My Private Health Report

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Your Search Results

The Private Health Information Statements (PHIS) for the policies you selected are attached.
You can use these PHIS to compare selected features of health insurance policies but please
bear in mind that it is only a summary of key product features. If you are unsure, contact the
insurer to confirm whether a specific item is covered.

As with all types of insurance, conditions will apply, so don't just rely on the Statement. Once you
have full details from a fund, make sure you read the policy carefully before signing up and
paying your premium.

Benefits will vary depending on the treatments you are having, who treats you and in what
hospital. Please make sure you discuss possible out-of-pocket costs with your doctor, insurer
and the hospital before undergoing treatment.

The premiums shown on the PHIS are the standard premiums which do not include any
applicable Government rebates, Lifetime Health Cover loading, 18-29-year-old discounts or
insurer discounts. The actual premium will vary depending on your circumstances.

Products you selected

CDH Benefits Fund - SILVER+ Young Hospital Cover (Excess2) (Single) (Hospital)

Latrobe Health Services - Gold Hospital Choice Members (Hospital)

Mildura Health Fund - Five Star Gold $750 Excess - F4 (Hospital)

Health Partners - Gold Hospital $750 Excess (Hospital)

If you have any queries about these Private Health Information Statements, please contact the
relevant health fund (contact details are at the top left of each PHIS).

You can find more information on private health insurance and search for additional policies that
match your needs on our website

Thank you for using

Generated 13 April 2021


Private Health Information Statement - Hospital policy

SILVER+ Young Hospital Cover (Excess2) (Single)

CDH Benefits Fund Monthly Premium Covers only one person Available in Victoria
$209.21 #
(before any rebate, loading or discount)
02 4990 1385
# You may be entitled to an Australian Government rebate on the above premium. Your premium may also include a Lifetime Health Cover loading or
an insurer discount. Check with your insurer for details.

Hospital cover Covered

For information on what is covered under each category, see
This policy exempts you from the Medicare Levy
Surcharge. Restricted
Restricted categories partially cover your hospital costs as a
This policy provides accident cover and benefits for travel private patient in a public hospital. You may incur significant
or accommodation (outside of hospital) - check with your expenses in a private room or private hospital.
insurer for details.
Not Covered
These categories are not covered by this policy.

This policy includes cover for

Back, neck and spine Gastrointestinal endoscopy Pain management

Blood Gynaecology Pain management with device

Bone, joint and muscle Heart and vascular system Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)

Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon

Brain and nervous system Hernia and appendix
– limited benefits)

Implantation of hearing
Breast surgery (medically necessary) Pregnancy and birth

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and

Insulin pumps Skin
immunotherapy for cancer

Dental surgery Joint reconstructions Sleep studies

Diabetes management (excluding insulin

Kidney and bladder Tonsils, adenoids and grommets

Digestive system Lung and chest Hospital psychiatric services

Ear, nose and throat Male reproductive system Palliative care

Miscarriage and termination of

Eye (not cataracts) Rehabilitation

This policy does not include cover for

Assisted reproductive services Dialysis for chronic kidney failure Weight loss surgery

Cataracts Joint replacements

The benefits paid for hospital treatment will depend on the type of cover you purchase and whether your fund has an
agreement in place with the hospital in which you are treated. See ‘Agreement Hospitals’ on for
which hospitals have arrangements with your insurer – Date statement issued: 01 April 2021

PolicyID: CDH/H6/VCCI10 Page 1 of 2
Under this policy, you may have to pay out-of-pocket costs above what you get from Medicare or your private health
insurer. Before you go to hospital, you should ask your doctors, hospital and health insurer about any out-of-pocket
costs that may apply to you.

The following payments may also apply for hospital admissions

Excess: You will have to pay an excess of $500 per admission. This is limited to a maximum of $500 per year.

Co-payments: No co-payment

The following waiting periods for hospital admissions apply to new or upgrading members
Waiting periods:
2 months for palliative care, rehabilitation and hospital psychiatric treatments, even if pre-existing
12 months for other pre-existing conditions
12 months for pregnancy and birth
2 months for all other treatments

Other features of this hospital cover

NSW/ACT residents -Ambulance coverage is included Australia wide. Residents of all other States please contact the
fund for details. NOTE: This Hospital cover provides cover for a Gap Cover Scheme minimising Out-of-Pocket expenses
for Doctors services. ***Accident cover is allowed provided you are admitted to hospital (1 day waiting period).

For further information about this policy see

Ambulance cover
Pensioner Concession Card and Healthcare Card holders are entitled to free clinically necessary ambulance transport. If
you are not eligible for a concession and want to be covered, you can purchase insurance from a private health insurer or
take out a subscription with the state ambulance service (

For further information about this policy see

The information contained in this Private Health Information Statement was provided by the insurer and is intended as
general information. It may not take into account your particular circumstances. For information please contact the
insurer. Date statement issued: 01 April 2021

PolicyID: CDH/H6/VCCI10 Page 2 of 2

Private Health Information Statement - Hospital policy

Gold Hospital Choice Members

Latrobe Health Services Monthly Premium Covers only one person Available in All States
$218.77 #
(before any rebate, loading or discount)
1300 362 144
# You may be entitled to an Australian Government rebate on the above premium. Your premium may also include a Lifetime Health Cover loading,
an age-based discount or an insurer discount. Check with your insurer for details.

Hospital cover Covered

For information on what is covered under each category, see
This policy exempts you from the Medicare Levy
Surcharge. Restricted
Restricted categories partially cover your hospital costs as a
This policy provides accident cover - check with your private patient in a public hospital. You may incur significant
insurer for details. expenses in a private room or private hospital.

This policy does not provide benefits for travel or Not Covered
These categories are not covered by this policy.
accommodation (outside of hospital).

This policy includes cover for

Assisted reproductive services Eye (not cataracts) Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy

Back, neck and spine Pain management

Blood Gynaecology Pain management with device

Heart and vascular

Bone, joint and muscle Palliative care

Brain and nervous system Hernia and appendix Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)

Hospital psychiatric Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon –

Breast surgery (medically necessary)
services limited benefits)

Implantation of hearing
Cataracts Pregnancy and birth

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and

Insulin pumps Rehabilitation
immunotherapy for cancer

Dental surgery Joint reconstructions Skin

Diabetes management (excluding insulin

Joint replacements Sleep studies

Dialysis for chronic kidney failure Kidney and bladder Tonsils, adenoids and grommets

Digestive system Lung and chest Weight loss surgery

Male reproductive
Ear, nose and throat

The benefits paid for hospital treatment will depend on the type of cover you purchase and whether your fund has an
agreement in place with the hospital in which you are treated. See ‘Agreement Hospitals’ on for
which hospitals have arrangements with your insurer – Date statement issued: 01 April 2021

PolicyID: LHS/H5/AABO10 Page 1 of 2
Under this policy, you may have to pay out-of-pocket costs above what you get from Medicare or your private health
insurer. Before you go to hospital, you should ask your doctors, hospital and health insurer about any out-of-pocket
costs that may apply to you.

The following payments may also apply for hospital admissions

Excess: No excess

Co-payments: Every time you go to hospital you will have to pay:

$70 a day for a shared room - up to $490 per hospital stay

$70 a day for a private room - up to $490 per hospital stay
$30 for day surgery (no overnight stay)

The following waiting periods for hospital admissions apply to new or upgrading members
Waiting periods:
2 months for palliative care, rehabilitation and hospital psychiatric treatments, even if pre-existing
12 months for other pre-existing conditions
12 months for pregnancy and birth
2 months for all other treatments

Other features of this hospital cover

Co-payment is not payable for public hospital admissions. Additional medical gap benefits are payable on this policy.
Discounts are given for premiums paid by direct debit and for quarterly, half-yearly and yearly premiums paid by other

Ambulance cover
In All States this policy provides:

Emergency: Unlimited with a waiting period of 1 day.

Call-out fees: will be paid for each attendance, including emergency treatment without transport to hospital.

State schemes provide ambulance services for residents of Tasmania ( and
Queensland (

Other features of this ambulance cover

You are covered by Latrobe's emergency ambulance, for details regarding comprehensive ambulance cover for your
state, please visit our website. Those who hold a concession card should refer to their card issuer or state service for
ambulance cover details.

For further information about this policy see

The information contained in this Private Health Information Statement was provided by the insurer and is intended as
general information. It may not take into account your particular circumstances. For information please contact the
insurer. Date statement issued: 01 April 2021

PolicyID: LHS/H5/AABO10 Page 2 of 2

Private Health Information Statement - Hospital policy

Five Star Gold $750 Excess - F4

Mildura Health Fund Monthly Premium Covers only one person Available in All States
$202.25 #
(before any rebate, loading or discount)
(03) 5023 0269
# You may be entitled to an Australian Government rebate on the above premium. Your premium may also include a Lifetime Health Cover loading,
an age-based discount or an insurer discount. Check with your insurer for details.

Hospital cover Covered

For information on what is covered under each category, see
This policy exempts you from the Medicare Levy
Surcharge. Restricted
Restricted categories partially cover your hospital costs as a
This policy does not provide accident cover or benefits for private patient in a public hospital. You may incur significant
travel and accommodation (outside of hospital). expenses in a private room or private hospital.

Not Covered
These categories are not covered by this policy.

This policy includes cover for

Assisted reproductive services Eye (not cataracts) Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy

Back, neck and spine Pain management

Blood Gynaecology Pain management with device

Heart and vascular

Bone, joint and muscle Palliative care

Brain and nervous system Hernia and appendix Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)

Hospital psychiatric Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon –

Breast surgery (medically necessary)
services limited benefits)

Implantation of hearing
Cataracts Pregnancy and birth

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and

Insulin pumps Rehabilitation
immunotherapy for cancer

Dental surgery Joint reconstructions Skin

Diabetes management (excluding insulin

Joint replacements Sleep studies

Dialysis for chronic kidney failure Kidney and bladder Tonsils, adenoids and grommets

Digestive system Lung and chest Weight loss surgery

Male reproductive
Ear, nose and throat

The benefits paid for hospital treatment will depend on the type of cover you purchase and whether your fund has an
agreement in place with the hospital in which you are treated. See ‘Agreement Hospitals’ on for
which hospitals have arrangements with your insurer – Date statement issued: 01 April 2021

PolicyID: MDH/H8/AACA10 Page 1 of 2
Under this policy, you may have to pay out-of-pocket costs above what you get from Medicare or your private health
insurer. Before you go to hospital, you should ask your doctors, hospital and health insurer about any out-of-pocket
costs that may apply to you.

The following payments may also apply for hospital admissions

Excess: You will have to pay an excess of $750 per admission. This is limited to a maximum of $750 per person and $750
per policy per year.

Co-payments: No co-payment

The following waiting periods for hospital admissions apply to new or upgrading members
Waiting periods:
2 months for palliative care, rehabilitation and hospital psychiatric treatments, even if pre-existing
12 months for other pre-existing conditions
12 months for pregnancy and birth
2 months for all other treatments

Other features of this hospital cover

Additional medical gap benefits may be payable on this cover, contact the Fund for details. Members paying by direct
debit will receive a 2.5% discount (Credit Card excluded). No excess is payable on same day procedures at the Mildura
Health Private Hospital. NSW & ACT residents are automatically covered for emergency transportation within either
NSW or ACT. For more information go to the Ambulance NSW website or ACT Ambulance

For further information about this policy see

Ambulance cover
Ambulance cover is provided by the State government in Tasmania ( and
Queensland ( In other states concession card holders may have free cover and
there are subscription services in several states

For further information about this policy see

The information contained in this Private Health Information Statement was provided by the insurer and is intended as
general information. It may not take into account your particular circumstances. For information please contact the
insurer. Date statement issued: 01 April 2021

PolicyID: MDH/H8/AACA10 Page 2 of 2

Private Health Information Statement - Hospital policy

Gold Hospital $750 Excess

Health Partners Monthly Premium Covers only one person Available in Victoria
$207.18 #
(before any rebate, loading or discount)
1300 113 113
# You may be entitled to an Australian Government rebate on the above premium. Your premium may also include a Lifetime Health Cover loading,
an age-based discount or an insurer discount. Check with your insurer for details.

Hospital cover Covered

For information on what is covered under each category, see
This policy exempts you from the Medicare Levy
Surcharge. Restricted
Restricted categories partially cover your hospital costs as a
This policy does not provide accident cover or benefits for private patient in a public hospital. You may incur significant
travel and accommodation (outside of hospital). expenses in a private room or private hospital.

Not Covered
These categories are not covered by this policy.

This policy includes cover for

Assisted reproductive services Eye (not cataracts) Miscarriage and termination of pregnancy

Back, neck and spine Pain management

Blood Gynaecology Pain management with device

Heart and vascular

Bone, joint and muscle Palliative care

Brain and nervous system Hernia and appendix Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)

Hospital psychiatric Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon –

Breast surgery (medically necessary)
services limited benefits)

Implantation of hearing
Cataracts Pregnancy and birth

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and

Insulin pumps Rehabilitation
immunotherapy for cancer

Dental surgery Joint reconstructions Skin

Diabetes management (excluding insulin

Joint replacements Sleep studies

Dialysis for chronic kidney failure Kidney and bladder Tonsils, adenoids and grommets

Digestive system Lung and chest Weight loss surgery

Male reproductive
Ear, nose and throat

The benefits paid for hospital treatment will depend on the type of cover you purchase and whether your fund has an
agreement in place with the hospital in which you are treated. See ‘Agreement Hospitals’ on for
which hospitals have arrangements with your insurer – Date statement issued: 01 October 2020

PolicyID: SPS/J17/VBPO10 Page 1 of 2
Under this policy, you may have to pay out-of-pocket costs above what you get from Medicare or your private health
insurer. Before you go to hospital, you should ask your doctors, hospital and health insurer about any out-of-pocket
costs that may apply to you.

The following payments may also apply for hospital admissions

Excess: You will have to pay an excess of $750 per admission. This is limited to a maximum of $750 per person and $750
per policy per year.

Co-payments: No co-payment

The following waiting periods for hospital admissions apply to new or upgrading members
Waiting periods:
2 months for palliative care, rehabilitation and hospital psychiatric treatments, even if pre-existing
12 months for other pre-existing conditions
12 months for pregnancy and birth
2 months for all other treatments

Other features of this hospital cover

Health Partners Support Programs: Hospital to Home; includes Hospital Guide, Hospital in the Home and Rehab in the
Home. Health Management Programs; Health Coaching & Newborn Support. Benefits directly related to an admission
and medically necessary: PBS approved prescriptions - 100% benefit & unlimited, Aids for recovery benefit 75% with
$100 limit, non-surgically implanted prosthesis benefit 75% with $150 limit. 12 month waiting period for insulin pumps
& hearing devices. Members can also access a range of discounts, refer to the ‘Member Discount’ page at

For further information about this policy see

Ambulance cover
In Victoria this policy provides:

Emergency: Unlimited with a waiting period of 2 months.

Call-out fees: will be paid for each attendance, including emergency treatment without transport to hospital.

Other features of this ambulance cover

Unlimited emergency ambulance as defined by Health Partners, is for an unplanned event where there is a serious
threat to your health, as a result of an accident, serious medical event or trauma, and immediate medical treatment is
needed. Transport costs are covered from the place where you are initially treated, to the nearest hospital that can
provide the necessary emergency medical treatment. This includes treatment where no transport is provided. It also
includes transport between hospitals only where the required emergency care could not be provided at the transferring
hospital. See Health Partners Member Guide for Terms & Conditions.

For further information about this policy see

The information contained in this Private Health Information Statement was provided by the insurer and is intended as
general information. It may not take into account your particular circumstances. For information please contact the
insurer. Date statement issued: 01 October 2020

PolicyID: SPS/J17/VBPO10 Page 2 of 2

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