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Semester: Spring 2021 Date:8th April 2021

Course Basic English -1 (B) Duration:12

Duration: hours

Teacher: Mudassir Ahmed Siddiqui Marks: 20

Student I.D: 16573 Class: BBA -I

 Read all questions carefully
 All questions are compulsory
 Do not write anything on the question paper except your ID # and return it along with answer sheet
 Follow the time instructions

Q-1 University and You 4 Marks

(a) Discuss different type of learning opportunities you find in the university for your personality development.
Select any one incident which has happened during the learning for your personality development.

Note: include what did you learn about this During BBA -1
1 and write a narrative note of 100 words to describe such

(b) Discuss different types of biases and barriers a student has to face because of the shortcomings in his or her
personality during his teenage. You must ref
er to the book I have discussed with you in the class about troubles
and teenage life

Q-2 Grammar work 4 Marks

(a) Look at the faces given in the above picture and write descriptive note about the facial expression
and features of any five of the above. Make sentences with the usage of words like “looks like”,
“belongs to “etc.

(b) Find a good book on English composition. Copy Past the picture of the title of the book. Read the
review of the book. After reading choose any six good words from the review of the book and then
construct your own sentences about the book. You will have to use the modal verbs like should,
could, need to etc. to make these sentences

Q-3 My home works and assignment and my learning during the course 4 Marks

(a) There were group activities in the class. Write the answers of the following Write five sentences
to tell about the ways you dealt with your group leader and other members to show you
involvement and presence in the group.

(b) What did you learn during your class presentations? Construct 5 sentences into direct narration
in this regard and change them into indirect narrations.

Q-4 KASBIT vision and mission and you 4 Marks

You know the vision and mission of your university. On our KASBIT page we have many webinars in
this regard, to build the charge of becoming a businessman in you. You will have to select any one
webinar which has been done on this issue. After listening the webinar, you will have to write the
central idea of the whole talk in 150 words.

In your central idea you will have to use the techniques of summarizing. In your paragraph, mention
the types of summarizing technique you will use at any five places. Use the comment section in the
review font of MS Word for mentioning it.
Q-5 International Relations Current Affairs and English 4 Marks

Write a paragraph on the given chart of hamburger which was discussed in class and select any one
international story from the world of sports. Construct a brief paragraph graph and consider yourself
as news reporter who is doing it for the audience of a newspaper.

Note: the story should be famous and from the world of sports
Attach one photo with a caption as well for the news you will choose.
Your audience is not so learned, so use as easy words as you can in your story.

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