates.
as most of alga species tend to possess a strong green color, fishy
odor, and a powdery consistency (Kovac et al., 2013). 7. Industries involved in algal technologies
Majority of alga ingredients which represent high-value com-
pounds in the form of colorants/pigments and PUFAs, are presently Currently there are many researchers, research organizations, in-
sold in markets for the food, pharmaceutical and (aqua-)feed sectors. stitutes and companies, working throughout the world to obtain mi-
At present, the sole pigments on the market are β-carotene from croalgal biofuel and other value-added products in a more economical
Dunaliella salina and astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis and sustainable way. However, there are few companies working on
(Borowitzka, 2013; Voort et al., 2015). The extracted carotenoids are microalgal biorefineries which are established and have a remarkable
employed in a range of applications, varied from being a source of presence in global market (Ritala et al., 2017; Chandra et al., 2019).
natural pigmentation supply for cultivation to food coloring functions To name a few, Astaxanthin pigment which is used as biopharmaceu-
such as in chewing gums, dairy products jellies, etc. The other major tical is being produced from algal source and marketed by Algatech-
uses of pigments are in cosmetics like lipstick and eyeliners mostly in mologies, BioReal Inc. and Cyanotech Corporation. Astaxanthin from
Japan, Thailand, and China (Kumar et al., 2014). Alternative main Haematococcus pluvialis has also been produced by a marine biotech-
components embody lipids, which might be utilized in energy sector nology company Mera Pharmaceuticals Inc. Cyanotech Corporation
as a supply for biofuels, in chemical industries as a supporting mater- has been known as world’s leading producer of Spirulina as food in-
ial, in food industries as edible oil, in cosmetics and pharmaceutical gredient which is FDA approved and has been sold in more than 30
industries as antioxidants/glycolipids/phospholipids (Draaisma et al., countries worldwide including US. Proteus Corporation which is
2013; Cuellar-Bermudez et al., 2015; Voort et al., 2015; Leu et al., founded in 1976 and progenitor of Earthrise, are also second largest
2014). The other component carbohydrates are commonly consist a producer of Spirulina with GRAS status having GMP and Food Safety
minor portion which needs to be explored from a couple of algae System Certification (FSSC). Parry Nutraceuticals Division from E.I.D
species (García-Martínez et al., 2016). The advanced (excreted) poly- Parry Ltd. is part of Murugappa Group, also involves in microalgal
saccharides may need health useful properties, a motivating niche production of Spirulina and Chlorella as nutraceuticals products,
within the healthcare sector, whereas the carbohydrates within the which are sold in more than 40 countries including North America,
cell (e.g., starch and hemicellulose) is used for manufacturing Europe, South East Asia, and the Far East. In USA, Algeon Inc. has
bioethanol or bioplastics and chemicals like nanocellulose (García- been founded in 2011 and established as renowned producer Spir-
Martínez et al., 2016). ulina and Chlorella. Their products are mainly based on b-glucan and
The overwhelming yearly alga biomass production (Arthrospira whole cell products from the photosynthetic protist Euglena gracillis.
and Chlorella) is presently depended on the whole dried biomass to Amongst other companies, TerraViaHoldings, Inc. is a publicly held
produce powders, pills, and tablets (García-Martínez et al., 2016. American company which focuses on providing food ingredients from
Hence, majority of alga process solely contains a prior harvesting step eukaryotic algae. In Germany also, there is a leading microalgal
and an ulterior drying step, mostly done by spray drying process as biotechnology company, BlueBioTech Int. GmbH, which has operated
per the commercial websites of earthrise ( for more than 10 years, producing large quantities of Spirulina and
our-farm/), cyanotech ( Chlorella. In Japan, Euglena Co. Ltd. Founded in 2005, is developing
process05.html), and sunchlorella ( de-fatted Euglena as a source of protein-rich animal feed derived from
corporate-activity/manufacturing-process.html)). Alternative products Euglena gracillis. Table 2 summarizes various companies which are
on the market are pigments/carotenoids like β-carotene and astaxan- working from identifying and optimizing specific strains of algae to
thin, that are made from Dunaliella salina and Haematococcus pluvialis, develop a sustainable biorefinery involved in the production of biofu-
severally. The extraction steps are mostly remains same except for els, protein feedstock, and nutraceuticals.
Dunaliella that lacks a robust plasma membrane, bypassing the re-
quirement for cell-disruption, however for Haematococcus, which con- 8. Opportunities and constratints of microalgae biorefinery
tains a sporopollenin plasma membrane, making it compulsory to ap-
ply a cell disruption step before the astaxanthin extraction protocol. In spite of the good promise observed by the algal biorefinery, the
present drawbacks have to be compelled to be addressed. The overall

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

Table 2 be reviewed here intimately. Secondly, the biorefinery structure relies

Worldwide companies involve in microalgae research, their products and type on the ratio of the cell composition. Composition of algal cell isn't a
of cultivation method (Adapted from Chandra et al., 2019). set property, however relies on the strain also because the culture
conditions, specifically nutrients, temperature and, light (Juneja et al.,
Company Product Cultivation system References
2013). So ratio is tailored with regard to process options like energy
Algatechnologies Astaxanthin Closed and semi- Panis and requirement and productivity on the one hand and to promote de-
(Israel) closed bioreactors Carreon mands on the opposite. In alternative divisions of chemical engineer-
under high light (2016)
ing this seems to be a drag for several stoichiometrically coupled co-
BioReal Inc (USA) Astaxanthin Indoor Shah et al. products. Glycerine formation from oilseed primarily based biodiesel
photobioreactor (2016) production could also be given here as associate example. Typically,
Cyanotech Astaxanthin, Spirulina Raceway pond and Panis and shifting microalgal metabolism in favor of the formation of a high-
(Hawaii) pacifica as food ingredient photobioreactors Carreon
value product, e.g. by high light intensity, leads so to the next produc-
Mera Astaxanthin from Raceway pond Brennan
tivity however at the expense of energetic potency of the whole
Pharmaceuticals Haematococcus pluvialis and method. This is often as a result of illumination within the saturation
Incorporation Owende vary doesn't cause the next energy turnover at the cellular level, how-
(2010) ever only promotes product formation. An extended light exposure so
Algenol (USA) Bioethanol, and pigments Raceway pond, ElMekawy
ends up in additional product however leads to reduction of overall
Closed and semi- et al.
closed bioreactors (2016) potency of energy.
Sapphire Energy Biofuels and Uses non- potable Maity It is not solely the distribution of various high value products for
Inc. (USA) water, seawater (2015) various markets that must be thought of. The educts like nutrients,
Solazyme Inc. Biodiesel and biojet fuel Heterotrophic Menetrez water, carbon dioxide gas and light ought to be employed in clever
(USA) cultivation and (2012)
ways in which to form the biorefinery successful. This suggests that as
Sea6 Energy Food Additives, biofuel, Sea water Wei et al. several energy flows and material side-streams as attainable ought to
(India) bioplastic, animal feed (2013) be closed the plant itself. The requirement for closed material and en-
Muradel Pty Ltd. Biofuels, oleochemicals, Raceway pond Duong et ergy cycles offers a third side in an exceedingly broader sense of
(Australia) biofertilizers, animal feed al. (2012) biorefinery.
and building materials
Cellana (USA) PUFAs, animal feed, Open- pond bioreactor Menetrez
biodiesel and bio jet fuel (2012) 9. Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA)
Solix Algadrients Astaxanthin and DHA Enclosed Radakovits
Inc. (USA) photobioreactors et al. Microalgae have shown several features like yielding high lipid
(2012) content, possibility to grow in arid lands and water, and utilization of
carbon di-oxide sources. These characteristics attracts attention
amount of microalgal biomass made currently in industrial processes among researchers in view of the enhancements of the process steps
is substantially low (around 15000 tons per year) and processes of for the assembly of microalgae, that might produce high value prod-
production are sometimes economically not viable. High-value prod- ucts and biofuels. Currently, studies are centered on the progression
ucts from microalgae are sometimes considerably costlier than their and upscaling of the process and to find industrial feasibleness of fuel
chemical counterparts and serve niche biomarkets. Bulk products like production through microalgae-based feedstock. The techno-economic
biofuels are situated at the lower finish of the price scale, although assessment (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) are typically uti-
biofuels should be comparable with low cost fossil fuels, but have to lized fundamental analysis tools for examining the feasibleness of mi-
be compelled to need a lot of less auxiliary energy that is finally cer- croalgae biofuels and other high value products. These tools enable to
tain within the biomass. This demand has not been satisfactorily analyze the choice of process technologies and to design production
achieved. Within the field of medium-value products for feed, e.g. in process that concentrate on the purpose and analysis efforts to realize
cultivation, food or for chemical building blocks, a breakthrough industrial usability (Quinn and Davis, 2015).
could also be on the horizon. Technologies for algae cultivation like open pool system (OP), and
How will the concept of the biorefinery facilitate to beat the pre- photobioreactors (flat panel, vertical and horizontal) are applied and
sent economic limitations? The fundamental concept is to assemble evaluated for the industrial feasibility of the systems of biorefinery.
high- or medium-value product with the use of the residual biomass. For a successful biorefinery system, with great economic and environ-
Compared to plants, microalgae haven't any roots or stems and lack mental performances ought to utilize residual biomass as animal feed
extremely resistant plasma membrane elements like lignocelluloses, substitute and the lipids for generation of vegetable oils severally. On
that are terribly troublesome to degrade and to with chemicals exploit the other hand, volumes of petroleum derived energy consumption
(Zeng et al., 2014). This greatly simplifies the combination of the use and emission of greenhouse gases are observed in such scenarios
of products from algal and residual biomass. The foremost obvious wherever the oil-free residue is anaerobically digestible to produce
possibility is to use it dynamically, from algae is a wonderful substrate biogas and also the lipids are regenerated to biodiesel (Posada et al.,
for the biogas fermentation (Wang et al., 2013) or thermal conversion 2016). In contrast with photobioreactors (PBR), OPs contains less
processes (López Barreiro et al., 2013). Alternatively, it's attainable to complicated construction and operations, resulting in lower capital
extract and sell secondary products or simply dry the residual biomass and operation prices. But, the advantages of using PBRs are more in
as a whole for animal feed functions. terms of productivity of microalgae, potency of uptake of nutrient,
Other possibility is recycling of the cellular components at inter- culture density and controllability.
vals between the process. as an example, nucleic acids from residual Thomassen et al. (2016) performed a techno-economic assessment
biomass would supply source of nitrogen to come up with contempo- steered that employing a specialised filtration membrane for recycling
rary, product forming biomass. To that extent, drawbacks of the mi- of medium and open pool cultivation of alga were the foremost
croalgal production processes that have to overpower depends on techno economically feasible and profitable possibility. PBR integra-
many basic aspects. Firstly, technical suggests that for acceptable sep- tion to the system was observed to extend capital investment price in
aration, extraction routes and conversion routes ought to be devel- spite lowering the necessity of medium (Thomassen et al., 2016). The
oped and are presently beneath investigation. The state-of the-art process of land occupation conjointly remains a confrontation as envi-
technology (Grima et al., 2013; Bahadar and Bilal Khan, 2013) won't

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

ronmental impacts have to be compelled to be taken into account for Table 3

land use. Consumption of excessive water also will cause water Some recent patents on microalgae biorefinery and related products.
scarceness which can have an effect on the water prices, and addition
Patent number Publication Assignee/Inventor Title
of water treatment method might needed to get ambient water quality date (s)
for applications in food. What is more, the uncertainties related to the
process scale-up of the emerging algal biofuel business produce an ab- US10119947B2 2018- 11- 06 Corbion Biotech, Inc. Protein- rich microalgal
biomass compositions of
sence of public agreement in light of the short term economical viabil- optimized sensory quality
ity of algal biofuels. US10098371B2 2018- 10- 16 Solazyme Roquette Microalgal flour
The major factor for high production cost of microalgae is the Nutritionals, LLC
process for growing and harvesting the algal biomass. The growth WO2017033188A1 2017- 03- 02 Yeda Research And Algal oil and biofuel and
Development Co. methods of producing
condition of algae, whether in open pond or in the artificial culture
Ltd. same
condition, also determines the total production content. During anaer- US9719114B2 2017- 08- 01 Terravia Holdings, Tailored oils
obic digestion of feedstock biomass, the growth of algae depends Inc.
upon the amount of water since nutrient are recycled during anaero- CN105861379 (A) 2016- 08- 17 Jiangnan U.; Yang Method for preparing
bic digestion and carbon-di-oxide is freely accessible in the atmos- H., Ping S., Wang T., algae powder by drying
Wang W., Zhang L. peculiar smell- free blue
phere. Despite the many advanced technologies, the efficiency of bio-
fuel produced from microalgae is much lower than the fossil fuel de- WO2016092583 2016- 06- 16 Lavanga V.; Lavanga Method for growing
rived products (Manganaro et al., 2015). However, lipid production (A2) V. and Farne S. microalgae, and device
from microalgae had shown many improvements, such that microal- for implementing said
gae with high lipid content can be utilized for production (Eppink et method
CN105483014 (A) 2016- 04- 13 Qingdao Kehai Production technology
al., 2017). Furthermore, with the increasing cost of oil production and
Biological Co., Ltd.; for high- density culture
its subsequent consumption lead to the increase in the utilization of of Chlorella by utilizing
microalgae derived products for energy production. fermentation method
Life cycle assessments (LCA) for the analysis of impact of produc- US2016021923 2016- 01- 28 Solazyme Inc.; High- Protein Gelled Food
(A1) Paulsen S., Products Made Using
tion of algal biomass on environment is also very crucial. LCA studies
Klamczynska B., High- Protein Microalgae
analyze the impact of substrate, methods, by-products produced dur- Plasse K.,
ing biomass production, types of microalgal strains for particular Bowman C.
products and various other impact on environment production US9249252B2 2016- 02- 02 Solazyme, Inc. Low polyunsaturated
(Adesanya et al., 2014). These abstractions promote the use of mi- fatty acid oils and uses
croalgae in a suitable manner. Many studies have revealed that, re-
US2015374012 2015- 12- 31 Solazyme Inc.; High- Protein Food
covery of lipid combined with anaerobic digestion produces gas. The (A1) Klamczynska B., Products Made Using
combustion of these gases are used for power and heat generation. Echaniz A., Zhu R. High- Protein
Moreover, the analysis of environmental impact of microalgae de- Microalgae
pends upon the algal strains and the lipid concentration of the algal WO 2013086302 2013- 06- 13 Old Dominion U. Fractionation of proteins
(A1) Research and lipids from
Foundation; Kumar, microalgae
The LCA study for heat generation from anaerobic digestion had S., Hatcher, P. G.
shown that, generated heat is quite low as compared with the photo- US8187860B2 2012- 05- 29 Solazyme, Inc. Recombinant microalgae
bioreactors (Quinn et al., 2014). To boost the utilization of microal- cells producing novel oils
gae, as substrate for energy production, various additional modifica- WO2012038978A1 2012- 03- 29 Council Of Scientific Integrated process for the
& Industrial production of oil bearing
tions are needed to be done. A LCA study by Soh et al. (2014), found Research (An Indian chlorella variabilis for
three main factors affecting the environment-need for energy, emis- Registered Body lipid extraction utilizing
sion of greenhouse gases and presence of dissolved oxygen and min- Incorporated Under by- products of jatropha
eral content in the water. The study was done by screening numerous The Registration Of methyl ester (jme)
Societies Act production
algae from fresh and saline water, and growing them under different
US7977076B2 2011- 07- 12 Genifuel Corporation Integrated processes and
conditions of growth. It was observed that, increasing the algal bio- systems for production of
mass production did not shown a good impact on the environment. biofuels using algae
Out of the three environmental conditions mentioned above, only the US 20100303990 2010- 12- 02 Solazyme, Inc.; High Protein and High
presence of nutrients served to enhance the biomass content without (A1) Fiber Algal Food
showing any deleterious impact on the environment.
WO2010080377A1 2010- 07- 15 Alpha- J Research Optimization of algal
Be that as it may, the impacts on life cycle for cultivation of mi- Limited Partnership product production
croalgae are perceptive to parameters like availableness of renewable through uncoupling cell
sources and also the public demand for products based on microalgae. proliferation and algal
These framework might affect the LCA of the cycle of microalgae product production
process to biofuel and co-products. More analyses are expected to be
performed on the contents of lipid, production at stabile state and cli- component in feed mixture, which can be a good protein or nutrient
mate suitableness of sources of microalgal biomass to completely ap- substitute for farmed animals feed or fish feed. In recent years, though
praise the LCA. microalgae research has been conducted worldwide, but industries
and universities in China have been found most active in filing
10. Patent trends related to microalgae biorefinery products patents related to microalga biorefinery following USA. In current sce-
nario, there has been a surge to use microalgae as food supplement to
Microalgae biorefinery related patents filed in past 10 years has address food security problems worldwide. In this regard, production
been listed in Table 3. The filed patents are evenly distributed regard- of single cell protein have been reported by Ritala et al. (2017) by fer-
ing utilization of microalgae for biofuel production and other value- mentation of agricultural or food residues using mied population of
added products as reported by Talebi et al. (2018). There are also microalgae, bacteria and yeast. Thus, microalgae biorefinery can be
patents which discloses that microalgae biomass can be used as a simultaneously performed with waste bioremediation also. However,

M. Bhattacharya and S. Goswami Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 25 (2020) 101580

biofuels from microalgae are the most common attribute to generate Adesanya, V.O., Cadena, E., Scott, S.A., Smith, A.G., 2014. Life cycle assessment on
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Harvesting microalgal biomass using submerged microfiltration membranes.
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ply detoriate because of light, temperature, and alternative microor- Borowitzka, M.A., 2013. High-value products from microalgae—their development and
ganisms. Lastly, development of a suitable method for easy and commercialization. J. Appl. Phycol. 25, 743–756.
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and environmental conditions have to be compelled to conduct, con- Energy Rev. 14, 557–577.
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tionally to it, analysis of life cycle compounds of high-value from mi- sustainable approach to valorize algal-based biomass towards multiple product
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Ethical approval Chen, C.Y., Kao, P.C., Tsai, C.J., Lee, D.J., Chang, J.S., 2013. Engineering strategies for
simultaneous enhancement of C-phycocyanin production and CO2 fixation with
Spirulina platensis. Bioresour. Technol. 145, 307–312.
This article does not contain any studies with human participants
Chen, C.Y., Jesisca Hsieh, C., Lee, D.J., Chang, C.H., Chang, J.S., 2016. Production,
or animals or any microbial strains performed by any of the authors. extraction and stabilization of lutein from microalga Chlorella sorokiniana MB-1.
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Declaration of competing interest Cheng, J., Li, K., Yang, Z., Zhou, J., Cen, K., 2016. Enhancing the growth rate and
astaxanthin yield of Haematococcus pluvialis by nuclear irradiation and high
concentration of carbon dioxide stress. Bioresour. Technol. 204, 49–54.
The authors declare they have no conflict of interest. Cho, K., Kasaoka, T., Ueno, M., Basti, L., Yamasaki, Y., Kim, D., Oda, T., 2017.
Haemolytic activity and reactive oxygen species production of four harmful algal
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Acknowledgement Coons, J.E., Kalb, D.M., Dale, T., Marrone, B.L., 2014. Getting to low-cost algal biofuels:
a monograph on conventional and cutting-edge harvesting and extraction
The authors want to acknowledge Center of Innovative and Ap- technologies. Algal Res. 6, 250–270.
Cuellar-Bermudez, S.P., Aguilar-Hernandez, I., Cardenas-Chavez, D.L., Ornelas-Soto, N.,
plied Bioprocessing, Mohali, to carry out the review work. The au- Romero-Ogawa, M.A., Parra-Saldivar, R., 2015. Extraction and purification of high-
thors do not receive any funding for this work. value metabolites from microalgae: essential lipids, astaxanthin and
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de Souza, M.P., Hoeltz, M., Muller, M.V.G., Gressler, P.D., Bjerk, T.R., de Souza,
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Schneider, R.D.C., Corbellini, V.A., 2019. Screening of fungal strains with
potentiality to hydrolyze microalgal biomass by Fourier Transform Infrared
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// Spectroscopy (FTIR). Acta Scient.Technol. 41 (1), 39693.
Desai, R.K., Streefland, M., Wijffels, R.H., Eppink, M.H.M., 2014. Extraction and
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